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(PICS) Sick Passenger on the train (Content warning: Snot)


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Warning: Graphic Descriptions of snot/mucus.


This just happened a few hours ago so the memory is extremely fresh in my head.

I was on my way to work and it was raining as I got into my train. Took a seat (this isn't the main obstacle by the way) and heard a wet double sneeze from a female passenger, followed by two more amazing sounding ones. I couldn't make out who sneezed as it was too crowded, unfortunately.

So I continue along my merry way after I reach my train station and get into a tram/U-bahn (I'm in Germany). Five minutes in and I get ready to step out of the tram. I was standing in front of the doors before they opened and beside me I hear this incredibly wet nose blow. Not the honking kind or the soft blow, but a full-fledged cold snot blow. It was so wet and as I looked beside me it was this probably 20 year old slim brunette blowing her nose into the tissue. She was lean and gorgeous, especially with her pinkish-red nose and sniffles. We stepped out at the same time and she continues filling that tissue with her cold viruses. Incredibly hot. I'm basically staring at only her at this point. She walks ahead of me to catch another tram and drops the soaked tissue into a bin. I keep my eyes on her as we head into different directions and watch her rubbing her irritated and red nose while taking out another tissue to blow it in. I head up the escalator and wish I could've watched her more.

As I'm walking towards work I couldn't stand it so I turned around and went to the bin where she dropped the tissue in. I peeked in and thankfully, her tissue was the only thing inside. Seemed like the plastic bag was just replaced. I stand there awkwardly until another tram comes and distracts most of the people, then I reach in and pick it up and leave. I survey the content and can clearly make out the thick, sticky mucus along with her lipstick and make-up. Holy f***.

I get to my workplace and barricade myself in the bathroom to look at the tissue. It was heavenly. One half was dried up snot and was stuck tightly together while the other was pure, wet, sticky, germ-filled mucus. It was freshly and messily blown, as there were bits of mucus on the edge of the tissue as well. I had struck gold. I smelled the tissue and it was this thick, flu-like smell, and it was definitely sticky as hell. I inhaled the viruses, amongst other things. 

Since I knew I was gonna share this with you guys, I took some pictures just so you can feel as amazing as I did. Do wish I could've seen her cold progress, though.


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Wow...you just lived one of my dreams. I am happy for you...and also jealous...but mainly happy. Thank you very much for sharing the pictures. That was very thoughtful.

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Absolutely beautiful. You are seriously lucky! I'm a hanky/tissue examiner from way back, but you struck gold there for sure!

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This is the second time I've seen an ob like this, and I'm wondering why nobody finds it disturbing. Observing and enjoying sneezes are one thing, and I wouldn't have minded if the woman in question had been aware of this and CONSENTED to it. But this is downright creepy. 

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On 3/22/2018 at 2:04 PM, zapata said:

Wow...you just lived one of my dreams. I am happy for you...and also jealous...but mainly happy. Thank you very much for sharing the pictures. That was very thoughtful.

Thanks! Trust me I know the jealous feeling :P but it’s my pleasure :D


On 3/22/2018 at 10:01 PM, Mr Sneezy said:

Absolutely beautiful. You are seriously lucky! I'm a hanky/tissue examiner from way back, but you struck gold there for sure!

Yeah man I feel really lucky 🍀 it’s really hard to get such ob’s 

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8 minutes ago, Sneeze999 said:

This is incredibly creepy....


17 hours ago, ICan'tThinkOfAnything said:

This is the second time I've seen an ob like this, and I'm wondering why nobody finds it disturbing. Observing and enjoying sneezes are one thing, and I wouldn't have minded if the woman in question had been aware of this and CONSENTED to it. But this is downright creepy. 

You guys know that the pictures depict used tissues and not a person right?

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7 hours ago, Steelswarm said:


You guys know that the pictures depict used tissues and not a person right?

Exactly thanks man! :D They’re literally just used tissues haha. 

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4 hours ago, z8 said:

Exactly thanks man! :D They’re literally just used tissues haha. 

