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Does anyone remember watching Heroes? It was on NBC for about 5 years and was one of their highest rated shows of the 2000s. I remember watching every last episode there was, and I was absolutely hooked. Until the end of the 5th season, where they ended on such a cliffhanger. I waited patiently for the next season to start, lo and behold it was canceled! It wasn't the fact it was canceled that got me upset, it was how the show ended. There was supposed to be another season, or at least a movie to clarify everything that was happening. Even to this day, the way they ended it upsets me. Anyone else have a show like that? Sorry if this topic is so random, but it's worth ranting about when shows you stick with for so long end like that.

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"V". That's the same thing, they just cancelled the show with a cliffhanger.

"Lost" started out promising and then they screwed everything up beyond belief after the second season. Boo!

Also, "X-files" shouldn't have moved on after getting rid of both Mulder and Scully. They should've just put the stuff together and finish it off properly, with them both still on cast.

I know I have more, but I can't recall them now. This is the reason I no longer follow series without them either having stand-alone episodes or that the show has already ended with a plausible ending when I start watching it.

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Does anyone remember watching Heroes? It was on NBC for about 5 years and was one of their highest rated shows of the 2000s. I remember watching every last episode there was, and I was absolutely hooked. Until the end of the 5th season, where they ended on such a cliffhanger. I waited patiently for the next season to start, lo and behold it was canceled! It wasn't the fact it was canceled that got me upset, it was how the show ended. There was supposed to be another season, or at least a movie to clarify everything that was happening. Even to this day, the way they ended it upsets me. Anyone else have a show like that? Sorry if this topic is so random, but it's worth ranting about when shows you stick with for so long end like that.
I remember Heroes! I had no idea that it was canceled... angry.png
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For those not in the loop, this is going to sound incredibly strange, but:

"Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo" is one of my favorite anime of all time. XDDD It's a very, very nonsensical show that I cannot even begin to try to explain here, so look it up for yourself if you so wish. ;) Like many others, it started out as a manga and just followed that original story in animated form, of course. But, the show got cancelled RIIIGHT after they started a new story arc, so it ended very abruptly and in a very awkward place. I'm just upset that it ended because I loved it so much. :P

Other than that, I miss some of the really old, but really funny and clever cartoons. "Sheep in the Big City," anyone??

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"12 Oz Mouse." I was kind of happy with the way it ended but I feel like there could have been so much more to the story if only it got renewed. I just ordered the DVD online, it's out of print so it was hard to find and fairly expensive, but worth it.

"Metalocalypse." I'm 99% sure there will be another season, but I think I'm allowed to miss it considering there tends to be 2+ years between each season. And the last one just ended with a very emotional cliffhanger involving my favorite bb.

I was also a HUGE fan of "Lost." I didn't watch it from the beginning when it was on, but started renting the DVDs at my ex-boyfriend's insistence around the time the fourth season was on TV. So at least I only wasted a couple years of my life rather than sixish getting super engrossed in the story. I remember sitting around in college watching the last season and after every episode my friends and I were like


because DAMN did it get bad. But now I just watch the earlier seasons and pretend it sort of ended after that.

I kind of miss "House" and "The Office" too, back when they were decent. And I miss watching "Supernatural" but I just don't have time for it anymore. :(

NATSUKO, I forgot all about that show! I loved shit like that. "Courage the Cowardly Dog," "Powerpuff Girls," "Two Stupid Dogs," "Cow and Chicken," "I Am Weasel," "Catdog," etc...

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Hmm... Swat Kats was a show that I just loved watching. It was awesome.

Courage the Cowardly Dog was another show that I just loved.

I was disappointed that they never finished dubbing MAR: marchen awakens romance.

I can't think of any other shows that I miss at the moment.

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Pretty much everything on Nickelodeon in the 90s since that's all I really watched back then. XD Catdog, Angry Beavers, The Wild Thornberrys, Hey Arnold!...and a ton of others that I don't remember right now. ^^; I don't really like that much TV nowadays, and the only thing I watch is anime. So I either borrow library DVDs or use Netflix.

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I kind of miss "House" and "The Office" too, back when they were decent.

The last few seasons of House frustrated me so much, but the brilliance of the last episode very nearly made up for the many seasons of doing the same thing over and over and refusing to change.

I'm not sure how well this fits because the last episode itself satisfied me completely, but Life on Mars. Has anyone else here seen that? It ended after the second series (and 16 episodes). The ending itself gave me a lot to think about, but in a later interview the man who played the main character was asked about the series that came after Life on Mars, which he had no part in. He said that when he saw it was set in London he was so frustrated, because if he'd known they were willing to move the show's location he would have stayed on longer. Knowing I could have had more of the show I love so much if only the people involved had communicated more clearly with one another... Oh, that will never not bother me.

