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Sneeze Fetish Forum

HoneyBunny's Drabble Thread (BBC Sherlock for now)


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Hello you lovely people! Thank you for your comments!! It really means the world to me :)

I'm back with a new drabble - this is just a very quick one to say Merry belated Christmas, Happy New Year and Happy Series 3. Sadly I haven't managed any of the requests yet, I actually had a few good ideas for them but being the klutz I am, I forgot to write them down. ohmy.png But rest assured, I shall definitely try my hand at them in the new year. And who knows, maybe the new episodes will bring us some cute little scenes to fuel my imagination... ;)

#7: Misplaced

Sherlock inhaled sharply and buried his reddened nose in his hands. “heh’xtch’uh! ahh…eh’ngTSHhh!” He sniffed furiously and exclaimed, “This is exhausting! Can’t you prescribe me something?”

“It’s just a cold, Sherlock. You’ll live.” John stood up, ignoring Sherlock’s icy glare.

Later, John looked through his medical bag and hesitated. “My prescription pad’s gone. Would you know anything about that?”

Sherlock cleared his throat and quickly ducked behind a newspaper. “No idea. Must have misplaced it.”

John chuckled, shaking his head. “You know that antibiotics won’t help with a cold, right?”

This marked the first time John had seen Sherlock blush.

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I love your work, and your spelling jesus girl <3 xx

Aww thanks! <3 The spellings are actually one of the things I'm most insecure about, so I'm glad someone's enjoying them!

#6: Squint

For the past fifteen minutes, Sherlock had been fighting one particularly nasty sneeze. Normally he never sneezed, and this made his cold so irritating. Every few seconds he would take another juddering gasp and furrow his brows together, lips parting slightly. But when his eyes fluttered shut, on the verge of sneezing, the tickle would simply vanish – lather, rinse, repeat.

Eventually John couldn’t watch it anymore and switched on the lamp on Sherlock’s desk. Sherlock squinted at the light confusedly before pitching forward into his hands.

“ah’ESHuhh! ITSCH’oo!” Afterwards he blinked up at John wonderingly.

“Photic sneeze reflex. You’re welcome.”

#16: Three

“Three, why always three?” Sherlock muttered, having been distracted by another one of John’s sneezes.

“Sorry?” John looked up from his tissue.

“You always sneeze in threes when you’re getting ill. But why?”

“Okay, first of all, I’m not getting ill, and secondly – why do you count my sneezes?

“Seventy-five percent of your sneezes are followed or caused by an upper respiratory infection. Hardly an unnoticeable pattern.”

John glared at Sherlock, trying to hide another hitched breath.

ha’eTSH’oo! Hih’ASH’oo!”

Sherlock raised an index finger as if to say, wait for it…!

“I do not sneeze in th-three-heh’INGSH’uh!”

“Case in point.”

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I loved the second one that is hilarious like


It reminds me of my girlfriend CX

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Wheee, thank you all so much! heart.gif Sorry I've been gone for such a long time. Long story short, we moved house and didn't have internet access for about two weeks. But on the upside, it gave me lots of time to write more drabbles! smile.png I've got about 15 written as of now (and planning to add more) and will be posting the first five today.

#37: Chocolate (sorry about the formatting, couldn't work out how to fix it)

There was a box of chocolates sitting in front of John’s door, a note attached to it: Sorry I got you sick. –S.

Stepping into the living room, John questioned Sherlock, “What is this all about?”

“Since you’re probably not too fond of rhinitis, I thought I’d console you with a present.”

“But I’m not ill, “John stated unbelievingly.

“You’re not -? Oh, stupid,
Longer incubation period.”

On seeing John’s confused exp
ression, Sherlock elaborated. “I’m experimenting. The virus was in your tea.”

The last part was lost on John, who desperately sneezed into his elbow. “
hah’ESHSSH’oo! Huh-

“Sorry again.”

#22: Embarrassment

“John! JAWN! Look what I can do!”

Petri dishes were thrown through the air, and John suspected Sherlock was attempting to juggle.

“Careful! You don’t want to break that!”

Sherlock pouted childishly but obliged, though a moment later he darted for the bookshelf and clumsily tried to balance a stack of books on his forehead, sending them tumbling to the floor. This stirred up dust, causing Sherlock’s reddened nose to twitch furiously. “Hh’KSHHh! Ksch’hh! Tsch’oo!”

