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Weird Quirks/Habits...


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Or someone else's. Doesn't really matter. I've seen lists like this done on other forums and always find them amusing. :D

Okay, I'll go first.

1. I have a bagel every day and when I do I always tear it into tiny (really, really tiny) pieces, then put cream cheese on each piece and eat them.

2. I can't walk past an open drawer without closing it.

3. I always wash my face before shaving my legs because I don't want to touch my face after having touched the shaving cream because I'm afraid it will irritate my skin even after I washed it off my hands.

4. I kiss and hug my dog every time he comes into the room...he's just so cute!

5. I can't say no to anyone about anything without feeling like a really bad person.

6. When reading books I always go into it expecting to hate the main female character (and I do 99.9% of the time). This does not apply to male characters, who I like about 80% of the time.

Meh. I'm kinda boring. I bet you all can outdo me in quirkiness.

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lets see..

1. Whenever I go into the bathroom, i HAVE to pull up the toilet cover. even if im not going in to pee or whatever, i pull it up anyway, and usually end up saying "what the heck am I doing?" and laugh at myself. lol

2. I LOVE the smell of old books. like books from the 90's, with the yellow pages. its amazing.

3.I love fetuses. I could draw a fetus all day. that, and pregnant ladies. i like drawing them too.

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I read this forum from bottom to top. Always.

I cannot stand pens that are left uncapped or if they're the retracting kind left unretracted and will immediately cap/retract them if I see them.

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1. I´m allways counting the steps when I go up the stairs.

2. When I see chestnuts in the autumn I have to pick them up.

3. I allways talk to my guinea pigs when I´m at home.

4. My guinea pigs get presents for their birthday and christmas (although they don´t care :D).

5. When I´m in the bathroom I look behind the shower curtain if someone is hiding there.

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I eat the same things for breakfast and lunch pretty much every single day. Coffee and English muffin with butter and honey for breakfast. Fruit, yogurt and granola for lunch...sometimes Stacy's pita chips.

I also listen to new songs that I like "ad nauseam". (Other people do that right? Maybe not so weird/quirky?)

Sometimes I talk to myself in the mirror so I can see what I look like to other people.

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2. I LOVE the smell of old books. like books from the 90's, with the yellow pages. its amazing.

Ooh yes, that is one of my favourite smells. Although I think my definition of "old books" is older than yours. I once found a Complete Works of Shakespeare, published in the 70s, in a charity shop. It was selling for £5 and had that gorgeous old book smell. I had to buy it.

That's another quirk of mine: I adore charity shops. Because you never know what you might find in there.

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I cannot stand pens that are left uncapped or if they're the retracting kind left unretracted and will immediately cap/retract them if I see them.

Thank you! This! :D

I have a weird obsession with my cats' tails. When they sleep on my lap I often end up stroking their tails instead of their backs. :lol: I have this same obsession with my horse's forehead. I love stroking her forehead. Unfortunately, she isn't the cuddly kind of horse, she doesn't very much enjoy being patted at all, so she often just walks away and leave me with an empty and unfulfilled feeling. :lol:

I never fill up a drinking glass before I've emptied it completely. This is one principle of mine that I never go against, come hell or waters high.

I always wash a glass before drinking from it, even if I know it's clean.

Um... I thought I had so many, but now I can't come up with more at the top of my head. But I'll probably be back... :lol:

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I love drizzly weather.

My diary is an excel file which includes a regularly-updated line graph.

I have a jar on my bookshelf that contains a fair chunk of my hair.

My newest shoes are not ones I bought, but a pair I found on the way home from a night out.

I love the beauty and complexity of nature, but I can't think about that too much or it depresses me.

I often catch myself slipping into the illogical unconscious idea that my thoughts directly control future outcomes that would otherwise be subject to random chance.

Here's a long explanation of that last point in case anyone actually wonders what I meant: It's due to a short circuit in my ability to separate correlation and cause/effect. Real life outcomes do not turn out how I imagined them, therefore, what I imagine can not come about in real life. In order to increase the chances of a dice rolling a 6, I must try not to imagine it rolling a 6 at all, and must vividly picture every other possible, less desirable, outcome, so that none of these can possibly come true, because events do not happen as I picture them. So if I want to roll a six, I try to imagine rolling a 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. I know, this is crazy, it's how my brain works when I'm not babysitting it

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I don't like driving in the rain, but I like driving in the snow. Most of the time.

In a text, or in an IM conversation/chat, I don't use proper capitalization, but I must use punctuation.

I can not drink milk or water in the morning. It makes me gag. I have to have some kind of juice.

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I can never sit next to a right-handed person when the are to the left of me. Im left handed and it drives me absolutely batty when I'm writing or eating.

I always try to inspire myself when writing by going outside and looking at the trees and the sky, but I get too distracted and lose my train of thought.

I don't eat the crusts first. On bread, cookies, anything, I peel the outside edges off and eat the middle first, then go back for the crusts.

I dont drink milk, juice, soda, or anything. It's always water for me!

