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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Airborne (Updated 3rd July 2017)


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Well it's been a long time since I've written anything for this forum, but I fancied updating this. I love contagion, as some people might recall.

This is heavy on that aspect, so if you like the idea of someone deliberately trying to infect themselves, read on. If you don't like that idea... well I did warn you! :lol: 


It had been quite a flight, Angelina thought. Sometimes on these long haul jaunts, she could relax for at least part of the time. But she had been quite unable to rest, even when it was her time to do so. 

The redhead in row one hadn't slept much either. Nor, Angelina suspected would her neighbours have had much chance. It had been quite a show, all told. Despite the lights being dimmed, one of the passengers in row two had had their reading light on all night and it had thrown a kind of ethereal glow over the scene. At the beginning, the girl had been sneezing into her tissues. Angelina's curiosity had eventually got the better of her, as to where the young woman was storing them. Thinking that she could check whether the boyfriend wanted more water, she had made her way over. There were used tissues everywhere. Some of them looked very damp indeed. The girl had obviously started storing them in a bag, but had run out of space. Now the bag was full to overflowing. There were tissues on the arm rest and down the side of the seat. There were even a couple on the floor.

As Angelina arrived, she could tell there was another sneeze brewing. There was that delightful little twitch again. Angelina found herself musing for a moment. Was the twitch just an inadvertent reaction to the irritation inside that delicious nose? Or was it something more? Perhaps the girl felt the itchiness building and wanted to move things along. Angelina would never know of course, but sometimes she could not stop her mind from wandering around the intricacies of the sneezing process. If it was a ploy to move things along, it wasn't exactly successful. Things were progressing, but it seemed to be a tortuous process. The young woman was now in that idyllic limbo as the sneeze was building up to its uncontrollable release. Was the tickle in just one of her nostrils? Or was it filling both sides of her nose? It was certainly a taking all the girl's concentration. Angelina had to pretend she was fiddling with one of the overhead lockers, but her attention was riveted on the battle below. 

The girl's blue eyes were half closed. Each small intake of breath seemed to be taking her closer to the brink. She looked as if she was exhausted, but there was no way for her to resist. "Uhhh..." Another intake of breath. "Huh..." 

"Ugh!" With a slight shake of her head, the girl let out a moan as her eyes opened. Was that it, Angelina wondered. All that build-up, just for a false start? She too wanted to groan, with disappointment. But the fight wasn't over yet. There was that twitch again and this time everything seemed to be in fast-forward. Twitch, squint, hitch, "HttttCCCCCCHEw!" The girl barely had time to cover.

It was time for Angelina to step into action. Forgetting the boyfriend, who in any case, seemed to be sleeping, Angelina looked down at the girl, as if somehow the explosive sound of the sneeze itself had been the thing that had attracted her attention.

"Goodness," she said in the low tone that she tried to use during the hours of darkness. "That was quite a sneeze. Are you feeling a bit under the weather?"

For a moment, she wondered if the girl would look at her with a frown and castigate her for asking such an obviously stupid question. Instead, the redhead seemed pathetically grateful. "I'm afraid so," she replied. "I'm so tired. I've been like this for three days straight." Reaching up a hand, she rubbed a finger under her nose and screwed up her eyes. "Sorry," she said after a couple of seconds. "Thought I was gonna go again. My nose is still crazy itchy." As if to prove her point, she screwed up her face again and gave her nose another rub.

Angelina had, what she hoped was a sympathetic look on her face, but her mind was screaming. Three whole days? "Do you always get this bad for so long?" Normally she wouldn't ask. But damnit, she wanted to know. 

The girl shook her head. "No," she replied. "Maybe for a day or so, you know. But this cold's a doozy. My next door neighbour had it first and she was just the same. I could hear her through the wall, all night long. Four days. I'm real sorry about earlier. I have a horrible feeling it's really contagious as well. Almost everyone in my block seems to have caught it." She gave the tiniest sniffle. It sounded so wet that Angelina wanted to swoon. "Excuse me a moment." Burying her nose in her tissues, the girl gave a long gurgling blow. When she had finished, she looked down at the now soaking paper hankie and the overflowing bag with a look of absolute helplessness.

"Here, let me take that." Angelina held out her hand, carefully schooling her face into a look of professional compassion. 

The girl looked horrified. "You can't just take them," she objected. "Don't you need gloves or something?" She blinked painfully in the half-light.

Angelina smiled gently. "I'll be fine," she said, with a tiny shake of her head. "I'll wash my hands. Anyway, I never catch anything these days." Two lies in a row, she thought as with a worried frown, the young woman handed over both the overflowing bag, and better still, the soaking wet hanky she had used only a moment before. So many viruses. Angelina felt the tingle of anticipation run through her. So many viruses, a highly contagious cold and an infection that led to several days of straight sneezing. This thing was getting better and better.

