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Say something nice about yourself!


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The internet always need's more positivity.


Say something nice about yourself. Come back and reread it when you're having a bad day. Or come back and read it when you're having a good day. :) 


I'll start: 


Melody is a great listener and always makes people feel comfortable. 

Edited by Melody
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This is such a wonderful and brilliant idea and I hope everybody posts in here because it's so important to be kind to yourself.

Me, I'm strong and resilient.  I didn't even know how much until this year turned out to be the year of upheaval and massive change that I thought I'd never be able to handle but it turns out I have all the strength, intelligence, determination, mental fortitude, capability, and optimism to carry me through whatever I need to do to get me to where I need to be. 

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For all the gripes I have with my own appearance, I absolutely adore my hair, love how it looks, feels, how long it is, styling it. Feels really good to actually like something about myself.

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I am a lot more confident than I used to be. That is mostly due to being in a good place in my life, but I'm claiming it anyway. :lol: 

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I'm pretty good at writing, and my inner life is so rich that I very rarely get bored. 


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I've always heard great things about this type of positive feedback, this is a great idea!

I am good at mediating conflicts and knowing when it is a good time to have humor or be serious.

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I'm always the guy that people come to first in my friend group when they need help with game knowledge and that feels really nice

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I made my brother's day by picking him up from school. Not to toot my own horn, but I'm a hella rad big sibling! 😎 

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I've been told that I have my heart in the right place. 

I have taken in multiple people who were homeless to my own home and gave them a bed to sleep in so I guess I'm somewhat kind. :)

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2 hours ago, Stimuli said:

I've been told that I have my heart in the right place. 

I have taken in multiple people who were homeless to my own home and gave them a bed to sleep in so I guess I'm somewhat kind. :)

Ummmm… your a king????

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5 hours ago, Just Older said:

That's a very hard task to accomplish....

I guess I'm a kind, caring person.


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I recently dared myself into wearing makeup to work. Felt like a really, really dangerous exposure, but it went really well, and I'm proud of myself for being who I am. And I have to say, I'm looking hawt today :P

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What an awesome topic!

I've made so much progress over the last few years in improving my mental and physical health to the point where I no longer need to take pain meds on a daily basis, and I'm damn proud of myself for getting off of those opioids!

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  • 2 months later...
On 10/22/2022 at 6:21 AM, Shay said:

What an awesome topic!

I've made so much progress over the last few years in improving my mental and physical health to the point where I no longer need to take pain meds on a daily basis, and I'm damn proud of myself for getting off of those opioids!

this is super random and I hope I'm not over stepping, but would you be willing to discuss what methods worked for you in stopping your pain meds? I have dealt with something similar for 13 years.


And something about myself that I like is that I am always serving main character energy because I am unequivocally, always, that bitch 💁‍♀️

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32 minutes ago, Melody said:

this is super random and I hope I'm not over stepping, but would you be willing to discuss what methods worked for you in stopping your pain meds? I have dealt with something similar for 13 years.

It was a combination of meditation and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique AKA Tapping) that helped get my pain levels down to a manageable level. There are so many different types of meditation out there that it really does take a ton of trial and error to find what might be the most effective. In my case, it ended up being something that wasn't even about reducing pain levels, but a guided meditation about just observing your thoughts from a neutral mindset.

The EFT has also been a lifesaver for so much more than pain reduction. I also deal with various sensory issues, and loud noises can be a major trigger for me. I used to get severe meltdowns set off by fireworks and I started using EFT for that a few days before July 4th 2019 and was able to get through the holiday virtually stress free compared to previous years. You can find plenty of free material on EFT on Youtube, but Graham Nicholls has some really inexpensive courses on it on Udemy if you want something a bit more thorough. I will say that the EFT modality is extremely flexible. I've leaned about it from several different teachers and it seems like each one does it slightly differently, so this allowed me to pull the bits I liked best from each teacher and really customize it for myself.

Once I felt that I didn't really need the meds anymore, it still took me a long time to stop taking them because I was afraid of withdrawal. I had to broach the subject with my doctor multiple times because he was kind of dismissive for awhile insisting that I was on a fairly low dosage and there wasn't any reason to be concerned about taking it. Once I finally got through to him that I was serious about getting off of meds that I probably didn't need anymore, we did come up with a plan to gradually wean me off of them. I won't deny there were still some withdrawal symptoms but no where near what I'd experienced if I forgot to take a dose. Just some annoying stuff like all of a sudden I'd be salivating a ton more than I was used to because I guess I'd been living with some level of dry mouth for ages caused by the meds without realizing it?

