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Through the Fire


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Every update keeps getting better and better! Can I steal Ty? I absolutely love him. Not sure about Connor yet. Something about him annoys me a little bit. :D

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it just gets better and better! i love/hate how lena just pops up all the time in this really annoying fashion, keeping anything from actually happening between the two of them :yes:.

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Gee: Haha, thank so much! You can try to steal him, but you'll have to fight Connor for it. And you're the first person not to adore Connor, so I'm kind of intrigued, LOL. :lol:

LetMeBe: MUahahahahaaa! :laugh: You must wait and see!

Peachypeach: Me too. And Lena only gets more annoying. :nohappy: Thanks for your comment! It made me: :cryhappy:

Mims: Thank you! :D I'm ever appreciative of your nice comments.

I decided to throw in some drama and angst to torture us all! And that includes me! :laugh: I also added one other element, and I want to know how you all feel about it, 'cause it's you guys who matter! So don't hold back and tell me what you think/feel. You'll know what I mean.

Part Seven:

Lena watched as Connor took off after Ty, her heart sinking. She hadn’t meant to interrupt them like that--she’d just been so shocked, the words had slipped out. Now she wished she could take them back. She’d obviously screwed things up for the two of them, and, although she had hoped one of them might be interested in her, she wasn’t stupid enough not to understand what she’d just seen.

Neither of them would be considering her for a girlfriend.

Desperate to undo what she’d just done, she ran after Connor.

Connor upped his pace, trying to keep Ty’s bright hair in sight as he skidded across a rock path and onto a field of short grass. But Ty was getting farther and farther away, and Connor had never excelled at endurance. Still, he pressed on, panting and wheezing for breath, but determined not to stop until he had Ty in his arms again.


Oh, Jesus. Not again. He didn’t have time to deal with Lena and her curious-ways right now. He didn’t turn around, didn’t slow. Footsteps pounded up behind him, growing closer and closer until…

“Connor,” Lena gasped from a foot behind him. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to--”

“It’s fine,” Connor cut in, forcing his legs to move faster. “Don’t worry about it.”

Her voice was right beside him now, to his right. “Can I…help…?”

Huh? What could she possibly be talking about. “What?”

“I want…to help…you find…Ty,” she panted, falling behind a little.

Find Ty…he didn’t have to find Ty, he just needed to catch him. “I--” Connor broke off as he saw Ty disappear around a bend. Dammit! “Hehh…” He wouldn’t stop running…wouldn’t stop… “Huh’TCHSOOoo! Connor stumbled a little, tripped over his own feet, and went down on his hands and knees, scraping across the grass.

“Connor!” Lena shrieked, stopping and kneeling next to him. “Are you okay?”

“Yes,” he replied, attempting not to lose his temper and say something he’d no doubt regret once he got his head screwed on straight again. “I’m fine. But Ty…”

“Come on,” she said confidently, offering him her hand. “We’ll find him together.”

Connor took the hand, and she helped drag him to his feet. “Together,” he echoed, and nodded once.


Ty ran. He ran until his vision blurred, until his lungs burned, until his legs ached and his head screamed in agony. He had to get away. Away from everything. From college, from Lena, from Connor, but most of all, from himself. He wanted to outrun himself, to leave himself behind, to become a new person, to have a fresh start.

But when he came to a staggering halt at the end of Rain Street, he was still Ty Callahan, still the guy everyone pitied at best, and hated at worst. He hated himself enough for everyone though, so maybe it didn’t even matter, really.


Ty finagled a few more steps before his knees buckled and he went down, palms hitting the gravely pavement with a thwap. A light drizzle started to fall, sprinkling over him as he battled to regain his breath. He experimentally touched the back of his head, felt a lump the size of Texas swelling up all nice and painful.

Great. That’s just what he needed.

When he made an effort to stand, he pitched to the side, caught himself against the side of a closed Starbucks. He wobbled forward a few more steps before lurching forward and belly-flopping to the cement, barely managing to keep his head from striking the ground along with the rest of him. He crawled a few more feet, wanting to get around the corner and off the main road. On hands and knees he made it onto Bran Street, where he situated himself between a cement stairwell and an enormous dumpster. It smelled like shit, but it at least blocked out some of the rain, which had begun to pour down in a zealous rush. Ty shivered, scooted back until he hit the brick of the building, and drew his knees up to his chest so he’d have a place to rest his throbbing head.

As he sat there, trembling in the rain, he thought of Connor, of how the other man had shoved him away like he was an empty soda can. He felt the pain again as he remembered his head cracking against the brick pathway. When a tiny tickle pulsed in the back of his nose, he thought nothing of it…until it aggravated, and his breath snagged. Head pressed into his knees, Ty waited, broken, gutted. “Ahh…Niixt-choo!” A shudder ran through him, and he curled tighter in on himself. As rain pelted down around him, a single, salty tear fled down his cheek, catching on the denim of his jeans.

Connor, he thought longingly, before darkness closed in and claimed him.


“Connor, stop.”

