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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Forever Winter If You Go


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Hello everyone! It's been quite a while since my last story on here, but this has been rolling around in my head for a while. I wanted to tell a story of two teachers as they go through a school year together. Hope you enjoy!

N.B. As with my last story I imagine this is set in the United Kingdom and it speaks to my own experience of living in a small northern town. But its pretty non-specific for the most part.


There was nothing like the silence of the art studio first thing in the morning. Brandon walked slowly through, footsteps echoing on the floor, inhaling deeply the smell of paint, wood, dust and clay. This was his haven, his safe place. It always had been.

It was the start of a new school year. As always Brandon felt that sense of optimistic anticipation which came with being a young teacher who genuinely enjoyed his job. People tended to be surprised when they found out he taught high school but Brandon found there a sense of belonging and a rapport with the kids that he rarely found elsewhere. It was ironic given his own school experience. And ok, this optimism generally only carried him through as far as October when the challenges started to emerge, cynicism set in, reports had to be written and tests done but as long as he had that same spark of pride he knew he could keep doing this job.

He pulled out some materials from his desk, blowing off the dust that had settled there over the 7 weeks' holiday. It tickled his nose a little and he rubbed it absent-mindedly, frowning as he scrutinised some of the work his students had done at the end of last term, and noting down advice to offer and ideas for future projects. His brain began to awaken from the fog of vacation and he felt the usual hum of creativity begin to kick in.

His nose however, did not appear to be satisfied. It tickled and itched and no amount of rubbing seemed to be ridding it of the irritation. Brandon looked up from his work, closed his eyes and resigned himself to the inevitable. The sooner he could sneeze it out, the sooner he could get on with his planning. He wriggled his nose, willing the tickle to come to fruition with a sneeze. It was always the same at the beginning of a new year. He wasn't that sensitive as a rule but after 7 weeks off the strong musty scents of the art room always overwhelmed him a little at first.

Finally a sneeze seemed to be on the horizon. Normally Brandon, being a somewhat reserved individual, would stifle around other people, but he knew that wouldn't help him now. His breath started to hitch and the sneeze finally crested the wave. "Huh...huh... huschew! Haschew! Hah... hahschew!" He sighed and sniffed a little.

"Bless you."

Brandon nearly fell off his chair in shock as the owner of the voice rounded a corner and he was confronted with one of the most handsome men he had ever seen.

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James felt a little guilty as he realised that he had probably just given the poor guy a heart attack. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you! I knocked but I didn't realise how big this room was." He was right. The art studio was really one big room, split into 3 smaller classrooms divided by barriers to accommodate several classes at once. Each teacher had their own desk and work area, of which Brandon's was the furthest away. In the echoey room, a knock at the door was easy to miss.


The art teacher seemed to find his voice again and stammered, "oh, no worries, it's ok, I was just kind of preoccupied... I tend to go off into my own little world when I'm looking at my work..." He tailed off, looking a little embarrassed. 


"I'm really sorry to disturb you," said James apologetically. "I was looking for Mr Alexander - I was told he's an art teacher here?"


Brandon swallowed and said with a smile, "that's me. Call me Brandon."

"Hi, Brandon," James said warmly, holding out a hand. "I'm James Evans, the new Maths and Business teacher." 

"Oh, of course, nice to meet you," said Brandon, standing up too quickly in his haste to shake his hand and dislodging an entire pile of paperwork in the process. 

"Shit! Sorry, what an idiot..." he muttered while simultaneously James exclaimed, "oh no, let me help you with that!", and bent down to pick up some of the papers. 

"Oh don't worry about it I can get them," Brandon babbled, kneeling down next to him and grabbing papers at random. James handed him the rest silently, with an amused but not unkind look in his eyes and Brandon set down the papers to one side, ran his hand through his hair and gave a small chuckle. 

"Sorry. Let's try this again. It's nice to meet you James."

He shook the other man's hand successfully this time, trying not to focus too much on the firmness and warmth of the pressure on his own.

"You too Brandon," James replied, still with a slight teasing look in his eye.

Before Brandon could say anything else, the tickle in his nose flared again, no doubt from the dust dislodged by the paper avalanche. He snatched his hand away quickly and made a grab for the handkerchief that (thank god) he kept on his desk. 

"S-sorry, b-bear with me... a... ah sec... huh... huhschmpf! Hahschmpf! Hah... oh... hahschmpf!"

"Bless you again!" James exclaimed. "You OK?" 

