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Movies That Scare You

a red nine

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Kind of based off the Movies That Make You Cry thread. I don't really watch any horror movies though, especially not twice. The one I do love is Paranormal activity, which I've seen three times, but there's always some small part I'll forget about that makes me jump.

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Eeeeep scary movies! I try not to watch those. :lol: I love the genre, but even if the movie doesn't scare me when I see it, later on my imagination will take over and I'll start seeing the creepiest parts all over my house. Particularly late at night.

The worst was probably Nightmare on Elm Street... I only saw about five minutes of it (don't know if it was the beginning or what), but it still scares the hell out of me. Like, the girl appearing to her friend, in a body bag, and then she drags herself down the hall. My imagination has convinced me that she's always waiting for me at the other end of the hall at my house. :o

Sometimes I still picture the mothman from The Mothman Prophecies. I kind of think that it shouldn't be scary, but it freaks me out late at night.

Darkness Falls-- Remember the tooth fairy? When the kids are laying in bed at night, they hear her whispering. When I think of that, I get paranoid that I'll start hearing whispering.

And any movie involving scary things appearing in a mirror or other reflection... :D

I seem to think that there's another one that really gets me, like really badly, but I can't think of it! Which I suppose is a good thing. :huh:

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The Shining.

Not that I watch many horror movies anyway because I'm a complete coward.

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GREAT topic. :huh: Horror movies are my absolute favorite, despite the fact that I'm terrified of the dark. My therapist tells me I'm trying to become more competent in regards to my fear. Possibly. But anyway, I'm hoping I can get some good scary movie ideas from this thread! :o

And any movie involving scary things appearing in a mirror or other reflection... :D


And Vet, I agree...The Shining was SO scary!

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Cabin Fever :D Never watch it. Ever.

I swear that TiVoing that movie was one of my worst decisions ever. As numerous people have asked me "What part of 'flesh eating virus' appealed to you?" Honestly, I'm not quite sure. I only got through about 15 minutes of that movie before I was so freaked out that I ran out of the room. My little sisters lasted about 2 minutes longer. It's been over 4 years, and I'm still terrified of the very thought of it.

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I love scary movies!

However, I will never watch White Noise again. Scared the hell out of me. I've always been frightened by radio/tv static, so I have no idea what made me want to watch that.

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The movie Secret Window with Johnny Depp freaked the crap out of me. Could have also had something to do with the fact that my sister and I watched it when I was about 12, home by ourselves, with ALL the lights out in the house. O.o

And Psycho really scared me too, but I loved it anyways.

I don't normally like most horror movies though.

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The orginal The Ring movie esp at the beginning when they open the closet door and duh duh duh....well....let's just say I jumped backwards in my seat and considering I LOVE LOVE good horror movies....

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Lawl, of course you would post this. I still can't watch all of Sixth Sense cause of that one part where the girl throws up, lawl. Otherwise, I don't know. Most horror movies scare me either way. xD

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The one I do love is Paranormal activity, which I've seen three times, but there's always some small part I'll forget about that makes me jump.

Gah! I LOVE Paranormal Activity! No matter how many times I've seen it and feel prepared for the spooky parts, I still get all wound up and anxious knowing that something bad is about to happen. Recently I was watching this movie with a fellow forumer, and my inability to control myself spoiled it a bit for my friend. :shy: I can't help it! That movie fucks me up. And yet I can't get enough!

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The Sixth Sense! Gaah, that one got me a few times too. Just plain old creepy. Two scenes from it have stuck with me to some degree... the part where the kid and his mom are in their car, stuck in traffic because a bicyclist was just hit by a car further up the road, and her ghost stands outside the kid's window, staring at him... eeeeeeep... Thankfully I don't think of that one too frequently though.

The one that really gets me (which I find strange) is when the kid and the guy are in the school, and the kid sees ghosts of people who were hanged in the doorframe. Since then, my imagination has been able to insert hanging dead people all over the damn place. Mostly on the shower curtain rod in the bathroom. :dead:

Anybody seen Salem's Lot? Just remembered that one. I actually quite liked it, and it didn't scare me at the time... just made me jump every now and then... except in retrospect. As I recall, early on in the film, a boy is bitten by a vampire, and one night comes to visit his best friend, who is still alive. He stands at the window, tapping the glass and calling to be let in. I hate windows at nighttime, lemme tell you. ;)

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El Orfanato. I don't watch/like much horror, but this movie is absolutely brilliant. And scary, eerie, in the best kind of ways.

And speaking of Spanish-speaking horror movies: Pan's Labyrinth. Is also brilliant. The Pale Man (and captain Vidal too, for that matter) scares me witless every time.

I never found The Shining to be very scary, for some reason. ;) But Misery was. Gods, the end scene is almost painfully stressful to watch...