“No.” Connor kept walking, striding down Orange Ave. His legs were killing him, but not nearly as much as his heart was. He’d hurt Ty. Severely. And knowing that made it close to impossible to breathe past the crushing weight pressing against his chest. “I have to find him, Lena. I have to. Heh…HuhIIPppSHOOoo!” He staggered a bit, and Lena caught his arm to steady him.

“You’re sick,” she pointed out, coming around to stand in front of him and block his path. “And it’s cold and it’s raining and you’re going to catch pneumonia.”

He skirted around her. “It’s a cold, Lena. I’ll be fine. And it’s not me I’m worr--Hiih…worried about. It’s Ty.” He stopped this time, waiting. “Hup’TTCHshaah!”

“Bless you,” Lena said significantly. “Look, Connor…it’s past two in the morning. We should go back, get some sleep, and if he isn’t back by eight in the morning, we’ll notify campus security.”

He scowled at her. “Why not notify them now? Maybe--”

“He hasn’t been gone that long, Connor.” She touched his shoulder, brown eyes sincere as she stared up at him. “He’ll show up. Soon, I bet. In fact, if you go back to your room and lie down, I think when you wake up--”

Connor was shaking his head. “I don’t like it. I can’t just leave him--”

“You never know,” Lena said pleadingly. “Maybe he’s already back at the room, all nice and cozy in bed, while we’re out her searching for him.”

Connor’s scowl deepened. “I don’t think…” He paused, considered. She might be right. Ty could have circled around back to the room and might well be there now, safe. Jesus, he hoped so. He really, really hoped so.

“All right,” he said finally, worry still gnawing at him. “We’ll head back.”


Haha, I'm evil, right? I feel kind of evil. My poor Ty. *opens arms* Run to Scion, Ty. She'll protect you! So, how are we feeling about this new development??? I know I said I wouldn't do this, but for some reason I felt compelled. I think maybe b/c I feel there should be more sneezing involved here.

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Haha, I'm evil, right? I feel kind of evil. My poor Ty. *opens arms* Run to Scion, Ty. She'll protect you! So, how are we feeling about this new development??? I know I said I wouldn't do this, but for some reason I felt compelled. I think maybe b/c I feel there should be more sneezing involved here.

*claps heartily* LOVE this new development.. love the angst, and poor Ty's gonna catch a cold? I hope so! :lol: Maybe that makes me evil, too. Who cares? :D Please continue. :laugh:

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Ah, Scion, I love you! Poor Ty.. Connor's getting more tolerable as the story goes on, too. This is probably my favorite story ever. :D

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I'm starting to feel really sorry for Ty and starting to feel sympathy for him so...I NEED to know what's wrong his him :laugh:

And poor Connor, getting more and more confused about the whole situation and doesn't have time to take care of himself and the nasty cold he's building up.

Ok, now I feel like I wanna give a big hug to both of them! :D

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Mims: Mmhmm! We can be evil together!!! And, of course, thank you, as usual! You're amazing. :D

Gee: No, I love YOU! How can you say these things to me??!?!?!?! Are you trying to turn me into a mushy puddle of love and gratitude!?!?! :bleh: I'm sooo glad you feel that way about this story! :cryhappy: I like it quite a bit myself.

MissyLovesSneezes: Oh, yay! Sympathy for Ty! Haaha. You'll find out soon! And you get a little tidbit here...And I want to reiterate how much it means to see you talk about my characters like this. I truly can't thank you enough! :cryhappy:

Starpollen: We're all bad people here! But "good" bad! And thank you very very much! So happy!

Um, so, yep. Here's a bit more. I'm sorry, I'm going to keep you all in suspense a little longer, 'cause it's so fun!!!!!!! :D:D

Part Eight:

Ty wasn’t in the room.

Connor’s shoulders slumped in defeat as he locked the door behind him and dropped heavily onto the bed. Dammit, dammit, dammit!

As his frustration rose, his nose started to tingle. He flopped back on the bed, buried his face in the pillow. “Iii’HiiPTCHhhoo! EEeetSHmmm!”

His mind started to fuzz out, his eyelids drooping. He was utterly exhausted, but he didn’t want to fall asleep like this, not knowing where Ty was. What if he was in some kind of trouble? What if he was lying in a ditch somewhere, hurt and…

I’ll find you, Ty, was Connor’s last thought before sleep overtook him.


It was cold. So, so cold. The dusty, cement floor felt like a sheet of ice beneath his bare feet. He hugged the thin, ratty blanket closer around his thin form; it didn’t give him much warmth, but it was the only thing he had in an empty, dank basement.

When he heard the thud of heavy feet echoing down the stairs, he cringed and coiled into a tight ball, trying to appear as small as possible. He pulled the blanket up over his head, squeezed his eyes shut.

The thudding drew nearer, and he started to shake with fear. He knew what was coming. It was always the same. First the ominous thundering of approaching feet, and then…

“You hidin’ from me, rat?”

He bunched his fists, felt his empty stomach contract as the terror spiked.

Boots pounded closer, closer…stopped mere inches away from his head.

“You hungry, rat?”

He wouldn’t answer. It was always worse when he did. Always.

