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Sneeze Fetish Forum

For you is the fetish more auditory or visual.


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I am curious to here other people's thoughts on this matter. I have had the fetish for pretty much as long as I can remember and hearing a good sneeze always made me feel good. Lately however the fetish is becoming more visual as well. Along with hearing the sneezes I get much more excited when I can see someone's face and expressions as they go through the build up and sneeze. So my question is. Is it the sound of the sneeze or the look of a person while sneezing that you prefer?

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Both together is the preference, however, I would say that for me the specific sound of a sneeze is definitely the more important factor.

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For me, I am definitely more auditory because quite honestly, I'm a pretty picky visual person. I think everyone is beautiful in their own ways but there is a specific type of person I find sexually attractive so for me it's better to just hear the sneeze.

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More auditory, for sure. But there are definitely times that the visual enhances it!

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A healthy combination of both on the regular, but if I absolutely had to choose one, it would be visual. I can imagine the sound if I have a visual reference as to where the hitches are and when the release is, and a lot of my buzz comes from seeing the desperation.

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Defintely both Auditory and Visual!

I like a sneeze to sound full-bodied or(and) wet, while I do not like the dry and cough sounding type of sneezes.

Visually, I love seeing the pre and during sneeze expressions of the sneezer, as well as the inevitably spray and mist that would normally come out of an uncovered wet sneeze. Even little things like pulling up the arm to "cover" or slightly blocking the mouth to direct the sneeze away from people, is something I also enjoy seeing during a sneeze!

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Hmmmmm... I definitely like both, but if I had to choose one, I'd have to say auditory. I really, really like a good, forceful, "nosey" sneeze sound. 😊 If I get an image added to the nice sound, it's a great bonus! The cherry on the top, so to speak. 👍

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It's 100% more auditory for me too! When I was younger there was very little content for sneezes enjoyers in any language other than English. Since I didn't speak the language at the time, the only content I could understand was wavs on YouTube. I believe that's why sound is such a central component in my case.

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Also think it depends on the sneeze. I was thinking for me it would be much more auditory, because when I write, I find myself doing a lot of scenarios in which the spellings are very particular - and sometimes just that, including sniffles and loss of consonants and such. :pinch: But to be honest, maybe both. I love a good pre-sneeze face.

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On 6/26/2023 at 5:51 PM, Melody said:

For me, I am definitely more auditory because quite honestly, I'm a pretty picky visual person. I think everyone is beautiful in their own ways but there is a specific type of person I find sexually attractive so for me it's better to just hear the sneeze.

This actually makes a lot of sense. Sometimes when I hear a sneeze I kind of paint a picture of what the person looks like in my head. Then if I see them it's always different and, like you, I don't find everyone sexually attractive. If a person does not look how I imagined based on their sneeze I guess it kind of throws me off. I don't think it's ever caused to much of a problem for me however 😂

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(So interesting seeing the different answers!)

Visuals aren't in any way necessary for me/don't always make it better.

Then again, I love seeing snz associated things like nose rubbing, nose twitching etc 

Edited by Psyneezy
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Honestly, it’s a little bit of both for me. I enjoy watching the visuals as well as hearing the sneeze take place

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it's defenetly auditory for me, of course I'm turned on when I see someone pre-sneeze, but it's nothing without sounds on.

+ I only watch sneeze in video, IRL I find it too embarassing, I'm always looking another place when I start seeing a presneeze face

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I love both but really do prefer visuals… just seeing the facial expressions and the nose flares really gets me going hehe

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I was about to come in here going "There's no way I could possibly choose" like I always do but...you know...I'm actually firmly in Camp Auditory. It's the whole fictional character thing - if I like a character I'm very happy to go through stuff with other characters that sound like them in the hopes of finding some goodness so I can close my eyes and imagine the character I actually want making those sounds.  I was perfectly happy hearing Scarlett Johansson voice a sneeze for a stop motion dog because I could tell it was her voice, and I could just close my eyes and picture her.

So, yes, auditory all the way, baby! (Though visuals are lovely too.)

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Definitely visual! I am absolutely obsessed with someone’s nostrils flaring, their nose twitching, etc. 

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