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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Chanel Playing With Drabbles Again (all female, various causes) updated August 17th


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Yeah yeah, I maaaaaaaay have several other unfinished drabble threads, but I still felt like creating a new one. :whistle: 

This one will contain a mix of original, fandoms, and maybe some real person-drabbles as well. The causes will vary - probably more allergy-heavy because that's my thing, but the cause for the sneezes will be listed before each drabble. Oh, and all the drabbles will be about ladies, because I like the ladies. 🤷‍♀️ 😆

I'm gonna go easier on myself this time and only use 50 prompts instead of 100 or more, because that seems more likely to achieve. We'll see. Here are the prompts. 

Beauty  *  Dream  *  Memory  *  Celebration  *  Promise  *  Moonlight  *  Echo  *  Passion  *  Regrets  *  Revenge  *  Midnight  *  Crush  *  Alone  *  Letters  *  Dark  *  Flower  *  Temptation  *  Unity  *  Truth  *  Champagne  *  Glitter  *  Proposal  *  Heartbroken  *  Holiday  *  Sparkle  *  Fire  *  Vanilla  *  Forever  *  Silence  *  Shine  *  Cold  *  Red  *  Always  *  Butterfly  *  Subtle  *  Tulips  *  Mercy  *  Fall  *  Hatred  *  Diamond  *  Balloons  *  Sunshine  *  Rain  *  Pebbles  *  Gravity  *  Snowdrop  *  Intense  *  Forest  *  Apologies  *  Taboo

Only two for right now, because the muse left very abruptly. :lol: 


Prompt: Regrets
Fandom: Original
Cause: Allergies
Note: A scene that I've had in my mind for weeks but never seemed to get an actual story from. At least I managed to get this...? 


I have regrets, I think to myself as I wake up in her bed for the umpteenth time, despite all my good intentions and best efforts. I just can’t quit her. Doesn’t matter that nothing can come of it. Every time she looks at me a certain way,  I fall all over again, I’d follow her anywhere.

'Anywhere' is usually her bedroom. 

Don’t sleep with your boss, moron. One rule in life and you’ve broken it dozens of times since fall. Doesn’t matter how hot she is or how good it feels when you’re together. It’s simply not a good idea.

I sigh as I sit up and glance over at her, still asleep. Her long, curly hair, black as raven’s wings, is a gorgeous mess, almost glowing in the morning sun, and she’s still wearing the remnants of yesterday’s makeup. She’s snoring a little bit. It’s almost cute.

Okay, yeah, she’s cute and hot and gorgeous and all of that, but this is the last time we do this, I swear to myself. Absolutely the last time.

Then she stirs, sighs and rolls over. I’m ready to tell her good morning, but I can’t get a word out before she erupts with the loudest, harshest sneeze I’ve ever heard.

“Holy shit, good morning to you too,” I say and she groans.

“Yeah, sorry, but it’s spring, sweetie. Better get used to thi…. ISSSSHHHOOO! This.”

Oh. She has hayfever.

Wait. My hot ‘boss-with-benefits’ has hayfever?

Okay, so this hooking up thing may end up being an ongoing thing after all. Regrets? What regrets? I have no regrets. Who said anything about regrets?

Bless you,” I purr and pull her into my embrace, so to better feel each desperate hitch as she descends into the hayfever sufferer’s daily bane; the morning fit.

“Why do I get the feeling… ehh… EEAAASSSHHoo! That you enjoy this?” she says, but she sounds more playful than annoyed.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I reply and she laughs through the next sneeze.

“Yeah right. HuheSSSHHHuh!”

Oh I’m getting myself in trouble here… and you know what? I don’t mind one bit.  


Prompt: Balloons
Fandom: Original
Cause: Allergies
Note: Not much to say about this. Except at first I had no idea how to use balloons in a sneeze drabble, but then the image came to me quite clearly, sooo… :lol:



The sneeze is loud enough to cut through the background noise of music, rollercoasters, and screaming and laughing kids, but it’s not what you’d call a scream-sneeze. It’s just… strong.

I look around to see if I can spot the sneezer, but there’s a sea of people everywhere.


Oh bless you, wonderful sneezy stranger, I think to myself.

“AhhESSSHHHoo! Hah-ISSSCHuhh!”

Powerful, wet-sounding, itchy sneezes at the height of grass pollen season, yeah, most likely allergies.

Then I see her; a pretty lady with a very red nose, overburdened by stuff that her kids shove into her hands as they head for whatever ride they’re going for next. Half-eaten cotton candy, a prize plush toy, a drink, a whole bunch of balloons, she’s somehow managing to hold on to all of it as she makes her way towards a bench. She’s sniffling relentlessly, nose and eyes streaming, and there’s a perpetual pre-sneeze look on her beautiful face.

She sits down on the bench and quickly begins to put everything down, presumably so she can cover the impending sneeze, but gets something tangled in one of the balloon strings and ends up sneezing desperately and uncovered, only turning her head and aiming the sneeze downwards. Or should I say sneezes, because what ensues is a full-out sneezing fit.

“Heh-ISSHEW! Ah-ISSCH! Hah-ISCHoo! EeSSCHoo! Huhhh… uhhAASSCHooo! Oh my God…” she mutters and scrubs her nose furiously with the heel of her hand. Then she looks up and catches me looking at her. She blushes and gives me an embarrassed smile.

“Allergies,” she says. “They’ve been awful this whole week, but I had promised the kids to go here today so…” she sniffles and digs through her purse for some tissues. “Just gotta suck it up, right?”

“Guess so,” I reply, knowing I have to get going before she thinks I’m staring. “I hope it gets better.”

“Th-thaaESSCHhew! Thanks.”

I bless her and then keep going as she gets the tissue out and blows her nose forcefully, and that seems to be it. At least for now, but the light breeze and the soaring pollen count promises that her lovely allergic nose isn’t anywhere near done sneezing today.



Edited by Chanel_no5
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  • 2 months later...

