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Sneeze Fetish Forum

TV Shows with sneezing in them preferably colds?


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Great find. This is a slight thread hi-jacking. I was so curious as to why they were saying Jinx and double Jinx, I had never heard of that before. So I of course had to look it up because I wanted to know if it was specifically geared towards sneezing. It's not, but it did have it's own mention. :)

3) 'Sneezing': A simple game which many play without even considering it a game. When someone (other than yourself) sneezes, everyone who hears them must then race to be the first to say, "Bless-you!" - this of course makes it highly likely that a Jinx will come into play shortly afterwards! After a few seconds have past, the sneezer might say "Bless-me", to remind everyone of the game. Computer game characters sneezing definitely counts as well.

As far as getting back to the thread as it's meant to be addressed. :innocent: I'm trying to think of some good clips I could find that have sneezing in them due to a cold. I'll have to get back to ya all. :)

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There's always that one MacGyver episode which-I-can't-rememer-the-name-of-right-now. Help, anyone? Anyhow, it has some really nice cold action. I suggest looking through the media section to find clues? X)

And by the way: I hadn't seen that clip you posted, and it is fantastic. Talk about well-acted sneezes. <3 Great sounds too. Rrrh.

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i know that in the sitcom friends, monica played by courtney cox arquette, sneezes a couple of times, and puts on a very good cold voice, although not sure if fake sneeze or not

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There's always that one MacGyver episode which-I-can't-rememer-the-name-of-right-now.

"Blow Out"

Also, the "Contact" episode of "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" features the character of Elliot Stabler with a very bad cold, including a couple of sneezes.

Oh, and from the TV show "The Sentinel": the episode "Night Train" involves the title character with a cold, resulting in multiple sneezes during the first third or so of the episode.

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Check out "The Wannabe in the Weeds" from Bones. Season 3, episode 14. Booth (David Boreanaz [Angel from Buffy, if you know him from there]) sneezes from allergies to johnsongrass. It's very yummy. ^_^

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Aww, MacGyver *melts*

Yeah, there's this episode called "Blow Out" where he's suffering from a reeeeeally bad cold

and sneezes throughout the whole episode. Very yummy :drool:

And there's another one called "Jenny's Chance" where he sneezes just one time,

but very cute because he's dressed up as a nerd with glasses and pretends to have hay fever ^_^

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I have been looking everywhere to watch this much-praised episode of MacGyver. Does anyone know where I might be able to watch it online (free) ? Not on hulu or netflix streaming.

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There are two episodes of House that I can think of.

Season 2 Episode 2- House has a cold, lots of sneezing right at the beginning plus a bit more as the episode goes on.

Season 7 Episode 12- Wilson, allergies (House plays a kind of prank on him). The sneezing starts at about 18:30

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Oh, and Blue Heelers.

It's also in the Sneezing In The Media section,

I'm sure you'll find it easily.

ANd it's really worth watching.

The first few sneezes sound acted, but after a while they're getting better and better.

Episode is called Down In The Forest.

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I love this idea! I've actually been trying to find more sneezing in tv shows :) These one's are just from the top of my head but if I remember more I'll put them on here.

I know this is already on the forum but there's CSI and CSI NY.

The CSI episode is called Grissom's Divine Comedy. Greg Sanders and Nick Stokes sneeze from cold.

Sneeze from Nick at 5:13 pt 1

Sneeze from Greg at 4:40 pt 2

Sneeze at 1:38 and 2:23 from Nick pt 3

The CSI NY episodes are Zoo York and Turbulence. Det. Don Flack sneezes from Cat allergy in both. :wub::)

Zoo York http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZNYTv9TdW8 sneeze at 1:08

I can't remember the episode right now but In one episode of NCIS Timothy McGee sneezes from a cologne allergy, and this allergy comes in handy in solving the case. :D

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  • 7 months later...

The Unit 1x08 opens with a sneeze from a cold. From a very attractive M character. I was like, whaaaat? :D

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When I watched that just now, all I could say was, "Hey, it's the All State Guy!"

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  • 9 months later...
  • 1 month later...

House M.D. Season 2, Episode 2 called "Autopsy", House sneezes throughout the entire episode cause of hayfever.

Actually it's a medical show so there's a considerable amount of sneezing going on.

My favorite is this>>

The woman sneezes twice in her bathrobe after she comes out of the shower. From Season 2, Episode 15 called "Clueless". Name of the actress sneezing is Samantha Mathis.
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  • 3 months later...

*digging up an old thread for its awesomeness*

Wow, I feel like a kid in a toy store. :D Most you tube links are dead unfortunately. But I found the wonderful MacGyver episode "Blow out" (many thanks @lovelylinda for this hot tip!) here.

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  • 4 weeks later...

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