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Things you love about yourself


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Appearance wise, my Irish features. Light blue eyes, freckles, and pale to boot. I actually like being pale, that's just me.

I'm also 5,8". Love being tall.

Otherwise, my singing voice, my knack for linguistics, my outlook on life. It's all good in the hood. walkman.gif

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Physically my height 6'1" and my blue eyes.

Personality wise would be my honesty. Because honesty is the best policy.

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Physically, there's nothing that I particularly like. People would think, since I'm a little busty, that it's a good thing for me, but in truth it's more of a pain than anything, literally. As for traits, I guess I'm pretty nice. I also love the fact, even though I'm not the best artist in the world, I love my passion for drawing and writing ^^

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Physically, probably my eyes and my grin, if only because I can get myself out of trouble with them. Hey, you have to use what you've got. :P

In terms of personality, I think that I "know myself" well. I like to think I'm generally pretty grounded and solid.

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*high fives The Dude* My hair is the part of me that I'm the most confident about - getting a lot of compliments on it is a bit awkward but also a nice little ego boost.

Personality-wise is a bit more difficult, but it was once relayed to me that a friend had said she really loved how open and accepting I was. I don't always live up to that, but I certainly try, and that's something to be a little proud of.

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Hmm...physically, I just love my body. I do a ton of sports plus my work is kinda physical (I work in a dairy. With cows :P) so I'm just in freakishly good shape and I feel like my body can do anything. I like my photographic memory, it's convenient at times. I also like my singing voice, which I didn't actually think was good at all until this year when for some reason I got a lot of compliments on it. Go figure...

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Oh man, I like this topic!

You know, it's hard to pinpoint, but I do love the freedom of my thought. I'm not sure where it comes from... partly perhaps from my lack of interest in bullshitting myself or others (although isn't it about self most of the time anyway, in the end?), partly from trusting that I won't treat other people all that badly so I'm not afraid of having cynical thoughts or following the trail of my thought wherever it goes, even if it ventures into a territory I find ethically troubling. I know I don't need to act on all of my thoughts, and I'm not afraid of leaving thoughts open-ended, I'm quite comfortable with loose ends actually... but also know that when acting in the world, with people, doing and saying things that have consequenses, I will have to be capable of considering those consequenses and prioritize them. So even if I let the thought run wild, I know that I will be capable of taking shortcuts when I need to act, and I also know that those shortcuts won't limit my thought. My thoughts won't make me uncapable of acting and my actions won't put shackles on thoughts. I am generally all the time less and less afraid of what I end up thinking when I sit down and let the thought wander, and boy does it wander! Which makes my head, I think, a very interesting place to be in. :)

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I love my metabolism, how I can eat whatever I want without gaining weight :)

I also like my ability to be alone without being lonely.

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