Yo, I'm back! Not that I left, but my writing abilities did. Hopefully I'll be able to force myself back into writing, because it's no fun being stuck. :glare:  Anyway, I've got a couple of drabbles done so I thought I'd post them. ^_^ 


Prompt: Moonlight  
Fandom: X-Files
Cause: Cold
Note: I have only written X-files fanfic (drabble) ONCE before, and it was a long time ago. I used to watch the show almost religiously when I was a kid, but I’m not writing the fandom. So don’t judge me too harshly on character voices here, ‘kay? :lol: 


“Run this by me again, Mulder,” Scully said with a sigh. “Why are we sitting in the car near an old cemetery in the middle of the night?”

“Because the moon is full tonight.”

“You think werewolves did this, Mulder? Come on.”

“No, actually, I was thinking that graverobbers might want to take advantage of the full moon rather than bringing artificial light with them.”

Scully reached for her tissues and blew her nose.

“Every time I’ve decided that you’re insane, you say something that actually makes sense.”

“I would never want to be predictable.”


“Gesundheit. Like your Thanksgiving colds. They’re predictable.”

“How so?” She spoke in a sigh, tired of her cold, tired of sitting out here, freezing – she was pretty sure she had a low-grade fever too, by now – waiting for graverobbers… or the werewolves/zombies, or whatever Mulder thought made this case an X-file. He hadn't fully disclosed his reasons for wanting this case yet.

He shrugged.

“You always catch one around Thanksgiving. We’ve worked together for five years now. And it happens every single year.”

“I’m impressed.” She blew her nose again, adding the used tissue to the pile on her lap. “Mulder, no one’s coming. No graverobbers, no werewolves, no UFOs. uhhhTSSCHuh! Can we please go back now?”

Mulder looked at the moonlit cemetery, then at Scully’s fever-flushed face and chapped, red nose, and turned the keys in the ignition.

“Yeah, you’re right. Let’s go.”

“Thank you,” Scully said and leaned her head back and closed her eyes. She was asleep within five minutes, about the time Mulder turned onto the paved road back to town. He felt a bit bad that he hadn't picked up on just how lousy she felt, but she had assured him earlier today that she was 'fide'...

Oh well. He'd just have to make it up to her tomorrow.


Prompt: Unity
Cause: Allergies
Fandom: Lets call it original…
Note: …but some of you probably know who I had in mind when I wrote it. :lol: Anyway. We go with original because of reasons. 


Finding common ground in politics nowadays is like navigating a minefield blindfolded, but giving up on any form of unity altogether is also dangerous in the long run, because one-party-states are never good news. There must always be a counterpoint, the most basic of checks and balances.

But sometimes finding common ground is impossible, and it’s a matter of damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Besides, she’s tired of being grilled by the press when some of her knowledge comes from classified briefings, so she can’t tell them why she navigates the situation the way she does.

As she listens to the reporter’s question, she crumples up the tissue she carries but so far hasn’t had to use. Right now it serves as stress ball (or perhaps more anger management), but she has a feeling that’s going to change very soon; her allergies have been acting up quite a bit today. Watery eyes, drippy, itchy nose, and a need to sneeze that comes and goes. So far she has managed to fight it off in public, but it won’t go away completely.

“Well, what I can tell you is that we have had talks with them, and we continue to do so. As of now…” she pauses for a moment as she thinks she might lose the shaky control she has over her itchy nose, but the urge to sneeze fades again and she continues, “they have rejected our proposal, and theirs is so far out of the realm of reality that it’s a total nonstarter.”

The prickle in her nose keeps teasing her, a flame that’s fanned with each breath she takes, and she can’t hold it back any longer.

“’scuse me,” she manages to say in a breathy voice that rises in pitch when the sneeze overtakes her. She turns away and stifles two quick sneezes into the tissue that she has been clutching the entire press conference.  

A couple of the reporters bless her, but the one whose question she just answererd impatiently throws in a follow-up question:

“Is there anything you and your Republican counterpart agree on at this time?” he presses on.

“Yes,” she says, folding the tissue and dabbing lightly underneath her irritated nose. “We are very unified in the opinion that the pollen count in D.C is dreadful. Thank you all very much,” she finishes and leaves the podium, walking towards the door in a brisk pace, hoping that she’ll make it out of the room before the allergy attack that she has been fighting for the past twenty minutes finally wins the battle.

She does.



Prompt: Letters
Cause: Allergies
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Note: How about some allergic Blake again? :whistle:  I haven't watched Criminal Minds in years though, so bear with me. :lol: 


Alex Blake ducked into the sleeve of her jacket and sneezed… again. Allowing herself a thick, miserable sound of self-pity, she lowered her arm and turned back to the scene before her.

It was a stable. Naturally. She was so allergic to horses it wasn’t even funny, even though the animals weren’t in their stalls, it felt like all the allergens that had ever been in here were targeting her helplessly sensitive nasal passages all at once.

Mind over matter.

She tried to force her allergies into submission, at least for the time being, because she was investigating the letters written in various places with the victim’s blood. She wasn’t sure yet what message the unsub was trying to send with these ragged letters, but she didn’t intend to miss any clue she could find. And that meant close inspection.


And close inspection meant no reprieve from the burning itch in her nose, the persistent prickle in her throat, the stinging in her eyes… it meant working through the misery.

“Alex.” It was Rossi, suddenly showing up next to her. “You shouldn’t be in here.”

“I’b fide,” she tried to assure him but immediately had to get her arm up and sneeze into her elbow again.

“No, you’re not. And I’ve seen your horse allergies up close before, I know how bad they are. You’re going back out to the car…” he dangled the car keys in front of her watery eyes, “and you’re taking this…” he gave her his handkerchief, and she was so grateful for something to wipe her leaky face with that she didn’t even try to downplay the situation anymore, “… and sit tight. I’ll finish checking the letters, and then I’m taking you back to the hotel. Right after we go to a drugstore and get something to stop that reaction from getting any worse.”

Blake nodded and sneezed again.

“Salud,” Rossi said in a soft voice. “Get going, Alex.”

She did as he suggested. She was spiralling into an allergic meltdown so bad she wouldn’t be able to do her job correctly either way.

Allergy meds. Always take allergy meds before leaving for a crime scene.

Good advice. Too bad she had given herself that advice before and still never thought of it until the damage was done!


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  • 2 months later...

