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Do You Remember Fetish-Stimulating-Things Before Your Fetish


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My fetish for sneezing and other flu-like-symptoms formed when I was in 7th grade. I can bearly remember things that would stimulate that fetish before 7th grade.

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I can remember in first grade this really lovely Indian teacher who sneezed a lot had me entranced and now I realize it was my first sign.

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  • 1 month later...

My fetish for sneezing and other flu-like-symptoms formed when I was in 7th grade. I can bearly remember things that would stimulate that fetish before 7th grade.

i used to roleplay sneezing and nose blowing a lot when i was little. i didn't realize this was my first sign till a couple of months ago. this is also my 200th post on here. yay

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For a while I thought I was afraid of sneezing, as if I had some sort of phobia of it or something because it gave me a feeling that I couldn't explain or understand because I was very young when I noticed that it had an unusual effect on me. I never enjoyed sneezing when I was a kid because the only real experience I had was friends and family's sneezing, which made me uncomfortable. I remember many of the children's television programmes I used to watch contained sneezing, but anytime I was watching with my parents I would feel very uncomfortable if there was any sneezing, even to the point where I'd hide behind the sofa or make any excuse to leave the room. Another really weird thing I used to do was pretend I didn't understand sneezing or illness, for example if someone like a friend said they had a cold, or mentioned colds or sneezing I would act like I didn't understand what they meant and have them explain it to me. Now I'm a bit creeped out by the fact that I did this, but I guess I was about the same age (7th grade age) when I realised that actually what I had was a sneezing fetish.

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I used to role play sneezing with my sister when I was young. I also would make any excuse to leave the room if there was sneezing/sickness in a movie I was watching with my family. I really am embarrassed to say the least, looking back on what I did back then, but whatever. Thank God my sister doesn't bring up or remember any of the weird things we did as kids. That'd just be awkward upset.gif

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I think my fetish formed, when I was in kindergarten about 14 years ago. My teacher was always sneezing and blowing her nose.

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I can't remember a time when I didn't feel this way about sneezing.

When I was about 4, I watched a show called zoboomafoo (about a lemur and his two caretakers) or something like that, and I used to fantasize about one of the men in it sneezing. I also remember always being severely enraged

when my sister sneezed, and I still get that way to this day.

What Horrifies me is when I was 6 or so and my sister was 8, she discovered how to make herself sneeze. Naturally, I was fascinated and repulsed at the same time. Me and my bright mind decided to ask her to sneeze into my hand because it seemed like a good idea, until she did and got a little glob of snot on it. I screamed and ran straight to the bathroom to wash my hands for an hour and cry. *shudder*

So yeah. That's that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was very young when I first had thought about it maybe 3 or 4. I just had this weird fascination and I would sometimes make characters sneeze in my head. It was an on again of again kind of thing. But I first realized it was a fetish around my 1st year of high school.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I can't remember exactly when I first realized I liked sneezing, but I know it started early. My favorite cartoon characters were always ones who sneezed and my favorite episodes of shows were always the ones that involved sneezing. I didn't grow up with a television in my room so I could never watch movies or shows with sneezing privately. My parents had a TV in their room, though, which was upstairs. I'd often sneak in there to use it while the rest of my family was downstairs, and if something involving sneezing came on I'd turn the volume way down and sit extrememly close to the TV so I could still hear (which is probably why my eyesight is so bad) because I didn't want anyone else to hear it.

I also remember that whenever I'd read a book that mentioned sneezing, I'd repeatedly read the sentence containing the sneeze or even simply the word over and over. One time in first grade we had to read a story aloud. Each person had to read a paragraph, and wouldn't you know it, I got stuck with the one mentioning a character sneezing. I couldn't bring myself to say the word in front of so many people, so I played dumb and pretended I didn't know how to say it properly despite the fact I had an extrememly high reading level.

It actually wasn't until around high school when I started using the internet that I realized this was a fetish and that, thankfully, I wasn't alone in feeling this way.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I definitely remember having a "care-taking" thing before I pinpointed loving sneezing. I used to always make my stuffed toys sick and have them take care of each other. I also took care of my sick action figures ( :lol:) and whenever a classmate was sick, I always wanted to hug them and make them hot chocolate. My mom thought I would grow up to be a vet or a nurse, but nope. :P

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As a kid, I kept repeating cartoon character sneezes in my head over and over. For some reason, there was a lot of sneezes in cartoons (humor value most probably!). I also roleplayed in the bath with one toy getting sick and sneezing on all the rest (I sure had fun making the sneezing sounds!). sneeze.gif

I think the first thing I remember is one of the presenters of ABC Kids sneezing very fake sounding a-tishoo-s which makes the other presenter remember they forgot to buy tissues from the store. It's actually surprising how clear that memory is, seeing as I was about 5-6 at the time.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I literally cannot remember a time before my fetish. Or, maybe I should say I can't remember a time in my life when sneezing and having a cold in front of other people did not completely mortify me. My first memory of this is my third birthday, when i woke up, realized I had a cold, and wanted the earth to swallow me.