Something clanked onto the floor beside him, but he didn’t remove his head from the blanket. He knew the drill.

He knew…

The man would come, kick him around a bit, and leave again.

Sometimes for a day, sometimes for a week.

But this clanking sound…this was new.

His hand snaked out from the blanket, fingers brushing across something smooth and rectangular. He grabbed the thing, pulled it under his cocoon.

It was too dark to be able to make out what it was, but he traced his fingers along its slim, plastic surface, thumb sliding over a little ridge, and then over warm metal.

He brought the object to his face, pressed it to his cheek.

And waited for it to be over…


Ty jolted awake with a start. Immediately, a wave of pain and dizziness fell over him, and a violent shudder wracked him. He felt burning hot and ice cold at the same time, and his throat was so sore it felt about ready to burst into flames.

The first thing he did was slide his hand into his pocket to make sure he still had his lighter. When his fingertips brushed across the thing, he let out the breath he’d been holding.

He wiped his eyes, then his nose, stretched out his cramped legs. For a few moments, he couldn’t get his muzzy brain to focus, and for the briefest of instants, he thought he was back there…in that freezing cold basement, alone and afraid.

But he wasn’t. He was right where he’d been when he’d fallen asleep. Between a dumpster and a stairwell, his clothes sodden with rain and sweat. Still alone. Still afraid. And feeling worse by the second. As discomfort pulsed inside his nose, his nostrils widened, and his eyes squinched shut.

UpTCHUUuuu! ETttschh! AhhTSCHheew!”

He sniffled, swiped his runny nose across the edge of his sleeve. Using the side of the building to brace himself, he rose to his feet. He closed his eyes as the ground seemed to sway up to meet him. After blinking a few times, he began walking back to campus. He both wanted and didn’t want to return to his room. He did want to curl up in his bed and never move again. But he didn’t want to face his roommate. He knew Connor wouldn’t be happy to see him, and he doubted he could stand the rejection, what with the way he was feeling…but where else could he go? He had no money, no cell phone, nothing.

Nothing but a concussion and a cold, he thought bitterly

He hoped it was Connor’s cold.

You’re such a fucking freak, he thought, and crossed the street.

Ty couldn’t let his guard down around Connor ever again. He’d been right to begin with. Connor was ashamed to be seen with him. Well, fine. What did Ty care?

He didn’t. He didn’t care about Connor.

At all.


Knock. Knock. Knock.

Connor groaned, rolled over on his bed.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

Connor groaned again, cracked open his bleary eyes, blinked.

Boom. Boom. Boom.

“I’m…coming,” he croaked. He sat up, rubbed his face, sniffed. As he stood, a prickle bloomed, and he bent forward with a powerful sneeze, propping his hands on his knees. “HehEIIiiishooo!” Striding toward the door, still dressed in the clothes he’d worn yesterday, he paused, raised his hand to his face. “EhhhEPPTttchoo!”

He growled a little, wishing this damn cold would just go away, and swung open the door. Lena was standing on the other side, her expression grim.

Even as fear whipped through his heart, his nose got ready for another cycle. He pinched his nostrils shut, but to no avail. Rolling his eyes at himself, he turned to the side and gave in to the inevitable. “H’Gggxsht! Gtchhu!”

Lena bit her lip, bounced on the balls of her feet. “Connor,” she squeaked, reaching for his arm and sinking her nails into his skin. “You--you have to come. Quick.”

A waterfall of ice rushed down his spine. Oh, God. Oh, God, please let Ty be okay. I swear I’ll never hurt him again, just…PLEASE! “Is it…” His voice failed him, and he simply begged her with his eyes, begged her to tell him what he wanted to hear.

She didn’t.

All she said was: “It’s Ty.”

Numb with dread, Connor followed Lena out into the hall. She led him down the steps and to the door. He followed behind her as she pushed it open and walked out into the deluge of rain. His sneakers squelched through muddy puddles, his eyes scanning the area, searching for auburn hair and brilliant green eyes.

Lena stopped abruptly and turned to him, her brown hair frizzing wildly in every direction, her chocolate eyes glossy with distress. Without saying anything, she extended her arm and pointed toward a clump of soggy bushes.

Connor pointed his gaze to where she directed, took a step. Another step. He felt as if he were moving through jelly. His feet weighed a thousand pounds.

A soft sound had him pausing, straining to hear. It came again, louder this time, and Connor’s eyes dropped to a close.

EhTttCHShooo!” Then something else, a click, click, swish.

His legs started up again, carrying him toward the source of the noise. When a blur of red-brown flashed up, he increased his gate. And then came to a sudden, grinding stop.

He didn’t gasp. Not this time.

This time…he screamed.



I know, I know. And I'm sorry. Kind of... :wub: I won't keep you waiting too long. Or will I?????? So, still like everyone, hmm, hmm?? :happysmiley:

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A cliffhanger?! Augh! I hate those. But my love for this story far overpowers my hate for cliffhangers, so I guess you're safe. Ah, the one time Lena's useful.. :happysmiley: Also, add "repressed memories" to the list of "what's wrong with Ty?" theories.