Prompt: Subtle  
Fandom: Original
Cause: Allergies
Note: I've had a major case of writer's block for a while, but I'm chipping away on it. I've got this little drabble to show for it. :lol:  Character is the same as in this fic: 



There is a subtle change in the air in the city tonight, a pleasant scent of budding spring cutting through the chilly winter atmosphere. A promise of something better, of blooming trees and spring blossoms of every colour you can imagine, a promise of the daylight not seeping out of the sky by afternoon anymore, a promise of warm, gentle breezes instead of sharp, frosty winds.

Leyona stops at the top of the steps, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath through her nose, saying a quiet thank you to whatever God there is for placing here on this wonderous, beautiful planet, this garden of Eden in the middle of hostile dark space.

Then she snaps forward with a tickly, wet sneeze into her cupped hands, remembering only now that spring has its bad sides too. Pollen and the itchy, sneezy allergies they set off, for example. It explains the faint tickle in her nose that has been annoying her all day. It seems to her like allergy season starts earlier each year. Spring is her favourite season… but unfortunately it coincides with her least favourite season – the allergy one.

“Bless you, ma’am,” her assistant says, knowing the drill almost as well as she does herself, having been on her team for years. “Spring?”

She nods and pulls a tissue out of her coat pocket, dabbing at her now runny nose.

“Yes,” she replies with a sigh. “Spring.”


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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you so much, everyone! I'm sorry I'm so bad at keeping this thread going, I've had a writer's block that feels heavy as a boulder for quite some time. I can only pierce through it now and then and not for very long, but I'm still trying. This is what I squeezed out today, and it was better than I first thought, so I decided to post. :lol: 


Prompt: Apologies
Fandom: Malignant (2021 movie)
Cause: Pollen allergies
Note: Let me just say. I LOVED this movie! I didn’t expect to, but damn, it’s got those cheesy 80s and 90s horror flick vibes (that's on purpose) and made me feel nostalgic. So yeah. I know it’s had lots of bad reviews from people who didn’t get it, but fuck that, I LOVED IT! 

I don’t want to spoil much about the movie plot (though if you decide to watch it, be aware that a subplot can be triggering for domestic abuse survivors or if you’re pregnant), so I’ll keep it vague, but this character is a surgeon at a research hospital back in 1993.

 So, let's do this:




Dr Weaver presses record on the video camera and takes a step back, making sure the 'rec' indicator is on. The microphone picks up a light sniffle as she leans forward to adjust the camera angle a bit.

When she’s pleased, she walks back to her desk, hesitates momentarily before she steps out of frame for a few seconds, and a stifled noise can be heard. Then another sniffle, before she comes back into frame again, and takes a seat. She takes off her glasses and puts them into the breast pocket of her crisp white lab coat, then folds her hands together in front of her, and looks straight into the camera with a serious expression on her face.

Her eyes are a bit watery, and there’s a decidedly pinkish tint to her nose. She sniffles again and clears her throat before she begins to speak. Despite the obvious congestion, her voice is soft, and made even softer thanks to her accent.

“So, my suspicion regarding Gabriel appears to be correct. However, he…”

Her voice takes on a breathy quality as she starts the second sentence, and she trails off for a moment, then her breath catches in her throat altogether and she swiftly turns to the side.

HeGNTssh! Oh, excuse me,” she says – it’s ingrained in her personality to apologise when she sneezes, and it doesn’t seem to matter that the only one with her in the room is a camera. The instinct is still there. She doesn’t even know if anyone else is ever going to watch these recorded documentations, she supposes so given the grotesque nature of the cases, but she has already heard hints from the board that the hospital might be forced to close down.

“… as I was saying, despite his growing strength it does appear that he can still be s-sub… subd… huhh… subdued… ehhh…”

She is visibly fighting the urge to sneeze again, watery eyes narrowing and the line between her eyebrows becoming visible, nostrils flaring, mouth open as she sucks in air in hitching breaths.

This time she successfully wins against the building sneeze, and her shoulders drop slightly as they relax.

But she celebrates too soon.

“… he can still be subdued by snfff regular tranqu-uhAASSCHahh!-lizers, oh my God, excuse me!”

She brushes a strand of strawberry blonde hair out of her face and pinches her nose. Hard. The sneezy look remains written all over her features, but eventually it begins to fade. She lowers her hand and reaches for the tissue box on her right.

Once equipped with a tissue, she seems to have regained the confidence that looked a bit shaken only seconds earlier, and when she blows her nose she doesn’t bother turning away from the camera.

“I really apologise to whoever is watching this, but it’s spring and my hayfever is going crazy today.”

She discreetly disposes of the tissue, dropping it into the bin underneath her desk, but she grabs a fresh one from the box just to be on the safe side.

Even though she just blew her nose, she’s still congested enough to be forced to breathe through her mouth, or perhaps that is simply to avoid the potential trigger of inhaling through her nose.  

“Gabriel remains susceptible to regular sedatives, but I want to limit the use of them due to uncertainty regarding the…snff… the long-term c-cons… consequences… ugh, what the hell is this, again? HeeeIISSSHHew!  Hehhh… EhhISSSH! Heh-ISSSH! Heh-IISSSHew! Oh my Gohhd-hehh-heTSSSHoo!”

She gets up from the chair, sneezing over and over, and stumbles blindly towards the camera, finally giving up on her attempts to get this recording done right now.

Right before she manages to turn it off, she sneezes a wet, uncovered sneeze right in front of it, and the spray is illuminated by the lamplight behind her. The glittery mist is the last thing captured by the camera before the recording cuts off.

Edited by Chanel_no5
removed broken link
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On 12/2/2021 at 11:38 AM, NotWho said:

I love it!

Thank you so much!  ^_^ 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Let's try and pop out a couple of drabbles and oil up the writing machinery some more, shall we? ^_^  


Prompt: Tulips
Fandom: Original 
Cause: Allergies
Note: When writing works, I’ll write what works. :lol:


“Good morning Seattle, and happy spring! Don’t miss out on the tulip festival, starting today! We will be there, so come join us in welcoming spring!” the cheerful radio host chirped, and Savannah, allergic and itchy and not in the mood to be reminded of the arrival of spring any more than she already was, rolled her eyes and turned off the radio. She was absolutely going to miss out on that tulip festival. On purpose. 