When I was a little older--maybe 4 and up--I have memories of enjoying the fetish. This mostly involved secretly looking at books and comic strips with sneezy sick people and making my dolls all get sick.

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  • 4 months later...

I know it started with Disney cartoon Peter Pan (I think I was 4 or 5 at the time) and I remember that I thought about what would happen if my favourite cartoon character would get sick. When I got a toy, the first thing that I did was pretend that it got a cold and I took care of it. But I felt so ashamed if someone walked in when I was role playing.

I also started paying attention to dvds where a character would sneeze and I'd rewatch them over and over and over.

Also when a family member or a friend sneezes I feel ashamed and/or irritated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I remember some specific things from when I was very young.

-I had a doll that sneezed when you squeezed her stomach. She would build up for the first two squeezes and then on the third squeeze would let out a full blown sneeze. Damn that doll, lol

-I had a playhouse outside that me and my neighbor friend would play house I. I had a bunch of toy cooking dishes and one time my friend got one of the little plastic dishes and put it up to her nose and sneezed into it and snot filled it. I don't remember either of us saying anything about it but I remember one of the dishes after that had a blemish and (I don't know that it was really from that incident) but every time I would play with that dish that had the blemish I would think it was from my friends snotty sneeze.

- I remember my grandma always habit huge sneezing fits and her sneezes were very loud and powerful. I was sitting next to her on a swing one day and she had a sneezing fit and I remember her desperately turning away as to not sneeze on me even though I was snuggled right up next to her.

-and I remember watching the movie Terms of Endearmenr when the girl (I think they're maybe in a barn or something) starts sneezing on or near her boyfriend (or maybe t was her husband). I remember replaying that over and over in my head.

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I also can't remember a time before my fetish. My first memories are from my old room, which means I was younger than 5 years old. Every night as I went to sleep, I would create fetish-y stories in my head (and sometimes I still do that) - they were all scarily similar to the stories in the fiction section of the forum.

And I would role-play with my stuffed animals, having my favorite one get sick and then have the rest take care of them. I was always so careful to keep it a secret, somehow I knew that I wasn't supposed to be enjoying it so much. One time my mom came into the room while I was playing with the toys and I threw them in the air behind my bed and I must have looked really suspicious.

During pre-school, I used to always write books. As you could probably imagine, they didn't make much sense, but all of them shared one unmistakeable theme: the characters got sick. And it wasn't uncommon for me to spell out sneezes on every page. My teacher helped me write them, and I never want to see her again, just in case she remembers! And I always wanted to share the stories with my classmates, thank God most of them couldn't readshock.gif

I actually found one of those "books" a few years ago, in a pile of stuff my mom kept from when I was little. I was so mortified that I threw it out.

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Sneezing has been paramount in my life since the time I began forming memories. I have no memory of a fetishless time which is creepy to me. Even at 5 and 6 years old, I have memories of being mesmerized by anything sneeze related. It wasn't always arousal in the way that a post-pubescent person experiences it but I can specifically remember the sensation of an accelerated heart rate and an inability to divert my attention from the sneezing occurring.

I had a toy that was supposed to help with counting and learning the alphabet. There was one button on the toy (I think it was the "S" button) that made a sneezing noise when you pressed it. I pressed it over and over and over and over. I didn't understand why I liked it so much but I did.

When I was alone I would watch kids movies. Any movie that had sneezing in it, I would rewind at the sneeze and play it over and over. Peter Pan, All dogs go to heaven, The Princess and the Goblin (where my profile pic comes from), and Snow White just to name a few. I watched them all just for the sneezes.

Real life sneezes where just as mesmerizing to me as a young child as cartoon ones were. I remember sneeze attacks that I witnessed from as early as 1 and 2 grade from classmates. When I was about 4 or 5 years of age my teenage cousin spent the night at my house to hang out with my brother. I distinctly remember putting a hair brush up to his nose to tickle it and trying to make him sneeze. I mean I was actually telling him to sneeze!!! I had a foot fetish too so I also tried to make him take his sock off. Looking back I can't believe what a pervy kid I was. I guess it wasn't until I got older that I started to develop shame about it. I guard my secret like a hawk now.

So yeah. There is no time within the reach of my memory that this was not a part of my reality.

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I'm certain I was simply born with the fetish, but my first memories of it is being captivated by sneezes in little kid cartoons like Little Bear. There were some pretty good sneezes on that show. I don't think I noticed sneezing in real life at all, though. At least not anymore than anyone else did. Except from my dad, but he's always sneezed in doubles or even triples a million times a day and he's super loud too, so it was literally impossible to not notice. I don't think he could stifle to save his life. Or mine, so hopefully that never becomes an issue jason2.giflaughingsmiley.gif

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I am guessing I was born with the fetish. TV shows where Jan on The Brady Bunch was allergic to the dog, Seseme Street's Count counting flowers, and the allergy episode of Gilligan's Island were favorites of mine. Now, I have my own private show daily...hubby has horrible allergies. Oh my God and thank God!

