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Sneeze Fetish Forum

It's a cold! (Male coworker)


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Hellooo... so over the weekend I posted about a male coworker with the sniffles (here's the original post). Tall, late 30s, brown hair, super sexy "waterslide nose," as it will henceforth be known. He seemed fine the rest of last week, so I wrote his symptoms off as a reaction to coming in from the cold weather. But today he showed up at the office with a bit of a cold. YESSSSS. 

I first noticed him coughing pretty frequently. Soft, quietly congested coughs, but nothing too serious. Sadly, he didn't have that "cold look" we all know and adore, but it was pretty cute all the same. 

The good stuff happened this afternoon. He was on a call, and I could hear him talking through the open door to his office. He has a nice, deep voice, but it didn't sound too congested. Fortunately, I had just pulled my headphones out when I heard him stop mid-sentence and sneeze, "HnnnksCHUH!" and then keep on speaking. It was incredibly sexy, really loud, and so different from his hands-free stifle last week! It was loud, masculine, and just had that "coldy," irritated sound to it. It was a perfect blend of the sound of nasal congestion and his deep voice, and it really ripped out of him. Needless to stay, it stopped me in my tracks, and I kept my headphones far away from my ears for the rest of the day! My creeper behavior paid off, because I was treated to another delicious sneeze from him about 30 minutes later. He and another colleague were having an animated chat about a random topic. She was speaking, when all of a sudden I hear an audible gasp from him, "aaah!" and then, "ECKSCHEEW!" just rips right out of him. As you can see from the spelling, it sounded completely different from the other two sneezes I've heard from him, but it was again irritated, powerful, masculine, "coldy," and a perfect blend of nose noise (lol) and his voice. 

At this point, I was struggling to keep my composure. It wasn't just that the sneezes were PERFECT, but that they confirmed that he does, indeed, have a cold, and probably has had it for nearly a week now. For the rest of the day, I just imagined his sexy nose tickling with that late-cold itch, teasing him until he bursts forth with these sneezes that he's decided are too strong (or feel too good) to stifle. Oh man, I love when someone typically defaults to stifling but then just gives up due to extreme sneeziness. 

I'm getting all worked up again typing it up for you all now...

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Oh! I forgot to mention that he got completely stuffed up after each sneeze. His voice was both stuffy and congested (from nose and throat congestion, respectively) during the rest of his call and during his conversation with the colleague. And he started doing deep throat clears. 

Another cute thing...a lot of people in the office are sick at the moment (it's that time of year), including one of Mark's direct reports. She'd been coughing a lot all day. When she popped her head in to say goodnight to him before heading out, he said in his stuffy voice, "Feel better soon!"

A guy with a cold telling someone else to feel better...mmm...

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23 minutes ago, Starlight2337 said:

My creeper behavior paid off


20 minutes ago, Starlight2337 said:

A guy with a cold telling someone else to feel better...

CHrist! :dribble:

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Nnnnnnn! Bless him!!!!

I honestly don't understand why people default to stifling- we're human we sneeze- the only way that makes sense to have that mental block is if you have the fetish....

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1 hour ago, Juniebee said:

Nnnnnnn! Bless him!!!!

I honestly don't understand why people default to stifling- we're human we sneeze- the only way that makes sense to have that mental block is if you have the fetish....

From my observations (myself included), I've noticed that people with wetter sneezes find it embarrassing to deal with that in front of other people. For me, my mental block and increased awareness of sneezing was probably what lead to me developing the fetish in the first place. Luckily, I was able to reverse my mental block without too much effort.

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