She thought about how incredibly ironic it was that her first name was immediately related to nature, and this wasn't the first time she'd had that thought. She didn't know if she was allergic to tulips specifically, but it was in bloom and had pollen, so she probably was. Even if she wasn't, the festival was outdoors and that wasn't a place she should spend any prolonged time right now anyway. 

Two minutes later she parked in her regular spot outside the hospital, got out of the car, locked it, and was just about to head towards the building, when a desperate urge to sneeze struck her. Of course, that wasn’t unusual this time of year, at all, but she was already tired of sneezing. She had been at it for almost a full hour right when she woke up. She struggled to hold it back, but the tickle, the twirling, teasing, feathery desire to sneeze was just impossible to resist.

She cupped both hands in front of her face and braced herself for what was coming. She was normally a single sneezer, when it was caused by a random irritant, but during allergy season, the number of sneezes in a row was always a surprise. Could be two. Could be a dozen. First thing in the morning, it could be two dozen.

Heh-ISSSHEIISSCH! Hah-ISSCH!” She sniffled and immediately sneezed again, even louder. “HuhISSSHHoo!” Two shaky, gasping breaths, and then a fifth, harsh, wet, impossible to suppress or polish into anything more polite even if she tried: “UhhARSSSHHuuaaah! Ugh, fucking hayfever!”

Maria, one of the nurses, had been leaning against the wall, soaking up the April sun while smoking a cigarette, and now she winced. She was a devout Catholic and didn’t get used to swearing vocabularies.

“Oof,” Maria said, putting out the cigarette against the rough pavement. “That bad today, huh?”

“S-sohh.. huhhh… ayISSHHew! Sorry.”

“Salud.” She narrowed her eyes, taking a good look at the redhead before reaching into her pocket for a tissue that she offered the other woman. “Ah, pobrecita, you’re dripping!”

Savannah accepted the tissue and blew her nose forcefully.

“You know, for the longest time I thought 'pobrecita' was a term of endearment. Like ‘hun’, or ‘dear’?” She blew her nose again, shaking her head at the itchy inferno that was her sinuses. “Then I read up on it. Poor thing? That’s your nickname for me?”

“You’re Dr. at work, and only accept terms of endearment when you’re miserable,” Maria said with a shrug. “So that seemed to fit.”

Savannah considered this, then nodded. It was true.

“I suppose.”

“So… I take it you won’t join me and some of the other staff this afternoon?”

“Join you, where?” She wiped her watery eyes with the back of her hand.

“The tulip festival.”

The allergic doctor gave her a long, unrelenting glare, looking as intimidating as she could when her eyes were filled with tears.

“Didn’t think so,” Maria said with a grin and handed her a fresh tissue.




Prompt: Revenge
Fandom: Netflix’s Pine Gap
Cause: Allergies
Note: I like middle aged boss ladies, okay? :lol:  




Oh God I wish this place had more than three bars, so I'd have a better chance of avoiding him, Kath Sinclair thought as her ex-husband, shithead extraordinaire and unfortunately also one of the best agents in the intelligence community, walked past her with a pretty young blonde.

She didn’t make eye contact, instead staring into her beer, hoping he wouldn’t notice. But he was Jacob, if there was any way he could fuck with her, he’d find that way, so of course he told the girl he’d be a moment, then came up to her.

“Hey,” he said. “I see you’re drinking alone.”

“How do you know I’m not waiting for someone?” she said, still refusing eye contact.

He took a peek underneath the table, confirming two things; nobody was hiding underneath the table, and that she was still wearing the slacks and shoes she had been wearing to work. He knew that she’d be in a skirt and heels if she was waiting for a date. He smirked and jiggled his keys in one hand.

“I’ll leave you to it. Have fun, you two. Whoever he is. Or she. Or... no one.”

She said nothing, only took another sip of her beer, letting the amber liquid cool the hot itch in the back of her throat. God, her hayfever had been insane today. She’d been wanting to sneeze all day long, but apart from a few hitching false starts and almost-sneezes, the itch had almost been too intense to even give in to. It was as if she had snorted a line of pepper up each nostril. Her nose, her eyes, her throat, her whole head, itched.

“Is everything alright?” he asked.

His tone was almost sincere, but Kath knew him too well to fall for it. She rolled her eyes, then had to blink away an allergic tear that spilled over. Her eyes felt like she’d been out in a sandstorm, all gritty and burning.  

“Hunky-fuckin’-dory, world peace is about to break out any minute.”

She took another sip of beer.

“You seem a little preoccupied.” He put a hand on her shoulder, and she immediately shrugged it off. He didn’t appear surprised. “You seemed preoccupied at work, too.”

“It’s my allergies fucking with me,” she said. It was true, but not the whole truth. World peace was certainly not about to break out any minute, but the opposite might, if intel was correct, but so far, she and Ethan kept it to themselves.

“Ahh, I see, another chapter of the neverending saga,” he said in a mocking tone, "Kath and her allergies."

“Yes, Jacob, Kath and her allergies. See, it wasn’t just some little inconvenience that only existed when we were married, to personally annoy you.”

He had that mean-spirited smirk on his face that made her skin crawl.

“Technically, we’re still married, and will be until you agree to the divorce settlement.”

“You are not getting Bruce.”

“Oh, I’m getting the cat, alright. And the house.”

“You're not getting either." She sniffled. "Go root big-tit college girl instead, and leave me alone.”

“Alone, huh? I thought you were waiting for someone.”

Kath was rubbing her nose, to no avail since the irritation was far too intense and far too widespread to be calmed by anything she could do.

“Did you lie to me, Kath, hmm?” he cooed, leaning in closer just to taunt her. It was very bad timing on his part, because Kath had just lost control of her itchy, allergic nose, and she did prioritise not sneezing into her beer over not sneezing on the fuckwit of her soon-to-be ex-husband. And it was a particularly wet sneeze, at that. 


He jumped back and wiped his face.

“Bloody hell, would you mind covering your mouth?!”

“Would you mind not being right up in my fucking face, then?”