"Thanks. Oh, yeah, just... dust," said Brandon lamely, vaguely gesturing around him.


After a slightly awkward pause they both stood up and Brandon made his way carefully back to his desk and tried his best to seem normal.


"So! Um... welcome! Are you from this area?"

"No, I've moved from way down south actually. It's a bit of a change of pace for me but I'm excited to see what a new school will be like. I was at the same place for 8 years before this."


"It's a nice school," said Brandon. "I'm not saying the kids can't be tough at times, I mean they are teenagers after all, but they're pretty cool on the whole." He winced at the sound of his voice. Pretty cool? 


"Anyway," James continued. "I was wondering if I could ask a favour. Someone told me you lived in White Bridge?" 

"Um yeah," said Brandon, feeling dazed and still trying to gather his thoughts. 

"I've just moved there and to be honest I'm still getting used to these country back roads. I'm... not the most experienced driver in the world. I was wondering if you'd be up for car sharing? Obviously I'd reimburse you for fuel and stuff..."

"Oh!" said Brandon, temporarily halted. This hadn't been what he had expected. 

"I mean, no worries if not," said James hurriedly, taking his hesitation for reluctance. "I know some people like their own space in the mornings..."

"No, no, um... sorry, my brain just isn't working quite yet. Blame the 7 week vacation," said Brandon, feeling more and more like an idiot.

"Listen, I'll let you think about it. Send me an email and let me know. But please, don't worry if you're not up for it." James smiled reassuringly and started to head towards the door. "Nice meeting you!" he called as he walked away. 

"You too!" said Brandon, in a somewhat high-pitched, strangled tone. He sank back in his seat and reassessed his life. Had that actually just happened? And then, to cap the whole ridiculous situation off, he was caught off guard with another couple of sneezes. "Huhaschew! Aschew!" 


Once again, a voice echoed from somewhere near the door. 


"Bless you again!"

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Hello! Apologies for the delay in getting this part up. I have many plans for these two though. :winkkiss:

On the plus side - this is a long post. On the minus side - not a huge amount of sneezing. However, there is also some sneeze discussion. At the moment I'm just trying to establish the characters and their relationship. Plenty of sneezing to come very soon though! Hope you enjoy.


James sat back in his desk chair with a sigh. It was 5pm and he finally felt ready for the onslaught of new classes, names and faces the next day. He felt nervous in a way he hadn't done since his earliest days in teaching. There was no second chance to make a first impression and he knew whatever his students thought of him tomorrow would likely stay that way for the rest of the year. 

At least the staff had been friendly. His colleagues in his own department had been very welcoming and helpful and he'd met a few others around the building. James counted himself lucky that with his easygoing personality, he managed to get along with nearly everyone he met. 

He wasn't sure about Brandon though. James couldn't quite put his finger on it but he had the feeling his winning ways hadn't quite worked on the art teacher. He usually didn't worry too much about what others thought about him, but for whatever reason the encounter lingered in his mind. Forget it, he told himself. The guy was probably just busy, like he said. 

He was just about to shut down his laptop when an email pinged up. Speak of the devil, he thought, as the name Brandon Alexander appeared in the sender box. 

Hi James,

Apologies for how I came across earlier. I'm honestly not always such a weirdo! More than happy to car share with you. Shall I pick you up at 8:30 tomorrow in the square? Welcome again! Brandon

James smiled to himself. Brandon's self-deprecating ways were kind of endearing. He quickly typed back, confirming that the time and place would be fine, then shut his laptop and headed out. It was a beautiful evening. The sun was shining brightly but underneath the warmth a slight breeze blew which hinted that autumn was on its way. James felt a sense of anticipation all of a sudden. This move had been a good idea. He needed this move to be a good idea.

He shivered suddenly as the wind whipped through his hair and his hands trembled a little. He set his jaw, shook his head and walked resolutely to the bus stop.