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I don't think I can manage to wait anymore!! :frust:

I fell in love with this story and with Connor and Ty (both sneezing!) :)

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Gee: I hate them too! But they're so fun to torture people with! :hug: Once again, you have made me THE happiest girl in the universe with your incredible comment. And I know, right!?!! Lena being useful! It's new...and it's going to last a little longer, too. As for your repressed memories theory... :zippy: You've definitely got Ty pegged. Maybe you should steal him from Connor! :laugh:

MissyLovesSneezes: I'm back! The wait is short! And thank you thank you thank you for expressing your love for this story and my characters. You are fantastic!

Aprilcot: :laugh: Being evil is just so fun!!!!! Thank you for reading. You rock. :D:D

Part Nine:

Ty folded himself against the outside of his dorm, in between two globs of half-dead bushes, to keep from getting further soaked. He’d forgotten his R-Card in his room, and couldn’t get into the building without it. As he sat there, teeth chattering, reality crashed down on him in a brutal torrent of Holy Fuck, Callahan, you’re a raging psychopath.

As spasms of panic darted through him, he did the only thing he could. He pulled out his lighter. He needed the pain, and he needed to be the cause of it. He needed to erase the feeling of drifting away, of disappearing, of losing himself, of ceasing to exist. He needed it, and he need it now.

Ty lifted his shirt, traced a finger over the line of ridged scars. He stared at the lighter, praying it would still work. It did. He flipped it on and off, then on again, and brought the small flame toward his stomach.


Ty jumped, and his hand jerked. The flame licked over the waist of his boxer shorts, grew, spread, an orange and yellow streamer.

Connor saw the moment Ty’s hand slipped, the moment the flames caught and breathed across his midriff. As he rushed forward, he expected his roommate to bat at the flames, to scream, or shout, or roll around, or jump out into the rain. But he did none of those things. He simply sat there, kicked his head back, closed those grass-green eyes, and waited for the fire to sizzle onward.

By the time Connor reached him, the flames had flickered down to a tiny teardrop of orange. Connor tossed himself down in front of Ty and slapped at the puny blaze-wannabe with the edge of his sleeve. It puffed out of existence without fanfare.

“Jesus Christ!” Connor shouted, beginning to shake as the adrenaline wore off and shock and disbelief set in to stir up a barrage of anger. “What the hell were you thinking!?” He grabbed Ty’s shoulders and shook them, bringing his face up close to the other man’s. “Were you trying to kill yourself!?”

Ty started laughing, a high, keening, hysterical sort of laughter that bubbled out of him in an uncontrollable flood. Silent, silver tears tracked down his cheeks as he cackled madly, his face a pasty white, save for his pink nose and bright green eyes. He began thwacking his head back against the side of the building, still laughing, his white teeth matching the pallor of his skin. “It’s Connor,” he chuckled wildly. “Connor has come to save you. He’s come to save you from floating away. He’s come…he’s come…UPPttchheeew! He’s come, but he’s too late. He’s too late, because you’re already gone. You’re gone.”

Connor felt the color drain from his face. Oh, God. Oh, Jesus. Ty really was mad. He was completely, certifiably insane. And, damn it all to hell, Connor still wanted him. He cupped Ty’s warm face in his cold palms, using his thumbs to swipe away each new tear that slid free. Ty’s lashes swept downward as he spurned Connor’s stare.

“Look at me,” Connor commanded sternly.

The damp lashes stayed low. More tears slipped over his cheekbones.

“Look at me, Ty,” Connor reiterated, squeezing Ty’s face.

Those green eyes darted up, then away in an instant. His laughter petered out to a hoarse croak.

Connor’s thumbs moved to either side of Ty’s eyes, pressed gently on the lids until they tipped up. “Please, will you look at me?” he breathed, begged.

The auburn head shook in the negative. “I c-can’t,” he stuttered. “N-not supposed t-to look you in the eye.”

Confusion took over Connor’s brain, and he fought to make sense of this new information. He lifted his right hand to stroke the hair back from Ty’s brow. “What do you mean?” he asked softly.

Another head-shake. His lips firmed into a thin, stubborn line, but even so, his teeth continued to clatter. His pink nostrils flared a little, and those rebellious lips parted slightly. His head lowered to between his drawn-up knees as his shoulders wavered. Connor rested his big hand on top of Ty’s head as Ty’s breath hitched.

“Uhhh…ihh…AhhTSHhhooo! EttchSHOO!”

“Bless you,” Connor whispered, stroking Ty’s soft, wet hair. Shame filled Connor as he realized his own stupidity. There he was playing twenty-questions, while Ty was half-frozen. “Come on,” he said, clutching onto to Ty’s arms. “Let’s get you inside where it’s warm, okay?”

Ty bit his lip. “What do you care about me?” he whispered, almost timidly.

Pain slashed across Connor’s heart, and he wished he could punch himself--but knew now wasn’t the time for that. He leaned in until his lips were against Ty’s hot forehead, and breathed, “I care, Ty. I care too fucking much.” And his lips pressed a kiss to the slick skin.

