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#I Can't


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Do you have just some random things that will automatically tick you off?

It could be words, little things people do, wear, or just little things that disgust you. Basically little pet peeves, only not so extreme to an extent meaning it's not acceptable in my world.

These are just little things that drive you crazy.

For example, my I-can'ts are:

1. high waisted shorts or pants--I can't

2. these three words: Ratchet, Queer, Retard--I can't

3. leggings as pants, especially when the shirts doesn't cover the rump--I can't

What are some of your I can'ts?

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1. SUVs

2. People who are snarky in a mean way

3. People driving while texting

3. People driving and sitting *right* on my tail- to where I can't even see their front plate

4. People who will go onto side of road, and/or drive when they *know* lane is ending and basically *force* their way in front of other people in the queue because evidently they are very important.

:lol: Do you see a theme. :whistle: I'm generally pretty :bounce: - I'd say most of my biggest pet peeves are on the road. :bag:

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2. these three words: Ratchet, Queer, Retard

I'm curious about two of these. 1. Does ratchet have some slang meaning that my clearly already old fogy brain is out of touch with? Because a ratchet to me is a "mechanical device that allows continuous linear or rotary motion in only one direction while preventing motion in the opposite direction." (as wikipedia puts it), and a very handy tool in the form of a socket wrench/spanner...

And 2. What's your objection to the word "queer"? Is it used primarily as an insult where you live? Because where I am it's primarily a self identified term or used as a catch-all for the otherwise tedious and inevitably exclusionary "LGBTQQIA-ect".

3. People driving and sitting *right* on my tail- to where I can't even see their front plate.

This has always annoyed me, especially if they also have their high beams on, but it's become infinitely more irritating to me now that I drive stick. Pulling up to an intersection at the top a steep incline and having the next person pull up right on my bumper makes me want to get out of the car and tell them to back the F off if they don't want me to crush their front bumper when the light changes. <_<

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2. these three words: Ratchet, Queer, Retard

I'm curious about two of these. 1. Does ratchet have some slang meaning that my clearly already old fogy brain is out of touch with? Because a ratchet to me is a "mechanical device that allows continuous linear or rotary motion in only one direction while preventing motion in the opposite direction." (as wikipedia puts it), and a very handy tool in the form of a socket wrench/spanner...

And 2. What's your objection to the word "queer"? Is it used primarily as an insult where you live? Because where I am it's primarily a self identified term or used as a catch-all for the otherwise tedious and inevitably exclusionary "LGBTQQIA-ect".

Ratchet is definitely slang now... I don't know what it means, exactly, but I also just don't like the way it sounds. People use it when they talk about girls... who maybe have been drinking, or dressed in a provocative way.... I really don't know, but that's the kind of context I hear the word used..

And Queer--I've always thought of it as derogatory.... even though depending on where you like it could be a way to identify yourself. Where I live, well I live on a college campus where I am a part of LGBTQ--ABCDEF... community and I don't say it because of the way it's been ingrained in my head as a bad word.. also again, the way it rolls off the tongue--don't like it.

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Ugh like the millionth time I try posting something that makes sense ! Yah

Things that rankle me

-When I have to post something numerous times & it won`t work.

- When my socks are not two different colors or patterns. They have to be

-When girls wear the tiniest pieces for shorts & Shirts. Respect yourselves mate.

-When not all of the doors in my room are closed. They have to be closed or else i`ll loose it.

- If i`m straightening a book row on a shelf then I have to straighten the others. (tad of ocd)

-When people pick on my mates. I hate it

Yeh thats all I can think of .

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I don't know what it means, exactly

Definition from Urban Dictionary: 'A diva, mostly from urban cities and ghettos, that has reason to believe she is every mans eye candy. Unfortunately, she's wrong.'

I must admit I'm rather guilty in using it...

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I have a LOT but I'm going to put only a couple down: When people are in the school hallway and they stop walking right in front of me. When the teacher is erasing the board and leaves a mark. When people talk when I'm watching TV. When people touch my stuff without putting it back. Oh, I can go on and on but I don't want to bore you.

