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Shopping Obs (M) Long


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So this will be my first Obs. I may have posted this in the wrong area, sincere apologies if I did. :(

I'm a shy person so I tend to keep most things to myself. I finally decided to share this experience, so I hope it's okay. My memory is surprisingly pretty good, so I will put as much detail as I possibly can into this. (I'm also writing this late at night even though I have to be up early in the morning)

Me and my Mom went out to Old Navy to buy me a shirt, just a normal shirt to work in. And being the boyish person I am, we went straight to the guy's section. We found some clearance racks with little ease and were searching through. That's when I heard a loud snuffle from two clothes racks beside me. Not sniffles, actual snuffles. He was about 5'11, age of 20, toned and tan with short dark brown hair and, what I believed, blue-ish eyes. He was with two other males, assuming friends, about the same body structure. One had a short braid blonde hair, the other short and brown. I was doing my absolute hardest to keep my attention on the shirts my Mother was offering. Then it happened. Suddenly, with no warning, he let out two loud sneezes that made the walls vibrate juuust a bit. My breath caught and my heart raced. I turned towards his direction, he was rubbing his nose in his sleeve. One friend blessed him from the jeans section and the other from the end of the section towards the windowed wall. He snuffled again and nodded, saying "Thangks." OMG he was soooo congested! I turned back and saw my Mom waving at me as she walked into the dressing room. So apparently she was trying on some shirts to. But now I was alone...

He kept snuffling as I looked through the shirts, I was cursing in my head in every language I could for not having something for him to blow his nose with. Taking in a breath to calm myself and not 'run away', he added something else to my nerves. A loud and wet sounding coughing fit. I glanced back and saw him bending forward from each cough and one of his friends patting his back. They shared a second of nods and chuckles before he returned to looking at the clothes rack. Again with the snuffles. Without being conscious of it, I was staring right at him. His eyelids sagged with fatigue and his lips parted to take in air. He looked absolutely gorgeous miserable. He looked up and around nervously about something and his eyes met mine. I froze. Both our eyes wide. I quickly turned away, nearly smothering my flushed face into the rack of shirts. It took well over two minutes before I could breathe normally. I glanced back with whatever courage I had, and saw him turn back as if knowing I was looking at him again. He was shrunk down as if trying to make himself look smaller. He gave a shy wave that I assumed to be an apology and I waved back. He snuffled, yet again, and rubbed his nose with his sleeve. I slapped my cheeks and turned back to the shirts. Again. I saw my Mother come out, I looked over to greet her, only to see her staring with a grin. That Mother's grin of seeing something that their child doesn't. I swallowed.

I turned oh so slowly and came face to face with him. He was standing a few feet away, still hunched down. In the distance where he was originally standing, were his two friends. Arms crossed and looking over with wide grins. I then turned to my Mother. Who disappeared. Oh my God...please not here, not now. "Umb...hey." I sucked in a breath and turned back. Hoping my face wasn't as red as I thought it was. "Mby dame is Lorenz. Umb....." OMG he was trying so hard. I couldn't breathe. "I couldn'd helb bud nodice you were looking over." Shit. "Oh, that? No, I was just uh..." I couldn't speak, sputtering with my words like I was on too much caffine. He was handsome beyond everything. And I am no where in the, 'you look pretty' or 'you're cute' department. Why the hell was he talking to me? Then something clicked, he introduced himself. Again, without thinking, I stuck out my hand and introduced myself. Instead of taking my hand, he nervously stepped back. Then out of no where, I heard this. "He thinks you're cute!" He paled. Like, visibly paled in embarrassment! OMG. That went double for me. Before I could respond, he turned fully away and doubled over with two more loud sneezes. "B-Bless you..." "Thangks, sorry."

From there, we pretty much made small talk between his snuffles and........I got his number. *inner death squeal* So I will hopefully be meeting with him some time tomorrow at the Mall after work. *crosses fingers* I REALLY don't want to blow this.

Sorry this was so long. There was more sneezes later on and lots, lots, lots, more snuffles. But I think this is long enough. I'm going to go crawl in a hole now........bye! *hides*

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Soooo I just got back from the Mall and the first thing I did was get on here to give you guys an update. smile.png I actually wrote down small notes to help me remember the details....I'm so lame.