Ty’s breath rushed out of him, as if he’d been punched in the gut, and he abruptly slumped forward into Connor’s open arms.

“That’s it,” Connor soothed, pulling Ty flush against him. “I’ve got you.” He aided Ty to his feet and brought Ty’s arm around his shoulders. Ty leaned into him, his head flopping onto Connor’s shoulder as they headed for the door.

As they approached, the door dragged open, and Lena appeared, her face a plane of worry and bewilderment. She, thankfully, said nothing as they passed her and started up the stairs, Connor taking most of Ty’s dead weight onto himself.

Ty sniffled, and didn’t bother to lift his head from Connor’s shoulder as he returned to the sneezing. “HetSCHOOooo! TSCHhheew!” More sniffling, a muffled cough.

Together, they limped to their room, passed clumsily through the door. Connor lowered Ty to a chair. Silently, Connor gripped the bottom of his roommates shirt and pulled it upward. “Lift your arms,” he instructed, and Ty obeyed without protest. When Ty was stripped to his boxers, Connor went through his dresser drawers and pulled out a pair of sweatpants and a baggy T-shirt.

A soft knock came at the door. Connor sighed and went to answer it, dropping the clothes on top of his desk.

“I thought you might need this,” Lena said, holding out a green and white tube. “It’s Aloe Vera. It should help with any, um…burns…”

He looked into her eyes, nodded. “Thanks, Lena,” he said sincerely. “I really appreciate it.”

Lena gave an unsteady smile. “Mmhmm.” Then she turned and was gone.

Connor shut the door, glanced at Ty, who was wobbling over to the bed, face pale and clammy. Connor went over to him, pushed him down onto the bed. “Um…” He cleared his throat, feeling a little awkward. “Lay back for a minute, okay?”

Ty did as instructed, and Connor knelt next to the bed, inspecting the red burn slashed across his roommates stomach, just below the navel. Connor sniffed impatiently, trying to get his nose to stop with the running. Unfortunately, all he did was set off an itch. He craned his neck away from the other man, breath stuttering, forearm going up to his face.

HuhPTSSHhhooo! IPPssSHhheeew!”

He gave his head a quick shake, turned back to Ty. “I should wash my hands,” he stated, and got up. After a lightning-fast trip to the bathroom, he was back crouching next to the bed. He uncapped the Aloe, squirted some onto his fingertip, carefully dabbed it over the burn, feeling Ty’s soft, warm skin drift beneath the pad of his finger.

Ty grunted softly, but allowed Connor to finish the job in record time. “Okay,” Connor said shakily. “Okay…” His mind flashed back to a few minutes ago, when he’d seen Ty about to burn himself, and his stomach tried to bounce up his throat. Attempting not to think about that for the moment, he stood and went over to his desk, plunked down the Aloe, then tossed the T-shirt and pants he’d gotten out at Ty.

Ty fumbled sloppily to get the tee over his head. He paused after that, panting, brow creasing. “IhTSCHIUuuu!” he sneezed freely into the air, swiped his forearm across his tired eyes. Blinked a few times.

Connor stared at him, feeling some emotion he couldn’t name swell up and clog his throat. “Bless you,” he rasped.

“Asshole,” Ty muttered acerbically.

Connor’s brows flew up. “Okay…?”

Ty nodded, bent to slip his pants on. Once he’d wriggled into the things, he collapsed back against the bed with a sigh and a wince. “I should punch you,” he grumbled lowly.

Connor was having trouble keeping up with his mercurial roommate. Maybe his brain had decided to take some kind of vacation and had failed to notify him or leave a replacement. He tried to think of something to say, but came up blank. So he only gaped.

“I never asked for any of your twisted gifts,” Ty rambled on, staring up at the ceiling.

Okay, now Connor was really lost. “Gifts?”

“Yeah. Two of them,” Ty shot back. “A cold and a concussion. Thanks for both. I really appreciate your generosity.”

An incredulous laugh slipped from Connor before he could prevent it. “Shit.”

“Yeah,” Ty agreed over an enormous yawn. “Shit.”

Connor ran a hand though his hair. His spikes had begun to droop pitifully. “You okay?”

Ty stiffened, then turned onto his side, facing away from Connor, and huffed out an annoyed breath. “Connor?”


“Shut the hell up.”

Connor had to smile, even though everything had gone to shit. “Okay.” His smile slipped when he saw the shiver whisk across Ty’s back. He went to the other guy, sat down on the edge of his bed, put a hand to his head--and winced. Ty hadn’t been kidding about the concussion. There was a lump the size of a yam on the back of his head.

You sorry SOB, he scolded himself furiously. Look at what you did! Goddammit times ten!

Gently, he sifted his fingers through Ty’s damp, auburn waves, trying to soothe, to comfort, to apologize. “I’m so sorry, Ty,” he offered, the sentiment paltry at best. To prove his point, he dipped his head down and brushed a soft kiss over the painful bump, cupping either side of Ty’s head as he did so. “I’m so fucking sorry.”

