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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Post About the Person After You

Celeb Obsessed

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- Have reached over 200 points in Codecademy on JavaScript, does that count? ^^ (And a little bit of fortran and some other stuff. :lol: )

- Nope, never had one either. Did have a friendly neighbourhood cat when I was younger though.

- A few of them, yes. ^^

- Uhm... sort of? :P

- Depends on what you mean. It's usually in my bag somewhere, yes. :bleh:

The person below me:

- Likes cats.

- Gets hungry from the food references while reading the forum

- Doesn't wear hoodies.

- Is right-handed

- Plays a sport.

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  • Replies 126
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Oh, my God! Yes, I do.

I have nothing against wearing hoodies, but honestly I didn't wear it for the long time.



The next person:

- has a tattoo

- likes cartoons

- can dive

- doesn't like garlic

- has been to cinema last week

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I have a tattoo of a runic sword on my right forearm, and I love it. <3

I do have a soft spot for Chowder and Adventure Time, so yes xD

Nah, I'm terrible at diving.

I like it in small amounts. x3


The person posting below me:

Has an ipod

Likes seafood

Lives in an area which gets a lot of rain

Has two or more pets

Is aged between 19 and 24.

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I do own an iPod and an iPhone I use to play music

I like seafood (especially lobster and squid!)

Yes it does tend to rain pretty regularly where I live but it's no Pacific Northwest...

I have one pet of my own (rabbit) but my family back home has one (dog) that I call mine too so yes!

I'm 26, so nope!


The person below:

Has brown eyes

Likes breakfast cereal

Had (or currently has) braces/a retainer/other orthodontics

Has read the Harry Potter series

Still has a favorite stuffed animal or security blanket from their childhood

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*Blinks her brown eyes*

I don't like breakfast cereal, I LOVE breakfast cereal. AMAGAD.

Nope! I've never had any correctional anything in my mouth (nor a cavity, which I'm VERY proud of!). :D

Every single book. :heart:

I don't have a stuffed animal or security blanket, but I do have a pillow I snuggle with. It's a tattered old thing, but I love it so much. :wub:

The person below me:

- Is uncomfortable in large crowds

- Prefers to be in the company of others rather than by themselves

- Takes a prescribed medication for one thing or another

- Has never seen a tornado in real life

- Owns or has owned a fish as a pet

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I am. terrified. 0___X

Yes to all.

although, I often prefer to be alone, so... ALMOST all correct. STAY OUTTA MY HEAD! ;D

The person below me....

~Can hear someone talking.

~Has been on an airplane in the last month.

~Is wearing two or more shades of the same colour.

~Should be doing something they're not.

~Owns something broken beyond repair.

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Yes, on the phone


Yes, green (which is odd since I never wear green).

Yes, making dinner.

Haha, yes. My car.

The person below me

is afraid of heights

has blue eyes

is under the age of 25

has had at least one crush on a teacher/authority figure

writes fanfiction

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There's no limit on how many times we can answer, sooooo...

I'm totally afraid of heights, man. They make me so uneasy! Oddly enough, I'm fine on an airplane or roller coaster. blink.png

Nope! My eyes, as stated above, are brown.

I'm 22, so yes!

Ohjeez...it's the truth. I had a big fat crush on my assistant band director in high school. shy.gif

Guilty as charged. wink.png

The person after me:

- Has one vegetable they can't stand

- Has their nails/toenails painted (assuming you're a girl, and if you're a guy, ROCK ON!)

- Has been fishing before

- Bites their nails when they're nervous

- Is a slow reader when it comes to novels

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- Not that I know of. I love veggies. Though I must admit I've always thought cucumber to be pretty pointless in a salad.

- Nope. I haven't painted my nails since I was 7.

- Yup, a couple of times, with my grandfather. We never caught anything. :laugh:

- I don't bite them, I tear them off. Not when I'm nervous, but when I'm bored.

- I think I am a pretty fast reader, especially when it comes to novels. If I like what I'm reading, that is.

Alright, the next person to post -

- has been in love with someone at least three years younger than them

- has had a speaking role in a play

- has a serious celebrity crush

- can dance

- has had a near-death experience

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No to all of them.happy.png

The person after me:

  • Is currently hungry
  • Lives in a suburban area
  • Has never written a sneezefic
  • Has seen "The Princess Bride" and loved it
  • Doesn't like talking on the phone

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I wasn't until I read that (stupid power of suggestion!) Yes to number 2. No to number 3 - I did actually write one short sneezefic. A HUGE NO to number 4!!! As for number 5, I don't mind talking but sometimes it's easier to text.

The person after me:

* Enjoys horror films

* Likes sci-fi novels

* Lives in a major city

*Is a total techy nerd

*Has never met a celebrity

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* Enjoys horror films- Sometimes they're fun to watch, but not the really gross ones.death.gif

* Likes sci-fi novels- Only Jules Verne.

* Lives in a major city- Yep, NYC.

*Is a total techy nerd- Nah.

*Has never met a celebrity- I met Mandy Patinkin, but he's not much of a celebrity now. lol

The next person:

  • Is an Earth sign (Capricorn, Virgo, or Taurus)
  • Is messy/disorganized
  • Loves to sleep late
  • Has an allergy to something (not necessarily the respiratory kind, food allergies also count)
  • Has a job that they hate

P.S. Heavy-Chevy, a huge NO! means you haven't seen "The Princess Bride" or that you hate it? I've never met anyone who hated it.

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Nope. I'm Sagittarius.





The next person...

Is in love.

Is a neat freak.

