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Nerd Types


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Hey peoples! Well, yesterday I went and saw the movie The Avengers. My dad and I sat in front of these nerds who laughed at almost everything in the movie and wouldn't shut up. Though it was annoying it was also halarious and I could help but laugh at the things they were saying. They were always correcting the movie and stuff like that. So, it got me thinking, what kind of nerd are you? Harry Potter, comic books, The Hunger Games? What movie would you go to and correct it? What TV show do you know everything about? What topic do you jump into conversations to correct people? Or are more of a video game nerd?

I'm more of a multimedia nerd including Maximum Ride, House, Supernatural, and The Hunger Games.

So, what type of nerd are you?

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Comics, Mythology, Console Videogames, Tabletop RPG gaming, Game Design, and also Star Wars with the caveat of being interested and not obsessed. Also getting into Lovecraft.

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I'm definitely an anime/manga (and Avatar: TLA/Legend of Korra) nerd. My life practically revolves around the stuff, and I always get caught up in shipping wars and that stuff. Other than that, I'm not into a whole lot since I don't see many movies and I don't play many videogames. There are certain things that I'm really nerdy about within those categories, but usually just something really specific like Harry Potter or something.

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Im the kinda nerd whos REALLY into video games, i like harry potter, im definitely a manga/anime nerd..big time..lol....jeez what else...oh god i love yugi oh and pokemon; not the shows, just playing the video games, hell i even bought a nintendo 64 just to get pokemon stadium....XD and i have a shitload of cards for each series...(no i never play them, i just like to collect them so i can..well..have them lol),...i think thats just about it..but hey at least im the cool kinda nerd :P...or at least i think i am....hmmm...LOL

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I could never watch the newly made movie on the novel Atlas Shrugged as I would most likely just get extremely upset about how it doesnt in any way do justice to the brilliance of the book.

Other than that... nnn not much really. I mean I like video games but I cant really see myself getting all nerded out for one game but generally play what seems to have an interesting story. I guess I would be upset if they made a crappy movie on the Metal Gear Solid games but that's about it.

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I'm a nerd for whatever obsession I have at the moment, so currently it's Homestuck and Loki/The Avengers (though I am actually incapable of correcting anything, since I've never rea the comics, just the Wikipedia pages, lol). I learned a lot about Norse mythology after Thor came out, and now for Homestuck I'm planning this ridiculously detailed AU and have been spending way too much time on it.

When I was into Prince of Tennis, I was a tennis nerd, and when I was into Star Trek, I became an Original Series nerd. I am nerd who changes colors (too) easily.

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I am a vicarious nerd. I love webcomics about nerds, talking about nerdisms and reading up on what nerds do. But I have no overwhelming hobbies myself. Of course I am the world's original bookworm, but does that count?

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Nerds. <3

Ahem. Well. First and foremost, I am a fantasy nerd (mainly for books by Rowling, Tolkien, Pullman and Hobb). Then there is the anime, of course, and the voice-acting. I also nerd some horror literature and horror games.

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Do you know, I always thought a nerd was just someone who was no good at games; I had no idea you were supposed to be unpleasant and rude.

Anyway, having done the quiz so kindly linked to, and much of which I didn't understand, I am apparently a literature nerd. I suppose someone must have seen me lolling at the jokes in D Tennant's Hamlet, and then complaining at length about the inappropriate costumes. And the theory about Hamlet being JamesVI and I was the killer blow.

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So... the quiz said...

Your Result: Social Nerd

You're interested in things such as politics, psychology, child care, and peace. I wouldn't go so far as to call you a hippie, but some of you may be tree-huggers. You're the type of people who are interested in bettering the world. You're possible the least nerdy of them all; unless you participate in other activies that paled your nerdiness compared to your involvement in social activities.

I'd call me mostly a hippie lol The bettering the world and being social is completely on point. Not so sure about "least nerdy"... I still think that I'm a Major book/children's lit. nerd and a Huge education geek.

This is fun! And people "geeking" about things is :wub:

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I'm a Stephen King nerd. Oh my God the amount of people I have bored with my excessive knowledge of his works and the symbolics in different stories and how they relate to other stories and...

too bad most people I know IRL have never read anything by him and never will. :(

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I used to be a theatre nerd when I was in high school, but once you start working in theatre professionally, sometimes that diminishes (you can only take so much drama every day!)

I'm an internet/pop culture nerd. I love memes, popular series (Harry Potter, LOTR, Hunger Games, etc....only the good ones...not Twilight!), and silly Tumblr obsessions.

I'm a nerd for crafts. I could blow all my money at the arts and crafts store with ease.

Edited by Dusty15
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DogLover, that test. ;___; It tears me apart... I can only want to get a scientific career, not be interested in science or love math more than science..? "31. Does your art (if any) often consist of anthro characters or anime or fan art?" 'cuse me?

This test confuses me at times... How does anthro, anime and fan art relate to each other?

...LoL, anyway. It says I'm a gamer/computer nerd (and I still find it funny how they are one type and not two).


I have no idea what kind of a nerd I would be. I still don't see myself knowing that much about anything. R.L might be able to tell better, I don't know, LoL.