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I have a LOT but I'm going to put only a couple down: When people are in the school hallway and they stop walking right in front of me. When the teacher is erasing the board and leaves a mark.


The first one, LIKE--can you not!!! I mean come on!!!!

and the second one!! YES! a little OCD me hates when they leave a mark!!!

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Queer--I've always thought of it as derogatory.... even though depending on where you like it could be a way to identify yourself. Where I live, well I live on a college campus where I am a part of LGBTQ--ABCDEF... community and I don't say it because of the way it's been ingrained in my head as a bad word.. also again, the way it rolls off the tongue--don't like it.

I'll stop thread jacking after this, I swear :lol:

So, for a while, prior to the 80's or 90's queer definitely was used by straight people as a derogatory term for sexual minorities, due to it's meaning of strange, or weird. But in the past probably 20 years or so it's been slowly, but surely rebranded and adopted by particularly the butch community at first and now, at least in a lot of the world, to a catch all term for sexual minorities. I personally like it. It's easier to say than trying to list out the whole lgbt-alphabet soup, it's more inclusive as the aforementioned soup almost always leaves someone feeling left out, and as a more individual identity it's vague and flexible, unlike most sexuality labels in that basically it just denotes "not straight" without boxing a person into a rigid set of definitions they may not fit or feel comfortable with. And for someone like me it's a lot easier to just say I'm queer than to list off a bunch of complicated descriptors that won't mean much to most people anyway.

But back on topic:


People who get into passionate arguments about things they haven't done their research on.

People misusing technical terms.

The "word" irregardless. What even is that???

People who think welfare recipients are lazy.

High beams.

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Oh the many things I really just can't... Let's see if we can condense it!

1. People blasting their car stereos obnoxiously loud, to the point that my teeth are chattering from the vibrations. Okay, I get it, you've got a good sound system. But I really don't want to go deaf while waiting for the light to turn green. -.-

2. Jeggings. I just... Why? Just choose leggings or jeans, jeggings feel so weird on my thighs.

3. iCarly, Victorious, any new shows on Disney Channel.

4. Kids 5 and under playing/knowing how to work an iphone. Unless it's something educational I guess.

5. Last but certainly not least, people who are just generally negative. I mean the people who actually seem to put effort into seeing the worst in every situation. I happen to live with someone like this, and it can be more than a little trying.

Guess that's it!

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- When people fold the corners of book pages to keep their place... I know that's really snobbish but it's so irritating!!

- When a teacher's forgotten that they set a class homework and then someone reminds them

- People assuming that because I'm left-handed I'm stupid - THE MOST ANNOYING THING EVER

And I can't really think of anything else... :P

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- When people fold the corners of book pages to keep their place... I know that's really snobbish but it's so irritating!!

You should definitely not come over and look at my books of poetry. Ever. Corners turned down to mark my favourite poems all over the place!

Also your teacher one reminded me:

Professors who don't bother to find out how expensive the textbook they choose to assign is. And are then shocked when a student informs them it costs $2803492498274832740923.837403479324702

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Queer--I've always thought of it as derogatory.... even though depending on where you like it could be a way to identify yourself. Where I live, well I live on a college campus where I am a part of LGBTQ--ABCDEF... community and I don't say it because of the way it's been ingrained in my head as a bad word.. also again, the way it rolls off the tongue--don't like it.

I'll stop thread jacking after this, I swear heh.gif

So, for a while, prior to the 80's or 90's queer definitely was used by straight people as a derogatory term for sexual minorities, due to it's meaning of strange, or weird. But in the past probably 20 years or so it's been slowly, but surely rebranded and adopted by particularly the butch community at first and now, at least in a lot of the world, to a catch all term for sexual minorities. I personally like it. It's easier to say than trying to list out the whole lgbt-alphabet soup, it's more inclusive as the aforementioned soup almost always leaves someone feeling left out, and as a more individual identity it's vague and flexible, unlike most sexuality labels in that basically it just denotes "not straight" without boxing a person into a rigid set of definitions they may not fit or feel comfortable with. And for someone like me it's a lot easier to just say I'm queer than to list off a bunch of complicated descriptors that won't mean much to most people anyway.

