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Weirdest quirk?


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I play with my rings CONSTANTLY. I've worn one on each hand since I was about 16, and it's a really bad nervous habit I have now.

I rip off my nails when I watch movies, and sometimes when I read.

I used to play with my belly button ring a lot, but not really anymore. Since I've started getting tattoos I usually just run my hands over where they're raised instead, haha.

Oh, and I play with my own boobs..... like a lot. :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

- I like arranging things in rainbow order, blue first :D

- I always wear skirts on Saturdays (unless there's exceptions, but there's very few of those). Not sure how this originated, but it's become a thing I do.

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I rub and play with my ears...but they have to be luke warm to cold for me to do it.


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Occasionally, I walk around on my tip toes. I'm not even conscious of it most of the time, but I'll just find myself doing it at the oddest times xDD. Only when I'm bare foot or in socks though~

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If someone doesn't clear the timer on the microwave after using it, I have to (even at other peoples' houses!)

I arrange my m&m's into piles by color in alphabetical order clockwise (blue, brown, green, orange, red, yellow) and eat them one-by-one in that order. It upsets me a lot more than it should when other people mess up my system by eating a random one :lol:

I always wake up within 5-10 minutes of 6:45 a.m. no matter how late I stayed up the night before (no alarm needed)

I eat rice with a fork

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I've taken to calling everyone "hyungnim" regardless of their gender and status because hyungnim is fun to say :zippy:

*hyungnim is what Korean younger males call other males (brothers, older brother figures whom they respect, and other things I'm missing because I don't speak Korean. The nim at the end is an honorific that signifies extreme respect.

//screams across a hall


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Occasionally, I walk around on my tip toes. I'm not even conscious of it most of the time, but I'll just find myself doing it at the oddest times xDD. Only when I'm bare foot or in socks though~

I do this too! How cool :D

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I've taken to calling everyone "hyungnim" regardless of their gender and status because hyungnim is fun to say


My younger brother, who's living away for university, has an upper year Korean housemate and my brother calls him "OPPA" to intentionally weird him out since that's usually what girls call older guys. And that housemate also has a girlfriend. heh.gif

As for me, I don't know how it happened, but I started calling some of my friends "brotato" - regardless of if they're guys or girls. bleh.gif

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-I always check for fire hazards before bed

-I still can not talk about junk food with anyone who I think is cooler, hotter etc.


-If there is any form of hair in my food, even if it is an eye brow hair, I vomit, or dry heave. no exceptions.

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I have this thing where if I accidentally brush up against something with my left arm, I have to touch my right arm to "balance it our". Same goes for the rest of my body. It drives me crazy.

I spend my entire life doing this. I totally understand.

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  • 2 months later...

Oh gosh the list goes on and on.

-makes weird connections with the battery percentage and the time on my phone

-will always check to make sure all my doors and windows are sealed before going to sleep

-loves sending friends random things that appear in the autocorrect suggestion box

-this: ^-^

-there's a special song that I spent a lot of time looking for and I always listen to it before bed, it helps me get to sleep

-I play with my hair a lot because it's super long and I can't ever get it to behave

-I put my head down on the table when I'm thinking

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  • I can't sleep with socks on, it is impossible. Living in Canada I went winter camping years ago and slept with no socks in the cold risking frostbite than sleep with socks on. Extra warm sleeping bag required!

  • I have to do the "pocket check" for items every time I leave a room or something. I never actually check the items per say, but rather just count the total I had before and hope it matches up.
  • I work better under pressure so I will often intentionally procrastinate school assignments because it helps me think.

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Everything about me is weird. :lol:

  1. I dress according to who/what I'm writing about. It's highly important. :lol:
  2. I've been wearing a small braid behind my right ear off and on for years. Because of super secret reasons.
  3. I eat hamburgers without buns because I don't like bread, which is apparently weird.
  4. I can make any song a song about my dog. :lol:

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Oh man.

I absorb slang terms REALLY easily. If I hear a word or phrase that I like, even if it means absolutely nothing in my region, I can't stop saying it.

I tend to bite my nails/engage in other not-so-great nervous habits, so, to redirect that kind of behavior, sometimes I just whistle bird calls instead. heh.gif Especially at my day job, because it's one of the few places where I'm usually disengaged AND stressed. No one has questioned why I turn into Nigel-fucking-Thornberry from time-to-time. Not yet.

If there's water sitting in the tea kettle, and I don't know how long it's been there, then I have to empty/refill it before making more tea... like I wasn't going to boil it anyway, and it's somehow tainted and evil. The Lorax would not be impressed.

I can't sit down and talk on the phone; I have to be walking around.

I've always showered at night instead of in the morning, which I didn't think was THAT weird, but a lot of my roommates over the years have.

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Everything about me is weird. heh.gif

  1. I dress according to who/what I'm writing about. It's highly important. heh.gif
  2. I've been wearing a small braid behind my right ear off and on for years. Because of super secret reasons.
  3. I eat hamburgers without buns because I don't like bread, which is apparently weird.
  4. I can make any song a song about my dog. heh.gif

I like SOME bread, but I don't like hamburger buns or hot dog buns.

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  • 4 months later...

If I glance someone's bellybutton I have to boop it. It's incredibly hard to go to the beach/pool. If I don't boop the bellybutton when I see it my arms get tingly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like this thread! <3

1. I often, if not always, articulate everything I say out loud under my breath. I still don't know if it's a tick, or it's just my brain double checking what I just said. Sometimes I do like the sound or the emotion of what I said, so I articulate it just for the fun of it. My older sister used to tease me because of it. :lol:

2. I get obsessed too, pretty bad. As in, right now, I'm totally obsessed with three French bands at the same time. At least the obsession channels a bit more evenly!

3. I can't see a chipped nail in my hand (or foot!) without tearing it off. Tearing off toenails feels more oddly satisfying. :lol:

4. This fetish is one my weirdest quirks.

5. I love touching people's hair. Not matter what the texture is. I only do it if they like it too or don't mind, though.

6. When I'm being physically affectionate with someone I'm close to, I purr like a cat. Don't ask me why.

7. I MUST sleep with a body pillow, or any pillow so I can cuddle with. Otherwise, falling asleep takes way longer for me.

There are probably more, but these are my main ones. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have a few.

> biting my nails ever since I could remember.

> picking at my cuticles Until they bleed.

> picking at or pulling on strands of my hair right behind my ear.

> not stepping on cracks or lines in sidewalks ( it makes my steps inconsistent, and I end up just walking kind of weird)

> checking in showers (even friends' or strangers') before using a bathroom

> checking the back seat before driving at night. (I watch too many scary movies)

I can't think of any more at the moment.

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I have a lot of hairy friends (like serious arm hair hairy), so I find myself often petting the hair like its a puppy. XD

And uh, I bite the skin around my nail on my fingernails. Not the nails themselves, but the skin.

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Don't have many.

1) must have both fans on at night or I can't sleep.

2) I must have my blanket which is over 16 years old.

3) have to have a TV on in the background

4)must have a light on I'm scared of the dark.

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