Nah, that is still creepy. For us, this... kinda feels like the equivalent to stealing someone's used clothing or something? I don't know, there's definitely something intensely creepy and weird about this, and I think this should start being discouraged, if not outright stopped, on this forum.

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On ‎3‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 10:18 AM, z8 said:

Warning: Graphic Descriptions of snot/mucus.


This just happened a few hours ago so the memory is extremely fresh in my head.

I was on my way to work and it was raining as I got into my train. Took a seat (this isn't the main obstacle by the way) and heard a wet double sneeze from a female passenger, followed by two more amazing sounding ones. I couldn't make out who sneezed as it was too crowded, unfortunately.

So I continue along my merry way after I reach my train station and get into a tram/U-bahn (I'm in Germany). Five minutes in and I get ready to step out of the tram. I was standing in front of the doors before they opened and beside me I hear this incredibly wet nose blow. Not the honking kind or the soft blow, but a full-fledged cold snot blow. It was so wet and as I looked beside me it was this probably 20 year old slim brunette blowing her nose into the tissue. She was lean and gorgeous, especially with her pinkish-red nose and sniffles. We stepped out at the same time and she continues filling that tissue with her cold viruses. Incredibly hot. I'm basically staring at only her at this point. She walks ahead of me to catch another tram and drops the soaked tissue into a bin. I keep my eyes on her as we head into different directions and watch her rubbing her irritated and red nose while taking out another tissue to blow it in. I head up the escalator and wish I could've watched her more.

As I'm walking towards work I couldn't stand it so I turned around and went to the bin where she dropped the tissue in. I peeked in and thankfully, her tissue was the only thing inside. Seemed like the plastic bag was just replaced. I stand there awkwardly until another tram comes and distracts most of the people, then I reach in and pick it up and leave. I survey the content and can clearly make out the thick, sticky mucus along with her lipstick and make-up. Holy f***.

I get to my workplace and barricade myself in the bathroom to look at the tissue. It was heavenly. One half was dried up snot and was stuck tightly together while the other was pure, wet, sticky, germ-filled mucus. It was freshly and messily blown, as there were bits of mucus on the edge of the tissue as well. I had struck gold. I smelled the tissue and it was this thick, flu-like smell, and it was definitely sticky as hell. I inhaled the viruses, amongst other things. 

Since I knew I was gonna share this with you guys, I took some pictures just so you can feel as amazing as I did. Do wish I could've seen her cold progress, though.



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On 3/25/2018 at 7:10 AM, Steelswarm said:


You guys know that the pictures depict used tissues and not a person right?

Yes, however; this is a sneeze fetishist forum. The pictures of used tissues were obviously meant to incite arousal in both the OP and others viewing it. This is kind of the equivalent of, say, a panty shot. Yeah, it's just panties and not a person, so what's the big deal? Because some people are gonna fap to it. That's the big deal. It was done without consent, shared with others without consent, and will be the object of other people's sexual pleasure without consent ("...so you can feel just as amazing as I did."). It's creepy as fuck. This, along with the rubbing used tissues over various body parts as seen in a previous obs, is not something that should take place without consent. This is fucking gross and it's disturbing that so many people seem to be okay with it. 

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1 hour ago, ICan'tThinkOfAnything said:

Yes, however; this is a sneeze fetishist forum. The pictures of used tissues were obviously meant to incite arousal in both the OP and others viewing it. This is kind of the equivalent of, say, a panty shot. Yeah, it's just panties and not a person, so what's the big deal? Because some people are gonna fap to it. That's the big deal. It was done without consent, shared with others without consent, and will be the object of other people's sexual pleasure without consent ("...so you can feel just as amazing as I did."). It's creepy as fuck. This, along with the rubbing used tissues over various body parts as seen in a previous obs, is not something that should take place without consent. This is fucking gross and it's disturbing that so many people seem to be okay with it. 

Let me ask you this, where do you draw the line? I am 100% sure you jack off to youtube or other social media videos of people sneezing without their consent, and may or may not share the videos without the person's consent as well. Isn't that creepy as well? Have you not jacked off to hundreds or thousands of observations on this very site (a lot of which are not self-obs)? Have you personally contacted every single sneezing person that you have fapped to, and warned them that you did, or intended to do so? 