The next morning, Brandon tapped on the steering wheel nervously as he waited for James to appear. After several drinks last night he'd begun to wonder if the whole thing had been some anxiety-induced dream. Gorgeous, friendly guy and him babbling away like a lunatic and dropping things all over the place. Not to mention the sneezing. He could practically feel his nose tickling as he recalled the unfortunate incident and he shook his head irritably to clear it of the itch.
Before he could indulge in any more inner self-loathing, James came round the corner and waved, smiling warmly when he spotted the car. 
"Morning! Thanks so much for this, I really appreciate it," he said as he settled himself into the passenger seat. 
"No worries, I really am happy to help," Brandon smiled back, relieved to see that James didn't seem be giving him the wary look people give after accidentally encountering the weird guy at a party or anything like that.
He drove off and for a few minutes there was silence as James looked admiringly out the window at the fields and hills as they passed by. 
"I gotta say, I liked living in the city and getting the train straight to work but seeing these sorts of views on the morning commute is pretty cool," he said. 
"Yeah, definitely an advantage of living in the country," Brandon agreed. It was nice to see someone appreciate the place where he lived. He'd grown up here until he'd been sent away to school at age 12. Since then, as much as he'd loved art school and the 2 years he'd spent travelling after college, this place was where he belonged. Where his heart belonged. 

James enthusiastically continued. "I can't wait to get out and do some hiking. Back home my friends and I had to plan a hiking trip weeks in advance, with tents or hostels. Here it's all on your doorstep. Do you get out in the hills much?" 
"Um... I'll be honest it's not my thing so much. I love a wild swim though."
"You mean in the sea?" asked James incredulously.
"Or the lake." 
"Wow. Isn't that..."
"Freezing? God, yes. But it feels amazing once you get past the 'holy fuck it's cold' stage," Brandon grinned.
"Jeez, you're brave. I assume you need to wear a wetsuit?"
Brandon shrugged. "Depends how hard-core you want to be. In December though, definitely. Hypothermia is not a good thing." 
"December? You do this in December?" James was more and more impressed. And slightly scared. 
"I belong to a group. There's beginners sessions every month. You're welcome to come along and try it out if you want."
As soon as the words were out his mouth the voices that tended to lurk around in Brandon's head were screaming at him to shut up. However, James just nodded thoughtfully. "It actually sounds weirdly tempting. Maybe not December though. It would be good to get to know some people in the area too. It's definitely a change of pace from the city."
Brandon wondered why he'd moved from the city in the first place but something in James's wistful tone told him not to be nosey. Instead he attempted to make a joke.

"Yeah I can imagine. There's a lot going on around here though - I'll have you know last night I was out on a date in one of our 3, count them, 3 bars."
At this James's eyes lit up wickedly. "A date huh? Did it go well?" 
Shit. Brandon hadn't quite meant to bring up the date. He tried to make light of it with his response. 
"Well, it depends what you mean by well. Half an hour spent listening to a guy tell you all the reasons why you're not normally his type but he thought he'd give you a go anyway is certainly an interesting experience."
"Ouch," James winced. 
"Yeah. And it was the way he acted as if it was some humanitarian mission he was on, deigning to go out with me. It's ok though. I happen to know that most of the guys he claims are 'his type' have been out with him already and never called him again." 
"Damn. Well at least you had the last laugh. First dates man. Absolute torture device if you ask me," said James heavily. 
"Oh dear. Sounds like you've had some experiences?"
"Not in recent years but yeah, a few epic fails along the way. Actually my first date with my girlfriend I ended up having an allergic reaction to her perfume and sneezed through the whole thing. Really couldn't believe she wanted to see me again to be honest. But here we are 5 years on. I must have done something right." 

There they were indeed. Brandon gave an inward little sigh. The guy had a girlfriend. He wasn't too surprised really. Before he could think about it too much however, the mention of the word "sneeze," had an unfortunate effect on his nose. The tickle flared up again as he was reminded once again of his embarrassment the day before. Before he could prevent it, 3 small sneezes had escaped him. Luckily he just managed to get his elbow up in time before - "Heschew! Hesch! Heschew!"
"Bless you!" James laughed. "Sorry, did me talking about sneezing actually make you sneeze?!" 
Trying not to blush, Brandon gave a quiet chuckle in response. 
"Possibly. I actually don't sneeze that much believe it or not. The last couple of days have been aberrations I swear." 
"You're lucky," James grimaced. "In spring my allergies are hideous. I apologise in advance."
"Ah, don't worry," said Brandon lightly. 

Silence fell once again as they headed on towards the school. After a few seconds' disappointment at the girlfriend revelation Brandon gave himself a mental shake. James was a nice guy, and maybe they were even on their way to becoming friends. There were worse things in the world.


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*GASP* No! There's a girlfriend to contend with!? Well of course there needs to be some kind of tension point and something to keep them from being together right away but I'm already staging the inevitable future break-up in my mind so Brandon can make his move haha. Excited to read more!