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I'm an Internet nerd. And somewhat of an anime/manga nerd, but yeah...... Internet nerd. That's what I am.

My goal is to


///The test says that I'm a musician nerd. XD Might make sense, but I haven't really practised anything in a couple years.

Edited by R.L
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DogLover, that test. ;___; It tears me apart... I can only want to get a scientific career, not be interested in science or love math more than science..? "31. Does your art (if any) often consist of anthro characters or anime or fan art?" 'cuse me?

This test confuses me at times... How does anthro, anime and fan art relate to each other?

...LoL, anyway. It says I'm a gamer/computer nerd (and I still find it funny how they are one type and not two).


I have no idea what kind of a nerd I would be. I still don't see myself knowing that much about anything. R.L might be able to tell better, I don't know, LoL.

:lol: I thought it was funny, that's why I linked it. Seriously, someone should come up with a better quiz! I mean, why should science/math be together? Or any of that other stuff you said?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm a Stephen King nerd. Oh my God the amount of people I have bored with my excessive knowledge of his works and the symbolics in different stories and how they relate to other stories and...

Jesus, I adore him!

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  • 1 month later...

Oh, this topic! I totally forgot about it! LOL. I :heart: nerds. :laugh:


Stephen King! My mom and her side of the family absolutely love him! I've only read one of his books (The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordan) but it was amazing! I plan on reading more of his works when I can get around to it but I'm more of a Dean Koontz girl at heart. I've seen the movie version of It. I always knew clowns were creepy but he just takes it to a new level.

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Stephen King! My mom and her side of the family absolutely love him! I've only read one of his books (The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordan) but it was amazing! I plan on reading more of his works when I can get around to it but I'm more of a Dean Koontz girl at heart. I've seen the movie version of It. I always knew clowns were creepy but he just takes it to a new level.

I am not Chanel (obviously :) ), but I still wanted to reply on your post so badly. Do you mind it?

I hope you will read "It" one day, because it is bloody awesome and very warm. Better- it has sneezing in it! :D

In Croatian the book was shared in two parts. I have read the first part when I was ten and then I found out part two wasn't published in Croatian yet!

You can imagine my pure joy when I finally found it couple months ago.

I highly recommend you to continue reading his books. ;)

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Stephen King! My mom and her side of the family absolutely love him! I've only read one of his books (The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordan) but it was amazing! I plan on reading more of his works when I can get around to it but I'm more of a Dean Koontz girl at heart. I've seen the movie version of It. I always knew clowns were creepy but he just takes it to a new level.

I am not Chanel (obviously :) ), but I still wanted to reply on your post so badly. Do you mind it?

I hope you will read "It" one day, because it is bloody awesome and very warm. Better- it has sneezing in it! :D

In Croatian the book was shared in two parts. I have read the first part when I was ten and then I found out part two wasn't published in Croatian yet!

You can imagine my pure joy when I finally found it couple months ago.

I highly recommend you to continue reading his books. ;)

LOL, Boka. No, I totally do not mind you replying to my comment (but it's sweet you asked! :heart: ). I absolutely plan on reading It once I finish some of my "List" books (City of Lost Souls, OMG)! And, um, sneezing? I don't want to sound like I'm (totally and completely) obsessed but... Really?! Where? Which chapter? Which part? When they're adults or kids? Which character? This book has totally just jumped up to spot #2 on my "List"! Thanks, Boka!

BYE! :bleh:

P.S. Hey, what nickname do you want? Boka, Loca, LLB, or just your whole name? :D

BYE! Again. :bleh: :bleh:

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I am glad you became... um, enthusiastic about reading "It".

Yep, sneezing. Beverly (the pretty redhead) sneezes three times as an eleven year old, while hiding.

And I think Pennywise sneezed in a shape of werewolf, because Richie threw sneezing powder in her (yes, HER, It is a chick) face.

Feel free to correct me if I am speaking absolute rubbish.

P.S. "Boka" is absolutely fine. :)

Edited by LocaLocaBoka
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Oh man. Video game and Sci-Fi nerd... I love sciencey video games like Portal and Portal 2... any game with a really awesome story line like Alan Wake or Half-Life. And as far as television goes, I'm horribly obsessed with Doctor Who.

As for other nerdy things, I do love My Little Pony... I'm not sure if that counts as nerdy, but it probably isn't something the cool kids are into. XD And then there's reading. Oh, OP, I LOVE Maximum Ride. I can't wait to get the new book! Squeal!!!

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I LOVE Maximum Ride. I can't wait to get the new book! Squeal!!!

Oh my gosh, I know right?! I seriously am dying here! I saw the commercial on TV (which, BTW, was not very good if that was supposed to be Max, but was cool if it was just a pretty girl with wings) and I freaked out! Me and my best friend are total fangirls. Oh, I can't wait! :D

Anyway, so, um, yeah. Nice to meet another fan! Sorry I freaked out on you! :laugh:

BYE! :bleh:

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I'm just an all-round nerd, really. I tend to nerd out for RPGs, RP in general, steampunk, metal music, left wing political ideals and Norse mythology. Bit of a random mix. :P

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