“Dropping the f-bomb in your apology doesn’t add merit, you know,” Ty mumbled dryly. “Just makes you sound pissed off.”

“I am pissed off!” Connor huffed. When Ty went still, Connor added hastily, “At myself. I’m so pissed at myself I could…I don’t know, eat rocks!”

Ty barked out a feeble laugh. “Eat rocks? That’s a new one.”

Connor flushed. “I was trying to make a point.”

“Well, point well made,” Ty drawled. “Message…uhh…message received.” He turned his head into the mattress and… “AhhCCSHhhoo! CSSHhh!”

“Bless you,” Connor said guiltily, rubbing Ty’s back. God, what a loser he was.

“Mm,” Ty grunted intelligibly. “Time is it…?”

Connor glanced at the clock on his desk, groaned. “Five AM.”

Ty gave another articulate grunt and yanked on Connor’s arm until Connor was lying down beside him, his body curved around Ty’s. Heat flooded his cheeks, but he didn’t pull away. He had a feeling if he did, Ty would never trust him again. Connor was being given another chance, and--so help him God--he wasn’t going to blow it this time. So he draped an arm over Ty’s waist, closed his eyes, inhaled, caught a whiff of rainwater, felt a tickle start up in his nose.

He maneuvered his right hand in front of his nose and mouth, and lurched forward into Ty’s back as he sneezed. “Hn’GXST! HupNXTshoo! Uhh…” After a short sniff, he shut his eyes again, pressed his nose into the back of Ty’s head, and slept.


Hey, will you look at that!?!?!? I was vaguely nice here...kind of...I still have yet to explain Ty's deal, though. But that's coming. More in the next update! Plus, Gee has got Ty almost entirely figured out...except she's missing his main issue, but she's got the other two, so I bet she'll get the next soon enough!!! :rolleyes:

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Scion - You are so sweet! :zippy:

Okay I love both updates... I'm wondering why Ty isn't supposed to look Connor in the eye, though.. hmm.. very intriguing. Love that they both have colds, now.. Evil evil! :hug:

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There's MORE? Yay! The only other thing I can think of is abandonment issues. I'm so glad that the story isn't over yet. :zippy:

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Obsessed: Haha! Thank you! I'm running out of words to express my gratitude, LOL.

Mims: You too! :rolleyes: Bring on the evil!! Thanks so much for reading and commenting so often. Makes me glow with joy! :laugh:

Gee: Hehe, thanks! Yeah...Ty's "main" problem is kind of obscure, and I'd probably never have even heard of it...except well, you'll see... :zippy:

All right, so I tried to explain everything here. Hopefully I did okay. :unsure: Ty is pretty :wacko: so...

Part Ten:

The tattered blanket was ripped brutally away from him, and his skinny frame bounced up and then down; he face-planted into the cement floor, getting a mouthful of grime. A foot landed in his gut, then his chest, then under his chin, snapping his head back with agonizing force.

Without thinking, he glanced up at the man who was his captor, the man who was his father, and allowed his hatred to burn in his eyes.

“DON’T LOOK AT ME!” the man bellowed. “DON’T YOU DARE FUCKING LOOK AT ME!” His boot slammed into the boy’s face, creating a spray of blood. “YOU’RE NOTHING, DO YOU HEAR ME, RAT!? NOTHING!”

The boy curled into a ball, shut his eyes, and waited for it to be over.

Through it all, he clutched the small plastic tube to his chest.

When the pounding ceased, and the sound of thumping boots faded into the distance, he uncurled enough to bring the object right up to his face. Squinting to try to see in the pitch blackness of the basement, he brought the thing right up to his eyes. His thumb slid over something round, then pressed down on a ridge of some sort. A pale yellow flame burst up, nearly blinding him. He blinked a few times, released his thumb. The light went out, leaving him in darkness once more.


Connor came awake to the sound of harsh, ragged breathing. He slit open his eyes, found himself pressed against a warm body. Ty’s body…only something wasn’t right.

Ty was scrunched up into a ball on the bed, trembling all over, his back heaving as he tried to choke back tears.

Chilled, Connor brushed his hand along Ty’s arm. “Ty?” he breathed. “What is it?”

Ty gave a great shudder, and a hiccupping sob. “I--I don’t know…”

“Okay, okay,” Connor tried to soothe, still stroking the other man’s arm. “Just…relax. I’m right here. I’ve got you.”

A choked-off sob, and then Ty was twisting around and burying his wet face in Connor’s neck. Steaming puffs of breath burst against Connor’s skin as he angled his arm around Ty’s waist and pulled him closer.

“All right, shh. I’m here, Ty. I’m right here.” Connor’s palm moved in circles over Ty’s back, but he felt useless, as usual, not knowing what to do or how to act.

Ty’s breathing changed its rhythm, became labored and hoarse. He tucked his head deeper under Connor’s neck. “Heh…ahh…HuhETTSHhhooo! UTCHhhshieeew!” His hands, clutching the front of Connor’s shirt, jerked a little with each release of air, and through it all, he continued to weep. “I…don’t know…what’s wr--wrong with me,” he stammered wretchedly.