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Thank you once again for your comments! Here's the next part!



James shivered as he waited for Brandon's car to appear. The temperature had suddenly dropped dramatically and he was still getting used to the arctic weather of this northern region. He really needed to buy a thicker coat. And some gloves. He blew on his fingers and stamped his feet, his breath visible in the freezing air. 

How Brandon could think of going wild swimming in this weather he couldn't fathom. He had to admit though, he'd enjoyed the session they'd attended together. He was grateful to have found someone who had become a friend in this strange new place he now found himself. Back home, it was easy just to go out and meet a whole bunch of people he called mates. Up here, it was necessary to be more intentional about things. In part thanks to Brandon he felt settled here a lot more quickly than he'd thought he would. He just wished it was warmer.

Thankfully, Brandon's car soon appeared and pulled up alongside him. He tried the door handle but the door didn't open. He gestured to Brandon to unlock it but Brandon's attention seemed to be elsewhere. James tapped on the window and Brandon turned towards him, with glazed eyes and fluttering eyelids, holding a finger up to him to wait a second. James watched as his face screwed up and his head snapped forward once, twice, three times with inaudible sneezes. He raised his head again looking slightly dazed, and reached over to open the door. James climbed in gratefully. "Fuck it's cold!" he exclaimed. "Bless you by the way."
"Thanks. Welcome to the North," grinned Brandon, as he moved off. "Just wait until the snow is up to your waist."
"Seriously?" asked James incredulously, warming his hands by the car heater. 
"Well not always. But every few winters we get a crazy snowfall. A couple of years back the school was closed for nearly a month." 
"I wouldn't mind an extra long Christmas holiday," mused James.
"Tell me about it. There's so much to do at the moment, I am wiped."
As James took in Brandon's appearance he thought there might be more to that statement than Brandon was letting on. He looked tired and pale and there were dark circles under his eyes. James felt a stab of pity. He had a feeling Brandon was not the best at taking time to look after himself when there was work to be done. 

For his part, Brandon's favourite times of day had become those half hours he spent in the car with James. Once past the initial awkwardness they'd found they got on very well, in spite of being very different people. Brandon felt more comfortable with James than he did with nearly anyone. 

The fact that he was still ridiculously attracted to him was neither here nor there. 

Brandon sighed. It was like a drug. He kept wondering if he should be putting himself through it day after day. And yet every morning and evening he felt the same excitement. But where could it lead? It had been very quickly established that James had a longterm girlfriend. However many guilty fantasies Brandon imagined involving himself and James, the spectre of the girlfriend tended to appear. James didn't talk about her much, but they'd been together for 5 years. James had moved up here to be with her. Clearly it was serious. 

Brandon sighed again as they drove through the country roads. 
"You OK?" asked James, looking concerned. "You're kind of quiet this morning."
"Just tired," said Brandon with a small smile. All his energy tended to go into not letting James discover any of his inner feelings. Being friends was enough. Driving together was enough. 

"You should take it easy man. You work too hard." 
"It's the job," Brandon shrugged. "I'm used to it."
James laughed. "I've known you a while now. And I've heard the kids talk. No one puts themselves out for them as much as you do. They love you."

Brandon grinned at that. It meant the world to know that the kids appreciated him. "Ah, don't believe everything you hear," he said lightly, trying not to seem too obviously emotionally invested. 

"Well, I know you always have your door open at lunch for kids to hang out if they're having a hard time. They trust you. They know they can talk to you. It's a real gift you have Brandon."

Brandon felt like his insides had turned to jelly at all these compliments he was getting from this beautiful man. He carefully kept his eyes on the road and his voice level as he replied, "ah well, I remember what it was like. Having a safe space was what made life bearable at school for me."

The light tone didn't entirely cover the echoes of past trauma underneath and for the first time James became aware of a slight crack in Brandon's careful exterior. 
"Not the best experience I guess?" he asked.
There was a pause and then Brandon replied, "I went to an all boys boarding school. Not the greatest environment for a gay teenager."
The statement was made jocularly, but the pain underneath couldn't be entirely hidden. There was a pause as James tried to think what to say next, but Brandon broke the silence instead.
"How about you? I bet you were Mr Popular."
"What makes you say that?" James frowned. 
"Oh... well, you know... um, you're confident and... well sporty and outdoorsy and stuff..." Brandon tailed off before he could add unbelievably good looking to that list. 
James laughed. "Maybe now. But at school I was kind of a geek. I was more the Chess and Computer club type. But I got on with most people ok. No one bothered with me too much. I guess I was pretty lucky." 

