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My Boss Sneezing


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I am in my early twenties and I recently started working at an upscale restaurant in New York City as a “reservationist” (a glorified receptionist). All day and night I sit at a desk answering phones from entitled rich people which, as you can imagine, gets infuriating and exhausting quickly. Recently I’ve been much more excited to come to work, especially during the evenings when we are in service because I’ve developed an embarrassingly big crush on the floor manager. Let’s call him Drew. He is probably in his mid 30s, very tall, has short blond hair that’s always perfectly groomed, blue eyes, and a boyish face. Because of the ridiculously formal culture of the restaurant, I have only ever seen him in a full suit. I also recently learned that Drew is married and has young children which both dashed my dreams of real physical contact with him and also amped up my fantasy as I definitely have a thing for DILFs ;)

My office is situated in a little house across a courtyard from the restaurant which doubles as a storage room. The space is not very well kept— it’s cluttered, always a little damp, and there is a stray cat who has taken refuge amongst the boxes and we feed/ take care of him. Whenever we leave for the night, the cat comes and sits on our office chairs and leaves cat hair everywhere. You can probably guess where this is going…

Last night, I was working the night shift by myself. The general manager asked me to prepare some paperwork that I had never prepared on my own before so he sent Drew to make sure I found everything I needed. Whenever Drew comes in, it's the most pleasant surprise and I soak up every moment I get to talk to him (when I crush, I crush hard). Drew walked into the room and leaned casually against my desk. By the time he arrived, I had actually already figured out how to do the paperwork, but I loved that I got to hang out with him for a few minutes before he figured out he wasn’t needed. I was running around my office, typing and cutting and printing and I was reveling in him watching me be busy because it made me feel useful or like I knew what I was doing. I was wearing a little red dress and I also liked to believe that he was enjoying watching me bop around the room like a sprite. Drew and I chatted about how the night was going and suddenly the phone rang. “One second”, I said to him as I walked towards the phone to answer the call. As I walked closer to my desk and closer to him, Drew quickly tried to turn his head away from me, but was not quick enough to turn entirely before his neck jerked down and I heard “IIISSHHHEWW”!! The sneeze had clearly caught him off guard. He looked up at me sheepishly, and though by now I had my hand on the ringing phone, I waited for him to finish sneezing, so I could say an incredibly indulgent “bless you!!” before picking up. I almost never say bless you to people when they sneeze, because people’s sneezes usually make me feel so embarrassed, as if they know my secret, and I never want to draw attention to myself. But when people I’m attracted to sneeze, I LOVE blessing them. To them, its nothing more than a polite acknowledgement, but to me it’s this delicious moment of feeling like an insider in their sneeze and almost praising them for it. As much as I wanted to relish this moment for even longer, I was weirdly glad that I had to answer the phone right away, because it was as if I didn’t have time for his sneeze.. as if I had more important things to do (even though I was dying inside).

The phone call was brief, probably only 20 seconds long, and when I hung up, Drew immediately looked me in the eyes and said “I’m allergic to cats”. I smiled and told him this was really the wrong place to be for a person with cat allergies (although of course I wish he would’ve stayed all night and let the allergies get worse and worse). He chuckled and looked at me again, this time his eyes were starting to squint and his breath was starting to buckle. He seemed a little embarrassed about the allergies and in a quivering voice he squeezed out the words “I promise I’m not allergic to you”. He was trying so hard not to sneeze again, but the endless amounts of cat hair floating around the room were certainly not making it easy for him. Laboriously, he kept the sneezes at bay, but still couldn’t quite catch his breath. “I have to go or I might die in here”, he said through more hitching. I told him I would love it if he didn’t die and that he should go and breathe some fresh air.

There wasn’t much to it, but I simply cannot get over the sheer perfection of the circumstances and dynamics. One of my biggest fantasies is someone with authority sneezing in a workplace and here I was with my boss (who I already had a huge crush on) sitting next to me in his suit practically sneezing ON me. I can’t help but also leave this moment with a lot of hope. Drew comes to visit me fairly often and that cat isn’t going anywhere…

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  • 2 months later...


Whenever my boss spends too much time in my office (where this cat lives and there is a lot of dust), he sniffles. For months now, I've been waiting for a reason for him to stay in my office for long enough for that sniffle to turn into a sneeze.

--A couple weeks ago he was in my office frantically searching for something in a storage closet and I could hear him sniffling. He walked to a different section of my office where he was no longer visible to me and I heard a faint "icctchuhhh" in the distance. Shortly after, he wandered over to me and through more sniffles, he asked if I had any tissues (swoon!). I sadly did not have anything to give him, so he quickly left, needing to tame his allergies. 

--A couple of days later, he came into my office complaining about the cat that lives in our office. A coworker of mine asked why he hated the cat and he said, "because I'm incredibly allergic! I'm allergic to cats, dogs, horses, hamsters, grass, dust, ...." and the list went on. My stomach fluttered a little thinking about how much he must sneeze in his life. He's basically allergic to everything. 