Jacob scrambled to come up with some harsh retort, but his young blonde conquest for the night opened the door to the bar and peeked in.

“Jacob, are you coming?”

“Yes, Jacob, can’t let the girls wait to be disappointed,” Kath said, pulled a tissue out of her pocket and blew her nose. Then she leaned back and called to the young woman: “Don’t waste your time on this dickhead, girl! He lasts all of two minutes and you have to finish on your own.”

Jacob finally decided to salvage what he could of his winnings tonight, and walked off with Big-Tit College Girl. Kath, knowing her prediction was right, felt a brief moment of pity for the girl, but otherwise, revenge was sweet, small and petty as it may be. She smiled as she finished the last of her beer, although she still wondered how in the fuck of all fuckery she had ever fallen for that smarmy idiot herself. 


Edited by Chanel_no5
edited one to fit as OC instead
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  • 2 months later...

Prompt: Silence
Fandom: The 4400 (original series)
Note: I was left unsupervised and immediately started bingewatching. This shit happens when I do. But she's sooooooooooo hot...!!!!!! 😭



“Don’t get comfortable, we have to get going,” Tom said, sweeping past his partner just as she entered the office. She stopped, turned around, and followed him outside, into the pouring rain she had been so happy to be out of just a minute ago.

Tom jumped into the car and started it before she had even reached the handle.

“Hurry up,” he said impatiently.

“Jesus Christ, what’s the rush?” Diana asked as she got inside the car and put her seatbelt on.

“It’s a long drive, trust me, we wanna beat the traffic.”

“Alright, fine, forget I asked,” she said, shaking her head and fell silent.

She remained silent for over an hour, at which point Tom’s initial rush had passed and he was getting comfortable enough to start a conversation. Not that Diana seemed willing to engage. The silence on her part was... surprising, to be honest.

“Are you alright? You're unusually quiet.”

“I’m just tired.”

Diana seemed to have an endless supply of often annoying energy, so this was new. But of course, she had responsibility for a kid now, and much as it came naturally to her – to everyone’s surprise, not least of all Diana’s – he understood that it must be very different than the childfree, single 'eating-cold-pizza-for-breakfast'-kind of life she had been living before.  

“How’s Maia?”

“She’s… alright.” The pause was brief, but noticeable, and Tom wasn’t sure how to interpret it, but before he could ask, Diana continued as if nothing happened; “Well, she’s home from school today, she’s got a cold… Heh-ehh-TSSHHoo!”

“Bless you. Just Maia, huh?” Tom teased.

I’m not sick,” Diana said, but her voice sounded decidedly thicker now.

“Diana, welcome to parenthood, they’re disease vectors. Wasn’t that your initial assessment of the 4400, by the way? That they were disease vectors? Your CDC-background assessment?”

“Potential virus-carriers. No one knew where they had been or what they had been exposed to. We still don’t know,” she said.

“Fast-forward to right now; only you know you’ve been exposed to this cold…”

“Tom, I’m not sick,” Diana said and immediately pitched forward with another sneeze, muffled into her leather gloves.

“Yeah, alright, if you say so,” Tom grinned. “There’s tissues in the glove compartment.”



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Hello my dudes, Chanel is back in da house with some drabbles with some of my favourite ladies. ^_^  I've wrapped up some other works so I'm going to get back to my Deep Blue Sea-fic soon, too. ^_^ But first a couple of drabbles. 


Prompt: Celebration
Fandom: Original
Cause: Cold
Note: Edited to make it fit an OC character instead. So, she haa won plenty of awards for her outstanding skills in surgery. And I bet there were celebrations and stuff in her honour. And if the whole thing revolves around you, you can't just cancel the event over a pesky cold, can you? :shifty: Story is set in, like, the late 80s to early 90s. 


“Why are you hiding over here, when the party is about you?” Ben said. Savannah gave a tired one-shoulder shrug.

“I’m not in the mood for party right now,” she admitted, stifling a quiet, tired-sounding sneeze into a crumpled tissue.

“Bless you.”

“Thank you.” She dabbed at her nose, and he could tell from how red and chapped her nostrils were, that it wasn’t the first sneeze or dab tonight. “I just can’t shake this cold, it really got its hooks deep in me.”

“You don’t sound too good.”

“I don’t feel too good,” the redhead replied, her voice simultaneously thick with congestion and raw with exhaustion. “I did consider cancelling, but it didn’t seem right either, when they put all this effort into it.”

“Well, you are the first woman to win the award for excellence in surgery in the Pacific Northwest, so, the celebration is in order,” he said, but he frowned as she turned away and sneezed twice more, politely stifled sneezes that only made a bottled-up, thick sound in her sinuses and back of her throat. If he had been an ENT he’d be horrified. He wasn’t, but he was concerned anyway, because she sounded like a sinus infection waiting to happen. “You shouldn’t hold in sneezes like that, Savannah.”

“I know,” she said, which was not the same as indicating that she was going to stop doing it. Ben gave her a closer inspection, wondering whether the blush on her elegant cheekbones really came out of a makeup case or was naturally generated by a fever. He wasn’t well-traversed enough in the secrets of makeup to really be certain, but he could tell that her eyes had a ‘not-quite-there’ kind of stare, and there was a pattern of goosebumps covering her exposed skin. On circumstantial evidence, he deemed it likely that she had a fever.

But of course she would do this anyway if it was expected of her. She was the most selfless person he’d ever met, and he was concerned that she never really got much in return for that. Sure, she got awards that she accepted because she knew she was good at what she did – in a very matter-of-factly and non-arrogant way - and was offered promotions that she turned down because they generally meant more paperwork and less actual surgery. But Ben wondered if anyone ever really did anything for her. As far as he knew, she lived alone.

Hah-NXTSHkk!-uhh.. ooh by God…” the congested address to a higher power came on the exhale of the sneeze, and she pressed the crinkled tissue tighter over her nose. “… ‘scuse be,” she mumbled and hurried past him, heading towards the ladies’ room.

She had known this was bound to happen; she could stifle for some time but sooner or later she’d be too late to fully suppress a sneeze, and when that unstifleable sneeze came, things would turn messy. Thank God she had a tissue, at least. And that it didn’t happen during the speech she was supposed to give later.