Angel: the Series is another one. The people making the show (as far as I remember, I could be wrong on this) were given fairly short notice that their show was going to be canceled. They did the best they could, and created a pretty powerful ending from what they had, but I've heard a couple of ideas they had for the sixth season. As with Life on Mars, what could of been just bothers me. Illyria! Fred! Identity/body-possession crisis! Speculative fanfic is lovely but it will never be quite as good as what I might have had onscreen.

And of course, as Chanel_No5 has mentioned, the X-Files, which was the first show I really had a passion for. When I was young mom and I would turn off all the lights and draw the blinds, and we'd make sure everyone knew never to call us whenever it came on. I guess it's that ritual that I miss more than the show itself, though I do remember the last season as something of a disappointment. Except for one of the new characters they introduced. Don't remember his name but he was pretty much concentrated awesome. Mulder and Scully's plotlines I don't remember much about, except that they seemed really lame and that the writers could have at least done something better if they wanted to phase the characters out.

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Old school - "Northern Exposure" - SOOO good. Well... when Rob Morrow was on the show.

OMG... Anonymouse... I had watched All the LOST episodes... and especially the Very last episode... UGH!!!! I felt like I had wasted years of my life. lol

Semi-old school Law and Order- when Jack McCoy was ADA. Oh... and Law and Order:Crimminal Intent- only with Goren and Emes.

I completely agree re: House. If the last episode was really good- then I'll watch it... the House/Cuddy nonsense and the was the final straw. I had enough of characters acting out of character and of writers writing to what they felt that the audience wanted rather than what the storyline/characters needed. It's a shame- Robert Sean Leonard & Hugh Laurie = :wub: and Hugh especially is just a brilliant actor.

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There need to be at least seven more series of The Mighty Boosh. My goodness.

Also, Game of Thrones. I know it's not cancelled or finished, but aaaaargh! The wait! :lol:

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FIREFLY! It so deserved a longer run, and there were so many unanswered questions (just what was Book's back-story??) They may well have answered a lot of them with the graphic novels, etc. but now I kind of like the mystery :) The series and accompanying movie Serenity are pretty much perfect in my opinion :D

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I missed Dr Who from 1989 to 2005 (save for the 1996 TV movie) - and then it came back, only better!

Dreams CAN come true.........

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I miss BBC Sherlock. Like... gawd. :frust: I know there will be a third season, but that is at least 12 months in the future. The entire Sherlock fandom has already gone slightly mental with withdrawal. I'm not sure I even want to know how bad it will be by the time the next season finally comes around...

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Old school - "Northern Exposure" - SOOO good. Well... when Rob Morrow was on the show.

ARRRGHHH I love that show!!!

Also, "Absolutely Fabulous" - not so fabulous the last season and two specials. I clung to it desperately because I wanted Patsy to sneeze, and now that I got that, well... off you go, ladies. :lol:

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I really miss the shows Stargate SG1 and Stargate Atlantis. Those two are probably my favorite shows of all time. SG1 had kind of a bleh last episode but it at least they came out with two movies afterwards to finish off story lines. Atlantis had a pretty awesome last episode, but it still left you wondering what was going to happen next, and a movie was promised after the series ended, but they never made it.

I also really liked Sanctuary. I mostly started watching it cause they used a bunch of Stargate actors in that show, but I ended up really liking it. The last episode of that show wasn't really designed to be a series finale but I guess it could work that way since it didn't really leave you with a cliffhanger, but like with Stargate Atlantis it really left me wanting to know what was going to happen afterwards.

I think the SyFy channel is just going downhill to be honest. They also cancelled Eureka which I enjoyed though it wasn't one of my favorite shows. Now the only show left on that channel that I like is Warehouse 13 and who knows how much longer that will be around. SyFy seems to have a habit of canceling shows after 5 seasons or less(only reason Stargate SG1 lasted 10 seasons was cause it started out on Showtime and then SyFy picked it up).

I try to get interested in new shows, I really do, but I never seem to enjoy any of them as much as I enjoyed the Stargate shows. Every now and then I will rewatch the episodes on Netflix but I still find myself craving new content.

