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Sneeze Fetish Forum

The Sims 3 Seasons


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:omg: Okay, that... that was really, uh... :blushing:

It's been ages and ages since I played the Sims. I feel very... motivated to pick it up again, all of a sudden. *bites lip*

(Thank you for sharing that, randomgirl! <3)

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Wow! Your Sims are WAY sneezier than mine! How did you do the wildflower thing? Mine collected an Indian Paintbrush flower but it had no effects....

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Wow! Your Sims are WAY sneezier than mine! How did you do the wildflower thing? Mine collected an Indian Paintbrush flower but it had no effects....

It can take anywhere from one attempt to around 25 attempts, actually. It took the male sim in the video a little less than 20 wildflowers, but his wife only seemed to need one. The secret is to use testing cheats and buydebug to place wildflower spawners all over both the home lot and the park lot, since they're both easy to access for my sims.

Now, if only getting sims sick were as easy as giving them allergies... (I've only had it happen about three times, and I'm still not exactly sure how the whole illness thing works in this game.)

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So I'm weak, I bought it. It's GOOD. I've only been playing it a few hours, but I've already discovered that my female sim gets quite bad spring allergies - always sneezes in triples. :)

So far no other sneezes/causes, I'll be looking for that wildflower stuff though ;)

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My male sim got allergies AND randomly got a cold like 2 minutes later! Very cute. Got a great tripe, some singles, and what even sounded like a small stifle.

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I really, really, REALLY need a computer that can play Sims 3 again. My old one bit the dust and I've been on a mini laptop for a long time. UGH. I WANT TO MAKE HOT SIM DUDES FOR ALLERGY PURPOSES.

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I got my game a day late but oh my god.....SNEEZING GOLDMINE! *evil laughter*Oh yeah forgot to mention that it also works with the NRAAS animator and debugger mod

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I love Sims, I don't have seasons though - yet, and I'm not sure if I'll get it. I have ambitions.

I wonder if you can make them sneeze or have allergies, hmm.

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BEST. GAME. EVER. twitchsmile.gif

Hehe... twitchsmile.gif one of my sims had allergies and got a cold at the same time, but no more sneezes than usual. His partner got his cold after but only had ONE fit. tiredsmiley.gif Another sim that I created sneezed a lot prior to his allergies and sneezed maaaany times while being allergic, so I think it depends on what kind of sim you create?

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Another sim that I created sneezed a lot prior to his allergies and sneezed maaaany times while being allergic, so I think it depends on what kind of sim you create?

Huh, there's an idea. That'd be amazing if you could specifically create sims who'd be more prone to allergies. What sort of traits do you think your sneezier sim had that the other ones didn't?

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What sort of traits do you think your sneezier sim had that the other ones didn't?

Well, the sim that didn't almost sneeze at all is evil and a natural cook, among others.

I'll check out what traits the sneezier sim had and if you want, you can do a sim wth those aswell and we can compare? ;) would be really cool if they've created it that way.

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I've been holding off on getting seasons - I had it preordered but all of a sudden wasn't sure if I wanted to spend the money on it. I'm sooooort of thinking about getting it, but I probably won't for a while. Otherwise I'd love to experiment! The only trait I can think might affect it might be the green thumb one? (Don't remember if that's a trait or a reward.) Though I'm not sure whether that would make a sim more or less likely to react to flowers that way.

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I will say I've had both green thumbs and non green thumbs (it's a trait) get allergies. One specifically from picking wildflowers and one totally randomly at the start of spring season.

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Okay so I've been playing with the 'sneezy sim' alittle now (I've created quite many... lol) and his traits are:


hopeless romantic


easily impressed



Don't know if it'll make any difference though. :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

playing this again since I have some time off now, and my female sim is AWESOME. Always sneezes in triples, and a cold has been sweeping around my entire house. Mum and youngest daughter are adorable, they always sneeze triples into their sleeves. The others hardly sneeze when sick.

I love this game :)

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playing this again since I have some time off now, and my female sim is AWESOME. Always sneezes in triples, and a cold has been sweeping around my entire house. Mum and youngest daughter are adorable, they always sneeze triples into their sleeves. The others hardly sneeze when sick.

I love this game smile.png

i know right >w<
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I have Sims 3 and Seasons too. And I managed to capture couple of sneezes from my female sim but the male sim sneezed just before I started filiming... Dammit. But I still posted that video to youtube and here's the link if anyone is interested.

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