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16 hours ago, TheNirpher said:

Nah, that is still creepy. For us, this... kinda feels like the equivalent to stealing someone's used clothing or something? I don't know, there's definitely something intensely creepy and weird about this, and I think this should start being discouraged, if not outright stopped, on this forum.

I do not have the tissue fetish thing, but to me (and this is my opinion, same value as yours) the tissues were discarded, and are therefore of no value to the person that once owned them or used them. They also do not help identify in any way the person that used them. If it's his and the target audience's kink, and he's not harming /stealing/invading personal space, directly or indirectly, I don't see the reason to think this is creepy. Millions of people out there think you are creepy for jacking off to their sneezes. What do you think about that?

Edited by Steelswarm
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They (and I) evidently draw the line somewhere between those two things.

I think the difference to me is that someone who's recorded and publicly hosted a video of themselves is putting that video out there to be watched; whether it's in the manner they intended, or by someone like us, or for some other purpose entirely, that's the prerogative of the individual viewer. If the uploader finds out that the video is being used for what they might deem unsavoury means, and it makes them uncomfortable, it is within their power to take the video down.

Someone who throws a used tissue in the bin is not putting that tissue in the public domain for anyone to use. They are putting it in the bin. If I found out that somebody was going through my rubbish to find remnants of me for their own sexual pleasure (tissues, socks, underwear or whatever else), yes I'd be hella creeped out. A lot more so than if I found out someone was jacking it to ostensibly innocuous videos of myself I'd hosted on YouTube.

I disagree with the argument, "You're OK with fetishy act X, therefore you're a hypocrite if you're not OK with fetishy act Y" - they're different acts and need to be considered independently.

To me there's a definite line that's been crossed somewhere between the two; if you feel otherwise, well that's up to you, but this whole scenario makes me very uncomfortable.

Edited by poiub
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2 hours ago, poiub said:

I disagree with the argument, "You're OK with fetishy act X, therefore you're a hypocrite if you're not OK with fetishy act Y" - they're different acts and need to be considered independently.

What I think about fetishy acts is more on the lines of: if it does not invade personal space, hurt anyone, or involves stealing, directly or indirectly is OK with me. Not saying all of them are ok.

If I understood correctly, you think it's ok (or less creepy) , as long as the person being sexualized has the power to take the material (that it is out there to be watched by their own consent) down. What about half the observations on this site? What consent have the people that we 'observe' had on the writing of this fetish material?

But using the quoted argument kind of works here. We as sneeze fetishers write about things that happen in real life without any kind of consent by the people we sexualize. Most 'outsiders' don't even know this kind of fetish exists, and if they knew that their sneezes were being sexualized and jacked off by some random weird guys on a forum on the internet I am sure that some of them would find it creepy as well. So yeah, maybe I am creepy for writing a sneezing observation. Maybe I am creepy for jacking off to some of them. Maybe the original poster is also creepy for grabbing the used tissues and jack off to them as well, while providing photos of said tissues so that other people could do the same on the forum.

Maybe its best if we continue this discussion via PM?

Edited by Steelswarm
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You make some fair points, and it's quite possible that there is some cognitive dissonance within myself that I don't particularly want to dissect.

I'd say in the case of observations that they feel a lot less personal and identifiable. What we get is someone's description of a person or a situation, and then the reader's imagination fills in the rest as they wish. If there were candid photos or videos of people who had not consented to being filmed, and some fetishist was there taking images of them sneezing (or doing whatever that fetishist was into), to me that'd be over the "too creepy" line. There have been occasional clips like this pop up on YouTube and those likewise make me very uncomfortable. Stealing someone's used tissues from the bin is, in my opinion, just too close to this level of creepiness (and perhaps actually worse - it's hard to quantify, honestly); even though it's not an identifiable item, just the fact there is a physical manifestation of the fetishist's desire there which was taken without the fetishee's knowledge makes me squeamish about the morality of the thing.