Has actually seen and held a real vinyl record.

Owns a handheld game system.

Is under six feet tall.

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Yes, not really neat freak but do need a bit of a clean living space, yes, yes and very much so.

The next person....

- Wears jeans.

- Likes to wear shirts/blouses (depending on gender).

- Is very organised.

- Is single.

- Lives with their parents.

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Shirts...like t-shirts? I mean, I like shirts well enough. I'm not a real fancy dresser, though.

Not at all.

Yes indeed.


The person after me:

- Likes ponds and lakes better than ocean

- Is bad at remembering names

- Doesn't like crowds

- Is very artistic

- Doesn't like to wear socks

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I like pretty much all bodies of water, but ultimately I am a child of the ocean.

I am absolutely terrible at remembering names! Sometimes even of people I've known for years!

Yeah, I hate crowds. It's the only reason I've never been to a concert.

I don't know about very... I like to think I'm somewhat artistic though.

I generally prefer not to yeah.

The person after me:

- Doesn't like pizza

- Has a birth mark

- Speaks more than one language

- Would rather be inside than outside

- Still counts using their fingers

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I love pizza!!!

I do, it is right beneath my bellybutton.

Unfortunately I do not.

I prefer to be inside in the summer and outside for all other seasons, spring, fall, and winter.

Only if I'm being sarcastic or I'm trying to be funny.

The person after me...

Owns any form or reincarnation of bop it.

Has played Uno.

Can recite the alphabet backwards, from Z to A.

Thinks older TV shows are better then newer TV shows.

Is ticklish on their feet.

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I think so? I used to, anyway. I don't think I still have it, so maybe that's a no...?

Yes! Last night, actually.

Yup! It takes a little while, but I can do it.

I wouldn't say I think either is entirely better. I like a lot of older shows, but I like plenty of newer ones. I prefer mostly older cartoons, but once in a while I like a new one. On the whole, I like older shows better, I guess (because now I'm thinking Andy Griffith and Gunsmoke and I love them both!).


The person after me:

- Knows who John Green is

- Has read at least one of John Green's books

- Has or has had braces

- Does not get angry easily

- Has more of one thing than they can possibly use in a reasonable amount of time (for example, me with yarn - I have so much that I can't crochet it fast enough)

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Yes, I know who John Green is but no, I have not read any of his books. I did have braces for two years. I don't anger easily at all (and I pride myself on it!). I have way too many beads to make jewelry with and a fairly decent stash of fabric too.

The person below:

-Is between 17 and 27 years old

-Gets up around 7am on weekdays

-Plays a sport regularly

-Like cheeseburgers

-Owns at least one houseplant

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Well, around 7:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays only.

Nope. Unless you count roleplaying. :P


Can't say that I do.

The person below me:

- Jogs regularly

- Has willingly gone outside in the rain before

- Chews a specific brand of gum

- Prefers muffins over bagels

- Has at least one dog

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- Jogs regularly- Ew, I hate jogging.no2.gif

- Has willingly gone outside in the rain before- Two years ago, it was really hot in the summer, and when it finally rained, I went to Starbucks for tea or coffee. It was pouring, and I was holding a closed umbrella in my hand.wink.png

- Chews a specific brand of gum- Don't really chew gum.

- Prefers muffins over bagels- I like both equally.

- Has at least one dog- I wish! no.gif

The next person:

  • Plays a musical instrument
  • Hasn't had a cold this year (knock on wood, lol)
  • Likes to do yoga
  • Is an extrovert
  • Has always gotten along with their dad

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Yesss, chocolate is beautiful!!

I have a dog (Pepper...:lmfao:) she's the most beautiful Golden everrrr

I have acute arachnophobia. Look it up. O_o

I'm 5'6 1/2.

Unfortunately, I have no siblings....my friends are like my family.

The person after me:

-absolutely refuses to sneeze aloud in company

-has a boyfriend/girlfriend

-knows someone who is not straight

-has seen either Doctor Who or The Adventures of Tintin

-has been caught off guard by a really nice obs

Because i have done all these things. Sue me XD

Love, :heart: H

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Hails...I think you replied to the last-read, not the last-posted thread! Anyway, I'll answer you and Celeb!


I used to play violin but I can only squeak out stuff now. I can strum a ukelele. I have had a cold this year, back before the summer. I do like yoga and am starting to do more of it. I'm more of an introvert but when I'm with friends or people I'm comfortable with, I'm very extroverted. My dad and I share the same sense of humor and we've never had any major differences, so yes!


I have no problem sneezing in public and I do often! I don't have a significant other. I know more LGBTQ people than I can count (at least half of my social circle). I've seen a few episodes of Doctor Who, but not Tintin. And nice obs usually catch me off guard! :)

The person below....

-Has played the Sims

-Has grown their own vegetables

-Can drive a car

-Has brown eyes

-Is in their bedroom when they read this

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I have played the Sims

I've tried, and failed, to grow anything. xD

Not legally, but I have the ability

Hazel. Close enough.

You are way too good at this.


The person below me...

Has a presumably unhealthy obsession with video games.

Is right-handed

Is not, in fact, a 'holla back girl'

Does not wear glasses

Is developing carpal tunnel from the previously mentioned video game obsession.

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I used to, but I've gained control over it now.

Yes, I can't do anything precise or accurate with my left hand.

I'm not a girl...So that doesn't apply to me.

I do and I don't. I only need glasses for driving.


The person below me...

Has more than two pets.

is ambidextrous.

Sneezes once a day.

Loves to sing.

Watches Family Guy.

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