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Sneeze Fetish Forum

MySpace, YouTube, JustinTV etc Clips Go Here


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Okay, from now on, this is the place to put any MySpace, Youtube, Google Video, or whatever other video clips from video sites you find on the net in this one thread if you wish to do so. Please do not post any clips from people who have identified themselves as being Under 18 in their profiles on any of those sites as that might get us into trouble. Any links to obvious and identified under 18 stuff will be promptly deleted, and you will recieve a warning. If in doubt, check the person's profile before posting a link to that clip. If they say they're under 18, don't post a link to that clip; we don't want it here.

Please note: Clips that worked at the time that someone posted a link to them might not work by the time you get to them. We expect this to become a long thread, therefore members of Staff are not under any obligation to go through this entire thread to make sure each link to each clip still works.

Please also note that people who post clips of themselves sneezing on Youtube, myspace, or wherever else are not sneeze fetishists and do not post it for us to get off on, but rather they post it to be goofy. Therefore, we ask that you please do not post comments to their video clips as that will get us into a lot of trouble. Obviously, these sites are outside of the forum and therefor outside of our jurisdiction; however, we want to make it abundantly clear that we strongly condemn posting any kinds of comments to sneeze videos posted on Youtube, MySpace, etc. and are very uncomfortable when we see people doing so, as that makes us all look like creepy perverted freaks and draws bad attention toward sneeze fetishism in general.

Edit as of October 13, 2007:

You guys win by a narrow margin so the thread stays...for now anyway. However, posting youtube links to material that has been identified in the person's profile to be under the age of 18 will have more serious repercussions than before. As of now, the following penalties will be applied regardless of the person, his/her status on this board, how long they've been here, or anything else.

1st offense: Warning level shoots up to 10%. If warning level is already at 10% or higher, then it is taken to the next warning level after that.

2nd offense: Warning level shoots up to 20%. If warning level is already at 20% or higher, then it is taken to the next warning level after that. Mandatory three-day suspension.

3rd offense: Warning level shoots up to 30%. If warning level is already at 30% or higher, then it is taken to the next warning level after that. Mandatory seven-day suspension, and placed on moderator preview for one month.

4th offense: Warning level shoots up to 40%. If warning level is already at 40% or higher... etc. Mandatory fourteen-day suspension, and placed on moderator preview indefinitely. This means you will *NEVER AGAIN* be able to post something without it passing through moderator approval.

After that, well, we tried giving you all these chances so if need be, we'll probably have to remove you from the community entirely. If this many people can't bother to read stickies and follow them, then we need to up the disciplinary measures. It should also be noted that users who are still pending and break this rule will have their validation seriously delayed, if we choose to validate them at all at this point.

The above measures will also be enforced in the event that the person's age is identified as 18 now, but--for example--the video was made two years ago, as that would still be a video clip of a 16-year-old sneezing.

As always, we reserve the right to remove any link to any video if we suspect the person might be under the age of 18 even if their profile does not identify them as such and this will be done at our discretion.

As always, the staff cannot catch every violation on their own, so use of the report a post function to notify us of violations would be appreciated.

~ Warning levels and suspensions modified to reflect current administration guidelines. ~ Lynne

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No, I'm not going to repost the old threads. PM me and I can explain why. However, if someone wants to repost some of the older ones that are still up there, then that's perfectly okay. And they're still on YouTube anyway if you want to go and look for them. But I thought just starting this whole thing over with a clean slate might be a prudent action given how it was all turning out. I did consider just banning youtube clip postings here altogether as that might completely distance us from all those dumb comments, but I'm not going to do that since a lot of people like the convenience of just having this thread, so it will stay, but will not be handled a bit differently than it has in the past. :(

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I will ask that everyone please take all discussions of this issue into the Snake Pit.

This thread is now the new archive.

