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HoneyBunny's Drabble Thread (BBC Sherlock for now)


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Okay. Whew. upset.gif This is my first drabble thread, and I'm super nervous about posting this... but lately there hasn't been enough Sherlock on the boards and I needed to fix my cravings, so here I am biggrin.png

Disclaimer: actually I don't need one, because it's painfully obvious that I don't own Sherlock Holmes.

The prompts are taken from the wonderful Natto and Dove's list, but I probably won't do them in order. I'll try to keep them down to 100 words though, and, given that I have enough time and inspiration (and you are not completely annoyed by my feeble attempts at writing), updates are going to come every couple of days.

One more warning though: As you may know, I'm not a native speaker, so I'm really really sorry for butchering the English language. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated! :)


#1: Kink

“HppCHissh! A violent sneeze escapes, bouncing off the walls of the quiet room. A girl turns around, looks at him, bites her lip. Naturally he notices, and catches her squirming in her seat when he sniffles noisily. Interesting, he thinks - the psychology of sexual attraction has always been a special (if obscure) interest of his and he knows the signs of unwanted arousal. Trying to prove his thesis, he wills himself to sneeze once more; and sure enough the girl blushes and glances at him. Yet another one to add to the growing list of kinks he’s been keeping.


#3: Frightened

The building’s empty – at least it should be, but the footsteps down the hallway cue John to grab Sherlock’s coat collar and quickly drag him into a walk-in cupboard. They huddle in the back of the closet – the extremely dusty closet, as John notices. After a few careful breaths he can already feel his sinuses tingling, desperate to expel the irritant, but John pinches his nose shut and listens carefully. The person approaches frighteningly fast – thump, thump, coming closer – sniffle, hitched breath – thump, thump, retreating. When it’s finally quiet again, John lets out a relieved breath and sneezes three times.


#10: Cough

“I’m fine.”

“No you’re not, Sherlock. You’re ill and we need to go home right now to get you some rest.”

“I’m not ill. Just the sniffles,” Sherlock rasped before launching into a body-wracking coughing fit. John patted him on the back, and finally the coughs subsided, leaving Sherlock gasping for air. Just as he regained his breath, his eyes narrowed to slits and he forcefully sneezed into his hands.

Heh’RRISCHOO! Hh’ashhew! Heh-hGTSCHiew!”

“Bless. Now let’s get you to bed before that bronchitis turns into pneumonia.”

Sherlock sniffed disdainfully. “What would you know about pneumonia?”

“I’m a doctor, Sherlock!”



*hides in a corner*

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*small squeal of delight*

These are lovely, HoneyBunny. I love the thought of Sherlock deducing and keeping a list of people's kinks. :laugh:

More? :wub:

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Everything VoOs said...and, also, I loved the last one, too: of course Sherlock would be too busy trying to make his point to remember that John is a doctor! :wub:

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*muffled screaming in the distance* Oh Em Gee, thank you all so much for your comments!!! I honestly didn't think many people would like my stuff, and when I saw all your lovely replies I teared up a little heart.gif

Here, have some more!


#101: Airplane

Sherlock looked at his watch. Two and a half hours until landing. The seat was too small for his long limbs, and John’s head felt heavy on Sherlock’s shoulder. The dry cabin air worsened the symptoms of the cold he’d caught: every few minutes a sneeze would build and he would try to unobtrusively stifle it in his wrist so as not to wake John.

’Nktchshoo!” This time a sneeze escaped and Sherlock sheepishly glanced at John, who mumbled “Gesundheit”, passed over a napkin and then went back to sleep.

Sherlock looked at his watch. Two hours and twenty minutes.


#43: Contagion

John found Sherlock in the living-room, a balled-up tissue pressed to his nose.

“Are you ill?”

Sherlock shook his head. Then John noticed that Sherlock wasn’t blowing his nose so much as rubbing it with the tissue and inhaling deeply. He didn’t question further, because Sherlock had done far stranger things.

Only when Sherlock started producing more used tissues from a plastic bag and rubbing his eyes with them, John finally asked.

“Contagion, John. I’m observing how fast rhinoviruses spread.”

John merely sighed and put a tissue box on the table. It took three days for Sherlock to use them.