I do want to make it clear that I am by no means pain free. I do still deal with chronic pain, but it's much more manageable and I'd say my pain levels without meds are more or less the same as they were before I got off of the medication. Sometimes I'll still take ibuprofen or a muscle relaxer if I really need it, but those times are few and far between. And the meditation/EFT hasn't completely eliminated my sensory issues either, but things are so much more manageable than they used to be.

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9 hours ago, Shay said:

It was a combination of meditation and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique AKA Tapping) that helped get my pain levels down to a manageable level. There are so many different types of meditation out there that it really does take a ton of trial and error to find what might be the most effective. In my case, it ended up being something that wasn't even about reducing pain levels, but a guided meditation about just observing your thoughts from a neutral mindset.

The EFT has also been a lifesaver for so much more than pain reduction. I also deal with various sensory issues, and loud noises can be a major trigger for me. I used to get severe meltdowns set off by fireworks and I started using EFT for that a few days before July 4th 2019 and was able to get through the holiday virtually stress free compared to previous years. You can find plenty of free material on EFT on Youtube, but Graham Nicholls has some really inexpensive courses on it on Udemy if you want something a bit more thorough. I will say that the EFT modality is extremely flexible. I've leaned about it from several different teachers and it seems like each one does it slightly differently, so this allowed me to pull the bits I liked best from each teacher and really customize it for myself.

Once I felt that I didn't really need the meds anymore, it still took me a long time to stop taking them because I was afraid of withdrawal. I had to broach the subject with my doctor multiple times because he was kind of dismissive for awhile insisting that I was on a fairly low dosage and there wasn't any reason to be concerned about taking it. Once I finally got through to him that I was serious about getting off of meds that I probably didn't need anymore, we did come up with a plan to gradually wean me off of them. I won't deny there were still some withdrawal symptoms but no where near what I'd experienced if I forgot to take a dose. Just some annoying stuff like all of a sudden I'd be salivating a ton more than I was used to because I guess I'd been living with some level of dry mouth for ages caused by the meds without realizing it?

I do want to make it clear that I am by no means pain free. I do still deal with chronic pain, but it's much more manageable and I'd say my pain levels without meds are more or less the same as they were before I got off of the medication. Sometimes I'll still take ibuprofen or a muscle relaxer if I really need it, but those times are few and far between. And the meditation/EFT hasn't completely eliminated my sensory issues either, but things are so much more manageable than they used to be.

This is so incredibly helpful, I can’t thank you enough! I am a pretty big meditator but I have never heard of the tapping method so that is something to look into!! 

I have tried everything under the sun at this point but I am always willing to try something else. 

I am so happy for you that your chronic pain has been super reduced. Honestly what a fucking win. Whoooo!!! I don’t know where you’re located but western medicine can be so dismissive and symptom targeting instead of the root targeting. Anyway, so happy you’re in a better place, you go Shay!! 

Thanks for the info and your time in writing this all out!!  ❤️

Edited by Melody
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On 1/13/2023 at 4:08 AM, Melody said:

This is so incredibly helpful, I can’t thank you enough! I am a pretty big meditator but I have never heard of the tapping method so that is something to look into!! 

I have tried everything under the sun at this point but I am always willing to try something else. 

I am so happy for you that your chronic pain has been super reduced. Honestly what a fucking win. Whoooo!!! I don’t know where you’re located but western medicine can be so dismissive and symptom targeting instead of the root targeting. Anyway, so happy you’re in a better place, you go Shay!! 

Thanks for the info and your time in writing this all out!!  ❤️

I definitely agree that western medicine can be incredibly dismissive. It's so difficult because western medicine has probably saved my life at times, but it's also caused me harm in numerous ways as well. I think the reason EFT has been so helpful for me is that a lot of my issues, pain and otherwise, stem from an overactive nervous system. I'm really not entirely sure how it works, but somehow EFT seems to reprogram and calm the nervous system, because I swear the more I use EFT, the less I actually need it, which is the complete opposite of pain meds that you can build up a tolerance to and need higher and higher doses over time.

Anyway, good luck! I hope you find something that works for you, whether it's EFT or something else.

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