This was the most personal information they'd revealed to each other and perhaps they both felt it because it was a pretty quiet journey after that. James was lost in his own thoughts as they pulled into the school car park. His reverie was suddenly interrupted however - "Hsch! Hsch! Hschew!"  Brandon crushed his nose against his fist as he stifled another 3 sneezes. The last one couldn't quite be contained however. He sniffled and looked kind of dazed as he straightened up again, blinking a little. "Bless you, again," said James casually. "Thanks," Brandon muttered. He parked the car and they headed off into the building. 

Later that day James was on lunch duty. He made his usual tour of the cafeteria, sipping his coffee and keeping an eye out for any signs of trouble. As he passed by a group of gossiping girls he caught the name "Mr Alexander". He paused with interest. 
"Oh my god you have Mr Alexander this year? He's so hot!!" one of the girls gushed, while her friends nodded in violent agreement. "Tell me about it. When he comes over to help me I can barely hold a paintbrush. Once he actually touched my hand..." At this the girls gasped and then sighed in dreamy unison. James grinned to himself. Dream on girls. For several reasons their fantasies would be going unrealised. He had to admit though, if he thought about it, Brandon was striking to look at. 

His reverie was broken by the continued chatter of the girls at the table. "I had class with him this morning and he couldn't stop sneezing. He looked sooo embarrassed, I felt so bad for him!" James' attention was caught anew. Were they still talking about Brandon? He'd sneezed in the car this morning. And he had definitely looked tired. Unfortunately the girls' conversation moved on to other things so he couldn't be sure. But he had a feeling his friend might be suffering more than he'd let on. 


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Loving this more and more! I love how Brandons cold is slowly coming out. Hopefully there will be some denial? 

Amazing update and I can’t wait for more soon!! 😁

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I'm so enjoying this. The build-up and tension is so good. Brandon is such a cutie pie and his sneezes are so wonderful! I love how you've written them. Really intrigued to see how their relationship will develop. Will Brandon crack and say something too revealing or will James have a bi-awakening and realize that he likes him, will it all come to head when some tragic break-up happens between James and his partner and Brandon comforts him? There are just so many options! Can't wait to keep reading!  

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How are you SO good at writing? You spell the sneezes so well, something I could never do. I love Brandon and James so much-- it'd be really cute if James caught something because of Brandon's sneezes ❤️

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I am so glad so many of you are enjoying this! You are all very kind. ❤️ 

Here's some more. And don't worry, James will be joining the sneezing party very soon. ;)


Brandon was dying. Not literally of course, but in his somewhat dramatic inner consciousness that was definitely what it felt like. What had started out as a bit of a tickly throat and nose had turned into what felt like the full-blown plague. Curse these kids and their germs. Every year at the worst possible time he was hit with the inevitable cold or flu that was doing the rounds. Usually he could push through it, sneak into the art cupboard to blow his nose or cough, cover his discomfort with the usual jokes and bravado but this particular cold had the unfortunate side effect of treating his nose like its own personal torture victim. He could not, for the life of him, stop sneezing.

Other than a slight reaction to dust, Brandon didn't sneeze that much, even when he was sick so this cold was really doing a number on him. Speaking of which... he sighed heavily as a familiar tickle flared up at the back of his nose. Resignedly he reached for the handkerchief on his desk and held it to his face, waiting for the inevitable fit to arrive.

"Eh...heh...heh... heschew! Heschew! HehESCHeww! Esch... esch... esch... eschew!"

He sighed and blew his nose yet again, blinking bleary eyes as he breathed out a sigh of short-lived relief. Thank god he had last period free. He didn't think he could have made it through another class. The one before lunch was bad enough.

As his nose twitched again he was struck by a worrying thought - how the hell was he going to get through the drive home? If it was just him he would take it slow and do the best he could but with a passenger he really should be more responsible. The weather was getting colder, the roads potentially icy. He couldn't risk anyone getting hurt because of his stupid nose.