Just to be nice, I'll get you started. Here are the clips (ALL of people who are at least 18 or older) from youtube.com that have been posted so far this year. I had to check the ages of every single one of them before posting the link here, and I did it. Hard work...and that's only for 2 months worth. Just to give you something to think about.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ykh54o79h8 (m)













http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9yGI8JwY_U (m)



http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWcjsD2oCoY (m)





http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=animeeze (archive of anime sneezes m & f)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4GgtShVk_Q (f)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJkeUBYqq7Y (f)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HKCU4RLGZY (f)





http://youtube.com/watch?v=0xSpoVS_UZ0 (f)





http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sok9jU4Xgw&NR (f)


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VobooLvg9G8 (f)




http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBtJvRlu9PM (f)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qn8HJADur0A (f)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARkWSOfAhtg&NR (f)





http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tm7fxCfI_8 (f)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82R1pBF7WXU...ser&search= (f)


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ms_rjeyXqew&NR (f)


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUA2rsFA6Vs&NR (f)





http://youtube.com/watch?v=-97060CDknU (f)


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1V5mHKIZnI (f)

http://youtube.com/watch?v=ER1AbJ4TC2E (f)

http://youtube.com/watch?v=K-TA5DwLc-0 (f)


Now you go.

Edited by Lynne
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Knew this would eventually happen.

Well anyway just to let you guys know, you can now search both Google video, and youtube, at the same time, from video.google.com. Therefore we can use Google advanced search to omit the results 'panda' and 'baby' from our results and remove all those annoying videos... :drool:

Though I agree it was getting out of hand. One girl had like 1000 views on her sneezing video and like 4 on the rest of her videos.

(female, audio only)

She says shes 53 on her profile but you don't actually see her.

Edited by Roflsneeze
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Due to the removal of the old threads (I assume due to the response from the girl being talked about in the old Youtube thread just before it was deleted), I decided to search for the latest clips to start replenishing the link supply for you guys. I made sure to leave out all the ones where the sneezer was identified as being under 18, due to the new rules (if you want to find them, look for them yourselves).

By the way, I wonder why so many people are suddenly starting to reply to the panda videos.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAYKAJ0Ljmw (female, audio only)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_0lfhA9Ijo (male, edited to create impression of a fit)

(female, mostly audio only) (Note, there is a little kid in this, but he's NOT the sneezer! If even that is not OK then say so and delete the link)

(male, VERY clear view of over 4 min. of multiple inducing--a must-see for male sneeze lovers!)

...And a few from Myspace--there were more but I started having problems with them loading so I stopped looking. If any fetishists want to actually take the time to look through the rest, go ahead.

http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...eoid=1812490533 (female, 18)

http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...eoid=1794902772 (female, 18)

Edited by Lynne
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Thanks, Bondi and especially Susie for all the hard work.

As we're starting afrezh, could I put in a plea for the computer illiterate or esily confused. In the old thread we were gettng lost in a sea of URLs, and it was difficult to go back and locate a clip from thepast. Would it be possible to add the title to the url, at lest if it's only a couple of them, so that we have an easy way of remembering them?

Similarly, could Pluto or Bubbles or someone repost the helpful instructions on how to download/save clips from these sites?

Thanks, everyone.

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If you want to put a title, that would be fine. :drool:

For people who use Mozilla Firefox, there are a few extensions that enable you to save video clips on Youtube and Myspace and other such sites to your harddrive. I'm not exactly sure how that works or how well any of them work since I haven't tried it out myself and the extensions have gotten mixed reviews, but it might be worth checking into.

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Well anyway just to let you guys know, you can now search both Google video, and youtube, at the same time, from video.google.com. Therefore we can use Google advanced search to omit the results 'panda' and 'baby' from our results and remove all those annoying videos... :D

:):doublethumbsup::doublethumbsup::doublethumbsup: is all I can say to that.

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Guest ilovelamp2

Has anyone seen this video on youtube of this girl tweezing her eyebrows and making herself sneeze?? uhhhh....WOW!! I am not a lesbian or anything but that is pretty damn hot!

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Has anyone seen this video on youtube of this girl tweezing her eyebrows and making herself sneeze?? uhhhh....WOW!! I am not a lesbian or anything but that is pretty damn hot!

Here is a new way to search for as yet unseen videos.......type in "allergies" It takes some searching, but there are some worthwhile things.....esp for the ladies who enjoy watching men !!

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Has anyone seen this video on youtube of this girl tweezing her eyebrows and making herself sneeze?? uhhhh....WOW!! I am not a lesbian or anything but that is pretty damn hot!

I hadn't seen this one. Very hot, way to get me out of my 'I dumped the pretty girl' rut.

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Mty top favourites, i made a little word document so as to remember them.

(m) a whole lotta sneezes from a cute young guy.

