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Annoying Traits You Have


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I looked to see if this is posted somewhere else, but I couldn't find anything.

I found one in Off Topic, but that's for traits you have when under stress. I want to find out what annoying traits people have in general, whether under stress or not.

I'll kick things off.

The most annoying thing that I do that really winds me up about myself is that when I find a new song I really like, I'll listen to it on repeat solidly for days, and then by the end of it, I won't want to listen to it any more. And when I say solidly, I mean solidly. Like literally the only song I listen to is *that* song, for hours each day. The most recent examples are Take Me To Church by Hozier and Lullaby by Professor Green. I don't even want to hear them again, because I have played them to death over the past couple of weeks, and it annoys me so much because they're such great songs but I am just sick of hearing them :lol:

Another thing that really annoys me about myself is that I always try to make light of a serious situation, and always end up pissing the other person off. Like, we will be talking about something that either means a lot to both of us or just them, and I will make a seriously inappropriate joke trying to be humourous and I just end up annoying or insulting the other person. It has happened with almost everyone I have had close contact with.

Those are all I can think of right now, but I'm sure I'll have more stuff to add when I do/say something that really annoys me about myself :P

I'm also really interested in hearing what other people's are :D

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I do the song thing too!! I put it on loop for a week or two and then if I ever hear it again, it'll remind me of those few short weeks where it was my favorite song.

I, uh, I knock things over a lot. Not in an "I'm uncoordinated and clumsy" sort of way, but more like... like I won't be paying any attention and my mind kind of detaches from my body and I'll lose my balance or I'll spill a drink or accidentally kick something!! I've never dropped something valuable, like a phone or whatever, and I take good care of my things, but I'm constantly running into stuff and then getting flustered about it ("OH my god. oh my god. sorry. god! i'm so sorry!"). So embarrassing! And I probably don't make it better by freaking out when it happens!

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I also do the song thing, I really frustrate myself.

I am way too trusting and when it goes wrong too forgiving when someone comes running back, I should just tell them to get lost... But I don't until it's gets to the point where I have to move on myself.

I'm lucky enough to have made amazing friends on here, and mostly everyone I speak to isn't a complete ass.

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I'm really bad at making people feel better when the're sad or frustrated. It annoys me and my friends because I usually make the situation worse. The more annoying part is I'm really good at those bad situations in my head! So I'll think about me being good at them so much that I start to think I am good at them. Until I get involved in a real situation and it goes down hill. blushsmiley.gif

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Oh my gosh I have so many but let me just narrow it down. I'm am really really OCD about my own space and my stuff. Like I will literally clean my room from top to bottom and get rid of every speck of dust and just rearrange everything... oh my god this process takes hours but like I have to! And if someone takes something thats mine and doesn't put it back in the same spot oh my god I'm kinda crazy about that.

Also, I have serious issues with bathrooms. Like I just hate bathrooms so much to the point where I can't even walk into other peoples or go into one that doesn't meet my standards. Like I physically just cannot. So basically I can't go into a bathroom that isn't my own. Just ew. Bathrooms. *cringe*

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I like order and I don't like when my mental plans get changed or re-arranged. I get pretty cranky about it. I'm also a neat freak (I ROYGBV my clothes in my closet) and like things clean and in order, which makes it difficult when you live with a slob. :lol:

I get jealous over the smallest, the littlest, insignificant things. It's totally stupid, but I know it's due to a lack of self-confidence and esteem. Like if someone complements someone else in the room, but doesn't say anything to me, I take it to mean they don't like me anymore or think I'm gross.

I can't stand when people are late or are not punctual. I am punctual to a fault- and by punctual if I need to be somewhere for 12, I'm there by 11:30 at the latest because I HATE being late. It's a huge peeve of mine.

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I apologize constantly, for everything. Like, if someone hits me in the hallway, I'm like "Oh God, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry..." Apologizing for going into a room, etc. It's a coping mechanism that I learned in gymnastics where I was scared from the coaches, and it's carried on after years of bullying. It must be so annoying to hear!

There are also days when I catch myself saying "um" or "like" or another spacer word, and I won't even be able to talk because I make myself crazy.

Basically, I hate/get annoyed with too many mannerisms to list, because I'm looking at quirky in the rear view mirror. :)

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I'm really bad at one on one conversation so I do everything to avoid eye contact. Like staring at the space between someone's eyebrows.

I also scream at butterflies.

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I get these stupid verbal ticks - or other kinds of ticks - for dealing with situations that I find stressful or awkward. They change over time, but lately I've been saying "uff" when I run out of things to say in a conversation - usually when the other person is venting to me and I have no clue what to say to make them feel better. I run out of reassurances and then just say "uff." Sometimes it's so quiet that they probably can't even hear me, but it makes me want to punch myself. ._.

I also play tennis, and when a point is over - actually, it's usually when a point ends and wins me and my doubles partner a game - I stick my tongue out. Just a tiny, brief, tongue flick, almost like I'm licking my lips, but I'm not. It's like the uff: I feel sort of bad for winning a point (I have a strange relationship with competition,) so I do something that seems casual and impromptu, when in reality, it's not. I do if every frikkin' time. I can only pray the other team doesn't notice.