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I love scary movies, so much!! However, there are a few that no matter how many times I watch, I cringe and jump out of my skin and stuff.

The Shining.

I have to say, this one always gets me. Along with Pet Semetary, the first one. And Christine.

Plus American Gothic, Scream (the first one), and Paranormal Activity.

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Oh man...you girls made me remember how fucking TERRIFIED I was watching Salem's Lot and Pet Semetary! The creepy sister in Pet Semetary? Oh my God, kill me now. And Strawberry, that scene you're talking about has screwed me up for the rest of my life. SO, SO scary. When I was a kid I once had this really bad fever and hallucinated...and saw that at my window.

Never, ever again... :drool:

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Along with Pet Semetary, the first one. And Christine. American Gothic, Scream (the first one), and Paranormal Activity.

All of these scared the hell out of me. :drool:

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Saw 4 - the scenes with Ivan and the motel trap. It's the only one of the Saw traps that I can't and will never watch. It just comes way too close to my vision of hell.

Arachnophobia. I made myself go to see it in the cinema and spent most of the film watching through my fingers. I've never been able to watch it when it's been on TV, because I know I'd spend the rest of the night watching for spiders running across the carpet!

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Paranormal Activity, The Eye, The Grudge, The Ring, Night of the Living Dead...

and one episode from Supernatural....(Season 1, episode 5...Bloody Mary)

OOH and I'll NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER *EVER* watch the Exorcist. I'm too superstitious for that mess.

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and one episode from Supernatural....(Season 1, episode 5...Bloody Mary)

Oh god, I haven't seen that one, but I almost don't want to. Aaaack reflective surfaces!! :bounce: But... but... it's Sam and Dean... I think I'll just... peek through my fingers whenever a mirror pops up???...


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Silent Hill was awesome!

Um The Others was just plain weird

Definately The Ring...although do you guys realize there is no ring in that movie at all

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I don't think I've ever seen a film that has -scared- me for real. *ponder* Mostly because people act like total idiots in horror movies, I suppose. In the Shining, one scene made me think "shit, that was brilliant in scary way", though. The "All work and no play makes jack a dull boy"-scene. Mmm. Misery has some nice, thought through scenes as well. Both those films seem somewhat believable.

When it comes to "supernatural" things I like The Blair Witch Project and actually watched all of it without feeling as if I wasted my time. *laugh* The Ring (American, I never saw the Japanese) Is good too (as mentioned above... often). 1480 has a concept that I like and some scary things in it. Like. A Phone.

Phones are the scariest things around.

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I dunno i think a lot of stuff in movies that is made to scare you actually relies heavily on you not expecting or knowing things. So it kind of looses its effect if you watch them more than once unless you wait long enough to forget them . Maybe i'm just overanalyzing there though :laugh:.

I'm not really sure if that really fits in the threads category of "scary", but there is one movie (don't know the name or anything since i totally stopped watching) where (not for the squirmish or however you spell that :P)

they kidnap a woman and sew the key to her handcuffs or something in her stomach give her a razor blade and leave her be. So she has to cut it open to get it out.

I totally couldn't watch that and if i ever see it again and recognize it i'm pretty sure i'll turn it of BEFORE that scene *shudders*.


I just wanted to point out the male/female ratio in here is kind of pretty much one sided :bleh:

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I just wanted to point out the male/female ratio in here is kind of pretty much one sided :P

I've this idea that horror films are a female fascination. Strange. :bleh:

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In the Shining, one scene made me think "shit, that was brilliant in scary way", though. The "All work and no play makes jack a dull boy"-scene.


1480 has a concept that I like and some scary things in it. Like. A Phone.

...and ^this.

1408 is one of the scariest stories I've ever read. And yes, the phone scene is the scariest part by far. "ALL YOUR FRIENDS ARE NOW DEAD." It's like a cold, sticky hand squeezing your heart and brain. *shiver*

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Arachnophobia. I made myself go to see it in the cinema and spent most of the film watching through my fingers. I've never been able to watch it when it's been on TV, because I know I'd spend the rest of the night watching for spiders running across the carpet!

I will sit and watch that movie every single time its on TV, even though it seriously gives me the creeps!! I had forgotten about that one till you mentioned it.

Silent Hill was awesome!

That movie was really creeptastic. Yikes!

Also, the same night I watched Silent Hill, I also watched The Dark, which was also kinda scary.

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Oh man...you girls made me remember how fucking TERRIFIED I was watching Salem's Lot and Pet Semetary! The creepy sister in Pet Semetary? Oh my God, kill me now. And Strawberry, that scene you're talking about has screwed me up for the rest of my life. SO, SO scary. When I was a kid I once had this really bad fever and hallucinated...and saw that at my window.

Never, ever again... ;)

Salem's Lot was great, Pet Cemetery was funny. :)

Anyone see The Howling?

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