John chuckled. “You’re such a lightweight on NyQuil. Go to bed now.”

The next morning, Sherlock groaned in embarrassment. “I am never taking medicine again.”

#34: Relief (I admit I feel a bit bad about this one, because we're basically fetishizing Sherlock taking advantage of sweet sweet Molly, but oh well.)

A vague smell of raspberry and vanilla filled the lab at Bart’s, indicating Molly’s presence.

For a while they worked in silence – until Molly’s new perfume decided to play havoc with Sherlock’s nose. His nostrils were buzzing with tickles, though not enough to trigger a sneeze. Quickly, he came up with a plan promising some relief.

“Molly? Could you come here a moment?”

When she arrived, Sherlock got up wordlessly and pretended to hug her, bringing his nose close to her perfume-scented neck.

“heh’isshuh!” He sneezed over her shoulder, but Molly only leaned further into the warm hug.

“Oh Sherlock…”

#30: June

“Jesus Christ!” John exclaimed as Sherlock blew his nose noisily into a handful of tissues. “That’s, what, your seventh sneezing fit within an hour? Are you sure you’re not ill?”

“I told you, it’s hay fever,” Sherlock managed to croak before gearing up for another violent fit.

“Hh’KSSH! ‘kschh! CHHT! -Heh’ASHIEW!!” Resignedly, he reached for another tissue.

“What are you even allergic to in here? All the windows are closed, you had a shower and changed your clothes, Mrs Hudson hoovered the flat…?”

Sherlock sniffled and sighed wearily. “How about a general thesis: I’m allergic to the month of June.”

Bonus Drabble (This is a bonus because I've already written 20 drabbles and this needs to be celebrated. wink.png Also I didn't even try to keep it to 100 words.)

“Do you think it’s worth it?” Sherlock asked from behind a crumpled tissue.


“This experiment.” He sipped at his cup of tea and handed it to John, who already knew from this familiar gesture that Sherlock wanted more milk and honey in it.

John shrugged. “I don’t know. What are you even trying to accomplish?” When Sherlock shot him a look, he added, “No, really. You never know with these experiments of yours…”

Sherlock opened his mouth to reply, but sneezed into his tissue convulsively instead. “The cure for the common cold, John. …I keep getting myself and others ill, but I still haven’t made a significant discovery.”

“Why do you keep on doing it then?” John asked and handed Sherlock his tea as well as a fresh tissue, which the curly-haired man accepted gratefully, raising it to his face and promptly sneezing into it again. “hih’essh’uh! huh… huh’ISHew! xcht!”

Sitting down on the couch next to his flatmate, John patted Sherlock’s back sympathetically and exchanged the soggy tissue in his hand for a new one. Once again, Sherlock’s lips parted, eyelids drooping, and he pitched forward. “ehh… ah’tshoo! hih’gnshuh - - hh – oh for God’s sake – hu’ISHhh!” Once the ordeal was done with (at least for the moment), Sherlock slumped back into the couch and snuffled tiredly. Though surprisingly, he still seemed to remember John’s question.

“When I was a boy I used to get colds every few weeks. It was the most terrible thing about my childhood.”

“Then why – “ John started to question, but Sherlock interrupted him sharply.

“Why do I keep infecting myself? Because I want to find a cure as fast as possible so no one ever has to suffer this way again. – When I got ill, my family used to treat me like a leper. They wouldn’t go near me, they made me stay in bed for a week; and the only time I got to see anybody was when Mycroft would come in to spray disinfectant around my room. … I was alone all the time.” Sherlock swallowed visibly, and John passed him another tissue so he could blow his nose.

It was completely silent for a moment before John cleared his throat and said, “Well, you don’t have to worry about that with me. You gave me your cold so many times, I don’t mind anymore.” The room went quiet again, and both men locked eyes, a peaceful smile tugging at the corners of their mouths. The promise “I’ll always take care of you” lingered in the air between them, but John didn’t need to say it. Sherlock knew.

The moment was only broken when Sherlock turned away to bury his nose in the crook of his arm, but even then the fit of itchy sneezes he launched into sounded serene.

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What cally said. :yes:

I especially loved...nope, too much, I loved all of them too much! :)

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These are all. So. Good! And I also really love how most of them are Sherlock with a cold.