She thought back to the information she had found, all those years ago. Her favourite book in the library: her guiltiest pleasure:

"From the time a cold virus enters the nose, it takes 8-12 hours for the viral reproductive cycle to be completed and for new cold virus to be released in nasal secretions. This interval is called the incubation period.

Cold symptoms can also begin shortly after virus is first produced in the nose (10-12 hours).  The time from the beginning of the infection to the peak of symptoms is typically 36-72 hours."

She could almost picture all those tiny sneeze particles. The sneezing earlier. And now, here in her hands, a veritable time bomb. As she made her way back behind the curtain, she heard yet another wet sneeze. And then one more. She screwed up the damp tissue in her hand. There would be viruses everywhere. Throwing the used tissue into the bin, she lifted up her still damp fingers and ran them over the rims of her own nostrils, gently trying to touch everywhere she could. Her knuckle was pressed against her nostril and with a feeling of ecstasy, she ran the length of her finger along her nose until her finger tip was almost inside. As quietly as she could, she sniffed. Anything to get those viruses moving upwards. Then without washing her hands, she went back to her seat, sat down and closed her eyes.

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Cheers for the update Vetinari, its really good to see the return of this one :) 

9 hours ago, Vetinari said:

As Angelina arrived, she could tell there was another sneeze brewing. There was that delightful little twitch again. Angelina found herself musing for a moment. Was the twitch just an inadvertent reaction to the irritation inside that delicious nose? Or was it something more? Perhaps the girl felt the itchiness building and wanted to move things along.

I like the little musings on sneezes like you have include here.

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Thanks NoV. My head is filled with those little musings. They are fun, are they not? Thanks for commenting.

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This is goooood... I also enjoy this closed plane environment... Please continue

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow! I'm in awe of your descriptive prowess :boom: can't wait to read more!!! 

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I love your main character (and her obsession with contagion, which I don't share but understand completely :lol: ) and your story offers me one of my favorite situations in original fictions and observations: sneezing in a plane/train/bus, any mean of transport with more than 3 people in it. Your descriptions are very well-written and I really enjoyed the "cold dialogue" between Angelina and the girl. My favorite part is when she remembers the quote from "her favorite book in the library" - it just reminds me how I went to the library to sneak up into medicine books to learn about symptoms and illnesses transmission...

Thank you for your fic, it's really great!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would love to see an update - your writing is just so mesmerizing!! I can't wait to see how the boyfriend's cold progressesand to see new colds manifest ?

Edited by ichixshiro14
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Well, I've been inspired to look again at the man in 22F. I will get back to the boyfriend and his progression at some point ichixshiro14. I don't suppose the redhead has run out of sneezes yet, and of course, Angelina will at some point find out whether she has been successful in transferring the infection to herself. I am delighted that so many people are enjoying my musings. Only male in this snippet. Happy Monday to you all.


It was still an hour until breakfast time. The redhead had finally fallen into an uneasy slumber. Angelina too was drifting. She was roused by the tone of the call button. She stood up, put her hands behind her head and rolled her shoulders back. Deep breath in, breathe out slowly. She was feeling remarkably fresh for only having had a few minutes sleep. Pushing the curtain back, she peered into the dimly lit cabin. Her eyes paused for a moment on the redhead and her boyfriend. Even in sleep, the pretty face looked pained. The boyfriend had his head on the redhead's shoulder and his mouth open. He snored softly. Angelina found herself wondering if his nose was stuffed up. Either way, he would be doing his sore throat no favours.

There was just one light on and it took only an instant for Angelina to ascertain that the seat in question was 22F. She felt a familiar tingle of anticipation. Although the redhead's cold was more spectacular, there was something delicious about the way the man in 22F had been trying so hard to minimise his symptoms. She resisted the urge to rush as she made her way to him.

He had a kind of lived-in face: ruffled hair over a high forehead. His blue eyes crinkled as she arrived beside him, though he looked as if he hadn't managed to sleep at all. "Sorry to trouble you again." His accent was Australian, she thought, though not overwhelmingly so. If anything, he sounded even more hoarse than he had before. He glanced over at the Angry Bird beside him as if concerned she might object. Fortunately, she seemed to be sleeping, though somehow, she was still radiating disapproval, even from behind her black airline-issue eye mask.

"It's really not a problem." Angelina found it easy to smile. She didn't know exactly how she could tell, but she had the feeling he was fighting another sneeze. Something about the way he blinked his eyes: just slightly more prolonged than it should have been, though she was sure anyone who did not share her predilections would not have noticed. She felt the urge again to stroke his head: run her fingers down the rough stubble on his jaw.  "What would you like this time? More tea? Or something stronger?"

He blinked again, pressing his eyelids closed for a long second. When he opened them, he glanced up at her with what looked like guilt. Lifting his left hand, he pressed the knuckle of his index finger against the side of his nose and gave a tiny shake of his head as if trying to ward off the inevitable, but it was overwhelming him just the same. When he closed his eyes a final time, he screwed them shut and his body jerked forwards with a tight, painful movement. Almost no sound escaped. 

