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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Who here is more than happy to take the secret to the grave?


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Don’t get me wrong. I feel extremely proud, lucky, and blessed *no pun intended* 😜 to have this thing, this strong same-sex attraction to sneezing. But I am not depressed, or at all feel lonely that I don’t have another man to share this with. Even when I was in the dating scene, I kept it to myself. I think prefer it that way, it’s something to do about being witness to a clueless albeit sexy guy sneezing his cute little nose off, especially if he’s sporting a nice pair of legs in skinny jeans. There’s nothing else like it for me, it’s a thrill of a freakin’ lifetime whenever I satisfy the urges and I have no problem keeping it all to myself. It’s nobody else’s business but mine. I also have absolutely no mental block and am quite happy to bless others and I am flattered when blessed also. I find it easy to not blush when it happens since I’ve sort of trained myself to get aroused only after the fact when I daydream about the recent situation, not during it. But female sneezes just annoy the hell out of me, I know it’s because I’m gay but I swear I’d rather hear a professor scratch their nails on a chalkboard lmao. Anyone else feel this way?

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If I ever do tell someone it will likely be very deep into a relationship. Other than that, I plan to keep it to myself. I get enjoyment out of it, may as well make use of it.

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I’d love to share it with someone I’m close to. I have never been intimate with someone before though so it’s hard to separate if I want to just have that close trusting relationship regardless of the fetish or if that is an intrinsic part of it. I think it would be really fun to be with another fetishist though, you could both just indulge each other with no fear of judgement. 

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This is my approach. I told a girlfriend almost 30 years ago. She'll most likely be the last. It's between me and me. Philosophically, I forcefully reject the notion that anybody has any rights to my inner life for any reason under any circumstances.

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I probably won't tell anyone else. I feel as though it would just make things awkward in a relationship, where if I told a boyfriend/husband he'd feel weird about it or feel obligated to indulge me. The awkwardness would override any enjoyment that I might gain from it, and I'd just be embarrassed. I also wouldn't tell my friends, because there's really no need for that. They don't need to know something like that about me.

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I absolutely ain't telling nobody. It's my secret. :watsup: Besides, I don't want anyone to feel self conscious  about sneezing around me.

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If I'm going to share it, it must be with another fetishist. A non fetishist could indulge you but will never fully understand it.

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On 10/2/2022 at 3:16 PM, Hizzoner duh Mare said:
14 hours ago, Hankysneeze said:

If I'm going to share it, it must be with another fetishist. A non fetishist could indulge you but will never fully understand it.

 I don't want anyone to feel self conscious  about sneezing around me.

Couldn't have put it better!

Trusting someone close might seem like a good idea, but remember: friendships can go sour and promises can be broken.

Edited by haymaker
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I share that information in long term relationships.  Long-term because I need to know that I can trust the other person, and relationship because unless I'm going to have sex with someone why on earth would they need that information?  I had an ex be totally grossed out to find out I was bisexual, so I decided that was a nope on telling him about the sneezing thing, and things didn't last a very long time after that.

I've told friends when I was younger, and there was a lot of mutual trust in those friendships, but I would be more guarded about that now. I'm pretty guarded about a lot of stuff, my business is my business.  And if I suddenly become a huge famous movie star, I will have to be very careful about telling partners because I don't want them posting their tell-all shit on their TikToks to get revenge after we break up.

But all you crazy, weird, and wonderful internet strangers know pretty much every last detail of my fetish so, like, yeah... :laugh:  

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't think there is anything wrong with sharing this information with people. You should probably just get to know the person first to see how they will take the information. I've only ever told a few people (my ex and a couple close friends) and I definitely don't regret telling them. Nothing bad has ever come of it. 

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I love this topic and question bc sometime I feel like I’m the only one who keeps it super secret. I’ve danced around telling a significant other once, but never directly, and I think that will always sort of be my game plan. Tell the people who need to know what they need to know and leave it at that. It’s not shame based for me, I just don’t necessarily feel like it’s anyone else’s business 🤦🏼‍♀️

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When I was living with my family after college, I kept a few drawing I made of sneezy girls underneath the cardboard box I used as a nightstand. Back then, I didn't actually have a bed, so I just slept on a mattress on the floor.

On my birthday, I came home to an amazing gift! They got me a new mattress and built a bedframe right in my room! It was great! Really sturdy! There was just one problem...

The drawings I made were folded up neatly on the nightstand.

No one has said anything about it, but I know they saw it.

I'd love to take this secret to my grave, but I'm pretty sure that's not gonna happen.

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I've had a bitter ex out me once which caused a lot of anxiety when I was younger.   When my wife, who used to cater to it, left me for another, I decided to not let that happen again, so for my own mental health I just went and told my close friends and even made a public post on my Facebook educating people about Chinnkni (but not actually mentioning I get turned on by sneezing).  Friends didn't care, actually tried to see the logistics' of it, and the FB friends that responded were fascinated.  At this point in my life I'm indifferent if people find out.   Today's society is supposed (key word SUPPOSED) to be more tolerant in terms of diversity and identity, and well, my fetish is part of me. I like to watch women sneeze, period end of report. lol.  If you want to keep it a secret, then do so. Do what makes you comfortable and happy.  Just remember, there is far worse Rule 34 things out there to be a fan of than sneezing. 

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I honestly don't care who knows at this stage in my life. My old best friend irl knows as does a few of her ex-boyfriend's and it doesn't bother me. If it comes up in casual conversation about kinks, I've no issue talking about it and educating others. There are worse things to slap my meat to.

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I’d love to share this secret with someone but probably never will unless they’re willing to engage. I have a friend I asked to sneeze on me before and I always get embarrassed around her because I wonder if she remembers. I pray she doesn’t. 
I always wonder if I’d even share the fetish with a partner out of utter embarrassment…. Hoping I get rid of the stress. 

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  • 2 months later...
  • 7 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Really and truly I would like to share it with someone. definitely talk about it with another fetishist but also share it with someone in my life preferably my partner. Not friends or family. I also like that my partner doesnt know when he sneezes and his nose flares I always try to catch a glimpse and to me the thrill makes it that much more enjoyable bc they don’t know I’m enjoying the desperation in every sneeze that the tickle in his nose causes. It’s hot to me. The suspense is it for me but sharing this part of me with a partner would not be the worst thing. 

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I told my ex, and in hindsight it didn't really matter a lot. We didn't do anything with it. With it being a very heartbreaky breakup (lol) I do feel like I'd rather not have him knowing it, or at least that I would have waited a bit longer before telling. I have been with my current partner for a lot longer than I was with the ex I told and have not yet told him, even though I trust him to pieces and I'm convinced it wouldn't be a problem whatsoever (more so a fun conversation probably). I still don't know if I will, maybe in the future or maybe it gets to be only for me from now on. Still a bit undecided on that one!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I feel the same way - like don’t get me wrong maybe one day I would like to meet up with another fetishist for a short term thing, but in a normal relationship I would rather not even open that can of worms. 

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