I parked my truck at the food court, like pretty much everyone does, and walked in. It was was around 2:08pm when I arrived. The Mall was packed, like normal I assume. I don't exactly go out to the Mall cause I have no life tonguesmiley.gif . I looked around for Lorenz and his accompanying friends. The first ten minutes I didn't see them, so in my mind I'm thinking, oh lovely, just another prank. I gave it another ten minutes and after that I stood from the bench seat and was starting to walk out. Then I heard someone shout. "Over here!" Thinking nothing of it, because I have been stood up before, I kept walking. I heard someone running behind me, and instinctively turned around in quick motion. "Whoa!" He nearly fell back with his hands up. "It's just me." I felt so bad. The scared face he made pulled at my heart. His smile was quickly revealed though, but I still felt the need to apologize. "I'm sorry, I just thought..." I looked away to clear my throat and then back. And then there was that sound. That loud congested snuffle, yet he didn't sound as bad. I met his eyes for a quick second before he turned away and sneezed another duo into his elbow. Most likely to muffle the sound. I took in a deep breath, as much as my lungs could hold and stuttered out a, "Bless y-you." And for some reason, this question popped out. It might have been out of care or concern or curiosity, but I asked the most obvious question. "Bad cold?" I face-palmed in my head. His face turned two shades of red.

"Oh...y-yeah. *snuffle, snuffle* Sorry, I kndow, I bust look like a disease tractor huh?" And then I twitched. He scratched the back of his neck nervously and looked at the floor. I couldn't think of anything other than, "No! Of course not. Tractors don't carry disease." Before I could stop my bad sense of humor, the words came out. Now I was flushing two shades. I was about to apologize when he started laughing. Hysterical laughter. Like that was the best joke he had ever heard. I had to join in, Like the shy person I am. The laugh was cut short by him coughing. My hand met his back and started rubbing up and down. I felt the muscles in his back tense, I swallowed and prepared. Two more rattling sneezes met his opposite elbow. I could hear his throat being scraped by the sound, and I knew it hurt him because he grunted lowly and rubbed his neck. "Bless you!" Again with the snuffles. "Yo, Ren!" We both turned to see two people standing at the other end and one waving. I stepped back to give us both some room to breathe. I took another deep breath. He grinned sheepishly and shrugged in their direction. "I think they wand do meet you. *snuffle* I apologize id advance if they sdartle you." He was so embarrassed, I could tell. I nodded and pocketed my hands, feeling a plastic wrap in my right pocket. As we walked over I was wondering what it could be and pulled it out.

It was a small travel pack of tissues. I completely forgot I bought them before driving over here. Shit. I planned on giving them to him, but now he got me so flustered that I couldn't. But I'm a persistent girl. Just a few more strides until we came over to them, I reached out and gently tugged on his sleeve. He looked back and I held it out with my right hand. "I...I thought you might need these..." I couldn't even look him in the eye. My hand was shaking so bad from the wrap it was in (I busted my wrist a few days ago from moving a bookshelf). "Oh. Uh..." I had to peek, just a tiny peek. His eyes were wide as he gently slid it out from my fingers, careful not to touch my hand, and snuffled. Again! OMG the snuffling was going to end me. "Thangk you...you didn'd have do buy themb." This time I flushed. What was wrong with buying a sick person tissues? It's not against the law or anything. I glanced over to see his friends chuckling to each other, then heard the wrapper open. Turning back to him I just caught a triple sneeze from him. He groaned and held them to his nose. I didn't think his face could get any more redder. But it did, and it wasn't hard to guess why. "S-sorry...cad you uh..." I nodded quickly and watched him trot off to the restroom, the tissues clasped tightly around his nose. I felt really bad, like REALLY bad for him. I couldn't imagine myself going out in public while all sneezy and messy. Yet his friends laughed. I'm positive it wasn't teasingly, but they still laughed.

As we waited for Lorenz to return from his embarrassing moment, I introduced myself to his friends. The blonde was Alex and the other was Sam. (In all honesty, I thought and saw Sam Winchester. For anyone who watches Supernatural, you'll get the visual. heart.gif ) We made very small small talk until he came out. He was peppier and more lively, though his nose carried a tint of red now. From there, we pretty much explored the Mall. We didn't really buy much, and he didn't have anymore sneezes. But he had the occasional cough and the normal sniffles for the remainder of the time. I have no idea if this will be a permanent or not, but he is cute and he is nice. TOO nice. But if it works out, then he will be my first, if not, then I hope we can be friends.