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I completely agree re: House. If the last episode was really good- then I'll watch it... the House/Cuddy nonsense and the was the final straw. I had enough of characters acting out of character and of writers writing to what they felt that the audience wanted rather than what the storyline/characters needed. It's a shame- Robert Sean Leonard & Hugh Laurie = wub.png and Hugh especially is just a brilliant actor.

Well there was a slow build up to the events of the last epsiode, so I'm not sure how well it will stand on its own, but I only vaguely followed the events of the season and I enjoyed the very end a lot. Not exactly all flowers and happiness, but brilliant. At least I thought so. And yeah, they did drop the Cuddy thing a while before the show ended - the character left the show at one point. So you won't have to worry about that.

Shayla, I LOVED Stargate Atlantis! I felt it went a bit downhill in the last season or so but it's a rare show that doesn't. And Sy-Fy has to cancel shows after five seasons! How else are they going to make room in the schedule for masterpieces like Mansquito? tonguesmiley.gif

Edited by Orionbob
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Shayla, I LOVED Stargate Atlantis! I felt it went a bit downhill in the last season or so but it's a rare show that doesn't. And Sy-Fy has to cancel shows after five seasons! How else are they going to make room in the schedule for masterpieces like Mansquito? tonguesmiley.gif

Ugh I usually never watch any of those monster or disaster movies they put out. They all just look so stupid from the commercials that I have no desire to watch them. Sometimes SyFy comes out with good movies but they certainly aren't in the monster or disaster movie categories. I really liked their Tin Man, Alice, and Neverland mini-series. They should make more like those instead of their usual movie rubbish. But anyway if they don't come out with any more shows that peak my interest before Warehouse 13 is gone then I will probably abandon that channel.

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A lot of those shows started out great and petered out. Heroes was incredible for the first season, mediocre in the second, then it sucked. To be fair, the writers' strike was going on, so you can't really blame the creators. The V tv series was cool for half a season, then it degenerated to "Diana gets a new weapon every week, and the rebels thwart it".

I love Metalocalypse to bits, but the last season wasn't as good as the previous three. IMHO, the show is at it's best when it's just showing five overprivileged idiot making a mess of everything and not having to deal with the consequences. I honestly don't give a shit about the whole 'prophecy of metal' thing.

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The V tv series was cool for half a season, then it degenerated to "Diana gets a new weapon every week, and the rebels thwart it".

...but I quite liked it when Diana got a new weapon. ^_^

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Albert the fifth musketeer, Robinson Sucroe, Urmel, Ovide and his friends (I really loved those shows as a kid. :lol: ).

Like Maru, Game of Thrones (but I'm cheating and reading the books currently ^^) and like VoOs Sherlock and of course Doctor Who, but not sure if those really counts as they're still running, just in the frustrating time between seasons, all of them. xD

I don't watch too much tv currently, so that's about it.

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I really miss "Charmed". Even though the last season was pretty much re-usage of old ideas, so a 9th one probably wouldn't have been a good idea. Still, all three sisters had kids in the end so I keep my hopes up for a "Charmed - Next Generation" ;)

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Albert the fifth musketeer, Robinson Sucroe, ...

OF COURSE. :lmao: And the one about King Arthur, although in fact it wasn't really all that funny as I recall... the intro song definitely was, though. :lol:

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I really liked their Tin Man, Alice, and Neverland mini-series. They should make more like those instead of their usual movie rubbish.

I adore Tin Man! The visuals, the characters, the world they created, it all completely captured my imagination. I should add that to the list of shows I miss! I was never able to see Alice though, and I've never heard of the Neverland one. I should look into those! Alice looked really good. It just stuns me how syfy can churn out the horrible monster movie stuff and then come up with such gold.

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FIREFLY! It so deserved a longer run, and there were so many unanswered questions (just what was Book's back-story??) They may well have answered a lot of them with the graphic novels, etc. but now I kind of like the mystery smile.png The series and accompanying movie Serenity are pretty much perfect in my opinion biggrin.png

I came back to this thread just to say that. I have no idea how I could have forgotten Firefly.

I didn't watch it when it was actually on TV though... but my nerd friends in college kidnapped me and forced me to watch the whole series on DVD in one weekend. The movie was freaking heartbreaking. But it was SO FREAKING GOOD.

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For me it would have to be

The Tudors: I really feel they could have gone on & told the stories/reigns of Edward, Mary & Elizabeth- i mean i know we've had quite a few movies/mini-series on Elizabeth's reign ( BBC version with Glenda Jackson being the ultimate one :D) but i feel they could have gone into much more detail in the series if they'd gone that far- i mean why call it 'The Tudors' if your only going to show Henry VIII? wallbash.gif

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