With another heavy sigh he reached for his desk phone. After a couple of rings, a curt-sounding voice answered.
"Mr Evans speaking?"
"Hey James, it's Brandon, I'm so sorry to disturb you when you have a class..."
Immediately James's voice audibly brightened and took on a concerned tone.
"No worries, are you OK?"
"Yeah...um, well... to be frank, no. Seems like I've come down with the worst cold ever to be honest."
He sniffled miserably and James winced at the congestion he could hear, even down the phone line.
"I'm so sorry, I hope your day hasn't been too difficult."
Feeling more touched than perhaps was healthy by this show of sympathy, Brandon cleared his throat and went on.
"It's been OK, not the easiest ever but luckily my students have been pretty patient. Anyway, I don't want to disturb you too long, I'm just worried about driving home tonight. I don't want to take any risks. Any chance you would mind driving?"
There was an audible silence on the other end. For a second Brandon wondered if they'd been cut off.
"James? You there?" he said, sniffling into the handkerchief once again.
There was a rustle and then James's voice was back, sounding various degrees cooler than before.
"Sorry, yes I'm here. Um... are you sure you can't drive? I don't know how good an idea it is for me to drive your car."
"I honestly would but I really can't stop sneezing, I don't know how safe it would be. Oh, speaking of... ha-hang on... hah... haschew! Haschew! HehASCHew! God, sorry."
Another pause, then the voice that sounded most unlike the James Brandon thought he knew responded.
"Um...OK... yeah, if you really don't think you can then I guess that would be fine. Uh... listen I better go. I'll see you after work."
The phone call ended abruptly. No "hope you feel better," not even a "goodbye," or "see you later". Brandon stared at the phone, trying to stop the tears welling up in his eyes. That was really not the way he thought it would go. The normally friendly, generous James had seemed really... put out? Irritated? Maybe Brandon had been unfair expecting him to sit in a car with him in his current state. But then, he'd seem him sneeze before, only this morning in fact, and it didn't seem to bother him. James had previously spoken himself about his own allergies. So what was it? Had he been too over-familiar? Maybe the friendship he'd thought they'd formed was just in his mind. Brandon's tired brain whirled with these thoughts until his head ached and his nose buzzed once again.

"Esch! Eschew! Heschew! Hahschew! HehASCHew!"


The drive home was torture. James seemed to be coiled tighter than a spring, a grim look on his face and absolutely none of the usual friendly banter that flowed between them. He kept his eyes fixed on the road ahead and his hands gripped to the steering wheel.
Brandon was in despair. What did he do? Should he apologise? Ask what was wrong? Ignore the obvious atmosphere and hope it passed?

It turned out to be option D - desperately attempt to hold back the sneezes that were threatening to escape from him yet again.

He'd tried as hard as he could to keep any sniffling or stifling to a minimum on the drive back, and for the most part succeeded. But the itch could only be quelled for so long and 5 minutes out from his house he could feel his nose begin to succumb to the inevitable. Still, he frantically tried to hold them back. He couldn't face seeing James more annoyed than he clearly already was.

The car was silent as Brandon felt the impending sneezes building up. He turned towards the window, desperately pressing his finger against his nose, his face contorted in a battle of wills. His eyes watered, and his cheeks turned red as he fought against the urge. The tension seemed to grow as he waited, willing the tickle to back down. For a second he thought he had won the fight, and released his finger from under his nose. However, it flared up again before he could stop it and he pitched forward with 3 explosive sneezes.
"Esch! EsCHew! HESCHEW!"
"Bless you," muttered James, his eyes never leaving the road.
"Thanks," Brandon practically whispered. He'd attempted to stifle but it was just too damn hard. He raised his head tiredly, the congestion at the bridge of his nose creating a dull pain behind his eyes. He wanted to blow his nose, but he really couldn't face making himself look even more pathetic. The tickles hadn't even gone. He could feel them still lingering there, waiting to come to fruition with yet more sneezes. Just 2 more minutes, he told himself. 2 more minutes and then you'll be home and you can sneeze all night if you want to. It had never sounded like a more tempting prospect.

Finally, finally James slowly pulled up to Brandon's house. They got out and stood for a second awkwardly on the pavement. For the first time since they'd left the school Brandon dared to look James in the face. His expression had softened somewhat and he had his mouth slightly open, as if he wanted to say something. However, his face blurred as Brandon's eyes began to water with the effort of holding back more sneezes. It was no good. He had to succumb.

Raising his finger and turning away slowly he stuttered, "so-sorry... hah... hah... hah... haschew! Haschew! HehASCHew! HASCHEW! HAH... HAH... HASCHEWWW! Oh god... hesch! Hesch! Heschew! Schew! HeschEW! Fuck... heh...heheschew! Heschew!"