Oh, God. Connor’s heart constricted along with his throat. What could he say? What should he say? “Talk to me,” he offered cautiously, still rubbing Ty’s back. “Tell me about it.”

Ty burrowed still closer to him, as if trying to merge them completely together. “I…I have these dreams,” he began haltingly. He swallowed audibly, and Connor nuzzled his ear to prod him on. “I’m…someone else. I’m…trapped, alone, in this…freezing basement with nothing but a strip of cloth for warmth. There’s this man…he comes down once in awhile to…” He paused, cleared his throat. “To kick me around and…tell me how worthless I am. He tells me I’m…” His voice cracked, and Connor gave him an encouraging squeeze, his own heart nearly breaking. “I’m nothing but a rat he found rooting around through his garbage…part of me--part of me knows that’s not true, that I’m really his son, that he’s my father, but the other part…the other part believes him.”

Connor felt as if someone had stabbed him through the chest, and still he hadn’t the slightest idea how to help Ty. All he could do was hold him close and whisper nonsense into his ear, waiting for him to continue.

“I’m not…I don’t know why…” He made an impatient noise in the back of his throat, as if he were annoyed with himself.

“Are you sure…” Connor started hesitantly as a thought struck him. “…the person in your dream is someone else? Are you sure he isn’t…you?”

Ty shook his head, then reburied it under Connor’s throat. “Can’t…eh…be…UhETttchsuuu!”

Bless you, Connor thought. “Why not?” he pressed mildly.

“It feels so…real,” Ty admitted, sniffling. “Not like a dream, but like…”

“Like a memory?” Connor filled in, dread making his voice husky.

“Yeah,” Ty confessed, not sounding at all happy about it. “Like that.”

“But…you don’t think it could be…?”

“No,” Ty said shortly. “It doesn’t make any sense. My life isn’t like that--was never like that. I have a normal family, Connor. A mom, a dad, a pain-in-the-ass younger brother. I was never locked in some fucking basement…” As Ty’s voice faded, Connor’s dread skyrocketed.

“Ty?” he said, trying to veil his terror. “What is it?”

In answer, Ty’s body started in with the shaking, and his fingers bit into Connor’s chest. “I…” The word skidded into a feeble rasp of breath. “I was…adopted,” he whispered thickly. “B-but that w-was…”

Connor curled himself around the other man, wanting to warm him, to protect him. “That was what…?”

“I was…six years old…I would remember--I--I do remember, and that never happened. That never happened, Connor. I would remember if that had happened and it didn’t, because I don’t remember that. I don’t--I don’t remember that, Connor. I swear, I don’t. So it couldn’t have--it didn’t…” He was cut off by a raw, clawing sob that shuddered through his entire chest. “I don’t remember that, Connor,” he wept. “I don’t…”

Blinking back tears of his own, Connor held Ty close, rocked him. “It’s okay,” he lied. “It’s okay. It’s all okay. I’ve got you. I’ve got you.”

“Oh…oh, fuck, Connor. Oh, fuck…” The sobbing grew harsher, louder, and Connor felt hot tears mist over his throat. “Hhh…ehhh…” Ty moved his head lower, so that his nose and mouth were pressed against the collar of Connor’s shirt. “HuhIITCHhhshoo! AhEtschhaah! ETCHshooo! TttchSHOO! ChhSHOOooo! Uhh…hihh…”

“Easy,” Connor murmured, patting Ty’s back as worry swelled inside him.

When Ty only continued to pant and hitch, grinding his nose into Connor’s chest, Connor gripped his shoulders and pushed him a little away.

“Try sitting up,” he suggested, hauling Ty up with him so that he was sitting directly behind Ty, who had his legs over the side of the bed, his feet planted on the floor. He smoothed his hand up and down Ty’s back as Ty gasped and tipped his head back to look up at the ceiling.

“Huhh…ahh…ehhhh….” He snapped forward suddenly, head dropping level with his knees. “UupTSCHeeew! Tcshi’UUUU! AhCHHhhUSHhh! TCHhhooo!” His head bobbed a little with each sneeze, and Connor felt the muscles in his back pull and release, pull and release beneath his palm as he slid his hand up Ty’s spine.

Ty slumped back against him, head falling into it’s favorite spot on Connor’s shoulder; his nose was redder than a tomato.

“Bless you,” Connor whispered innocuously into Ty’s ear. He wanted to ask “are you okay?” but knew better than to try. Ty hated that question, and Connor thought he understood why; when the answer was always “no,” the question would ware on anyone, as it had clearly worn on Ty.

“You think I’m crazy, don’t you?” Ty asked wearily.

“Do you?” Connor returned.

“Most of the time…”

“And the rest of the time?”

“The rest of the time I’m just not sure.”

“I don’t think you’re crazy, Ty,” Connor vowed. “I did…but not anymore. Now I think you're lost and scared and confused and a little fucked up.”

Ty gave a short laugh. “Yeah. I’m definitely that. I’m as fucked up as one person can get.”



“Will you tell me…what happened last night? Why were you about to pass out like that? And I know it wasn’t just to scare the shit out of me.”