Although she couldn’t be entirely sure she’d make it through that speech without another incident.

Well. With privilege came duty. She was privileged to have reached this far in her career. And it was her duty to fulfil her obligations.

She only wished her body would get the memo and cooperate.


Prompt: Promise
Fandom: The 4400 (original)
Cause: Allergies
Note: Yeah... Diana's allergies are canon. :wub:  So of course I'm gonna throw her into all kinds of pollen situations. And I kinda like the idea of tough badass Diana feeling guilty for ruining something because of her allergies that she can't even help having. And then drabble ensued. 



Diana had never envisioned hell being a picnic in the park, but it was clear that was exactly it.

She had promised Maia they’d go to the park and have a picnic this weekend, as a peace offering for her working overtime the entire week, not getting home before her daughter was asleep even once. And Diana was not going to back out of this promise.

What she hadn’t considered was the pollen count. She had – of course – forgotten to take her medication this morning and it was quickly becoming obvious that she was getting closer and closer to an inevitable allergy attack. Maia was still none the wiser, at least that’s what Diana hoped, and she would prefer to keep it that way, but her eyes were watering and itching, and her throat had been itchy ever since they got here, and only getting worse with each passing minute. Her nose was itching too, and she kept rubbing at it with increasing frustration.

“Mommy, can I go buy some ice cream?” Maia asked. Diana glanced over at the ice cream stand, decided it was close enough that she’d let Maia go over there by herself, and nodded.

“Alright sweetie,” she said, looking through her wallet and taking out a couple of bills. As she handed them over to Maia, she added; “you can get me a…”

“…Rocket,” Maia filled in.

“Whoa, I was gonna say…”

“Chocolate. But you want the Rocket.”

Diana shrugged.

“Well, yeah. I just wanted to pretend to be adult, you know.”

“Oh, you’re an adult. You’re just a childish adult,” Maia said in a comforting tone before turning around and heading for the ice cream stand.

Now that Maia wasn’t looking at her, Diana abandoned all discretion and rubbed her itchy, burning nose so hard it hurt, no doubt making it visibly redder and making the horizontal crease more pronounced, but unable to stop herself. Her eyes were burning too, and she felt a hot tear dislodging itself from her eyelashes and trickle down her cheek, but she was too focused on her nose to care.

She sniffled. And like so many other allergic moments, that was the tipping point. The overall itch turned into a prickle, like a sharp thorn stabbed the inflamed inside of her nose, at just the right – or the wrong, rather – spot.

A quick, desperate gasp for air, and then she had no choice but to give in to the allergic need that plagued her so badly out here in the warm, breezy summer air.

HehhhIIISSHH!” She gasped again. “Hhh-IISSSHHIEW! Heh… eeeIISSSHHoo! Oh G-gohhd… ahh hah-DJISSSHHHew! eeeAASSCHHHooo! Ugh…”

Between the sneezes, she tried to keep her eyes open long enough to see where Maia went, and when she saw her daughter turn around with two popsicles and head back towards her, she pinched her nose hard and tried to stifle and force the fit to surrender to her instead of the other way around.

“NkkThh! NXThh! HahhNNKTTsh!”

Her eyes were streaming, her nose even worse, and she still needed to sneeze.

Maia stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Diana’s desperate struggle to contain the fit.

“Mommy are you alright?”

“I’b fide sweetie,” Diana said breathlessly, finally able to fight back the allergy attack, but at the expense of her pride. She was drippy, puffy, bloodshot, and still itchy. She was a mess. “It’s just my allergies.”

A lawnmower started up not far from where they were, and Diana hated having to do this, but she really had no choice, unless she wanted to sneeze herself unconscious.

“I know I promised, but I didn’t think my allergies would be so bad today,” she began, but Maia had already started gathering their stuff.

“It’s okay,” she said. “We can do this some other day.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. We can have a picnic on the kitchen floor instead.”

“That’s an excellent idea,” Diana said and smiled, as if she didn’t feel like her sinuses were on fire.

They got up and left the park, Diana sneezing repeatedly into one cupped hand while carrying her melting popsicle in the other, and the blanket under one arm. She suspected the specks of grass on the blanket wasn’t doing her any favours, but she was going to sneeze the whole evening anyway.

Maia carried the picnic basket, now and then giving her adoptive mother a concerned glance. As they approached the car, Maia said;

“It’s going to get better by Wednesday. It’s gonna rain then.”

Diana sniffled miserably and rolled her eyes.

“Good thing today is just Saturday, then,” she muttered under her breath, and then had to sneeze again.  



Edited by Chanel_no5
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  • 5 months later...

Howdy! Two more drabbles today. ^_^ 

Prompt: Hatred
Fandom: Pine Gap
Note: A little drabble with my favourite Aussie spymaster, because I was in the mood for some. ^^


Kath wasn’t someone who hated easily. Hate took energy, and most of the people and things she didn’t like, she simply didn’t pay attention to, not putting energy into them at all.

There were two things she hated, however. Her ex-husband, the fucking asshole who always knew exactly which buttons to push to annoy her the most, and who enjoyed pushing those buttons too. She really tried to be indifferent to him, but maybe it was a side effect of the desire that had once flamed between them, it was either love or hate. Sparks flew whenever they were in the same room, and she still wasn’t sure if those were sparks of anger or of desire. Maybe both at once.

The other thing she hated was her hayfever. And there was no both-ways about that one; nothing redeeming or desirable about it, she hated it with white-hot passion. The unrelenting itch in her eyes, nose, throat, palate, even ears. How puffy and irritated her eyes were, ceaselessly leaking allergic tears and itching so badly that she wanted nothing but to rub them, really grind the heels of both hands into them until the itch was crushed, but unfortunately it didn’t work that way. Rubbing her eyes only made the itch worse. Her nose was even worse affected by this horrible itch, and the same thing went for that; no amount of rubbing could make it better, it only got worse. At the same time, her nose was both blocked and dripping with watery liquid, and the need to sneeze never really went away. She pondered scheduling an appointment with her allergist about her medication, because even the prescription drugs barely made a dent in her misery. She still took them, because God knew how bad it would be without them, but with the amount of sneezing she did on them, they sure felt like nothing more than sugar pills.