I'm so giddy from today! I was praying for it not to be over, but alas all days come to an end. I am looking forward to seeing him again, so hopefully more Obs. And these probably suck, but I did my best blush.png

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These are amazing! And so cute! Ahh I love that feeling! Enjoy having someone for the holidays, don't friendzone him yet or you'll have no one to kiss on New Years! I love this, I can't believe I didn't see it sooner. :)))

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Thank you guys for the wonderful comments! The experience was well worth it!

I will see if I can get some more Obs this week, but I can't promise anything. *crosses fingers*

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So I just scored a second day with him to the movies! I don't know what we are going to watch but I don't care. We spoke over the phone just a bit ago and he was sooooo stuffed up! Im beginning to think that it's just a head cold or something, but man is my heart racing.

During the short call, he paused a few times and I could hear the faintest hitching of breaths, but sadly no sneeze. sadsmiley.gif But I would guess that he was trying to be polite via phone call. Which is just adorable! I did hear some quiet coughs and his lovely snuffling, so I guess that's fair.

I will be sure to update on how the movies turn out. biggrin.png

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I am dead of cute. Just... dead.

"Tractors don't carry disease." Hahahaha. I think your sense of humor is awesome, but I have a pretty awful sense of humor. :)

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The time is set! I will be picking him up at 6:30pm tonight! O_O im so nervous it's ridiculous!

He doesn't have a car, which is a little weird, but I far from mind it. ^_^

Wish me luck!

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Sooooo I just got back from the movies. And OMG do I have some obs. It's really late here so I will share some now and then the rest laters~

Okay, let's start with the drive there shall we?

I went to pick him up, it was about 6:40pm when I arrived at his house. The first thing I noticed was what he was wearing. A snuggling gray hoody and some warm winter sweatpants. He looked so precious :heart: I was wearing my normal white tiger t-shirt with my black sweatpants. I turned the heat on full blast as he climbed in. He was shivering, almost vibrating on my truck seat. This is what he said, "Thank you for picking me up. Usually it's the guy who picks up the girl, right?" He was rubbing his neck with a cute little grin. "It was no problem, really. He's not a pick up truck for nothing." Damn my sense of humor. But it got me a laugh, so I was good. As we drove to the movies that were about twenty three minutes away, he was still shivering next to me. He was rubbing his nose in quick small motions that I could catch in my peripheral. "I like your truck *sniffle*, it matches." My face was beat red. He just commented. OH MY FREAKING LORD. Was this a tease? Was he hitting on me? My truck? Was he flirting? I have no clue, but it made me laugh. That laugh was cut short by an intake of breath from him. I turned just enough to see him bend forward with two loud and forceful sneezes. "S-sorry *snuffle* sdill haven'd shook this thing." I swallowed and turned back to the road, uttering a low, "I-it's okay. Bless you." "Thanks." He was sniffle snuffling. The end of me as we know it...

It was a quiet drive, aside from his sniffles and a few muffled coughs. The next time I looked over he had his arms crossed and legs together. The seat was shaking just a bit, so I turned my right vent towards him to blow more heat his way. He chuckled. We stopped at a red light right before the turn in when he sneezes another duo. This time the whole truck shook. It took me more by surprise than anything. "Bless you!" "Thangks *snuffle* umb...you wouldn'd habben do have andy uh *snuffle*..." I could see him flushing a deep red. Then it hit my slow brain. "Oh! Uh I think so. Check the glove compartment. I think I have some napkins or a clean rag." "A rag?" He questioned, but didn't hesitate to open it and search through. His hands barely touching the papers and random items scattered inside. It made me laugh and reach in, pulling out a roll of paper towels from under my spare light box and my wrench. "Use what you need." He pulled off a few and pinched them around his nose. He didn't blow though. I'm not much for hearing nose blowing, but I could have made an exception. He did wipe his nose and snuffle into them as we turned in and parked close up to the theater gate. So precious! :3

I will leave the actual obs from the movies for tomorrow. I am tired and need my four hours before a side job tonight.