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  • 4 months later...

omg I remember when playing house with my cousins around age 8, I always made us do scenarios where one of the characters got sick! I also would get really fixated on TV episodes where the plot revolved around some illness, or faking an illness (there seems to be one of those episodes in every show!) Also, telling my mom I couldn't be a doctor because I "feel funny around sick people." Well, mom, you asked for a doctor and got a fetishist...close enough, right?

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Oh.. I remember that when I was younger I felt something in movies and cartoons with sneezing.. Especially desperately male sneezing. When I first had normal Internet in 2010, I started to google them.. I used Google translator to translate the word sneeze to all the languages.. So you can imagine how many videos I've seen. But when I found sneezing playlists.. In one of them there were about 5000 sneezing clips and I spent a lot of time watching them! I afraid very much that it's strangely to find sneezing sexy, but then I found this website which made me very happy :D

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When I was in the first grade, my first little girlfriend was absent from school one day. I called her house that evening and her mom answered. "She's just so congested and tired, and she has been running a fever. She's in the bathtub right now and will probably go right to bed, but I'll tell her you called." I obviously couldn't identify it as stimulating at that point, but I felt a very weird, overwhelming sensation as I formed a mental picture of this vulnerable situation and hung up the phone.

Growing up, I had to go to the school nurse's office every day to take a medication. When there was a pretty girl in the clinic lying down with a stomachache or the sniffles or the chills, I felt that same sensation return. I was painfully shy until about high school, so I probably just stared awkwardly in most of those situations. The "caretaking" part of the fetish took a while to kick in. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Even when I was really little, I got this weird feeling I couldn't explain whenever there was sneezing on a movie or TV show I watched. I'm an only child, so I didn't have anyone to play with but I had Barbie dolls, action figures, and baby dolls. I'd play differently with each, but there was always something to do with sneezing looking back now. I always seemed to prefer one of my superhero action figures catching a cold, come to think of it. And when I would be at my nana/poppy's house, I'd roleplay the Oregon Trail (using her pantry as my 'wagon') and one of my friends would be sick. Thinking back on it now, I guess those were my first signs, and I gradually started to get more and more embarrassed until I finally hit puberty and realized that that feeling was actually me getting turned on.

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Always, always, always had it.

When I was little my favorite movie was "Puff The Magic Dragon", because of the living sneezes (they defy my attempts at explanation entirely; but basically, just very sneezy noses with feet. Yeah. I still can't believe they existed.) And later, Honey I Shrunk The Kids, just because of that one scene where they're bouncing around on flowers and one of the kids is allergic to pollen and...

In pre-school, I hated naptime, so I would entertain myself by every so often pretending to sneeze. Like, these huge, obviously fake sneezes, but I was fully convinced no one could ever tell I was faking... and I never understood why the teachers kept shushing me (like, don't you know sneezing cannot be shushed!? haha.) Looking back, I'm completely mortified about that...

In first grade we had this book in the classroom, and I don't remember anything about it except one page, which for some reason was explaining how allergies worked; "sometimes, certain things make us sneeze!" I took that book out whenever I could, like, foregoing recess, and I'd hide in the corner and just read that over and over. :laugh:

I also had a game that I'd play with my friend in the pool, where we were both mermaids and I was terribly, terribly allergic to seaweed... the entire game was pretty much just me trying to find ways to say that seaweed had gotten near me, and then I would launch into an extremely long, fake, sneezing fit, and I wouldn't stop, even when she kept saying "it's gone now, I got rid of it!" I'd just immediately go find some more... :laugh: *mortified* I'm sure she got quite exasperated with me!

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  • 5 months later...

I remember having a friend come over when I was about six maybe and my grandma had a ton of fake flower arrangements around her house and we would just go around pretending to be allergic to them and sneezing our heads off. I also used to love watching cartoons and movies with sneezing in them. (I still can't watch Snow White to this day if anyone is around)

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  • 2 weeks later...

The first sneezy thing I remember being interested in was this really old computer game- it was more like an interactive story of the Tortoise and the Hare. There was a 'page' where you could click on an anthropomorphized window and it would have a short buildup and sneeze. I couldn't have been over 4 years old.

A little later, even before I could write, I'd draw little comics with markers about people who were sneezing- I remember the specific way I drew the sneeze "clouds". When I played with my friends I'd make up scenarios- colds, pepper storms, allergies to strange things (which was my favorite)- so they would have to pretend to sneeze. When I was alone I'd wander around my room, pretending to find dust to be allergic to and giving very obviously fake sneezes, and then lying down in my bed saying things like "I must have caught a cold!"

Around the time I was about to go into middle school, my dad gave me this ancient laptop, and the word processor on it had text to speech. I'd write the longest stories about sneezing I could, and then turn it on and listen to the computerized voice read my scenarios to me. I'd do it in the corner of my room with the volume low so my parents couldn't hear what I was doing :P

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