--Today though, my colleague and I were assembling menus for our restaurant right before we went into service. We had assembled probably around 100 menus when "Drew" came in to let us know the menu's had been printed incorrectly and we would have to redo all of them. He stayed behind to help us as we had to rush to do this task before the restaurant opened. He was in our office with us for about 20 minutes which is much longer than he normally stays. As he helped us with the menus, he got more and more sniffly. At one point he was standing between my coworker and I, almost shoulder to shoulder with me and this other young woman I work with, and he bowed his head, letting out a wet sneeze, "haasshhhhuuuh!". He immediately reminded us of his cat allergies once more.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Another little update just because no one else besides you guys could understand how delightful this situation is: 

This evening, Drew was in my office helping me with some paperwork. He was sniffling and said "it's really getting cold outside-- I have the sniffles" to which I responded, "don't you think it's just the cat?". He proceeded to blow his nose and then looked up at me with wide eyes and said,  "Oh my god, you're right! It's definitely my cat allergies. Wow, you know me better than I know myself!" (😍). Drew has definitely mentioned his cat allergies to me quite a few times (as I have meticulously detailed above lol), but obviously he only had to mention it once for it to be burned in my brain (plus he has now sneezed in front of me many times and immediately attributes it to the cat, so yeah I REALLLYYY know about his allergies). Certainly one of those moments where you remember how insignificant this stuff is to other people. 

Anyway though, later on he came back in to talk to me and announced that the had just taken a Benadryl. "Good!!" I said (although I very much wish he would sit next to me all night with allergies in full force). "I just haven't been able to stop sneezing so I had to do something", he then said. The restaurant (which again, is very upscale), is in service at the moment, so I imagine him holed up in his office, sneezing uncontrollably hiding from guests. Either that, or he was sneezing uncontrollably as he greeted guests. Both possibilities definitely make me smile :) 

I know this is not the most exciting of updates, but I will continue to keep y'all posted!! Thanks for reading! 




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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 months later...

It's been a while, but I am VERY happy to report a new update--

So a few months ago, the cat that lived in our office had to be put down which was very sad because I loved the cat, but also sad because it seemed like it might be the end of an era of sneezes from Drew. After months without a sneeze, Drew came into our office at the peak of the restaurant's dinner service this evening. Without even saying hi to me and my coworker, he lunged towards our desk and said "I came in just to get a tissue" with a shaky voice. He proceeded to blow his nose next to us while I sat listening carefully to his every move, trying not to make my attention obvious. He walked towards the trash bin (which was right next to me) to throw away his used tissue and then stopped in his tracks and turned away from me. Doubling over, he let out a very desperate "heeeeCHOOOOO"! Immediately, my coworker and I gave a gratuitous "BLESS you!!" 

As he cooled down from the allergic fit he was having, he asked, "is there a new cat in here I don't know about? Why am I SO allergic??" Slowly, he collected himself and sauntered out of our office and back to work. After he left, my coworker turned to me and said "I dont think he ever sneezed when the cat was in here!", to which I gave a quick shrug while I mentally flipped through the rolodex of my meticulous documentation of every time he did sneeze because of that magical cat... 

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I get EXACTLY, what you mean with blessing people normally, and blessing someone you’re attracted to :yes:.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I’ll keep this brief because I know these obs get a little repetitive but I can’t help myself, I have to report back to you guys every single time I witness a sneeze from him. 

20 minutes ago, I was with Drew, talking about word games. He was sitting next to me looking over my shoulder at my crossword when mid sentence, took a sudden inhale and I knew what was coming… “when you look at the other crosswu—uhhhhh”, drew paused and jerked his body away from me as he let out maybe the loudest, wettest sneeze I’ve heard from him yet, HUHHHSHOOOO !!

As always, with butterflies in my stomach, I quickly responded, “BLESS you”! 

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There's no need to apologize for continuing to post! I get excited each time there's an addition to this thread.

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Wow love this post and the updates! Drew sounds like a dream come true at work :) bless him. Hopefully with no kitty around there may be some dust kicked up or pollen in the air so you can keep enjoying your sneezy crush. (It also sounds like he enjoys the attention he gets from it even tho it may not be kink-related) 

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7 hours ago, Kizzykai said:

Wow love this post and the updates! Drew sounds like a dream come true at work :) bless him. Hopefully with no kitty around there may be some dust kicked up or pollen in the air so you can keep enjoying your sneezy crush. (It also sounds like he enjoys the attention he gets from it even tho it may not be kink-related) 

It really seems like he is allergic to so many things that the cat's absence doesn't matter! Definitely helps that I work in a dusty place :) And yes, I'd like to believe he enjoys the attention-- I certainly enjoy giving it! 

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3 hours ago, rekztul said:

If I may - how does he cover? 

You absolutely may!

Frankly he usually doesn't cover at all... he just turns his body away, and since his sneezes frequently seem to catch him off guard, it's always a jerking motion to turn away from others in the room and sometimes he does't quite make it all the way to the side before the sneeze comes to fruition ;) 

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19 hours ago, MidnightCatK said:

There's no need to apologize for continuing to post! I get excited each time there's an addition to this thread.

oh GOOD I'm so glad that it's not a purely self serving thing to keep track of these on here 🙈

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2 hours ago, Mal said:

It really seems like he is allergic to so many things that the cat's absence doesn't matter! Definitely helps that I work in a dusty place :) And yes, I'd like to believe he enjoys the attention-- I certainly enjoy giving it! 

I’d probably start rummaging things around daily to make it dusty cause I can’t help but try 😅

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