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Aww!!! Poor Sherlock, all full of cold-tickles but still trying to be kind to John. And him giving himself a cold! I hope he knows how lucky he is: I'm sure John cared for him just the same as he would have it it hadn't been Sherlock's fault. I really hope you write more of these soon, because they're awesome and I'm really enjoying them! :)

Edited by myownprivatesfc
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Aww, thank you so much!! Your comments really mean a lot to me. Knowing that somebody enjoys my writing makes me so unbelievably happy... and if you've got any suggestions, requests or prompts I'll be happy to take them! smile.png

And because it's Monday today, I wrote another another one to cheer me up!^^ In my mind this is a sequel to "Contagion", in which Sherlock performs some experiments about the common cold.


#19: Promise

“’Gsch’uh! HYISHoo! Hh-h’TTSSSCHew!!”

John watched as Sherlock sneezed repeatedly, sniffled, wrote something down and then immediately pitched forward into his cupped hands again.

Heh-rrishuh- itschiew! hah’hh’aktshew!

“Bless you. Here, blow your nose, it’ll help.” John offered him a box of tissues which Sherlock rejected gruffly.


“Why not? It’ll help!”

“D’no, I meadt I don’t want to stop sneezigg.” When John just raised an eyebrow quizzically, Sherlock continued. “I’m testigg how many times id a row I can sneeze. For science.”

“Ugh, alright. Just promise me you’ll get some proper rest after your experiment.”

Sherlock just sneezed wetly in response.

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Aw! I love this one, too! John being all patient and accepting of Sherlock's experimenting, while Sherlock's all "FOR SCIENCE, JAWN!" :D

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Gah, these are absolutely amazing. Sherlock :heart: (I especially love the ones where he's conducting sneezy experiments on himself...hurr...)

You have this neat ability of conveying a complete idea in a couple lines of text. I'm jealous :bleh: No, seriously, these are short but each on of them tells its own story and does it well. It's pretty impressive.

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Aww, thank you so so so much guys!!! Your comments really mean a lot to me... When I saw them for the first time I literally danced around my room, and later I had to re-read them to make sure I wasn't just dreaming. I really couldn't do this without your support! :heart:

(Another thing: I kinda feel like I'm spamming the forum if I post the drabbles individually. Should I wait until I have, say, three or four written and post them all at once?)

#24: Mask

A pair of rubber gloves was handed to a surprised-looking Sherlock.

“So you won’t get your own DNA on the sample and mess up the results,” Molly offered kindly. Sherlock thanked her and turned back to the microscope, focusing on his project, only sniffling and coughing occasionally.

“This year’s cold season is awful, isn’t it?” Molly tried to make conversation, though without much reaction from Sherlock.

The silence was broken only when Sherlock’s breath started to hitch. “Heh-YISSHuhh!” Horrified, he noticed that he hadn’t managed to turn away from the sample on time.

“Do you want a face mask, too?”

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:lol: Poor Sherlock: you just know him screwing up the sample would frustrate him far more than any cold. Have to say, it kind of serves him right, though: for a scientist, he has awful anti-contamination practices!

And, I make no claims to speak for the Forum, but...as much as I love reading several shorts in a row, I'd be lying if I say I don't get giddy every time I see that you've updated. So I'm perfectly happy with the one or two st a time that you've been posting. (And also? I love that you asked this question, not because it shows politeness-even though it does--but because it implies that you expect to keep writing at least a bunch more of these! :D)

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Thank you for your comment, myownprivatesfc! Glad you like smile.png And yes, my goal is to get to 100 drabbles. (God knows I'm probably not going to make it until 100 but I'm sure I'll manage at least a dozen more.)


#21: Pollen

A crime scene: a darkened house, lit only by the early morning sun shining through the windows. Sherlock enters and inspects the body.

“Male in his twenties, obviously, recently divorced, competitive swimmer judging by his shoulder blades. Killed last night, then brought here by car.”

“Can you see where he was killed?” Lestrade asks sharply.

Sherlock notices the yellowish grains coating the body. He wipes a finger along the victim’s arm, brings it up to his nose and smells it. Instantly his nose crinkles. “HhTchh! Tshh! Hih’itshuh!!”

Sherlock straightens up with a sniffle. “Oak tree pollen, probably from Hampstead Heath.”


#42: Poison

The heap of blankets and tissues on the sofa moved.

“Sherlock? Are you okay?”

A pitiful cough came from under the blankets. “No! I’m dyyiiing,” Sherlock whined.

“It’s probably just a cold. Anyway, have you eaten anything?”

“No. And – heh-isshhu! ‘ptchuu! – I don’t need to.”

Nevertheless, John went into the kitchen and reappeared five minutes later with a bowl of hot soup.