But back on topic:


People who get into passionate arguments about things they haven't done their research on.

People misusing technical terms.

The "word" irregardless. What even is that???

People who think welfare recipients are lazy.

High beams.

how you do hate fandoms?

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fandom people can get pretty crazy and annoying- I will admit that. (even though I'm part of one :whistle: - I *try* not to be *too* obnoxious in my SQUEEEEing ;) )

Folding pages down- I'm ok with but if you fold a book to where the spine breaks- I HATE that. Especially folding the poor book in *half* .... why... what did the poor book do to you to deserve that? :cry: Ok... I know that it is irrational, but still.... :P

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fandom people can get pretty crazy and annoying- I will admit that. (even though I'm part of one whistling.gif - I *try* not to be *too* obnoxious in my SQUEEEEing wink.png )

Folding pages down- I'm ok with but if you fold a book to where the spine breaks- I HATE that. Especially folding the poor book in *half* .... why... what did the poor book do to you to deserve that? cry.gif Ok... I know that it is irrational, but still.... tonguesmiley.gif

so are you saying you don't like people who are obsessed with something or people who write fanfics or both?

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Oh... *I* don't have fandoms as a pet peeve :) - I was just saying that I can understand where it could get annoying- like when *everywhere* you look there are 9287492749024 fanfics with something or if people are sort of "over the top" fangirling about things. I'm a self-confessed "Cumber-bunny" but I know that he is EVERYWHERE and that can be totally annoying to people- because they get tired of it. I just don't act like *everyone* should :wub: him or like he is *the* most incredible actor EVER in the history of the universe. Which- I would imagine that when people do those things it would be annoying.

Not sure if that made sense. :)

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I'll start off by saying, Grey On A Sunday, you would hate me, as I do often wear jeggings and have my car stereo on very loudly bag.gif

Back on topic...


~People driving dead slow in the fast lane.

~People pronouncing the word "nougat" like noo-gar.

~People who talk "through" their pets - for example, me and my partner are sat in the room, I say to my cat "Alejandro doesn't like doing the washing up, does he Poofy Woofy? No he doesn't!"

~People who call a child a "sprog".

~Tracksuit bottoms tucked into socks.

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Oh... *I* don't have fandoms as a pet peeve smile.png - I was just saying that I can understand where it could get annoying- like when *everywhere* you look there are 9287492749024 fanfics with something or if people are sort of "over the top" fangirling about things. I'm a self-confessed "Cumber-bunny" but I know that he is EVERYWHERE and that can be totally annoying to people- because they get tired of it. I just don't act like *everyone* should wub.png him or like he is *the* most incredible actor EVER in the history of the universe. Which- I would imagine that when people do those things it would be annoying.

Not sure if that made sense. smile.png

I feel it's something you can't avoid. Everyone fandoms over someting--actors, singers, athletes. I for one, fandom over Green Day. But I don't annoy people with it. I hardly ever talk about it, simply because no one else I know likes Green Day. So saying you hate fandoms, is like saying you hate air... I'm sure you fandom over something--there has to be something... this isn't directed at you, it's for the person who made the first comment.

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When people are in the school hallway and they stop walking right in front of me. When the teacher is erasing the board and leaves a mark.

These two for sure! When there's that little mark left on the board, I just want to run up and smudge it away with my finger! Ack!

-when people mistake monkeys and apes - monkeys have tails, apes don't! (this one is really silly, I know)

-when someone yells at a waiter/secretary/person whose fault it probably isn't, or gets in their way

-when you study really hard and you don't get the A

and lastly another nitpick, but one I've certainly had my whole life:

-when you're so hungry for dinner and then it ends up being something you hate!

At least in the dining hall there's a large selection, but when nothing looks appealing, you're really out of luck.

