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Yanny or Laurel


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I hear Laurel. It's all based on the pitch. As you get older you aren't able to hear high pitched sounds as well. Yanny is a higher tone. This was interesting when it came out though a fun little hearing test.

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I can hear both. 

Laurel is the lower tone and Yanni is the higher. If I concentrate hard enough, I can hear two different names. Reminds me of the moving image, 'is the train going backwards or forwards?' You can 'change' the direction of it depending on how hard you focus. It's the same sort of thing here, at least it is for me. 

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I only hear Yanny and nothing else.  I even used my bass boosted headphones and still got Yanny.  But the real most important question is...what is "yanny"?  What does it mean?  Googling it only brings up a million things about sound clip?  Is it a name?  I'm confused.

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I mostly hear Yanny, and I can only hear Laurel if the volume is down really low or if I focus hard.

For any of those out there struggling to hear what the other other people are hearing, here is a link to a website that let’s you hear both sides! ;) 

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I've heard them both at different times.

And yes, apparently it's all to do with what frequencies you are capable of hearing.





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The first time I listened to this I was lying in bed, and heard Yanny. Then about 10 min later I was up and around, and listened to the same recording, same phone, and heard Laurel. It totally freaked me out :lol: Now I can only hear Laurel no matter what. I suspect that I heard yanny the first time because I have trouble hearing low tones in one ear, and I was lying on the other ear when I listened the first time. Other than that, I think my brain is just messing with me at this point :rofl:

Edited by gingerdean
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On 18/05/2018 at 2:34 AM, gingerdean said:

The first time I listened to this I was lying in bed, and heard Yanny. Then about 10 min later I was up and around, and listened to the same recording, same phone, and heard Laurel. It totally freaked me out :lol: Now I can only hear Laurel no matter what. 

This is what happened to me too. Someone played this from a cell phone and I didn't know at that point that the options where laurel and yanny and what I heard was some weird kind of a high pitched voice saying "yaoi" or something like that. Then I was told the options and listening to it again I suddenly heard a man's voice saying Laurel, and now I can't hear anything else. This is so weird.

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Sometimes I hear Yanny and other times I hear Laurel.

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You can hear “Brainstorm” or “Green Needle” based on whichever one you think about. Try them both.

Does it work?

Edited by Reader
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@Bondi wait what?! this is messing with my head. It’s so clear to me, but you and a few others heard both names in the yanni/laurel one so that could be why.  What do you hear@Bandit, @Binkyt11, and @PuddinPop?

Just in case....say “brainstorm” in your mind while mouthing it and see. Then right after, try with “green needle”. When I tried to make my mind blank, then it was a little confusing. Don’t resist the dark magic! 😋😂

Edited by Reader
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@Binkyt11 For this new video just a few posts above, can you hear ‘brainstorm’ when you focus on ‘brainstorm’ and ‘green needle’ when you focus on ‘green needle’? Bondi couldn’t decipher a word in this recent video but he also heard some combined form of yanni/laurel just like you and a few others so I wondered if that was why he only heard garbled sounds. 

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8 hours ago, Reader said:

You can hear “Brainstorm” or “Green Needle” based on whichever one you think about. Try them both.

Does it work?



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