There are others, but I can't remember any right now. I guess mostly I just wish I didn't feel awkward so easily. -_-;

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I'm always wondering if people have ulterior motives.

I'm lazy and unmotivated at times.

I offer to do too much for people, more than I realistically can.

I brag that I don't talk about people behind their backs and then occasionally find myself doing just that! So not only am I a bitch, but I'm also a hypocrite.

I lose shit literally all the time.

I sometimes take a really long time to respond to people. Weeks will go by and out of nowhere I'll realize "Shit, I forgot to answer so and so." Sometimes when this happens I wait even longer to respond because I'm already embarrassed about how much time has gone by.

I take things way too personally.

I start things and never finish them, or take a ridiculous amount of time to finish them.

I laugh really loudly.

Sometimes the volume of my voice steadily increases as I talk so I can start off a story at a reasonable volume and two minutes later have someone knocking on the door asking me to keep my voice down.

I say things that are slightly perverted without even meaning to because I have absolutely no filter.

I say things that are funny in my head but not very funny aloud (see: no filter).

I'm super annoying.

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I'm always wondering if people have ulterior motives.

I'm lazy and unmotivated at times.

I offer to do too much for people, more than I realistically can.

I brag that I don't talk about people behind their backs and then occasionally find myself doing just that! So not only am I a bitch, but I'm also a hypocrite.

I lose shit literally all the time.

I sometimes take a really long time to respond to people. Weeks will go by and out of nowhere I'll realize "Shit, I forgot to answer so and so." Sometimes when this happens I wait even longer to respond because I'm already embarrassed about how much time has gone by.

I take things way too personally.

I start things and never finish them, or take a ridiculous amount of time to finish them.

I laugh really loudly.

Sometimes the volume of my voice steadily increases as I talk so I can start off a story at a reasonable volume and two minutes later have someone knocking on the door asking me to keep my voice down.

I say things that are slightly perverted without even meaning to because I have absolutely no filter.

I say things that are funny in my head but not very funny aloud (see: no filter).

I'm super annoying.

Omg, anony!

Things that annoy me about myself:




I love you :hug::P

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I'm always wondering if people have ulterior motives.

I'm lazy and unmotivated at times.

I offer to do too much for people, more than I realistically can.

I brag that I don't talk about people behind their backs and then occasionally find myself doing just that! So not only am I a bitch, but I'm also a hypocrite.

I lose shit literally all the time.

I sometimes take a really long time to respond to people. Weeks will go by and out of nowhere I'll realize "Shit, I forgot to answer so and so." Sometimes when this happens I wait even longer to respond because I'm already embarrassed about how much time has gone by.

I take things way too personally.

I start things and never finish them, or take a ridiculous amount of time to finish them.

I laugh really loudly.

Sometimes the volume of my voice steadily increases as I talk so I can start off a story at a reasonable volume and two minutes later have someone knocking on the door asking me to keep my voice down.

I say things that are slightly perverted without even meaning to because I have absolutely no filter.

I say things that are funny in my head but not very funny aloud (see: no filter).

I'm super annoying.

Omg, anony!

Things that annoy me about myself:




I love you :hug::P

hahaha sorry I got on a roll there. What you don't know is for every one thing I hate about myself there are twelve things I love about myself.

That's a lie. Did I mention I have a bad habit of lying? :lol:

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Let's see....

- ummmm.... "verbose" comes to mind :bag: (why explain in 5 words when you can do it in 29384 :P )

- Overly :Pounce: y - I feel like I'm sort of a *lot* for people to process sometimes because just like excited and over-clingy-ish

- Take longer than I should to process certain things (like over-freak)

- too often have convos and at first seem ok and then over-do stuff and have post-convo guilt/ kicking-self thing

- far too lazy

- snobby attitude re: certain things

- *way* awkward

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I also do the song thing, but I'm not at all annoyed by it and never dislike the song after! :lol: (Though many others are!)

But the things that I am annoyed about myself are:

I have a hard time trusting people

I stick my tongue out when I draw, write, cut, etc.

I have a really, really hard time apologizing or admitting that I'm wrong

I yawn entirely too much!

I can get really irritated when things don't go my way, in an OCD way, I like things a certain way

I have a 'three strikes and you're out' policy when it comes to dating

I can't stand how I can't think of the right things to say when they need to be said, but think of the perfect thing only afterwards

Gosh, I know there's a bunch more....but perhaps I should add: I hate how I'm entirely too hard on myself! (Sometimes, haha)

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I'm way too sensitive. It ruins a lot of things in life for me. However, it can also be a wonderful thing, so I'm kind of torn about that.

I procrastinate. All the time.

When I have too much to process in my head, my brain just shuts down and I cannot think at all. It's scary.

I overthink what I'm going to say to people, so it comes out sounding completely weird and much worse than it would if I had just NOT given it too much thought.