Night guys~

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I return with the movies Obs! I swear he's just the most precious of angels wubsmiley.gif (I wrote down what I could yesterday so I wouldn't forget. Also added some details ;) )

Before we even left the truck, and before I pulled the keys out, he was snuffling and pinching his nose with sagging eyes. He looked so tired and miserable. I couldn't help myself. "Lorenz? Do you want to do this another night?" His free hand balled on his pantleg, I assumed he was considering it until he took in a quick breath and sneezed another duo! (so he his apparently a dos/doubler. YAY!) Again rocking the truck, but not as bad. I had to take a deep breath. My heart was pounding, but I couldn't look away. He gave nose a few rubs and snuffles before turning with aware eyes. "Sorry. Whad did you say? Was sorda oud of id..." His blush met mine. ARE YOU SERIOUS!? OMG. I cleared my throat and asked again. "D-did you want to reschedule?" The disappointment in his expression nearly broke my heart. "No! No, of course nod! I'b fine, really!" That made it even worse. "I'ds jusd a cold, I ged them all the dime. Really..." He was cut off by a fit of coughs. They weren't heavy, but they didn't sound healthy.

That's when my motherly side popped up. I placed a hand on his leg, instantly earning a flinch from him. Weird. "It's okay. I don't mind." I look to the thermostat in my radio player. "It's 15 degrees out (15f). I don't want you to get-" I jumped when his hand touched mine for the first time. I held a deep breath. He smiled. It was so gentle. I sighed, I couldn't do it. We stepped out and walked in step to the main entrance, his jacket sipped up and hands in his pockets. His pink nose and flushed cheeks were visible to his pale skin. It took everything I had to not wrap my hoody around him. We bought our tickets to some horror movie, I didn't pay too much attention, and walked into the divided room. the room was colder than the outside and he was crossing his arm to stay warm, though he gave me that same smile when I looked at him. (this was when I started taking down notes as to not forget) Apart from a few muffled coughs and some quiet sniffling, the first half of the movie was pretty good. It was about then, when i was getting into it, that his breath started to hitch. I glanced over to see his eyes closed and head down with lips parted. He was trying not to sneeze. OMG. I tried to ignore it and turned back to the movie. It was about two minutes in when he bent forward. I looked over and saw him bounce twice more. No sound. Ouch. Though I knew he managed to stifle successfully, I still spoke. "Bless you. You okay?" "Sorry, was dryig do be quied." I could barely understand him. He was still leaning down. Shy.

Holding in my breath and feeling a lump in my throat, I pulled him up and looked into his eyes. They were teary. I slowly reached a hand up and pressed the back of my fingers to his forehead. He looked away. "You have a fever." "Yeah...I kdow..." That's when my heart broke. And this sudden anger rose in my chest. I held onto his wrist and pulled for him to follow. It felt like I was dragging a bag of potatoes. I stopped in the hall and he leaned up against the wall. My arms crossed. I honestly couldn't believe this. He was sick and running a fever! I turned to him to ask what up, but was cut short when he sneezed again. "Are you angry width be...?" That. Those words. They brought back memories. Bad ones of my childhood. All anger drained right then and there. He didn't look me in the eye, but I could tell that wasn't the first time he had asked someone that. Those words brought my own eyes to water. "No..." I finally spoke up. Though it was a little cracked. "But I am taking you home." Before I was fully turned away, I heard a strained, "No..!" That's when I lost myself. "Please, I'b sorry. I jusd wand do ged oud of the house...I..." I bit my lip. Holy shit. I walked up to him and placed two firm hands to his shoulders. "My house. We need to talk." His eyes pleading. He snuffled and nodded. I dragged him to my truck and we drove out. I didn't hear anything else out of him the rest of the night.

So yeah, that happened. This was too much not to forget, and I still can't believe this happened. It's baffling me till no end. I walked him into my room, thank god my parents are gone, and laid him down on my bed. I didn't get to ask anything because he was fast asleep in like ten minutes. I'm still rattling my brain.

He is still at my house, snuggled up in blankets and drugged up with the best stuff I have. I came home from work at around 9:00am and he was still sleeping. I know these are Obs, but I had NO idea this would happen. Help? Please? I have no idea what to do! :cry:

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Oh my

...and I only found this now..?

That's exactly like straight out of a story all right

And this is definitely past the point where "lucky you" would be an appropriate comment. It's kind of a "does stuff like this actually happen??" situation. I'm glad you are sharing this all and I am sorry to hear he might have some problems with his homelife (or something, that's how I understood it from what you have written here).

He sounds hot and you two sound like a cute couple-to-be and I hope that isn't an inappropriate comment at this point. I am sorry if it is.

I'm not the best person to give advice but I would probably ask him if everything is all right or if he wants to talk and definitely ask him if he would like to stay for a while (if it was/is possible).

What ever you end up doing I hope it will turn out all right.

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Oh my

...and I only found this now..?