I can't say it's a 100% logically definable difference, nor can I draw the line in the sand for you; all I know is that there is a line somewhere, which is likely different for every person, and that this kind of thing crosses it for me. The details escape me, but there was a case in the US court system where a judge famously said that (paraphrasing) he "... can't define what hard-core pornography is, but I know it when I see it." I feel a similar sentiment here; though I suppose we're in a morally grey area a lot of the time, this just comes in a bit too dark.

If it does it for you, then you do you I guess, and it's up to the site admin here to make a decision if they're OK with this kind of content. I just want to express my opinion that I don't think this is a cool thing to do and I'd rather not see it become any kind of trend.

Edit - I would rather have the conversation publicly so others can weigh in with their thoughts too

Edited by poiub
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7 hours ago, Steelswarm said:

Let me ask you this, where do you draw the line? I am 100% sure you jack off to youtube or other social media videos of people sneezing without their consent, and may or may not share the videos without the person's consent as well. Isn't that creepy as well? Have you not jacked off to hundreds or thousands of observations on this very site (a lot of which are not self-obs)? Have you personally contacted every single sneezing person that you have fapped to, and warned them that you did, or intended to do so? 

First of all, I admire that you believe I have the stamina to jack off to thousands of posts. That would take forever. And no, I obviously haven't and obviously cannot. But the difference with this is that the OP went out of his way to photograph and then rub the used tissues against his face. Let me be clear when I say that I'm not bothered by the tissues or snot here, I could care less. And you're making a fair point. But there's something so visercally disturbing about this that I can't quite describe- and others are clearly experiencing it as well. Sure, jacking off to youtube videos can be creepy. But I look for videos where the person seems to have either filmed and posted it themselves or has consented to being filmed. I do not go out of my way to film someone and post it without their permission- and I think everyone should try to adhere to that principal. 

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  Lighten up everyone. Perhaps he should have put it in the Adult section. He did give a snot warning.

If you don't like the topic, click out of it....before it ends up in the snake pit.

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23 minutes ago, poiub said:

You make some fair points, and it's quite possible that there is some cognitive dissonance within myself that I don't particularly want to dissect.

I'd say in the case of observations that they feel a lot less personal and identifiable. What we get is someone's description of a person or a situation, and then the reader's imagination fills in the rest as they wish. If there were candid photos or videos of people who had not consented to being filmed, and some fetishist was there taking images of them sneezing (or doing whatever that fetishist was into), to me that'd be over the "too creepy" line. There have been occasional clips like this pop up on YouTube and those likewise make me very uncomfortable. Stealing someone's used tissues from the bin is, in my opinion, just too close to this level of creepiness (and perhaps actually worse - it's hard to quantify, honestly); even though it's not an identifiable item, just the fact there is a physical manifestation of the fetishist's desire there which was taken without the fetishee's knowledge makes me squeamish about the morality of the thing.

I can't say it's a 100% logically definable difference, nor can I draw the line in the sand for you; all I know is that there is a line somewhere, which is likely different for every person, and that this kind of thing crosses it for me. The details escape me, but there was a case in the US court system where a judge famously said that (paraphrasing) he "... can't define what hard-core pornography is, but I know it when I see it." I feel a similar sentiment here; though I suppose we're in a morally grey area a lot of the time, this just comes in a bit too dark.

If it does it for you, then you do you I guess, and it's up to the site admin here to make a decision if they're OK with this kind of content. I just want to express my opinion that I don't think this is a cool thing to do and I'd rather not see it become any kind of trend.

Edit - I would rather have the conversation publicly so others can weigh in with their thoughts too

This is a very eloquent way to put things, and I strongly agree. This post involves the woman in question far more than a simple observation would. I really don't know how to further verbalize how much this has grossed me out, and I realize it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. But because this is a public forum, I would like to voice my opinions. I also think it's worth noting that I doubt any other obs on this website have seen such backlash. I believe the fact that quite a few forum members (including some outside the site who have talked about this on other social media platforms) are disturbed by this and not by other obs of an arguably similar nature is indicative of something. 

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1 hour ago, poiub said:

You make some fair points, and it's quite possible that there is some cognitive dissonance within myself that I don't particularly want to dissect.

