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How Tall Are You?


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hey you all :D 
Are you telling me how tall you are? I don't know the american 'feet' but  with my 1.73 m I am on the golden average for women :D And you? Let's see who is the largest and the smallest in our community :D it's fun!  Now it's your turn

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I'm 5'8, the tallest girl in my family save for like one cousin lol

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5 foot 2.5 in. About 1.59 m. I'm average height, maybe on the shorter side.

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I'm about 5'6"/5'7". I like being that height, because I'm not particularly tall or particularly short. And it's a nice height to wear heels (not that I can walk in them, lol).

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I'm 5 ft 4 in. That's just shy of average I think, but I've always felt kind of short, probably because most of the people in my family are tall. My grandma was 5 ft 11 in. Most of the men in my family fall somewhere between 6'2"  to  6'6". (Except my dad-  he's 6'1", the 'short' one :lol:)
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42 minutes ago, gingerdean said:

I'm 5 ft 4 in.

Me too! And I've always felt sort of short too, given my dad, brother and grandad were all over 6 feet tall. 

42 minutes ago, gingerdean said:

I'm about 5'6"/5'7".

Fun story, the first time we met, my first impression was 'eep, MaiMai is taller than I expected' :rofl:


Edit: idk why it says the second quote is gingerdean, but I can't change it now.. 

Edited by PuddinPop
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I’m 4’11” - I play a sport for which height is a huge advantage so being being short can be frustrating at times, but I generally like it!

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51 minutes ago, skater said:

I’m 4’11” - I play a sport for which height is a huge advantage so being being short can be frustrating at times, but I generally like it!

I too, am the smallest person in my family, clocking in at 4'11"! My boyfriend is 6'2". Imagine the struggle that ensues every morning when I reach for the coffee that he put away previously.

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On 21.4.2018 at 9:33 PM, NoV said:

180cm or 5'11" - just shy of that 6 foot :D 

You are toooo shy??? Thats sweet :D:D:D

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I'll join the Hobbit club with my 149cm (4'11"). :D 

Being short can be annoying. People using my head as place to put their head/arms on; trying/failing to reach stuff in stores (yoghurt has to be a thing for tall people, I guess); being overseen and overrun by others as they didn't see me,... But I'm okay with it. It does have advantages, I can strech my legs in economy class and watch others suffer with their knees in their face :razz:

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I’m 5’4 and 3/4 right now. I’ve been trying to reach that 5’5 mark for the past year, but sadly I think I’ve stopped growing lol. I’m perfectly happy with the height I am right now though, although I wish I were a bit taller.:lol:

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