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The Sims 3 Seasons


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I have wanted to post this topic ever since I found out about the release.

I did some 'research', and according to SimWiki,

Sims can catch colds, and there will be seasonal allergies , 'that can be fixed with an allergy shot at the hospital'

Needless to say, I wont be going to the hospital, hehehehe.

So yeah, I just thought I'd share that with any Sims lovers like myself.

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I noticed that in my game! After playing it constantly for several days, I noticed some Sims sneezing and was instantly pleased with the game. xD I mean, I like the rest of it, too, but this certainly made it that much more fun. biggrin.png

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Ohhhhmygosh I was just thinking of playing Sims again and now I have to. Must get this.

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I'll be getting the Seasons and Sims Pets to see if I can merge them >:]

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Yes, I'm definitely going to get Seasons when it comes out (not until Nov., right?). I miss being able to use cheats to make Sims sick like you could in Sims 2. Hopefully 'Seasons' will fill that void! :)

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this makes me want to buy it now fufufu i already have pets though cant wait to see how the different sneezes sound like

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I was so excited when I found out about this, like, excited enough to explode with joy... but that would make a mess...

I'm glad that there will be the addition of allergies in the game (especially since I was faced with great disappointment when the 'Fur Allergy' trait in Pets was exclusive to console... and I don't seem to own a PS3 or Xbox 360...)

I'd also like to add that there most certainly is the ability to have sims catch a cold. It's been confirmed several times. In the announcement trailer, a sim can be seen coughing in the Fall portion, and in the Summer gameplay at Gamescom, there's a small notification (it's in pink, usually the color of notifications that a sim is giving birth, being publicly disgraced, having a mood swing, etc.) that says "What's-His-Face (sorry, I can't remember his name) is starting to feel a little ill",(there was also this little thing at the end saying something like "TSMGotSick", some sort of thing having to do with the early stage of the game and code or whatever) which confirms that sims can catch colds in just about any season. Perhaps it was because he was in the ocean (another great upcoming feature) and it started to get a little chilly (I think it was when they used one of the many perks of the early game stage, and changed the weather from sunny to a blizzard).

Sorry for babbling, I just thought I'd share this information for anyone who's interested.

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Why did they limit that trait to console?! Well I guess it can be fixed if you have the nraas animator and a pet nearby lol I wonder what kind of new traits will be added.

I'm hoping they have a hayfever trait.

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does pets have an allergy trait?

Only for certain consoles like ps3 and xbox they have a trait called "fur allergy" the pc version doesn't have it sadly.
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Oh. My. God. Thank you so much for sharing this! I've been sort of wanting to play sims for a while but never quite doing it, this will certainly motivate me to give it another try! I looked through its entry on the sims wiki and... So excited. Apparently they'll be able to collect wildflowers (which can trigger allergies) and put them in vases around the home. Guess what my sim will start collecting... >:D

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Oh. My. God. Thank you so much for sharing this! I've been sort of wanting to play sims for a while but never quite doing it, this will certainly motivate me to give it another try! I looked through its entry on the sims wiki and... So excited. Apparently they'll be able to collect wildflowers (which can trigger allergies) and put them in vases around the home. Guess what my sim will start collecting... 5.gif

I'm going to do this too *evil laughter*
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  • 2 weeks later...

This is great! :D One the first things that came to my mind when I saw the commercial for Seasons was actually 'wonder if they'll get spring allergies..' so this is awesome!

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Seriously... When I first heared that in theSims3 sims can't get sick (it was that way at first, right?) I thought that no way I'm getting the game. And now you tell me this? After I've sworn never to get the game (mostly because I don't like the way it looks now nor the way somethings work and how it's played - I just prefer theSims2)? Damn. xD

I'm almost jellous to you guys who play the third one. 8'D

*goes to enjoy his yellow boxes*

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have an xbox360 but have'nt been able to find the "seasons" disk. is it only for computers or if for consoles do I have to have xbox live to get it. I've had no luck with any of my sims getting sick or allergies with the regular sims 3

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Well, I looked and I was confused, because unlike the pc and mac versions, I couldn't find an xbox version available for preorder on any of the three sites I tried. The official sims site, when you try to preorder, has the xbox 360 option crossed out. I couldn't find any info about it, so I posted a question here - hopefully someone will answer with something useful, I wasn't sure where else to ask.

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  • 1 month later...

So, I got my download of the Sims 3 Seasons today. I haven't spent a huge amount of time playing, but I can confirm that Sims definitely can suffer from allergies during the spring. The season changed to spring and I sent my male sim to the park where he got a mood icon called "Allergy Haze" which indicated a -10 to his mood that would last 2 days because of the pollen count. He sneezed twice while I was playing, though I only caught one of them. It was very cute- complete with a nice build up! There doesn't seem to be a way to make the sims allergic....my male sim was but not my female sim, though it only lasts 2 days and each season lasts about 12 days, so maybe it comes and goes.

I'm going to play more and experiment with catching colds in winter and finding things that may trigger allergies. I'll report when I know more! :)

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Well, I seem to have taken a bit of advantage of the new wildflowers.

Here's a video of two amazing sims experiencing the effects of these wonderful new plants for anyone who is interested (If that's okay...):

It features sneezes from both a male and female sim. For some reason the male sim seems to have it much worse than his wife. Poor guy. He does triples at least... I don't know, but he does it a lot while his wife only does a few singles here and there.

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Wow. Um. I. I might have to reconsider whether to get the game now. That just might be worth it.

Thank you for recording all that and linking it!

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I never really do extension packs, but I got the Generations one and it may have opened the floodgates... this topic has just convinced me I NEED it!!!

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