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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Show&Tell : the real deal


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Hi! This is for the amazing couple and their video of you being woken up in the middle of the night by your guy....

I can't say I can get enough enough of this :blushing: So thank you, for being daring and out there in the open, (which I would never do;) and making some fantasies come true!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/3/2017 at 2:35 PM, Elektra said:

Hi! This is for the amazing couple and their video of you being woken up in the middle of the night by your guy....

I can't say I can get enough enough of this :blushing: So thank you, for being daring and out there in the open, (which I would never do;) and making some fantasies come true!

Thanks for the shout out!  Its been fun so far ^_^

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9 hours ago, elements said:

Oh my gosh, you"re on the forum! Love you two! Thanks for sharing with us! Your hitching and multiples are the cutest!!!

Appreciate the positive feedback!  Yes, I'm not quite as active on the forum as I once was, but I do look around from time to time ;P

Making the videos has been a really amazing experience so far for my husband and I.

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I'm sorry if this is intrusive, but how old are you? I thought you were in your late 20's but your profile says otherwise, yet you're married...

Other than that, it's cool : so both of you have the fetish? Or is it something only one of you was into and the other indulged in it to please the first? How does that even happen;)

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On 12/15/2017 at 0:32 PM, Elektra said:

I'm sorry if this is intrusive, but how old are you? I thought you were in your late 20's but your profile says otherwise, yet you're married...

Other than that, it's cool : so both of you have the fetish? Or is it something only one of you was into and the other indulged in it to please the first? How does that even happen;)

Hey, its no problem. Honestly I'm not sure what I put on my profile.  I don't even know how to edit the thing :P my husband and I are both mid twenties.  

We both have the fetish, although I would describe it more like a kink. We can both enjoy lots of things, sneezing is just the most fun.  XD

He has been aware of it for years, I've only really started embracing it fairly recently by comparison.  

I know it sounds crazy, but we didn't meet online or anything.  We literally bumped into each other at work!

Thanks for the questions, always happy to answer

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Hey, thanks, it's awesome, and exciting :)

I'm here to develop myself and grow more and more accepting of EVERYTHING that I am, and everything everyone is. At length, to really enjoy a full and balanced sex life. You guys seem to have fun early on, I think it's great.

I'm sorry the chat doesn't work anymore, but if you ever want to exchange by PM's I'd be glad.

Enjoy the holidays passionately!


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  • 2 weeks later...


On 12/18/2017 at 11:28 PM, Show&tell said:

Hey, its no problem. Honestly I'm not sure what I put on my profile.  I don't even know how to edit the thing :P my husband and I are both mid twenties.  

We both have the fetish, although I would describe it more like a kink. We can both enjoy lots of things, sneezing is just the most fun.  XD

He has been aware of it for years, I've only really started embracing it fairly recently by comparison.  

I know it sounds crazy, but we didn't meet online or anything.  We literally bumped into each other at work!

Thanks for the questions, always happy to answer

Thats so cool that you bumped into each other, how did you guys find out about each other both liking to sneeze and that you were both in the community?

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On 1/2/2018 at 4:35 PM, etechie said:


Thats so cool that you bumped into each other, how did you guys find out about each other both liking to sneeze and that you were both in the community?

Well... That's kind of a long and confusing story haha ^_^

Suffice to say we had our suspicions fairly early on about one another. We both kind of knew what to look for.  Lingering glances, blushing etc.

Finally he got brave enough to mutter something about a "blue forum" sort of quietly, but I caught on ;)

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On 12/21/2017 at 2:51 PM, Elektra said:

Hey, thanks, it's awesome, and exciting :)

I'm here to develop myself and grow more and more accepting of EVERYTHING that I am, and everything everyone is. At length, to really enjoy a full and balanced sex life. You guys seem to have fun early on, I think it's great.

I'm sorry the chat doesn't work anymore, but if you ever want to exchange by PM's I'd be glad.

Enjoy the holidays passionately!


This forum is certainly a wonderful place for self discovery and growth :) Thanks, and good luck on your own journey!


I never got to see the chat in action lol, so I can't miss what I never had! :P I think our email is in our YouTube description for what it's worth.


The holidays were awesome actually.  We did a bunch of traveling

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Happy new year, girl!

Been traveling too, much to my enjoyment

Well, to email you I'd have to...uh..show my email, and I'm *that* paranoid still. I know, I know, it doesn't quite match with the fact I'd be willing to throw an inducing party with a bunch of friends if I even met you outside my line of work, but still LOL


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7 hours ago, Elektra said:

Happy new year, girl!