As the sneezes finally seemed to leave him for the moment he turned back to James with a watery smile and said tentatively, "sorry about that. Thanks so much for driving me back. Are you sure you're OK to walk back to yours?"
James was looking at him in a way he couldn't quite fathom.
"Oh! Yeah, I'm only round the corner it's fine," he said. "Um... bless you by the way. Like, a lot. Are you sure you're gonna be okay?"
Too tired to try and figure out why James was suddenly so concerned now, Brandon waved him off and started walking towards his front door. He was kind of ready for this day to be done.
"I'll be fine," he said, waving over his shoulder. However, his attempt at seeming nonchalant slightly failed when he suddenly swayed on his doorstep. Things went blurry again and he was aware of a hand on his arm and a voice saying, "woah steady there. It's ok. Let me help you."
Nodding tiredly, without really knowing what was happening, Brandon allowed the hands to guide him into the house and sit him down on the sofa. He lay back and let the last edges of his consciousness fade away into blackness.

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Awww poor Brandon! But his sneezes are precious, oh my gosh! This chapter was so ridiculously good. I'm so curious what the deal was with James and why he didn't want to drive. I also desperately hope that James stays with Brandon. So excited to read more!

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A shorter post but more to come very soon!


Bzzzz. Bzzzz.

Brandon felt like he was swimming through glue. His limbs were heavy and as hard as he tried he couldn't seem to lift his head. Vaguely he became aware of the sound of a phone vibrating and then a voice that sounded increasingly testy.

"I know, I'll be there soon ok? ... no, I couldn't just leave... because the guy is passed out on the couch that's why... Fine... fine. We'll talk about it when I get home. Bye."

Despite his efforts, Brandon drifted off again. He wasn't sure how long he'd been out when suddenly he was awoken again by a renewed tickle in his nose. With a gargantuan effort he opened his eyes and painstakingly sat himself up on the sofa. "HehESCHew! ESCHew!" He sneezed harshly, then looked around with bleary eyes. They came to rest on a note on the coffee table.

"Hey. Please message me when you read this so I know you've woken up. I had to get home but I left some stuff in the kitchen. Hope that's ok. Look after yourself. James."

With a confused frown Brandon read the note over 3 times, then staggered through to the kitchen on legs that felt like Bambi's. On the counter was an array of things - various cold remedies, medications, some soup and orange juice. Brandon felt a lump in his throat as he took it all in. The guy had gone out to get him all this. Whatever strange mood he'd been in in the car had clearly vanished. Maybe it had had nothing to do with Brandon after all. Everyone had bad days. Given the generous array on the kitchen counter, Brandon was more than happy to give him a free pass. He took out his phone and typed a message.

Hey. Just letting you know I'm still alive. 😄 So sorry about conking out on you there. Thank you so much for all the stuff, you really didn't have to. B

A minute later a message came back:

Glad you're OK! I felt bad leaving. No worries, happy to help. Consider it an apology for my asshole attitude in the car. I can't offer an excuse except there's some stuff I'm dealing with... it's kind of hard to talk about. I hope you understand. I'm sorry anyway - I didn't realise how sick you were until you were out cold on the couch! Really hope you feel better soon.

Brandon quickly typed back:

It's ok, colds tend to hit me really suddenly - I'll feel fine and then I'm just out of it for a day or two. TFI Friday! Truly, thanks again for the meds and everything.

He hit send, and then thought for a minute. After several false starts he eventually added on an extra sentence:

If you ever need to talk I'm here.

For a few minutes he sat, tapping his fingers and agonising over that last message. Had it been too much? But he couldn't not acknowledge what James had referred to in his message could he? As his phone stayed frustratingly silent he got up, feeling suddenly restless after lying prostrate on the couch for so long. He went to the kitchen and heated up the soup, swallowing down two pills with a large drink of orange juice. He felt some of the congestion loosen in his nose, renewing the tickle that had been lingering there all day. He grabbed some tissues from the box of kleenex James had also generously bought and sneezed a quick triple into them. "Heschmpf! Haschmph! Haschmpf!"  Sighing, he took his bowl of soup and padded back to the living room, his stomach flipping as he saw his phone flashing with a new message.

Thanks I appreciate that. Take care of yourself and see you Monday hopefully.

