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Why is lesbianism considered attractive?


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I don't think there's anything wrong with that, as long as you recognise it as a fantasy, and remember that other sexualities weren't created for your personal pleasure!

^VERY well said! :yes:

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I don't think there's anything wrong with that, as long as you recognise it as a fantasy, and remember that other sexualities weren't created for your personal pleasure!

^VERY well said! :yes:

YES!! I agree.

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I don't think there's anything wrong with that, as long as you recognise it as a fantasy, and remember that other sexualities weren't created for your personal pleasure!

^VERY well said! :yes:

YES!! I agree.

Ditto. :yes:

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I don't think there's anything wrong with that, as long as you recognise it as a fantasy, and remember that other sexualities weren't created for your personal pleasure!

^VERY well said! yes.gif

YES!! I agree.

Ditto. yes.gif

Massive round of applause for Heathcliff.

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I don't think there's anything wrong with that, as long as you recognise it as a fantasy, and remember that other sexualities weren't created for your personal pleasure!

^VERY well said! yes.gif

YES!! I agree.

Ditto. yes.gif

Massive round of applause for Heathcliff.

Quote Pyramid!

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Are we reading the same forum? Has no one noticed the endless pages of m/m stories dominating the place; the patriarchy doesn't seem to have much success in changing them to lesbian tales.

I guess on this site it has simply to do with the fetish. As most men here prefer female sneezes, a f/f-fic would mean a lot of female sneezing with the contagion. And same rule the other way round: Most girls/women here prefer male sneezes, so they like m/m pairings in the stories. As far as I am concerned - I wouldn't mind a bit of f/m - just for the variety. ;)

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I don't have much to add to the responses which have already been made- but as someone said, men usually get off on the fetishised idea of lesbians rather than real life lesbians.

Interesting point. Makes me think of the immensely popular slash fiction, in which it's part of the deal that the men in the m/m story are not really gay.

Though I don't know about, for example, the stories on this forum, how many of the m/m stories deal with gay guys and how many just with straight guys who happen to suddenly be in a state of acute gayness.

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Makes me think of the immensely popular slash fiction, in which it's part of the deal that the men in the m/m story are not really gay.

I think there is a very interesting research paper in here somewhere (and I'm not joking).

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Makes me think of the immensely popular slash fiction, in which it's part of the deal that the men in the m/m story are not really gay.

I think there is a very interesting research paper in here somewhere (and I'm not joking).

I would be more surprised if there wasn't!

I do remember reading some sort of rather polemical or even angry piece stating that this m/m fiction is homophobic by definition.

I don't think it is, BTW. I just think slash fiction is a hetero(or bi)sexual mode of fantasizing for women, that in a rather ingenious way shakes off all the baggage that comes with imagining a heterosexual encounter. The stereotypes, the historical/social baggage with all it's inbalances of power, etc. It just wipes all that out and frees space for more interesting and attractive dynamics between the characters, yet still leaves a door ajar for the "perhaps I would do too, because he's not really gay" afterthought. Quite fascinating, and I hope this phenomenom will eventually change the way heterosexual romance/erotica is written, too.

Another thing I'll have to add - does anyone know if there's a subculture of writing fic about (openly) gay people/characters being suddenly straight? Somehow I would find that really unlikely. :lol:

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Heterosexual men generally like tits. Two women together = two pairs of tits. It's basic math, really.

LOL! I guess that's why straight women like slash - double the dicks? I know that's why I like it, but I like anything if it has to do with sex, haha.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Seeing two women kiss is like going to a Chinese buffet and having them put the egg rolls and cashew chicken in the same pan, and then being told you can't eat either of them...

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People find lesbians attractive because they objectify women. If one of this is hot, then two of this is DOUBLE hot.

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Seeing two women kiss is like going to a Chinese buffet and having them put the egg rolls and cashew chicken in the same pan, and then being told you can't eat either of them...

Eww. Thanks for that slice of delicious objectification and entitlement. (Also, some of this discussion is really cool and interesting)

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Seeing two women kiss is like going to a Chinese buffet and having them put the egg rolls and cashew chicken in the same pan, and then being told you can't eat either of them...

Eww. Thanks for that slice of delicious objectification and entitlement. (Also, some of this discussion is really cool and interesting)

Dude, i think youre looking to far into it

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Seeing two women kiss is like going to a Chinese buffet and having them put the egg rolls and cashew chicken in the same pan, and then being told you can't eat either of them...

Eww. Thanks for that slice of delicious objectification and entitlement. (Also, some of this discussion is really cool and interesting)

Skiffy...I apologize, I think my statement might have come across the wrong way. My intent was not to objectify at all, simply make a humorous comparison. I think sometimes, things written online lose a shade or two of humor, unintentionally. Again, apologies.