That's exactly like straight out of a story all right

And this is definitely past the point where "lucky you" would be an appropriate comment. It's kind of a "does stuff like this actually happen??" situation. I'm glad you a sharing this all and I am sorry to hear he might have some problems wuth his homelufe (or something, that's how I understood it from what youhave written here).

He sounds hot and you two sound like a cute couple-to-be and I hope that isn't an inappropriate comment at this point. I am sorry if it is.

I'm not the best person to give advice but I would probably ask him if everything is all right or if he wants to talk and definitely ask him if he would like to stay for a while (if it was/is possible).

What ever you end up doing I hope it will turn out all right.

Yeah, it really feels like i'm dreaming. I had no idea this was actually real. :( Thank you for the advice. I wormed my way through talking to his mother a bit ago about him staying over. (Somehow that worked.) He's sitting across from me in the living room wrapped up and drinking some warm apple juice (I know people would recommend tea, but it's all I got since im here alone) He didn't argue with staying over. But I think I'll wait till later tonight to ask him he he's okay. If it's anything of what I think it is, then I might be able to help. Thank you again.

I'm sorry these Obs took a MAJOR turn the opposite way. Full apologies... I'll see if I can bring in some more...pleasant ones, before he goes home.

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Oh my

...and I only found this now..?

That's exactly like straight out of a story all right

And this is definitely past the point where "lucky you" would be an appropriate comment. It's kind of a "does stuff like this actually happen??" situation. I'm glad you a sharing this all and I am sorry to hear he might have some problems wuth his homelufe (or something, that's how I understood it from what youhave written here).

He sounds hot and you two sound like a cute couple-to-be and I hope that isn't an inappropriate comment at this point. I am sorry if it is.

I'm not the best person to give advice but I would probably ask him if everything is all right or if he wants to talk and definitely ask him if he would like to stay for a while (if it was/is possible).

What ever you end up doing I hope it will turn out all right.

Yeah, it really feels like i'm dreaming. I had no idea this was actually real. sadsmiley.gif Thank you for the advice. I wormed my way through talking to his mother a bit ago about him staying over. (Somehow that worked.) He's sitting across from me in the living room wrapped up and drinking some warm apple juice (I know people would recommend tea, but it's all I got since im here alone) He didn't argue with staying over. But I think I'll wait till later tonight to ask him he he's okay. If it's anything of what I think it is, then I might be able to help. Thank you again.

I wouldn't actually recommend tea (unless it's herbal "tea"). If he's been running a fever he should be getting fluids in instead of having the caffeine suck them out. Warm juice is good (and actually what I'm used to associate with being sick). (:

If waiting feels like the way to go then you should wait. Trust yourself and your own feelings/thoughts on how it all shijld be handled and it should go all right. From the little that I've read bere now I've got the impression that you know what to do even if you might have felt insecure/lost/douptful of youdself/I don't know what would be the right word when you made the post.

I'm sorry these Obs took a MAJOR turn the opposite way. Full apologies... I'll see if I can bring in some more...pleasant ones, before he goes home.

Don't worry about it, all right? Life isn't all joy and play all the time. Sometimes things can take a turn away from the light-hearted happiness but that is all right and sharing it here as continuation for the previous days is not something you need to apologise for (in my opinion). Don't take any preassure on having to share more pleasant updates for our enjoyment; in this situation it is his (and your) comfort that matters the most. That being said I have to say that I, too, do hope you will get to share happier news with us because that would mean that either the situation isn't too bad or you have been able to help him/it's all turning for the better there.

Sorry, you didn't ask me to ramble on about this. n_n'''

//Sorry about all the typos. I'm using a tablet that seems to have some problems.

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Sorry, you didn't ask me to ramble on about this. n_n'''

No no, that's more than alright. Thank you so much! :cryhappy: I'll be sure to see to it that he gets better!
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So we finally had the talk late last night/early morning, and it turns out we have a lot in common. I started out gentle, the 'how many siblings do you have?' gentle. three brothers, four sisters. Dear lord. It went down from there until I nudged on what was wrong and out of his request and understanding the personal space, he asked to keep it secret. I can assure you it was father mained. He seems to be happy here for the short while I can keep have him over. It is thankfully something I can help with, how much I'm not sure, but I can. I will have some more Obs up soon, and may have some fun sleep inducing him. *hopeful*

I will update soon, his fever has gone down a bit so we will see what happens. ^_^

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It's good that you are able to help him. (:

And whoa

That's a lot of siblings.

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