(m) too hot for words. And look Daphine, he's got Scooby in the background! :heart:

(f) 20 -something sneezes, all high pitched and so damn cute, from a nice looking dark girl. NOTE: She clearly made it for entertainment rather than for the enjoyment of fetishists, so DONT COMMENT!! some idiots already have, but that cant be helped. Dont ask for more! :yes:

(mixed) a lot of people talking about how much they like/hate sneezing, then they all induce at the end and everyone sneezes in turn. Cute. The indian/sri lankan guy has a VERY hot sneeze.

http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...deoid=674234311 (f) quite a lot of sneezing. not much sound, but good all the same. Most of you have probably seen it becuase it was on the first few pages of the old myspace thread, but yeah. For the newbies or anyone who missed it, enjoy!

my favourite. Absolute. I LOVE this show. Hmm...and i talked to the sneezer for a while. Nice girl :D

oh, and the sneezes are at the very end. Id watch the whole thing, its very funny and entertaining. subtle jokes. '

There's one more sneeze and three dramatised ones in the second part, which you can find under the users name :cryhappy:

Edited by Bondi
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Why not ban them?

God, before you said that I hadn't even realised the same user posted in this thread a few posts above! That's unbelievable, I mean how stupid can a person possibly be, if it really is the same person. :yuck:

Anyway, ordinarily it's impossible to know who a Youtube member really is, let alone prove it, so there's really nothing we can do to control this problem.

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Look, there's a Snake Pit thread about Youtube people posting comments, so if you want to talk and complain about it over there, that would be fine, or argue about how us staff people are being jerks about this, doing it over there would be fine as well. This sticky was made for people to post clips from Youtube, MySpace, and whatever other video site there might be so that's really what it should be used for.

In any case, Yes is right; since a lot of people post comments iwth different Youtube usernames, it would probably be really difficult to find out what their ID on this forum would be.

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It's all going to be over soon I think. It is only a matter of time before the Youtube staff get wise to this behaviour and simply stop displaying search results for the word 'sneeze'. Everyone leaving these comments is either a member of this forum or a lurker here, and has been reading this thread, yet they continue doing it. Judging by the user page of the most recent poster 'chuck5782' we now have trolls signing up accounts to deliberately try to get our forum into trouble.

yes i am not a troll, i am also a member of this forum, why would u beleive i am a troll, i try to post new material on these boards (when i can find it), i have NEVER posted a comment on a youtube video, nor do i intend to do so


i just looked at the last thread in the forum, the one w/ the older woman sneezing, that is NOT me, it is someone impersonating my screenname on these boards, this is really terrible that someone would do something like this :P

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Look, there's a Snake Pit thread about Youtube people posting comments, so if you want to talk and complain about it over there, that would be fine, or argue about how us staff people are being jerks about this, doing it over there would be fine as well. This sticky was made for people to post clips from Youtube, MySpace, and whatever other video site there might be so that's really what it should be used for.

In any case, Yes is right; since a lot of people post comments iwth different Youtube usernames, it would probably be really difficult to find out what their ID on this forum would be.

umm, Bondi, if we DO have proper evidence to siginfy that someone who commented in youtube is someone on the forum, CAN we report them?

oh, and BTW, what does marking a reply as spam do? becuase if it does remove the post or whatever then im all geared up and ready to start "spamming!!"

PS. i hate spam.

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Somebody save it before a comment forces the user to take it down! Great find, JackJenkey!

Edit: You too, kangoo! Geez, this was a red letter youtube day.

Edited by David
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No links to post, but I just have to laugh at some of the comments on peoples sneezing videos clearly written by us,

And... :wheels: at all the baby sneezing on youtube...WHO THE HELL CARES??


xxGerryBrumxx (2 days ago)

Your mom has a sexy sneeze kiddo. Make more clips of her!!!

ferki1234567 (2 days ago)

Hey "xxGerryBrumxx," FUCK YOU.

xxGerryBrumxx (2 days ago)

Piss off Ferki you cunt. You think she's got a hot sneeze too. You also have a sneeze fetish and are a member of the Sneezefetishforum website. Why are you so ashamed of it? Deal with your insecurities. This mom has a hot sneeze and we both want to see more!!!

Edited by whymilk
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hey great find on the sneezing attack by far the best video on youtube. and most of all i jacked the video before they took it down.

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