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Seeing two women kiss is like going to a Chinese buffet and having them put the egg rolls and cashew chicken in the same pan, and then being told you can't eat either of them...

Eww. Thanks for that slice of delicious objectification and entitlement. (Also, some of this discussion is really cool and interesting)

Dude, i think youre looking to far into it

I totally understand what Skiffy meant here. First off, the post uses food as a metaphor for a human. Even without drawing the parallel of seeing someone as "just a piece of meat", to take an entire person and boil them down to "something i want to consume" is not only objectifying -taking away someone's agency as an individual and status as human- but it is also degrading. Secondly, the implication of the statement is that since women are things to be consumed, denying a man that consumption is unfair. This is the epitome of entitlement.

Also, to Kramos in regards to using humor as a save-face for offensive remarks:

okay the reason why saying “it’s just a joke” is not a good explanation or excuse for saying offensive things

is because jokes reinforce prejudices just as much if not more than just flat-out saying offensive things

people tend not to think critically about jokes so stuff can slip past your bullshit filter a lot more easily

and more importantly, laughing at something is literally the single best way to minimize its importance

(seriously if you were bullied as a kid, which was worse: someone saying something rude about you, or someone laughing at you)

so don’t give me that bullshit about “just making jokes” because jokes are very real indicators of current beliefs and help determine people’s attitudes towards issues


*credit to my friend, M, on tumblr, who explains things better than I can at times.

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I don't think there's anything wrong with that, as long as you recognise it as a fantasy, and remember that other sexualities weren't created for your personal pleasure!

^VERY well said! yes.gif

YES!! I agree.

Ditto. yes.gif

Massive round of applause for Heathcliff.

Quote Pyramid!

Four four you heathcoco, you go heathcoco
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Indeed since it was not my intent to come across that way, I have apologized. If there's more that I can do to remedy the situation, I'll respectfully request you let me know.

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Yes, I saw the apology, and I appreciated the effort. I also appreciate that you are willing to listen in regards to how to improve this sort of thing. I think the thing to do would be to think about your privilege as a male, and agree to not ever say something that compares a person to a food, or which implies your right to them, in the future. Thank you for being so open minded.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The main reason this forum contains mostly m/m material is because - guess what - the people PRODUCING it want to read m/m material. If the folks who write the stories and fanfics wanted lesbian action, they'd write it. It's got nothing to do with patriarchy or anything else other than the fact that the vast majority of the fiction on this site is written by girls and women between the ages of 13 and 25, and THEY seem to like m/m action ;)

Personally, I'm all for m/m, f/f, m/f or anything else y'all care to write. I'm just happy someone's writing it!

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I don't have the remotest idea why l've always liked lesbians,but l always have.Love making,touching etc. between two women is intensely heartfelt and beautiful somehow as though all the energy in the universe is focused at that one point.While it's not really an arousal thing for me,philosophically it is tender,sweet,lovely and sincere.I've never counted breasts and buttocks,nor likely ever will,that just for the record.I've believed,too, for a very long time that women are,by far, the better half of the human species and l find it horrifying beyond any measuring that the oppression of women has gone on for virtually the whole length and breadth of history.The brilliant,shining thoughts,the accomplishments,,the paintings,the books,the contributions in the arts and sciences that never were,must make God weep inconsolably for the inanity of humankind.

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Seeing two women kiss is like going to a Chinese buffet and having them put the egg rolls and cashew chicken in the same pan, and then being told you can't eat either of them...

Eww. Thanks for that slice of delicious objectification and entitlement. (Also, some of this discussion is really cool and interesting)

Dude, i think youre looking to far into it

I totally understand what Skiffy meant here. First off, the post uses food as a metaphor for a human. Even without drawing the parallel of seeing someone as "just a piece of meat", to take an entire person and boil them down to "something i want to consume" is not only objectifying -taking away someone's agency as an individual and status as human- but it is also degrading. Secondly, the implication of the statement is that since women are things to be consumed, denying a man that consumption is unfair. This is the epitome of entitlement.

Also, to Kramos in regards to using humor as a save-face for offensive remarks:

okay the reason why saying “it’s just a joke” is not a good explanation or excuse for saying offensive things

is because jokes reinforce prejudices just as much if not more than just flat-out saying offensive things

people tend not to think critically about jokes so stuff can slip past your bullshit filter a lot more easily

and more importantly, laughing at something is literally the single best way to minimize its importance

(seriously if you were bullied as a kid, which was worse: someone saying something rude about you, or someone laughing at you)

so don’t give me that bullshit about “just making jokes” because jokes are very real indicators of current beliefs and help determine people’s attitudes towards issues


*credit to my friend, M, on tumblr, who explains things better than I can at times.

Hard to improve on that--beautifully thought out and articulated.I bow to your art.
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