I'd say in the case of observations that they feel a lot less personal and identifiable. What we get is someone's description of a person or a situation, and then the reader's imagination fills in the rest as they wish. If there were candid photos or videos of people who had not consented to being filmed, and some fetishist was there taking images of them sneezing (or doing whatever that fetishist was into), to me that'd be over the "too creepy" line. There have been occasional clips like this pop up on YouTube and those likewise make me very uncomfortable. Stealing someone's used tissues from the bin is, in my opinion, just too close to this level of creepiness (and perhaps actually worse - it's hard to quantify, honestly); even though it's not an identifiable item, just the fact there is a physical manifestation of the fetishist's desire there which was taken without the fetishee's knowledge makes me squeamish about the morality of the thing.

I can't say it's a 100% logically definable difference, nor can I draw the line in the sand for you; all I know is that there is a line somewhere, which is likely different for every person, and that this kind of thing crosses it for me. The details escape me, but there was a case in the US court system where a judge famously said that (paraphrasing) he "... can't define what hard-core pornography is, but I know it when I see it." I feel a similar sentiment here; though I suppose we're in a morally grey area a lot of the time, this just comes in a bit too dark.

If it does it for you, then you do you I guess, and it's up to the site admin here to make a decision if they're OK with this kind of content. I just want to express my opinion that I don't think this is a cool thing to do and I'd rather not see it become any kind of trend.

Edit - I would rather have the conversation publicly so others can weigh in with their thoughts too

I respect your thoughts man, nice arguing. I usually do/suggest PM to avoid threadjacking but I guess these things need to be talked out, here or somewhere else.

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1 hour ago, ICan'tThinkOfAnything said:

This is a very eloquent way to put things, and I strongly agree. This post involves the woman in question far more than a simple observation would. I really don't know how to further verbalize how much this has grossed me out, and I realize it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. But because this is a public forum, I would like to voice my opinions. I also think it's worth noting that I doubt any other obs on this website have seen such backlash. I believe the fact that quite a few forum members (including some outside the site who have talked about this on other social media platforms) are disturbed by this and not by other obs of an arguably similar nature is indicative of something. 

You did good in voicing your opinion, I did the same. Also I wanted to understand both sides, hence my questions. I'll have to disagree on the backlash obs aspect, there have been worse, however lately, people have become a lot more "butthurt" with things that went over their heads (or maybe they didn't notice it at the time, i don't know) a few years ago. Now I don't want to imply that these things should not be adressed and discussed (I enjoyed the discussion brought up here, and some issues are important to be talked about and analyzed) but some people should also consider toning down a bit on the backlash, because as I said in previous discussions, people are beginning to get afraid to post "normal" obs, or contribute to the site/community because of this.



Edited by Steelswarm
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Maybe it would help everyone realize ICantThinkofAnything's point if we compared this to another fetish. 

Let's use a poop fetish, as an example.

A woman takes a crap in a public toilet and you happen to overhear. You hear her farting and think "Holy moly, this is gonna be good" and notice that she doesn't flush. When she leaves, you rush to the toilet, inspect the turds, and collect them and put them in a plastic bag to look at later. Then you fap to them in the privacy of your own home at a later date and time.

I get that this all sounds very grotesque, yes. But if it sounds disgusting with poop, it's just as icky with used tissues. These are essentially the same situations, but with different fetishes. And you can't convince me that isn't creepy as hell.

People shouldn't be afraid to post "normal" obs. "Normal" obs are 'My gf/bf sneezed and it was rly cute, omg.' This doesn't fall into that category.

Edited by Ralala
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Wow, this was great discussion and arguing honestly. Everyone is conveying their points very well. I think I'm with Steelswarm on this one. Though I do not get any pleasure out of this sort of thing and frankly it kind of grossed me out. I also did feel that creepy feeling in he tiniest bit, but I still think it's within the poster's right to post if that's his thing. I think that the situation and many situations on this forum are too gray to draw any line at all. So yeah, everyone voice their opinion, but do not discourage and avoid the condescending undertones. 

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