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Steddie Week - but make it sneezy (Stranger Things, M/M)


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Hey hey! So I’ve been dealing with some writer’s block lately and still being in a creative mood, I decided to do more drawing. I know this was literally two months ago, but on instagram I saw a few artists take part in Steddie Week, which was a list of prompts given for each day (created by pizzaqueen on Tumblr). I've decided to challenge myself for fun and do a sneezy version. Hear me out. 😂 Some of these might be based on fics that I’ve already posted on here, and some may be new ideas that might’ve just come to me.

Here are the prompts:

Day 1: Hunger/Pining/Somebody to love by Queen

Day 2: Bittersweet/Fluff/Fade to black by Metallica

Day 3: Discover/First Kiss/Kiss on my list by Hall and Oates

Day 4: Familiar/Hurt/Comfort/Here come the tears/Judas Priest

Day 5: Together/Established relationship/Hold the line by Toto

Day 6: True/Misunderstandings/You looking at me looking at you by Ozzy Osbourne

Day 7: Free space/Freedom by Wham!

I’ll try to post a drawing or comic daily, but if that doesn’t happen, I'll try to do it when I can.


To get started, here’s Day 1: Hunger/Pining/Somebody to Love by Queen ❤️


Edited by Skylacticon
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  • Skylacticon changed the title to Steddie Week - but make it sneezy (Stranger Things, M/M)

Day 3: Discover/First Kiss/Kiss On My List by Hall and Oates 🏎

Hope y’all are well. This one was a bit rushed so sorry if it’s a bit shabby.

For context, this is a lil visualization of the story Steve tells in part two of Stink, where he finds out Eddie’s cologne makes him sneeze. I’m actually tempted to draw more of this, but… yeah. <3

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Day 6: True/Misunderstandings/You looking at me looking at you by Ozzy Osbourne 👥

Hey! Apologies for the inconsistency lately. This one is a two-pager, and I’m pretty happy with how it came out. It’s from a fic I wrote called Clarity, where the prompt ‘misunderstandings’ is represented. More angst, more sick Steve. xx

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Day 7: Free space/Freedom by Wham! 📖

The final day of Steddie Week said 'free space', so I did more Stevie. I started out taking inspiration from All-Nighter, then it kinda took on its own thing as I progressed. Hope you like.

And that concludes Steddie Week! (And, perhaps, a few extra days here and there, but whatevs.) Thanks, if you joined me. Hope y'all have a wonderful day. xx

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  • 5 months later...
  • 4 months later...

these are actually amazing im obsessed

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