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Oh... *I* don't have fandoms as a pet peeve smile.png - I was just saying that I can understand where it could get annoying- like when *everywhere* you look there are 9287492749024 fanfics with something or if people are sort of "over the top" fangirling about things. I'm a self-confessed "Cumber-bunny" but I know that he is EVERYWHERE and that can be totally annoying to people- because they get tired of it. I just don't act like *everyone* should wub.png him or like he is *the* most incredible actor EVER in the history of the universe. Which- I would imagine that when people do those things it would be annoying.

Not sure if that made sense. smile.png

I feel it's something you can't avoid. Everyone fandoms over someting--actors, singers, athletes. I for one, fandom over Green Day. But I don't annoy people with it. I hardly ever talk about it, simply because no one else I know likes Green Day. So saying you hate fandoms, is like saying you hate air... I'm sure you fandom over something--there has to be something... this isn't directed at you, it's for the person who made the first comment.

Fandom isn't a verb, though, it's a noun. And fandoms are, generally speaking, extremely annoying to me without exception. Nobody dislikes people who are a fan of certain things, because that would be crazy, but giant groups of people who all foam at the mouths over the same thing? ...iCan't.

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Add me to the list of people who aren't so hot on fandoms either. Honestly, the fact that they're everywhere and can't be avoided is part of what makes them so annoying to me. That said, I do try to just let people do their thing. The fact that a lot of people belong to insane fandoms doesn't really bother me within and of itself, but finding myself surrounded by them is likely to evoke the following reaction:


Anyway, for my proper list:

- When waiters ask me if I'm "sure" when I order a sandwich with just meat, a burger with no onions and tomato, etc. If I went out of my way to tell you that, then yes, I'm sure.

- Continuing the common theme of driving, when people accelerate when you casually try to pass them, as if they suddenly see you as some threat to their manhood.

- People who wear their pants under their asses. For whatever reason I thought this trend was going to be a flash in the pan. Never have I been so wrong.

- Perhaps the biggest one for me: when a movie or game I'm really looking forward to turns out to be crap.

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I'll start off by saying, Grey On A Sunday, you would hate me, as I do often wear jeggings and have my car stereo on very loudly

Oh my dear, I could never hate you! :hug: Those are just things that really don't appeal to me, but I could never hate someone because of their personal preference! :laugh:

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I should clarify. It's not people being fans of whatever that bothers me, it's not necessarily the irrational obsession, believe me, I can fanboy with the best of them. What I don't like is the idiotic drama that always seems to pervade fandom communities. People who genuinely get angry at each other over differing OTPs, or at the creators of a fandom for moving a character in a direction they don't like or an celebrity starts dating someone/gets a haircut/makes a new career decision. And I don't mean being annoyed at a character development, or new relationship, or whatever that you don't like, I mean frothing at the mouth, swearing, and abusing the writer and having a genuine emotional break down of some sort over it. It's how seriously so many people in fandom communities take their fandom. Fandom to me should be about fun. It should be about getting all dorky over a shared interest.

In the words of MST3K: Repeat to yourself, it's just a show, and you should really just relax.

In other words, in even the medium scheme of things, it really doesn't matter what happens on your favourite tv show, or who your favourite actor dates. In the former case, it's fiction for christ's sake, it's not even real, and in the latter case, it's none of our business what celebrities get up to in their spare time. Nothing wrong with say, being sad for a celebrity whose just had a messy break up or whatever, but getting all enraged and spouting off abuse at the former partner is... well.... Icant.

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idiotic drama that always seems to pervade fandom communities. People who genuinely get angry at each other over differing OTPs, or at the creators of a fandom for moving a character in a direction they don't like or an celebrity starts dating someone/gets a haircut/makes a new career decision. And I don't mean being annoyed at a character development, or new relationship, or whatever that you don't like, I mean frothing at the mouth, swearing, and abusing the writer and having a genuine emotional break down of some sort over it. It's how seriously so many people in fandom communities take their fandom. Fandom to me should be about fun. It should be about getting all dorky over a shared interest.

Yes!! Why have the llama drama and the nastiness. Let's all SQUEEEEE!! about what ever paring that you like. :)

Yay for the good parts of fanning about stuff :wub:

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