Even so, she had to keep up with work, and that’s what she was doing now – or trying to do, at least. A pile of reports that she had to review was on her desk, in front of her, but she was currently staring out into thin air, trying to get that prickling sensation to stop teasing her and just let her sneeze already.

“Oh for fuck’s sake,” she muttered in a breathy voice and shook her head a little. “Come on!”

She must have sneezed 400 times or something since this morning, and now she couldn’t get this one sneeze out? It was ridiculous. Fucking ridiculous.

No, it wasn’t coming out. Fuck.

She went back to the reports, but the relentless, stinging itch was not letting up, if anything it dug in even deeper, making it feel like she had tiny needles pricking at the sensitive insides of her reddened nose. She made the mistake of trying to rub the itch away and immediately sucked in air in a hitching buildup… only to have the sneeze dance away from her at the very last moment.

She wanted to bang her head against the desk, maybe that would at least avert attention from this intense but blocked urge to sneeze. Instead she grabbed a tissue and gave her poor battered nose a forceful blow, not sure if she hoped to calm the itch or push it over the edge, only certain that she couldn’t stand current status quo.

That added irritation from blowing her nose turned out to be more than enough, and she had only just lowered the tissue again when the first sneeze came tumbling out of her, too sudden to cover, too violent to try and keep quiet-ish.


This sneeze would have been enough, in Kath’s opinion, but no. She immediately snapped forward with another, and a third, fourth, fifth…

After seven sneezes in rapid succession, she finally came to a breathless, drippy halt, but only remaining there for a few quivering seconds until a final, harsh, growling sneeze decided to escape the confinements of her sinuses too.

HuhhRASCHHHuhh-oohhh for fuck’s sake!”

Just as she surrendered to this sneeze, Jacob entered. She wanted to scold him for entering without knocking, but she couldn’t be sure of that, because of the sheer volume of the sneeze, so she held off on that comment.

“Whoa, you sound fucking furious,” Jacob chuckled. “Should I come back at a better time? Like, mid-winter?”

“Lucky for you, you’re only second on the list of things I hate today,” she said and blew her nose, shuddering at the wetness flooding the tissue, “what do you want?”

“Just giving you these,” he said and dropped another pile of papers on top of the ones she had already organised and methodically was working her way through. “Between you and me, Kath…”

She waited, a knuckle pressed against her nose as if to remind it to behave.

“… it’s adorable how you turn into this drippy mess just because nature is in bloom. Ah, you really hate it, don’t ya?”

“Fuck off,” she hissed, and he chuckled and left her office; she could hear him whistling a tune as he walked down the corridor. Then she had to sneeze again. Yeah, the fucking bastard was right about one thing at least; she really, really hated it when nature was in full bloom. Because that meant that the same went for the tickle in her nose.



Prompt: Cold
Fandom: The 4400 (original series)
Note: just allow me to point out once again that this show takes place in the mid 00’s, the elbow sneeze wasn’t really a thing then, and I’m only a fan of it in real life for keep-your-germs-to-yourself-reasons. :lol: 


Diana was freezing and she didn’t understand why Tom didn’t seem at all bothered.

“Aren’t you cold?” she asked, sounding almost angry that he was sitting there in his shirt and slacks as if it was regular room-temperature.

“No, why?” he replied, sounding surprised.

“I’m freezing my butt off,” Diana complained, and he was about to comment that she was wearing a knitted wool sweater along with a pair of suit pants, so how could she possibly be freezing?  

The next second he got a potential answer.

Diana turned away from their shared desk and sneezed twice, a pair of really juicy-sounding sneezes that she caught in both hands and then muttered something under her breath. It sounded like a curse.

“Tom, I n-need… hihh…” before she could articulate what she needed, her breath caught in her throat and hitched several times before she snapped forward again with yet another wet sneeze. “IhhhSSSHooo!”

Tom was pretty sure what she needed, though. Context was everything, so to speak, and she had just delivered three soaking wet sneezes into her hands; what she needed was tissues. So before she could even try to articulate the question again, he held out the tissue box that were placed between them but usually only needed by Diana, especially during spring and summer when her allergies were going haywire.

But now was late in fall, no longer allergy season for his perky, green-eyed partner. Actually, now that he thought about it, she hadn’t been particularly perky today either. That usual spark in said green eyes had been absent today, she only looked tired and…


This rapid double was caught in a Kleenex which she then used to blow her nose into. It sounded like a rather wet blow, too.

Tom didn’t need more clues to deliver his conclusion:

“I think you’re getting sick.”

Diana immediately started to object, which he had anticipated, but she interrupted herself with yet another sneeze – this one she didn’t have time to cover, and the light mist, illuminated by the desk lamps, rained down over the case files between them.

Tom sighed, resigning himself to catching her cold. Diana wasn’t doing this deliberately, but sometimes she was too focused on something else to realise she was about to sneeze before it was too late, and sometimes the sneezes just came on too suddenly. If she sneezed a lot, statistics promised that several of those sneezes would be uncovered, and there was nothing he could do about it.

“Bless you. You were saying?”

Diana sighed too.

“Alright, okay, yeah, maybe I’m coming down with something.”

She cocked her head to the side and tried to look cute. Which she was annoyingly good at when she wanted to.

“So could you please turn up the thermostat in here?”

Tom chuckled.

“Do it yourself, Sneezy. Unless you just want to go home.”

“I’m not sick-sick, not yet anyway. HehhhISSSH!”

Tom wasn’t going to argue. He just nudged the tissue box closer to her and went back to work.


Edited by Chanel_no5
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Prompt: Beauty
Fandom: Pine Gap
Note: Yeah I kinda love her, sooooo, have some more Kath.. :wub: 

It was Sunday morning, and Kath stepped outside on the deck with her coffee and her cigarette. It promised to be a beautiful day, and the breeze was in fact quite cool, which was a pleasant change.

She sat down, looking out over the sun-scorched sand on the other side of the driveway, quite the contrast from her place. She fought like hell to keep herself surrounded by some greenery at least, she was originally from the coast and while she couldn’t get the beaches and the water out here, she was at least going to claim some vegetation. She enjoyed the beauty of it and she needed some splashes of colour in her immediate surroundings. 