When I'm crushing on a boy, I find the chase to be better than the catch every time. It's not their fault either, it's entirely my own. This has made for many short, meaningless relationships that I regret, even though they were all very nice guys.

I can't say no to anyone without feeling like a stupid jerk.

I always have to have two hairbands on my right wrist. It feels weird without them there, and I cat wear any other type of bracelet, ring, etc because I can't get used to the feeling.

I'm a planner. I have my career choice, backup career choice, number of children, neighborhood, husband, college, children's schools,church, pets, and everything pre-planned ou now, and I'm only 14.

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- I also move the shower curtain every time I go into the bathroom, just to make sure there's no one there. XD

- In my college dorm bathroom, the shower stall and toilet stall are in the same room (cordoned off from each other, but still the same space). I don't mind if other people come in when I'm showering, but I will not go in there if anyone else is showering.

- I can't sit like a normal person. That is, I find it very hard to concentrate if I have to have both feet on the floor in front of me.

- When I'm in a bed, I need to sleep on my right side facing the direction I will get out of bed in the morning, but when I sleep on a couch, I prefer to face the back.

- Drawers always need to be all the way closed.

- My phone, keys, etc. all need to be in the right pockets before I go out. If they go in the wrong side pockets, I feel weird.

That's all I can think of now. They're not actually very interesting. XD

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I can never sit next to a right-handed person when the are to the left of me. Im left handed and it drives me absolutely batty when I'm writing or eating.

This made me think of something; I always, always have to walk on the right side of a person I'm speaking to. I cannot walk on the left and turn my head to the right when I'm walking and talking. It feels too weird. :lol:

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The only thing I can think of right now:

When brushing my teeth, I always have to leave the tap running and hold my left hand under the water. I know that it is a waste of water, but somehow I just can't do it without. I already managed to reduce the waste of water, by just leaving a little bit of water running, but I still feel bad about the waste... :/

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Oh I have plenty of weird things that I like and do...

- Whenever I go out, the people always shout I wear sport coats, blazers, or suit jackets at all times. I've never been one for fashion, but I want this to be my thing.

- I love the sound of really thin paper, like bible paper or similar things. A few of my friends had Bar Mitzvahs at the same temple, and it has this really sensitive microphone that picks up all the page turning noises. For whatever reason, I just love hearing that damn sound.

- I have a psychological addiction to chewing gum. It's all in my head, and I won't go into withdrawal if I go without gum for a while, but if gum is available, I MUST chew it. I think it's because I used to bite my nails, so now I just have to be chewing on something at all times.

- My pockets must always be organized the same way. Wallet and phone go on the left, keys go on the right. However, other things can go in either pocket depending on my mood.

- When washing my hands, if I get water on one of my wrists, I have to get water on the same spot on my other wrist too. It just doesn't feel right unless I do.

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keys go on the right.

Definitely. Keys have to be on the right side.

Also... if I manage to smear butter on my fingers when I make a sandwich, especially in the mornings, I freak out. I've stopped using butter on sandwiches altogether because of this. Yikes!

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Haha...oh, I've got a few.

- If someone's speaking and they unknowingly say words to a song as part of their sentence, I have to sing that line in the song. Luckily I can refrain around strangers, but my friends are accustomed to me singing at sporadic moments.

- I am extremely picky. Nothing on my plate can touch, NOTHING. If baked bean juice trickles into the edge of my mashed potatoes, I have to section off that area of potatoes like it's quarantined. This makes Thanksgiving a chore. I'm managed to get very, very good at putting things on a plate so they won't touch. I'm also a champion of fishing things out of food, like bits of onion or tomato - chomping into an unexpected crunchy thing like that in my food makes me feel ill.

- I never finish a damn drink. I always leave about an inch of liquid in the bottom of the cup, even if I love it and want to drink it all. I have no idea why.

- My "at rest" position usually involves me gently biting down on the insides of my mouth with my canine teeth. I've done it in the mirror before and from the outside no one can tell. I'm not sure why I do this. I guess I don't want my teeth to touch?

- When I use the restroom, I always have to pull my shirt up under my chin as I go. This goes back to when I was a very small child and I used to be afraid of my shirt dipping into the toilet and getting wet. My shirts are SO not long enough for that to happen, but it's just this unconscious thing I've always done. Thank goodness no one's looking at me in there or I'd else look like a fool. XD

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- If someone's speaking and they unknowingly say words to a song as part of their sentence, I have to sing that line in the song. Luckily I can refrain around strangers, but my friends are accustomed to me singing at sporadic moments.

Hahaha, I do this too! "Country Roads" is the worst song ever on this account. I have to sing that one even if I'm in a crowd. :shy:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't sit down on a toilet when it dark...too many shows about snakes and fish and eels and alligators being found in toilets have rotted my mind xD

Can't go out in public without 3 hair ties on my left wrist. which is stupid because I recently chopped off all my hair, I couldn't make a pony tail out of whats left to save my life


<----- that...thing...comes on the radio, no matter where I am, I either run to turn off the stereo, or run away till I can't hear it anymore...