Been traveling too, much to my enjoyment

Well, to email you I'd have to...uh..show my email, and I'm *that* paranoid still. I know, I know, it doesn't quite match with the fact I'd be willing to throw an inducing party with a bunch of friends if I even met you outside my line of work, but still LOL


Everybody has there own comfort levels!  ^_^

Traveling might be the greatest thing.  Like the best lol.  I mean, it was a fairly mundane destination this time around, but still.  I love seeing new stuff.

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On 04/01/2018 at 10:04 AM, Show&tell said:

Well... That's kind of a long and confusing story haha ^_^

Suffice to say we had our suspicions fairly early on about one another. We both kind of knew what to look for.  Lingering glances, blushing etc.

Finally he got brave enough to mutter something about a "blue forum" sort of quietly, but I caught on ;)

Blue forum!! LOL are we blue? I never noticed.

You were both already on the forum, or you joined after he ..muttered?;)

That's still pretty amazing to me. I've told my boyfriend about part of the fetish (only the coughing part, for some reason) and he still doesn't get to use it very often, as if it made him really ill at ease. At the same time, he was cool about it when we talked...then he shied away. Oh well.

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On 1/12/2018 at 11:49 AM, Elektra said:

Blue forum!! LOL are we blue? I never noticed.

You were both already on the forum, or you joined after he ..muttered?;)

That's still pretty amazing to me. I've told my boyfriend about part of the fetish (only the coughing part, for some reason) and he still doesn't get to use it very often, as if it made him really ill at ease. At the same time, he was cool about it when we talked...then he shied away. Oh well.

Blue-ish! I think? Haha


Ah, sorry to hear that about your guy.  A lot of people I've spoken to (at least recently) have said their S/O wants to help with the fetish, but sometimes just doesn't know how.  Outside their typical experiences.  And an un-confident person doesn't often feel sexy.  Maybe bring it up again! Who knows. :)

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Not wanting to meddle into the conversation, just coming here to leave my kudos (since i can't send messages for some reason) to Show&tell and her husband for their contributions to the community. I immensely appreciate the work you had to create material for us, thank you so much for everything you guys have done! I hope you get treated with the utmost respect by the sff community. Once again, thank you both so much!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Also coming here for a kudos... I came across your yt vids just this week and I have to say, they're adorable. I remember Sneeze Guy's vids from a few years back, they were amazing and then they were gone. It's nice to see that you're both enjoying the fetish so much, and you guys are adorable together. Well done, and thanks so much for sharing :)

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  • 1 month later...

Oh my goodness, I can’t believe this. I joined the forum late Feb of this year and back then when I first realized I had this fetish and was doing ‘research haha’, your channel with your husband was the first visual video I saw and it was amazing! 

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  • 1 month later...
On 4/9/2018 at 3:22 PM, Reader said:

Oh my goodness, I can’t believe this. I joined the forum late Feb of this year and back then when I first realized I had this fetish and was doing ‘research haha’, your channel with your husband was the first visual video I saw and it was amazing! 

Wow that's actually crazy! I also figured out about my fetish in February of this year, and your videos @Show&tell were the main videos that helped me figure it out. So thank you Show&tell! And we have a lot in common, Reader! :) 

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2 minutes ago, Reader said:

@Lauren That’s so cool! Im very curious about what else we have in common now! 😊

Me too! I wish I could dm people so we could talk more but sadly not yet :( 

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@Lauren You’re so close! Once you get it, one of us will remember to send the other a dm but until then I already know that we both hate blessing people. 😋 

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I'm so happy we could help you guys in any way.  =) this whole experience has been amazing so far.


If you have any questions let me know!

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I just discovered you two and talk about a dream come true.  You are both wonderful.  I love both of your noses, both of your sneezes.  I have to say the video that I love the most so far is the up close one of your nose while your husband induces you.  That's one of the hottest things I've seen in a long time.  He knows just what to do.  

If he's willing, I would absolutely die if you two did that video again, but roles reversed.  OMG *swoon at the thought*  

You two are just adorable.  


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3 minutes ago, Dawnie said:

I just discovered you two and talk about a dream come true.  You are both wonderful.  I love both of your noses, both of your sneezes.  I have to say the video that I love the most so far is the up close one of your nose while your husband induces you.  That's one of the hottest things I've seen in a long time.  He knows just what to do.  

If he's willing, I would absolutely die if you two did that video again, but roles reversed.  OMG *swoon at the thought*  

You two are just adorable.  


Hey, thanks so much for the support. =)

*taps chin deep in thought*

You know, I think we can manage that particular request.

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