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Martin Freeman (The Hobbit)


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Guys. Bilbo sneezes in the first film.

It was adorable.

The bad news is, he is also at one point used as a handkerchief. By a troll.

Traumatized VoOs, over and out -

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For Martin Freeman, it's probably totally worth it. I'm really looking forward to it for a number of reasons, but this is one really good one. :D

My sisters, especially my little one, is a big Sherlock fan and has been waiting for this film to come out since this summer. So I'm really hoping we'll get to see it soon.

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YESSSSS! Oh my god, thank you sneeze gods! You beauty! Holy moly, I love my life! I'm hiding my squeels behind my pillow, cause my mum is sitting right beside me!

I'm so gonna see this in 3D!

Only bad thing is my dad has to come with me, but in every film we've watched together, he has fallen asleep.

Thank you my dear VoOs!! XD :boom:

Edited by AppleBlossom
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It's a small, single sneeze from sensitivity to horse hair, right at the beginning of the journey. I can't say I found it super realistic-sounding, but I don't care. It's Freeman, as Bilbo, and he might just be the cutest thing I have seen in my life.

The scene with the trolls, however... I think I might need some brain bleach efter seeing that. Uurrghhh. Why, Jackson, why?

ANYWAY. I watched the film. Freeman was wonderful, Ian McKellen was wonderful, and the 'Riddles in the Dark' scene with Gollum was very well made. Apart from that, I can't say I enjoyed it very much, sadly. It was slow and poorly paced, with strangely cheap-looking CGI. Too much mindless action, too little Freeman. But hey, that's just me. I'm still very much looking forward to the second movie, and Benedict Cumberbatch's Smaug. :>

And possibly more fetishy goodness from Bilbo.

Edited by VoOs
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Oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh!!!! I can't wait to see this Friday!! :jump: Does this mean we get a Bilbo sneeze in this movie AND potentially another in the barrel scene next part?

And thank you for the troll warning. Maybe I'll cover my eyes. And ears. Haha.

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Oooh! That's a nice little surprise! I'm going in with low expectations...I heard it isn't nearly as good as the LOTR films (which, astoundingly, still stand up as good 10 years later!). It was a mistake to make it into 3 movies (greedy buggers!).

Thanks for letting us know, VoOs!

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WHAAAAT?!?! jawdrop.gif

OMGOMGOMG THAT IS AWESOME~!!!! :') lololol and I thought it was impossible for me to be any more excited for this movie!!! biggrin.png uwaaah *happy fangirl squee*

ahahaa yeah I heard about that troll scene, actually... it's mentioned in the Movie Guidebook thing that I bought. I didn't mention it on-forum because, well... yeah. EW. T_T lol... but I'm glad I am prepared for both the BLEH and the EPIC now... :3

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Saw a film review regarding this very scene today. It was in an Indy newspaper. Popped on here to share:

Paragraph 1

"There's a sneeze in the first hour of The Hobbit: an Unexpected Journey that has no plot ramifications. No one on screen responds to it. It's essentially meaningless. But director Peter Jackson keeps the camera where it is, lingering for a few humorous beats, for no reason I can discern, and it's the best thing in the movie. He makes a quiet, personal decision to keep the camera there. It's got personality."

Closing paragraph

"Maybe with all that screen time, Jackson will mix it up a little in the next movies. In addition to fascinating sneezes, there could be captivating coughs or intriguing hiccups."

Link to full review here:


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**runs around making high pitched noises**

VoOs, thank you for letting us know!!!!!!! I am really excited, it hasn't come out in theaters yet here. I was going to go see it on the 14th anyway but now i have something more to look forward to!

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Gaaahhhhhh I AM NOT GOING TO BE ABLE TO CONTAIN MYSELF!!!! I am going to be sitting right next to my only friend who knows about the fetish and will have to squeeze her hand so flippin hard just to keep myself from squealing. Thank you for letting us know, VoOs, I need the mental preparation. Martin Freeman!!!!

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I just saw this and OMG it was magnificent! drool.gif I was soooo distracted for the next 15 minutes.

But then the troll sneeze came on and ruined everything. puke.gif

It's 3:30 AM here but I had to get on the site to make sure you guys knew about it... Because I love you. blush.png

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Just got back from the midnight showing. That. Was. So. ADORABLE!!! It is a good thing we were in a dark theater because the second I knew it was coming I started blushing like an idiot.

Sneezing aside, Martin Freeman is adorable. He was absolutely perfect. I went in thinking he was great for the roll, and he still blew my expectations out of the water. Every single time the camera cut to his face was magic. That man was not playing Bilbo Baggins. He WAS Bilbo Baggins.

