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Callie's Not-So-Fantastic Voyage: The Story


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Hey guys! Part 4 time!

"Hehe, hi Rebecca," Callie said, waving nervously up at the young scientist. The only response was a slight "Ah…" Callie giggled and sat down in Rebecca's hand. "Yeah, I'm sure you're plenty surprised by this. I guess I should probably explain. Whoever left me some food this morning didn't close the top of the habitat properly, so when you were distracted by that other guy, I climbed right out. I've been hiding in your nose all day, until now anyway. I really just had to get out of that place. Don't blame yourself, I like you. You're probably the only one I do like. You're so nice to me, and everyone else just treats me like some kind of science thing. You treat me like a person. Thanks."

"Ahh…" Rebecca breathed again, her lips trembling slightly. Callie stood up, smiling up at the young scientist. "Still at a loss for words? That's okay. I probably would be too." "Ahhh…" Upon hearing Rebecca make that same sound a third time, Callie rolled her eyes and then covered her face with her arms. "HA-CHOO!" Rebecca sneezed toward her hands again, spraying Callie. The miniature human grumbled to herself as she wiped herself off, and then she turned to glare up at Rebecca.

"Okay, Rebecca, you've been really nice to me, and I like you a lot. But would you please STOP SNEEZING!?" Callie bellowed, thrusting her arms out to her sides and leaning forward slightly. "Uh… Uh-huh…" Rebecca breathed, nodding sheepishly. Callie closed her eyes, crossed her arms and nodded back. "Thank you, ma'am." Rebecca nodded again, and she started to sway a little. "D-don't mention it…" With that, the young scientist's eyes rolled back and she keeled over onto the floor, landing on her back out cold. Holding on to Rebecca's hand, Callie managed to survive the fall without a bump or bruise.

Callie stood up, now not Rebecca's chest. "Sheesh, what a wimp," she grumbled to herself, kicking Rebecca's shirt. Callie rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, but after a minute she resolved to try waking Rebecca up. However, nothing she tried had any effect. The miniature human tried pinching her, kicking her, screaming into her ear, jumping up and down on top of her, and anything else that she could think of. Even though she couldn't see a clock from her position, Callie could tell that she had spent over an hour trying to wake the young scientist up.

Suddenly, Callie had an idea. If Rebecca liked sneezing so much, maybe it wouldn't hurt to make her do it one more time. The miniature human headed over to the kitchen counter, and using her augmented strength, effortlessly jumped on top of it. Luckily, Rebecca had been using pepper in her stew, so a pepper shaker was already set down on the counter for Callie to make use of. Callie pushed the pepper shaker over onto its side, spilling a handful of the black powder onto the counter. Making sure to keep it away from her face, Callie grabbed two handfuls of the pepper and leaped back down to the floor.

Callie jumped up onto Rebecca's lips, holding her pepper-filled hands at her sides.. "Now, let's have a nice big sneeze," Callie said with a bit of a grin. She approached Rebecca's left nostril and then threw her handfuls of pepper as hard as she could. The miniature human started to back away from the nose as soon as she had thrown both handfuls, hoping her plan would work. Surely enough, Rebecca's nose wrinkled and her lips started to part. Callie quickly jumped out of the way, landing on the floor next to the scientist's head.

"Ahh… Haahhh… HA-CHOO!" Rebecca sneezed forcefully, the strength of it pushing her up into a sitting position. "Whoa, what happened?" she said, putting her hand on her forehead. She didn’t remember much of what happened since she got home, but she didn't seem to worried. When Callie noticed that Rebecca had forgotten what happened, she decided that maybe it wasn't best to reveal herself yet. Rebecca was still a little dazed, so Callie took the opportunity to jump back into her nose unnoticed.

As Rebecca stood up, she heard a knock at her door. She stared at it for a second in confusion, but as she recovered she remembered that she had invited a friend over. The young scientist stood up and walked over to her front door. "Sorry!" she called through the door as she unlocked it, "I took a nap and just lost track of time. You haven't been waiting long, have you?" Rebecca finally opened the door to reveal a tall, dark haired woman, her fellow scientist and friend, Dana.


A lot of stuff is going down, so hopefully you'll find the long wait satisfying! :tomcat:

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Noooo we changed the last paragraph, darn it ;P I've already coloured her in with black hair xD

Apart from that, awesome work, what an amazing partner you must have <3

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This is absolutely terrific! And of course so is Fruit's loovely cartoon.....

I mean, it's just got everything. Although....I can see a way forward where the new arrival Dana , quite apart from inhaling Callie herself, imports some pollen or other sneezy material .

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Oooh, love what you're doing with this story (though I'm still confused about why Rebecca fainted :yes: ). Very curious what Dana will bring to the story. :innocent:

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hey guys! Time for part 5!

This part's a bit shorter, but a lot is going to start happening. I hope you all enjoy it!


"Hi Rebecca!" Dana said energetically. Rebecca smiled shyly at her friend, glad to see a friendly face on this stressful day. However, Dana also started to make her feel a little nervous. It took her a little while to figure out why, but before too long Rebecca remembered what had just happened. She knew just where the missing test subject was, and she had a feeling she knew why her friend was there. Her attention snapped back to reality as Dana spoke to her again.

"You' don't look so good," she said, stepping inside. "Have you got a cold?" Rebecca felt nervous at the question, but she remained calm and answered casually. "Yeah, I might be getting one," she lied, trying not to act as nervous as she felt. Dana continued inside, eventually asking Rebecca to sit down with her.

"I've been sent to investigate the disappearance of specimen N-035. Do you know anything about that?"

"Yes, I got the email."

"Ah, good. So you're aware of the situation. When was the last time you saw N-035?"

"I fed her this morning around 10am."

"You were the last one to see the subject before it disappeared then."

Meanwhile, inside Rebecca's nose, Callie was having her own problems. Some of the pepper she had thrown into the scientist's nostrils still hung in the air, and based on her reaction to it, some of it was small enough for the miniature human to inhale. She could hear Rebecca's "friend" telling her all about the legal consequences if she was found in the wrong place. The conversation went back and forth, Rebecca trying to cover her tracks. From their previous interactions in the lab, Callie knew Rebecca was a horrible liar, but this time around, she didn't actually have to lie. She knew where Callie was now, but she didn't knowingly assist in her escape.

Callie was trying so hard not to sneeze that she could feel herself trembling. She held her breath and pressed her hand under her nose, desperate not to make a sound. Even still, she knew she was fighting a losing battle. Instead of trying to stop the sneeze entirely, she resolved to make it as quiet as she possibly could.


The room fell silent. Callie blushed; it wasn't quiet enough.


"Um… Bless me?"


Aaand Kiwi's post should be along shortly...

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:laugh: Cute. :) Love the last lines. :) Thank you for sharing this latest part with us... and I will wait full of anticipation what the next part will bring. ^^
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  • 2 years later...

This is very good , I like the visualization of inside the ladies nose while she is sneezing keep up the great work

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