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Would you rather?


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Heres a game i wanted to start.

Pretty self explanatory.

Would you rather..

Be a super skinny model, and have minimal food


Eat food and enjoy it, but gain weight faster.


(Personally i would choose the food option, because I'm a fatty :P )

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Eat food and enjoy it, but gain weight faster. (Only if I do not become overweight).

Which would you rather have for breakfast?

Fruit loops


Coco puffs


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I'm cookoo for coco puffs, you know it!

Would you rather swim in shark infested water


Never go swimming again?

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Well.. sharks leave you alone as long as you're not bleeding, right? And not all sharks go after people?

I'll have the sharks. :winkkiss:

Would you rather

kill and prepare your own meat


become a vegetarian?

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I'd happily do either. Killing and preparing my own meat offers the most options though (I can still eat mostly veggie food that way but enjoy the odd sausage now and then) so I'll chose that!

Would you rather

have free use of the internet but be banned from using this forum


have free use of this forum but be banned from the rest of the internet?

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As much as I love the forum I don't think I could do my job well without having all the online teacher resources. For the well being of my life, I would have to say use of the rest of the internet minus the forum.

Which would you rather drink in the morning?




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I love the smell of coffee, but I think I prefer the taste of tea! Besides, coffee isn't coffee when I'm done drowning it with sugar and milk. It's more of a dessert by that point. :D

Would you rather...

Find yourself trapped in a video game?


Find yourself trapped in a fairy tale?

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Summer on an island ALL THE WAY! :):D:D

Would you rather....

Be the lead in a movie/play or Work Behind the scenes (Lighting, directing, yatta yatta...)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Summer on an island ALL THE WAY! :blushing::P;)

Would you rather....

Be the lead in a movie/play or Work Behind the scenes (Lighting, directing, yatta yatta...)

Work behind the scenes. I can't remember anything. :/

Would you rather have a freakishly huge smile or a freakishly small nose?

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I'd go for the freakishly huge smile :P like that.

Would you rather

teach a small class


supervise a large crew?

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Teach a small class.

Would you rather sing in public (large crowd) or present something to a few people who are bound to ask difficult questions?

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Hmmmmm.... sure Siggy... pick a Really tough one. Ugh.... it would depend on how confident I was in topic and how long the song was. :P But... since I've got to pick one....

ummmm.... short song .... only because I am NOT a big fan of being "grilled"

Let's see....

talk or text?

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Forum. I don't even have a Facebook account.

Have the same awful teacher for every subject


The same subject with diffrent cool teachers?

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Hmmm...The same subject with different cool teachers. I won't learn much, but at least it'll be fun! :angry:

Would you rather have a child that was loud and rough, but was full of life,

or a child that was quiet and easy to handle, but had no personality?

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Provided I could survive either of them? ^_^ Tough call... But I'd go for never sleep again. Unlike sleeping, eating is a conscious experience of pleasure and joy!

Given that you've got an exam coming up and you haven't really studied your hardest, would you rather

sit the exam with the risk of flunking


skip the exam and hope for a re-sit?

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  • 3 months later...

Lose one of my front teeth. Getting a fake one put in is a lot simpler than having to wear wigs the rest of my life.

Would you rather lose both your legs or both your arms?

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Both my legs. Getting around in a wheelchair would be much less frustrating than not being able to write or type or work a phone or ipod or feed myself or scratch an itch...the list goes on and on.

Now for a dark one. Would you rather lose an arm or have to kill someone in self-defense?

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  • 6 months later...

Since my question was apparently too dark, I'll answer it myself and pose a new one.

Kill someone in self-defense. Sorry, but I need both my arms.

Would you rather be Justin Bieber or Chris Brown?

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You specialise in fucked-up dilemmas, don't you? tonguesmiley.gif

I'll say Chris Brown with this added condition: "...for one day".

Would you rather

go to a very interesting and exciting place where everyone speaks a language you don't know


go to a nice enough but rather boring place where everyone speaks your language?

Edited by Maru-chan
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I would go to a nice enough but rather boring place where everyone speak my language.

Would you rather

die after a boring life


die young but live a full life?

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