Ty tensed, but didn’t shift away, only took a long, steadying breath. “I get…freaked out,” he confided quietly. “It just happens. Whenever I’m in a situation I can’t control, I start to feel…Christ, I don’t know…vulnerable or some shit, and then I start to think…fuck, what if I pass out? What if I’m standing there, surrounded by people I barely know, and I just lose it? And I end up goading myself into a face-plant.”

Connor considered this, replaying every word in his head, trying to understand. “So…you’re afraid that something will happen to make you so vulnerable you won’t be able to protect yourself?”

“Sort of,” Ty said. “It’s more like I’m afraid of what they’ll think of me, and afraid that if I pass out, everything will just be a hundred fucking times worse.”

Connor nodded, finally getting it. And, Jesus, his poor Ty. Feeling reckless, he placed a sloppy kiss on Ty’s temple, coiled his fingers in the red-brown hair. “Christ, Ty, how do you even make it through class?”

Ty shook his head. “It was easier before. Once I moved out of my parents’, everything became worse.”

“It’s a big change,” Connor noted, massaging Ty’s scalp with his fingertips. When he felt the familiar prickle in his nose, he was too focused on Ty to care, and he let it come without protest, turning his head to the side as not to spray the other man. “HupISSHhhoo! PsshhEEEW!”

“I guess,” Ty allowed, groaning a little under Connor’s ministrations.

“Maybe I can help you…” Connor tried.

Instead of tensing like Connor had expected him to, Ty simply said, “How?”

“Well, I don’t know…” Connor wracked his brain, wanting desperately to help. “We could start small, I guess. Maybe…” He clasped Ty’s chin, brought his face around and up, saw the way Ty’s eyes immediately went to the floor. “…you could learn to look at me. Really look at me, Ty.”

Ty shook his head obstinately. “I c-can’t…”

“Why not?” Connor traced Ty’s cheekbone with his thumb.

Ty’s throat worked as he swallowed. “I don’t…he didn’t like…”

A shard of ice sliced through Connor’s false calm. “Who didn’t like it, Ty?”

Ty shivered. “The man…the one who kept me locked in the basement.”

Anger replaced the nausea, and Connor had to fight not to grind his teeth. “Who was he? Do you know? Was he…your father?”

Ty jerked his head in a nod as a tear trailed down his cheek. “Yes,” he croaked, and stifled a sneeze into his left fist. “Hi’nxt-CHOO!”

“Well he isn’t your father anymore, Ty,” Connor said decisively. “He’s no one, nothing but a scum-sucking piece of shit who deserves to be toes-up underground.”

To Connor’s surprise, Ty let out a wobbly laugh. “Jesus, Connor. Ever think about being a poet? You have a real way with words.”

Connor smiled thinly, too pissed off to be amused. “I was making a point,” he said inanely, and Ty nodded. “Now, will you look at me?”

Ty bit his lip, but nodded again. His lashes slowly lifted, and those green eyes met Connor’s cobalt ones for split second before darting away.

“No,” Connor rasped, running his forefinger over Ty’s right eyebrow. “Keep looking. Don’t glance away. I want to see the gold in your eyes.” God, were those words really coming out of his mouth? What was wrong with him?

But Ty didn’t laugh. His head snapped forward with a muted sneeze. “AhhTSCHooo!” And then he lifted his stare to Connor’s, locked their eyes together.

“That’s it,” Connor breathed on a sigh. “Now stay right there.”

Ty stayed, staring into Connor’s blue irises and wondering how the hell he’d gotten so lucky. Out of all the sorry-as-shit roommates he could have had, he got Connor Marshall. And holy hell was he glad about that.


The End.


Yup. So to clarify, Ty has Asthenophobia, which is basically a fear of fainting or weakness. I actually admit to having personal knowledge of this particular phobia. Translated into English, that means I know someone who has it. :omg: So I'm pretty sure I wrote this accurately, haha. If I completely failed at explaining, feel free to yell at me and call me names, hehe. Just kidding. But seriously, you can tell me! :laugh:

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God, this was so amazing. Your writing is fantastic, Scion. Really. :laugh: *huggles Ty* Consider him stolen. :rolleyes:

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God, this was so amazing. Your writing is fantastic, Scion. Really. :laugh: *huggles Ty* Consider him stolen. :rolleyes:

oh Scion. Another wonderfull story from you ... so well written, that I'm crying with the caracters. And you updated it all so quick. As I told before ... you are fantastic and unsurpassed. Thank you very much for sharing your stories.

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Yup. So to clarify, Ty has Asthenophobia, which is basically a fear of fainting or weakness. I actually admit to having personal knowledge of this particular phobia. Translated into English, that means I know someone who has it. :twisted: So I'm pretty sure I wrote this accurately, haha. If I completely failed at explaining, feel free to yell at me and call me names, hehe. Just kidding. But seriously, you can tell me! :P

Scion - As usual..wondering story, wonderful and adorable ending. I've never heard of that phobia, but it made for a VERY interesting story. I loved it.. can't wait to see what you write next. :D

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