And with the amount of detail Peter Jackson put into the film, I have high hopes that we have an even better scene awaiting us in the next.

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Sneezing aside, Martin Freeman is adorable. He was absolutely perfect. I went in thinking he was great for the roll, and he still blew my expectations out of the water. Every single time the camera cut to his face was magic. That man was not playing Bilbo Baggins. He WAS Bilbo Baggins.

And with the amount of detail Peter Jackson put into the film, I have high hopes that we have an even better scene awaiting us in the next.

^ THIS. OMG you guys, you HAVE to see this movie!!! Even if I wasn't already in love with Middle Earth, I would see this multiple times simply because of Martin Freeman. <3

I thought the sneeze was FRIGGIN' ADORABLE!!!! I do think he can work on his sound, but HIS FACE WAS SO EPIC!!!! :') And I really really REALLY HOPE that Jackson will give him the opportunity to practice in the next movie(s). *flails*

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YES, YES, YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SNEEZE FETISH GODS!! I can't wait to see this film now! Mainly because of sexy Mr Martin Freeman but a sneeze? An actual sneeze? I'm so excited! Thank you for letting us know!

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I wish I had a video of this to watch over and over again. I think going back to the theater just to see those five seconds may be a little much...

Edited by SomeoneRandom
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Oh gosh, I saw this movie last night and LOVED IT! Martin and the dwarves and the music and effects and everything was wonderful!

Bilbo's adorable sneeze was just the icing on the cake. I also enjoyed his distress about not having his handkerchief on him. That was really cute Mr. Jackson. Well done. wub.png

Definitely looking forward to the next parts. bounce.gif

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"Maybe with all that screen time, Jackson will mix it up a little in the next movies. In addition to fascinating sneezes, there could be captivating coughs or intriguing hiccups."

Link to full review here:


Hah I actually did notice a captivating cough; when Gandalf is failing to answer how many dragons he's killed, he kind of does a throat clearing cough that creates smoke rings. I thought it was pretty funny.

Sneezing aside, Martin Freeman is adorable. He was absolutely perfect. I went in thinking he was great for the roll, and he still blew my expectations out of the water. Every single time the camera cut to his face was magic. That man was not playing Bilbo Baggins. He WAS Bilbo Baggins.

Yes agreed! I wanted more Bilbo, dangit, he was a-freaking-dorable!

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I saw the movie today and while the actual sneeze wasn't that spectacular it was still a SNEEZE from martin freeman. It was good enough for me hahaha

I was really grossed out by the troll accidentally using him as a handkerchief though UGH.

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Oh god hyperventilate oh god hyperventilate. In. Out. In. Out.

I am going to see this movie in the next twenty-four hours if it's the last thing I do.

My sneezy checklist is one step closer to being completed. Mwahahahahahahahahaha...............

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I saw the movie with my boyfriend who knows about my love for sneezes and Martin Freeman. I thought I would be okay because the first movie didn't reach the part where Bilbo get's sick. I let my guard down for one minute! And then it happened. I literally jumped in my seat. stretcher.gif

My boyfriend leaned over and jokingly asked, "What? So now you're attracted to his sneeze?"

I just managed to tease him back and say I was always attracted to him. The rest of the movie I enjoyed but I just kept thinking I wanted to see it again, to really appreciate it in all its majesty.

I agree with you though StraightEdgeRyder. The whole thing with that troll was not pretty.

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I saw it tonight with my boyfriend. When the sneeze happened, I said: "That. I like that." :laugh: I thought the sound was really cute, actually. Even if it didn't sound very "real". :P

But yes, the trolls? NO THANK YOU. GOOD DAY, SIR.

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Oh my gods, he sneezes like a kitten. That was the most adorable confused pre-sneeze face I've ever seen anywhere. And of course the entire movie blew my friggin mind, I as speechless for like 4 hours afterwards, gaping like a stupefied loon. I can hardly wait until next year for part two. Smauuuuuuug. He looks absolutely perfect from what I can tell so far. Everything was just YES YES. Okay okay everything except the one thing, I do not know why they included so much Radagast. He was not featured all too much in the book, and I found him to be..... weird and out of place.

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I saw this with my my family when they were visiting, which was, ya know, awkward.

BUT. He sneezes! Because he's allergic to his pony! It was so cute. I jumped...blushing.gif

And then the troll thing...blech puke.gif is all I have to say.

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Just a heads up-- Peter Jackson just said that the barrel scene is one of the scenes he's most looking forward to in the next film. Martin Freeman said the same. Eeee!

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