“Is it poisoned?” Sherlock accepted the soup and raised it to his nose. After smelling it, he quickly set the bowl down before another sneezing fit hit him. “AHTSCHuh! HEH-gisshew! Hih-hh-hehgnkcht! Eshew!

John grinned smugly. “No. Just steamy.”


#53: Blanket

Instead of the chemical minefield John expected upon entering 221B, there were empty teacups all over the room, and balled-up tissues decorated every free surface. Apparently Sherlock had succumbed to the cold he had caught some days ago.

In the kitchen, John discovered Sherlock’s sleeping form hunched over the table. He was clutching a tissue, shivering faintly, lips parted slightly, his nose a delicate pink.

John gently covered him with a blanket. Sherlock stirred, but instead of waking he just sneezed softly in his sleep, snuffled and started snoring. John smiled to himself and took a picture on his mobile.

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Bahahahahaha! roll2.gif I loved that last one especially, with that super adorable image of Sherlock and then John just snapping a picture with his phone...lolz. clapping.gif

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All of these are awesome, but I have one thing in particular to say about Pollen:

He used his allergies and a deductive tool. He used his allergies as a deductive tool. He used his ALLERGIES as a DEDUCTIVE-- :boom:

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*comes back from the dead* Hello everyone, here I am again! Sorry I haven't updated earlier... I was kind of waiting for new drabbles to be published, before it occurred to me that this is my thread and consequently I have to write stuff for it. heh.gif Yes, I am that much of an idiot.

Thank you all so much for your comments! I really appreciate you taking the time to leave me a nice message. <3


#78: Shut up

ih’tssh’uh! ah’ngTSSH’hh!”

“Can you not sneeze into your hands and then touch everything?”

“John, as a doctor surely you’ll know that one is most contagious three days before showing symptoms. You’ve already been exposed,” Sherlock stated matter-of-factly.

“Still, it’s disgusting.”

“So?” Sherlock huffed stubbornly, then as if to make a point, sniffled wetly and wiped his nose on his wrist while John scowled at him.

A week later, John coughed on Sherlock’s violin purposefully. “What?! As a scientist surely you’ll know we’ve been exposed to the same virus strain to which you are therefore immune.”

“Oh do shut up, John.”


#57: Hospital

“Are you okay?” John asked concernedly.

“Yes, just peihh… peachy. Heh’rrushoo!”

“Really? Because if that rib’s cracked, you need to go to the hospital.”

“It’s just sore; that’s all.” Sherlock concentrated hard on suppressing a cough, but the pain pinching his features was unmistakable.

“Okay, I’m going to give you something for the pain and for your cold; but if you’re not better by tomorrow, we’re getting you x-rayed.”

“I’m fine,” Sherlock spat through clenched teeth, but immediately proved himself wrong by helplessly stifling another harsh sneeze and clutching his ribs afterwards.

“Alright, I admit it. It might be broken.”


#75: Heartless

Sherlock came in, coat dampened by the rain, sniffling and shivering violently.

“You’re soaking wet! Where the hell have you been?”

“Researching a case, which was your job!

MY JOB? I was at work, Sherlock, earning the money you spend on your bloody science equipment!”

Instead of retorting sarcastically, Sherlock succumbed to a volley of sneezes. “Hh’yissh’uh!-‘kssh!-ah’tshh!” When he looked up from his elbow, John was stomping towards the door.

Later, Sherlock found a box of tissues and a cup of tea in front of his door. Sherlock smiled – John could be many things, but heartless wasn’t one of them.


Hope you enjoy! smile.png And another reminder, I am more than happy to take requests, because at the moment my Muse has left me and I'm all out of ideas. So if you have any scenario in particular you would like to see, tell me and, given that I can somehow match it with a word from the prompt list, I shall make your wish come true wink.png

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*Squeals at the new drabbles!* yay.gif

They're so cute and perfect and beautifully in-character, and the scenarios are lovely as well. Also, THIS spelling?


I really, really like it for some reason. omg.gif It's brilliant! And yikes, sneezing with a potentially broken rib? Um, OW. That made my ribs hurt a bit. dead.gif As far as requests go, I'd love to request some more John drabbles. It doesn't matter if he's sick or suffering from an allergy; as long as his nose isn't happy, I'm happy. aaevil.gif

Anyway, fantastic update! clap.gif

Edited by Spoo
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Oh, these are lovely! As far as requests go, I love your little arc of Sherlock deliberately infecting himself. Any more along those lines would be great, or maybe deliberately infecting other people, to see how it spreads? I'm thinking Anderson... ;)

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