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Thaaaanks guys!! w00t.gif So glad you like them. And Vongola Undicesimo, I pretty much live for sick!Sherlock wink.png Sorry if I'm neglecting the other characters and causes a bit, but Sherlock with a cold is just the stuff that dreams are made of.

On to some more drabbles!

#54: Needles

“You’re feverish.”


“Thirty-eight point nine degrees Celsius.”

“It’s hot.”

“You’re shivering.”

Pulling his jacket tighter, Sherlock willed himself to appear healthy. An index finger massaged his sinuses, apparently trying to stop a sneeze, though failing miserably only a second later. “ah’USHoo! snff – Goddammit.”

“Gesundheit. That sounds nasty, Sherlock. And you really need to do something about your fever.”

“I’m fine.”

“You’re not. And if your fever rises, you need to get hooked up to an IV.”

That did the trick, and Sherlock reluctantly took the Ibuprofen and tissues from Molly’s outstretched hand.

“Ha. I knew you’re afraid of needles.”

#39: Muffle

Typing away on his laptop, a dressing gown-clad Sherlock sat in his chair. The silence was interspersed only with increasingly wet sniffles.

“Seven promising cases in London, John. Take your pick.” Then he rattled off the facts mechanically, occasionally stopping to blow his nose. Getting annoyed with his runny nose after one particularly juicy-sounding sneeze, Sherlock simply kept the balled-up tissue pressed to his nose. His congested voice came muffled from behind it, making it nearly unintelligible.

“I’ve got a very important case, not very far from here,” John interjected.

“Do you?”

“Sherlock Holmes. Case of the flu. Bed, now.”

#76: Lullaby

“Go to bed now.”

“I’m not tired.” Sherlock turned back to his laptop gruffly.

John tried to sound indifferent, but concern seeped through his voice. “It’s none of my business, but you can still solve this case tomorrow. Maybe you should call it a day. – And sleep has been proven scientifically to alleviate cold symptoms.”

“I’m not ill.” Though Sherlock contradicted himself immediately by trying to disguise another stifled sneeze as a noseblow.

“If you don’t sleep now, I’ll sing you a bloody lullaby.”

John’s threat surprised him so much that the impending sneezing fit vanished instantly.

“Save your voice.”

#41: Run

Sherlock’s breath is hot against John’s forehead. The way they’re pressed into the tiny closet barely gives them room to breathe, so of course John feels Sherlock’s chest expanding with hitching breaths. John knew it was a bad idea to investigate while Sherlock is still getting over his cold; and he watches in horror as Sherlock’s eyes slowly flutter shut. Being prepared for the worst, he is relieved to find that Sherlock expertly stifles his sneezes. “Nght! Xtth!- mmh…chtt!”

Ironically enough, the floorboards creak loudly when John shifts his weight to get a tissue for Sherlock. Footsteps approach rapidly.



Thank you for reading and just as a reminder, constructive criticism as well as requests are always welcome! smile.png

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For a second there, I thought Sherlock was going to sneeze on John. And then I was like wait, how is that a bad thing? His stifles are adorable! :)

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Thanks for reading! I honestly can't believe there's still people who willingly put up with my horrible writing laughing.gif but I'm glad someone's enjoying my keyboard spasms.

#52: Ravenous

It would be almost adorable if John weren’t so annoyed. Sherlock’s clumsy attempts at caretaking weren’t helping him at all. Instead of the cough medicine he needed so badly, Sherlock accidentally bought a box of prenatal vitamins; and if John hadn’t been keeping track Sherlock probably would’ve overdosed him on Ibuprofen.

“hah’USHHoo! TSHoo!” At least he still had his tissues, John thought.

“Gesundheit. Are you hungry? Shall I make something to eat?”

“Oh yes, I’m ravenous.” John glanced at the kitchen which contained more chemicals than food. Sherlock immediately started rooting around in a dusty cupboard.



“Not really.”

#84: City

“Stupid trees. Why are there trees,” Sherlock grumbled while rubbing his eyes with a sleeve.

“Yes. You’re absolutely right; why would there be trees in a rural area. How illogical,” John retorted irritatedly.

Luckily the tree pollen prevented Sherlock from snapping back at John. “eh-eschshew! ehh… Damn, it’s stuck,” Sherlock muttered, but the moment he reopened his eyes and lowered his arm the sneeze exploded from him. “ush’oo! For God’s sake. – Remind me to never take a case in the countryside in April again.”