I forget to do things I honestly meant to do.

I have horrible mood swings and I sometimes surprise myself with them.

Oh God I have so many more but I can't remember them right now...!

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I'm way too sensitive. It ruins a lot of things in life for me. However, it can also be a wonderful thing, so I'm kind of torn about that.

I procrastinate. All the time.

When I have too much to process in my head, my brain just shuts down and I cannot think at all. It's scary.

I overthink what I'm going to say to people, so it comes out sounding completely weird and much worse than it would if I had just NOT given it too much thought.

I forget to do things I honestly meant to do.

I have horrible mood swings and I sometimes surprise myself with them.

Oh God I have so many more but I can't remember them right now...!

I was going to post, but it seems like you have already put down everything that I was going to. worriedsmiley.gif
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  • 4 months later...

I have a weird habit of freezing up and staying silent when someone asks me a question.

Naturally,this drives my parents insane. >:D

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I suck at talking. My mom is from Brooklyn, where everyone speaks a mile a minute, and unfortunately, I inherited this trait and we live in Ohio. I constantly have to repeat myself like four times b/c no one can understand what I'm saying even though I sound perfectly normal to myself, and I really hate repeating myself. I also stutter b/c my sucky ability in speech makes me nervous about talking to people, and I also forget my words b/c my short-term memory is just terrible and draw blanks when put on the spot. >.<

I also procrastinate, which is really bad since I'm in high school.

I'm told I sometimes speak rudely to people even though I don't mean to. Pretty sure it's just how my voice is.

I zone out A LOT. Also really bad b/c high school.

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I'm really shy and I can't even explain how incapable I am of being loud. Like if someone came up to me and said, "I'll give you a million dollars right now if you scream," I wouldn't be able to do it. Same thing goes for acting this out or showing too much emotion.

And my face turns REALLY REALLY RED when I talk in front of a lot of people I don't really know.

I chew on pens all the time. Sometimes I borrow a pen from someone and tell myself that I can't chew on it, bc it's not mine. But then I accidentally chew on it, a lot.

I laugh at EVERYTHING, which is one of my favorite traits like 98% of the time. But sometimes I laugh and can't stop in inappropriate situations.

On Christmas a few years ago, my cousin made me laugh in church while everyone was silent and it echoed soooooooo muchuhhuh.gif

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-Well my ADHD makes me a space cadet so people tend to get annoyed when I zone out.

- On tests it takes eternity to finish because my ocd takes over and makes everything perfectly colourful

-i'm such a perfectionist,its unreal sometimes

- my own laugh and voice annoy me

Theres probly other stuff...

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Idk if this counts as annoying or if it's actually just plain dislikable, but i have a tendency to start things and then not finish them. A lot. All over the place. Which is super not great because then i also feel super rushed to finish anything i DO start because i'm always afraid people are gonna think i'm not gonna finish them....

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I'm a bit of a workaholic, and have a tendency to get obsessive about school work, which sort of ties into perfectionism as well. If I get even one grade below an A, I mentally berate myself for weeks because I didn't do perfectly.

I get hysterical really easily. :lol: A lot of the time if I start laughing then I physically won't be able to stop until I'm face down and laughing so hard I'm crying. Which is really awkward in the wrong situation.

I'm really stubborn and argumentative. I don't typically start arguments, but if someone else starts one with me then I can argue for hours.

I also spend a lot of time helping friends/people in my classes with their homework and revision and sorting out other people's problems, which often doesn't leave me much time to focus on what I'm supposed to be doing. I like doing it, but sometimes I wish I was better at saying no to people...

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  • 1 month later...

I looked to see if this is posted somewhere else, but I couldn't find anything.

I found one in Off Topic, but that's for traits you have when under stress. I want to find out what annoying traits people have in general, whether under stress or not.

I'll kick things off.

The most annoying thing that I do that really winds me up about myself is that when I find a new song I really like, I'll listen to it on repeat solidly for days, and then by the end of it, I won't want to listen to it any more. And when I say solidly, I mean solidly. Like literally the only song I listen to is *that* song, for hours each day. The most recent examples are Take Me To Church by Hozier and Lullaby by Professor Green. I don't even want to hear them again, because I have played them to death over the past couple of weeks, and it annoys me so much because they're such great songs but I am just sick of hearing them heh.gif

Another thing that really annoys me about myself is that I always try to make light of a serious situation, and always end up pissing the other person off. Like, we will be talking about something that either means a lot to both of us or just them, and I will make a seriously inappropriate joke trying to be humourous and I just end up annoying or insulting the other person. It has happened with almost everyone I have had close contact with.

Those are all I can think of right now, but I'm sure I'll have more stuff to add when I do/say something that really annoys me about myself tonguesmiley.gif

I'm also really interested in hearing what other people's are biggrin.png

This is my problem exactly. A song gives me the feels for a few days and I can't stop listening to it. But then, it starts to sound awkward and I cringe when I listen to it. But, the feeling dies down after a few days.

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