"Ugh," His groan reeked of exhaustion. "Please excuse..." he began, but he stopped mid-apology, his face twisting into agonised desperation. "HnngTSHhhh!" The sibilant explosion burst forth. Mrs Condemnation sat up straight, whipping her face mask upwards as if she was about to castigate him. Seeing Angelina hovering nearby, she bit her tongue. Restricting herself to a disapproving glare, she pulled her mask back down, turning her body as far away from 22F as she could. Angelina wanted to laugh. She wanted to ask him if he'd just like her to stay there to protect him from his unfriendly neighbour, but she could hardly make such a joke within the woman's hearing. However much of a bitch the lady was, she was still a paying customer.

"Sorry." This time his apology was not interrupted.

"Feeling rough?" The answer was obvious, but she couldn't resist pressing him. She wanted him to voice his weakness. She had the feeling that usually, he would deny everything, but the current situation would make such a denial almost impossible. 

His tired blue eyes fixed on hers. Despite the fact he was obviously feeling awful, he managed a rueful grin. "I never catch cold," he said. There it was, the denial portion. She hadn't expected him to voice it here, but he had slipped it in anyway, "but this one is killing me." Angelina felt as if she was melting. How congested he sounded. Never, One, Killing. Each n sounded clipped.

She sent him a sympathetic look. "What's your name?" she asked him softly. It wasn't usual for her to feel any personal interest in the customers, but there was something in his expression that made her want to know him better.

"Why?" His answer winged back and for a moment, she felt as if he had slapped her, but his face retained its quiet humour as he looked up at her.

For a moment, she floundered, but why not give him the absolute truth? "You sound so sexy when you sneeze," she said. 

Instead of looking at her as if she was mad, he chuckled. "Thanks for that," he said, rolling his eyes. "If I had the least choice, I wouldn't be here, inflicting this on everyone. And it's Richard, by the way. I'd offer to shake hands, but I'm sure you'd rather not catch this."

How wrong he was, she reflected. And she would happily do way more than shake hands, but it wasn't the time or place to mention it. 

"What's your name?" he asked.

She usually gave out a false name if anyone tried to chat her up mid-flight. This time, she didn't even consider it. "Angelina," she told him. 

Those blue eyes were smiling again. "How apt for a ministering angel." 

"Speaking of which," despite her desire to keep the conversation going, she found herself reverting to the professional, "what did you want me to get you? I can get more tea, juice, hot toddy?" The last suggestion slipped out almost as a joke.

"A toddy would be lovely." He was looking up at her as if she had suggested something wonderful. "Could you really do that?"

It wasn't normal of course, but she had the wherewithal for making one. At least she thought she did. "Of course I could."

His gaze was grateful. So much so, it was almost pitiful again and her hand itched yet again to reach out. She wanted to caress him so badly it was ridiculous. Stopping the movement before it had begun, she turned on her heel and began to make her way back to the galley. What was even in a hot toddy? She hadn't ever made one before. Whisky and hot water, that much she knew. Honey? It would have to be sugar. Was there lemon in it? Tara was sleeping. She could hardly wake her to ask. Pulling out a glass, she poured in a measure of whisky and set the kettle on to boil. She was just going to have to guess. Flicking in a slice of lemon, she stirred in a dash of hot water, then added a teaspoon of sugar. Dipping in the teaspoon, she scooped up a tiny amount and tasted it. It seemed okay. 

Wrapping a napkin around the glass, she made her way back between the slumbering customers. He was smiling when she arrived.

"I really do appreciate this," he murmured as she held out the drink. His fingers brushed hers as he took the glass and she felt a delicious shiver run down her spine. She waited a moment as he lowered his tray table, took a sip of the drink then set it down. "Just wonderful," he told her. 

She would come back to collect his glass in a little while, she thought. In the meantime, she would have to go and get started with the pre-breakfast preparations. She could still feel the warmth in her fingers where his had brushed against them. She raised them to her face, resting them against her cheek. Richard, she thought. It suited him. She ran her knuckle under her nose. What harm could it do? It was eight hours since the flight had boarded. Within twenty minutes, she had been sneezed on. Another two or three hours until she might begin to get an inkling whether the redhead's viruses had been taken up. Maybe even now, they were multiplying deep inside her nose. Who knew? Perhaps Richard would be the one who would get more than he had bargained for.

Turning the switch on the oven, she slid the breakfasts inside and refilled the kettle. Only time would tell. She was just going to have to be patient.



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I love your attention to detail, in both the cold descriptions and the flight - you're really drawing me in and I want to be a passenger!! I'm so thankful you've updated! ?❤??

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm in possibly as much anticipation as Angelina as to if she's going to catch cold ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just replying to bump in case you have the inspiration to continue again; this is still one of my favorite fics on the forum ❤️❤️❤️

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