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There's a lot of tags for this one, because I already have a bunch of ideas. This should have several parts since the possibilities of this premise seem almost limitless. I'm super excited for this one, and I hope you like it! I'll try to include the applicable tags at the beginning of each part so that you can skip one if it's not something you're into. As a side note, if any of you ever invent or learn about something like I'm  about to describe, I would sell my soul for it 😅

Part 1: Induced, F/F, Allergy, Nose Blowing

Selene was so excited that she nearly ripped open the box. Inside, there was a list of instructions with a QR code and what looked like a bottle of nasal spray. She grabbed the instructions and started skimming everything that looked important.

  • Step 1: Scan QR code to download the Allergy App and activate the nanobots to discovery mode.
  • Step 2: Use nanobot applicator to spray once into each nostril.
  • Step 3: Adjust settings to your preferences. This can be changed at anytime.
  • Step 4: Enjoy!

Selene quickly scanned the code and picked up the spray. Her nose twitched at the slight tickle when the nanobots spread throughout each nostril, but the itch quickly dissipated. Excitement growing, she looked back at the instructions.

  • Setting 1: The most important setting is programming what stimulus the nanobots will react to. To do this, simply press the “New Allergy” button and put the desired stimulus under your nose until you hear the beep. The pre-programmed allergy is for any physical stimuli.
  • Setting 2: To turn off a specific allergy, press the on/off button next to that allergy. Each allergy will be saved in your history for future use. You may also turn off all allergies with the global on/off button.
  • Setting 3: To adjust the sensitivity of your allergy or allergies, move the sensitivity slider to “Low” “Medium” or “High”. This can be done for individual allergies or globally. Note that if you set the sensitivity for “Physical Stimuli”, this will increase the sensitivity to any physical irritant even if that irritant is set as a separate allergy.
  • Setting 4: To invite a friend to have access to adjust your settings, use the “Invite” button. You can remove access at any time. You can also temporarily block all friends from making changes to your settings.


Selene was so engrossed in reading that she didn’t notice her girlfriend come home. “You sure look excited about something.”


Selene jumped. “Freyja, you scared me!”


“Sorry honey. So, what are you so excited about?” Selene showed her the box. “It’s here?! Where’s mine?”


Selene laughed and handed her the second box. “It’s even better than I thought it would be. I already started setting mine up. By the way, what perfume are you wearing today?”


“The vanilla one,” Freyja answered distractedly as she started reading the instructions in her own box.


“Perfect, I’ll be right back.” Selene went to their shared perfume collection and grabbed the vanilla one. She pressed “New Allergy” and then sprayed the perfume in front of her nose. When she heard the beep, she grinned and then moved away from the cloud of perfume and blew her nose to get rid of any lingering scent. She didn’t want to ruin the surprise. Once she was sure she couldn’t smell any of it, she set the allergy to “Medium” and went back just in time to see Freyja spraying the nanobots into her own nose.


“Ooh that tickles already. No, wait, it’s gone.”


“That’s ok. There will be plenty more where that came from.” Selene walked up behind Freyja and gave her a warm hug, making sure to take a subtle sniff of the vanilla perfume. Hih heh “See? I ih told you.” She nuzzled her nose into the side of Freyja’s neck, taking a deeper sniff at the same time. Hih! Itchiew! Hitchiew! Heh! Eh hiiiih hetchiew! Selene pulled away and quickly rubbed her nose with her knuckles. “Wow, that really tickled.”


Instructions forgotten, Freyja tried to regain some semblance of composure. “Bless you! I guess we know it works then.”


Sniff. “Any ideas of how we could use this new app?”


“Oh, I think I have a few.” Freyja grinned.

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I love this wonderful story so far please update soon and keep up the amazing work but please take your time there's no rush  sorry for the late comment

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It's always good to read some original ideas and I don't think there has been a story premise like this on here before - I look forward to reading more with these characters :) 

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This is wonderful! I had a really similar idea but using pills instead drafted out but I'll be honest, I'm so glad I don't have to write it! Very excited for the next part

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so excited for this! and i would also like this app haha maybe i can make my nose not so sensitive to whatever is making it go nuts rn

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