I can't sing with someone off key, even by the slightest bit. if they're not singing the same thing as me, I can't sing with them

and am I the only one who can't breathe when its windy? unsure.png

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I can't sit down on a toilet when it dark...too many shows about snakes and fish and eels and alligators being found in toilets have rotted my mind xD

Hahaha!! I'm the same way! Except I'm not scared of snakes, I'm scared of spiders. I'm always paranoid that a spider will be just under the seat and bite my butt or thigh when I sit down. :shy: So I always turn the light on, lift the seat just enough to peek, then sit down.

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I give my cell phone screen a little kiss before I send text messages to people I care about.

I also can't drink from a glass like normal people. Instead of tilting the glass, pouring the drink into my mouth and swallow, I suck the liquid up. It's like I never got rid of my sucking reflex from when I was an infant [insert bad and/or dirty joke here].

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I can only sleep if the door to my room is closed.

I can't sing in front of people, unless I'm very comfortable with them.

I always organize the bills in my wallet by value and how worn down they are.

This way I can get rid of use up the torn and wrinkled ones first.

As for coins, when I'm paying for something or receiving change, I arrange them in size order in my palm.

I also have a bad habit of biting/sucking my lower lip. Haha, it's usually swollen.

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I give my cell phone screen a little kiss before I send text messages to people I care about.

That's adorable! blushsmiley.gif

Cool thread, I have tons of quirks.

1) When I eat lunch at my grandma's house, we always have salad first and then soup. When I get the soup, I take a tomato from the salad and put it into my bowl.laugh.png

2) I hate open drawers and cabinets. My dad always leaves them open in the kitchen and it bothers me until I close them.

3) I love to read or watch TV while I eat. But my favorite thing to do is grab a children's book that I loved as a kid and look through it while enjoying my meal.

4) I can't empty out the sink strainer after washing the dishes. Not even with gloves...it just makes my skin crawl.gah.gif

5) If you haven't figured it out by now, I love emoticons and use them whenever possible. wink.png

6) I always capitalize and use proper punctuation and grammar, even on Facebook and in text messages. And movie titles always go in quotes. lol

7) When I have cookies or pastries or something, I need to have it with either tea or coffee (preferably tea).

8) I'm very picky with tea. I make a specific type of full-leaf tea at home by putting some in a tea strainer. And I can't stand Lipton or Nestea.

9) When I read a book at home, I alternate reading one paragraph out loud and one to myself. This makes reading more fun and prevents my throat from getting tired.biggrin.png

10) I always knock on wood after saying something good because I'm afraid to jinx it.

11) I dot my i's and j's with hearts and also put hearts on my exclamation points and question marks.

12) I like how I look with makeup, but putting it on is a hassle. I only do it for parties or dates.

13) When I watch a scary movie, I scream during the scary parts or when I'm startled. It makes it so much fun!

14) I talk to inanimate objects and to characters in books and on TV.

15) I'm an anticrastinator. I've never procrastinated on school assignments and never ever pulled an all-nighter. Too much stress.

16) I laugh when I'm really happy or excited.

17) I love learning random facts and obscure words with mundane meanings.

18) When I'm barefoot, I always cross my toes.

19) I always quote movies, books, TV shows, people, etc.

20) I love using British slang in everyday conversation, such as "snog", "shag", "bloody hell", etc.

21) I never wanted to lose weight because I've been skinny all my life. Now I'm 5'9" and weigh about 137 pounds and I'm not scared at all of gaining weight and becoming "fat." Unless someone is really obese, I don't think of them as fat. I think of them as curvy and envy them for having a slow metabolism.

22) On that note, I have an irrational fear of starving to death. Especially when I have anxiety issues and lose my appetite.

23) I always make lists and have notebooks filled with lists of everything.

24) I always write random stuff in my class notes or if I have a blank piece of paper in front of me.

25) I'm against chewing chocolate. You need to suck the chocolate until it melts in your mouth (not in your hand tongue.png ).

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2. I LOVE the smell of old books. like books from the 90's, with the yellow pages. its amazing.

Ooh yes, that is one of my favourite smells. Although I think my definition of "old books" is older than yours. I once found a Complete Works of Shakespeare, published in the 70s, in a charity shop. It was selling for £5 and had that gorgeous old book smell. I had to buy it.

That's another quirk of mine: I adore charity shops. Because you never know what you might find in there.

Lol, I love old books too, and because I have a literature degree my definition of "old" is different again. My academic library lets us handle books published after 1800s without gloves. You guys would LOVE them. I also really like the smell of bound journals from the 70s and 80s :)

I have a "favourite book" in the library- a particular copy of 'Astrophil and Stella' from 1850. I love the content, but I love the actual book more. It's really small but thick and fits nicely in your hand, it's leather-bound and the pages have rough edges. I check it out often and just carry it around with me and smell it.

*runs away*

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Some more that have occurred to me while reading through this thread;

- I frequently apologize to inanimate objects if I bump into them or for instance to my computer if I click something I didn't mean to.

- I prefer the taste of drinks from a can to drinks from a bottle for some reason.

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