“Let’s just get back to the city and let them solve this one on their own.”

#48: Pathetic - I have no idea where the hell this came from. Sincere apologies to anyone who doesn't like Johnlock, or, you know, enjoys good writing.

“That was my tea cup you drank out of,” Sherlock remarked.

“So? We always do that …”

“But you don’t want to catch my cold.”

Wiping his mouth sheepishly, John looked up to see Sherlock gasp a sneeze into his hands desperately. “hih’yishh’uh!”

“Bless you. Well, that’s unfortunate… I really can’t afford to miss work right now.”

“There’s studies proving that you’re three times likelier to catch a cold from sharing a cup with someone than from kissing them.”

“And your point is…?”

“You’ll have to kiss me now.”

“That is one pathetic excuse, Mister,” John smirked and leaned over.


Still taking requests by the way! smile.png

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#25: Mistake (this is based on Stephen King's The Doctor's Case, in which John solves the case first because Sherlock is suffering from his cat allergy. So, uh... yeah.)

“An animal shelter? Don’t you think bringing me here was a mistake, George?”

Lestrade sighed apologetically. “I didn’t know you’re allergic. And it’s Greg.

“How am I supposed to work if I a-am-… hh’ITSH’uh! harushoo!”

John picked something up from the floor. “Looks like a fibre from a fur coat.”

Another bout of sneezes prevented Sherlock from taking a look. “ehh’TSShuh!-gxchtchu! eshshew!”

“Who the hell wears real fur in an animal shelter?” Lestrade exclaimed, but at the same time John’s face lit up.

“Oh. I know who. …Sherlock, I just solved my first case. Please don’t sneeze on the evidence.”

#66: Raincoat

“Do you want my spare raincoat?”

“No,” Sherlock huffed and stormed outside.

“Suit yourself,” John muttered, following his friend.

After an hour in the pouring rain they were both soaked and freezing. Convulsing with tight shivers, Sherlock rejected John’s raincoat yet again, shooting the yellow polyester atrocity a grim look.

John knew exactly when Sherlock would accept the coat: the moment he got so cold he started sneezing.

There it was: Shiver. Shallow sniffle. Deep inhale. “heh’izsh’uh! snff… Actually, I’ll take the coat now.”

Laughing heartily, John snapped a picture of Sherlock peeking out sullenly from under a yellow hood.


Thanks for the comments, guys! You seriously make my day :heart:

And about allergic!Sherlock, I have a bit of writer's block at the moment but I'm definitely going to try and come up with something! Just so you know, it might take a few days :)

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You wrote Sherlock sneezing from being cold! That is one of my favorite scenarios of all time! :bounce:

And now I shall return to semi-lurkerdom....

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*lies down on floor due to cuteness overload*

Oh, and Sherlock in a yellow rain coat? You know what that reminds me of? This.


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Awwww these are just too lovely! Poor stubborn Sherlock!

Thaaanks! wubsmiley.gif Sherlock wouldn't be himself if he weren't stubborn, right?

You wrote Sherlock sneezing from being cold! That is one of my favorite scenarios of all time! bounce.gif

And now I shall return to semi-lurkerdom....

Getting someone to come out of lurkdom is like the best compliment one can get smile.png Thank you!

*lies down on floor due to cuteness overload*

Oh, and Sherlock in a yellow rain coat? You know what that reminds me of? This.


*joins you on the floor, giggling madly* That picture is exactly how I imagined it - except the coat would have to be more yellow and Sherlock would be even more peeved laugh.gif Thank you for taking the time to comment!


I ...um... did some more allergic!Sherlock? Not sure whether I like it yet, but I'm running out of ideas for sick!scenarios, so I guess I might write a few more of them if you guys like them . smile.png

#33: Cry

It is a beautiful summer morning when John finds Sherlock sitting on the couch, knees drawn up, face in his hands. This is weird – normally Sherlock even sulks loudly, but now he’s completely quiet, save for the occasional quiet gasp. Shoulders trembling, he rubs at his eyes, though still covering his whole face. John places a reassuring hand on Sherlock’s shoulder.

“You okay?”

It is only then that John notices Sherlock wasn’t in fact crying – instead, his nose crinkles, eyebrows rising expectantly. “huhh… heh’TCHshuh! Eschh’uh! Ah, excuse me. Terribly high pollen count today.”

John stares open-mouthedly and closes the windows.

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