Hah-ESSHHuuh!” she sneezed wetly and openly, misting her own arm with some of the spray.

The problem was that she was really fucking allergic to some of those splashes of colour. The main culprit, she suspected after a couple of years of mysterious hayfever outbursts even when it wasn’t grass pollen season, was the bottlebrush. Beautiful tree, with its red, brush-like flowers. But despite its beauty, it was probably also highly allergenic. It didn’t grow naturally here, meaning there was no real way to predict its pollen season. Much like the grass, in fact. In an environment where it was artificially irrigated rather than following the natural cycle of precipitation, it pollinated whenever it wanted. More in summer, but you could absolutely get hayfever in the middle of winter too. Which in a way meant that Alice Springs, though smack dab in the middle of the fucking desert, fucked with her allergies even worse than her hometown did. She didn’t even want to think about how bad it would be if she had lived in the farmland regions.


Seriously!? She walked across the deck to check the bottlebrush, no way it could be in bloom again so soon after last time.

Almost as if mocking her, the tree’s branches hung heavy with full, very much in bloom, scarlet flowers, dusted with yellow pollen. Kath’s irritated eyes widened and she backed away, but at that moment a fairly strong breeze rustled the branches, shaking the pollen loose and sent it into the air. She saw the allergenic particles whirl in the wind, and somehow they always seemed to end up lodged inside her hayfever-tortured nose. 

Oh fuck no, I’m outta here, Kath thought and turned on her heel, quickly walking back inside. She sneezed as she walked, one right after another, a whole fit of desperate, harsh sneezes that left her winded and sniffly. 

Yeah, those flowers were beautiful, but this misery wasn’t worth it; she was definitely getting someone to take that fucking tree down. 


Edited by Chanel_no5
posted first draft lol
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I really, really, REALLY need to get a start on Pine Gap because from what I've seen of Kath in your fics, I'm gonna like her.  These were so much fun to read, lovely little bite sized gems of goodness. 

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6 hours ago, SleepingPhlox said:

I really, really, REALLY need to get a start on Pine Gap because from what I've seen of Kath in your fics, I'm gonna like her.  These were so much fun to read, lovely little bite sized gems of goodness. 

Yes you do! 😇😈 Seriously though, yeah I think you're gonna like Kath. 😏 Thank you so much! ❤️

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  • Chanel_no5 changed the title to Chanel Playing With Drabbles Again (all female, various causes) updated May 31st

Okay so since I watched the movie three times in three days, I had to see if I could. And, well, yeah, I did. :lol:  Now back to regularly scheduled fic writing, but I had to get this one out first. :yay: 

Prompt: Alone
Fandom: Lou (Netflix movie)

Cause: Cold
Note: Sorry in advance, but I had to write in character and she's not exactly proper and dainty, so... she's not exactly a polite sneezer either. :lol:  Some mess warning. Also mentions of hunting, if anyone is uncomfortable with that. 


Scratchy throat. Headache. Chills. Congestion.

HuhhARSSHHah! Goddamnit!”


Yeah, it was obvious she was coming down with a cold, and it felt like a doozy. Wiping her runny nose on her sleeve – Lou had never been one for decorum – she left a trail of transparent mess on the already dirty jacket.

“Bless you,” someone said. She looked up and saw Sheriff Rankin leaning against the side of her pickup truck, as if waiting for her.

She didn’t reply, only brushed past him and he stepped aside to let her open the door.

“Jax is in a good mood,” he said.

Lou almost smiled at the mention of her canine companion, but only almost.

“Yeah,” she said, put the key in the ignition, but before she could turn it, she snapped forward with another harsh, throat-scraping sneeze, some droplets hitting the steering wheel. “AaaRGSSCHheuh! Fuck’s sake,” she muttered and cleared her throat.

“Sounds like you’re coming down with a cold,” Rankin said.

“Really?” she said, glaring at him. “I couldn’t tell.”

“Some bug going around, half the island is coughing and sneezing.”

“Fun times,” she said, snorting back mess and spitting on the ground a few feet away from him.

“Nice, Lou.”

“I didn’t ask you to stick around and chat.”

“Well, I just wanted to make sure you and Jax are alright. Haven’t seen you in town for a while.”

“Been busy.”

“Uh-huh.” He grinned. “Loots of deer to shoot and skin out there in your neck of the woods, I reckon.”

“Hunting season ended two weeks ago.”

“I’m glad you know the official dates,” he said, emphasis ever so slightly on the word ‘official’.”

This time Lou did give him a rugged half-smile before she started the car. Sheriff Rankin counted that as a win, raising his hand as she sped off.

She didn’t raise hers in response. He hadn’t expected her to.

Anyone else coming down with something that sounded that nasty would have stocked up on cold supplies. Not Lou. A bottle of scotch seemed to be as far as she stretched in that aspect.  No, he wasn’t one for prying, she had always seemed perfectly content living out there alone, but she wasn’t getting any younger.

Ah well. He could always drive up there in a couple of days and check on her under the guise of asking if she’d heard any gunshots in that neck of the woods. She’d suspect he was just warning her about poaching deer for her and Jax but without flat out saying it, and she’d accept that. They both knew she did and they both knew he wasn’t gonna do anything about it; she knew what she was doing and she only took what they needed. She probably wouldn’t realise that he was checking up on her wellbeing, though. She was her own person, and he respected that, but he was looking out for all inhabitants of the island and their wellbeing.

Including those who preferred to be alone.  


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I don't know anything about this fandom, but this was great! I always love your writing

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5 hours ago, sneezemeister said:

I don't know anything about this fandom, but this was great! I always love your writing

Thank you! It's not really a fandom, tbh... :lol:  I just got carried away by watching a greying female action hero hiking through woods in pouring rain and had Thoughts™ and had to see if I could write a snz drabble about the character. :bag: :lol: 


I actually really enjoyed the movie, she's a total badass. I usually prefer my "older ladies" being more polished and elegant, but a weathered 6 ft tall woman in a fedora kicking some serious butt was... inspiring, ngl. :whistle:  


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