Brandon raised his eyes to the ceiling. Clearly James was somewhat of a stoic where these things were concerned. Which made the fact he'd said anything at all to Brandon all the more surprising. He couldn't help but wonder what on earth could have caused James's bizarre behaviour but he quickly found too much thinking made his head hurt. His nose ran and he blew it forcefully, wincing at the sound, but grateful to feel more of the congestion loosen. He finished his soup and headed into the shower, revelling in the feeling of the hot water on his sore muscles. The meds were beginning to kick in and he felt the tension start to drain out of his body. He gave a couple more tired sneezes. "Eschew! Eh... eschew!"  He sniffled and turned his face towards the spray. As the water ran down his face, he couldn't help imagining the echo of James's voice as he told him to get better soon.

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Sunday evening rolled around and after a weekend of endless tea, tissues and bad TV, Brandon was feeling slightly more like himself, although still with a head that felt stuffed full of cotton wool. Try as he might, he hadn't quite been able to put out of his head the strange events of Friday afternoon, and his dreams were full of feverish encounters and occurrences, in which James always seemed to figure largely. He'd tried to sketch out some of these weird scenarios but they didn't satisfy him. Something always seemed to be lacking.

He was finishing dinner amid these reveries when his phone rang. Jen, his boss.
"Hi Jen," he said in a voice that still sounded several degrees rougher than usual.
"Hi Brandon - just checking in. How are you feeling?"
"Oh, I'm OK," said Brandon, trying to sound at least somewhat energised.  "A bit stuffed up but a lot better than Friday."
Unfortunately at that moment his body chose to betray him with a coughing fit which took a minute to calm down. He took a large gulp of water.
"Sorry about that."
"Mmhm. Brandon, would this be another case of you pretending to be fine and me having to force you to go home and rest before you end up with full-blown pneumonia?"
Jen's stern yet amused voice made Brandon smile in spite of himself. Hastily, he tried to reassure her.
"No, honestly I'm fi- fiii..." His voice trailed off as his nose flared up once again with an impending sneeze. He brought his fist up in an attempt to crush it into a stifle but his tired nose had taken so much punishment over the last few days it was nigh on impossible.
"Hah... hasch! Haschew! HaschEW!"
He sighed. "I guess saying I'm fine now wouldn't go down too well?"
"Smart boy. Stay at home and rest tomorrow. We'll manage without you. Understood?"
"Yes boss," Brandon replied with a wry grin. "Thanks Jen. I appreciate it."
"Hey, I'm just trying to avoid getting your cold. There's enough germs at that place as it is!"
They both laughed and Jen continued in a softer tone.
"No, seriously, look after yourself and we'll see you when we see you. And if you need anything just shout."
"Will do. See you soon hopefully."
They hung up and Brandon shook his head, smiling to himself. Since he had started at the school Jen had become a sort of surrogate mum/big sister. She wouldn't take any nonsense and certainly didn't suffer fools gladly, but Brandon knew she was also one of the most caring and generous people around. She had taken him under her wing and that was that. He couldn't complain.
Reluctantly, he picked up his phone again and dialled James's number, blowing his nose thoroughly beforehand. James picked up quickly.
"Brandon! How are you feeling?"
The genuine concern in his voice made Brandon's stomach flip so hard it took him a second to reply. He cleared his throat.
"Uh... I'm OK thanks. A lot better than Friday. But, um... Jen has banned me from coming in tomorrow. Wants to make sure I'm 100% again first."
"Well, knowing Jen I certainly wouldn't want to disagree with her," laughed James. "She's right though, you should make sure you're back to full strength before you come back to work."
"Thanks. Are you gonna be OK getting in and everything though?"
"Oh yeah, I'll be fine, please don't worry!" James's breezy voice seemed completely at odds with his uptight attitude on Friday and only made Brandon feel more confused.
"OK, well if you're sure. And thanks again for... well you know. Everything you did the other day..." He trailed off as yet more sneezes loomed on the horizon. Oblivious, James responded animatedly.
"Please, it was the least I could do! Part of me was wondering whether I should be taking you to hospital but I thought that might have been overkill... Brandon? You there?"
"Ye... yes... so... sorry..." Brandon breathed, trying to hold back the tickles. It was no good though, he had learned all too well over the course of this weekend that there was no point trying to battle the inevitable. "J-just need to sn-sneeze... hah... hah... hahschew! Haschew! Haschschew! HehASCHeww! HASCHEW! Ugh god, sorry." He sniffled.
"Bless you," said James sympathetically. "I mean it, take all the time you need."
"Thanks. And um, are you OK?" The words were out of Brandon's mouth before he could stop himself. "I mean," he continued hurriedly, "you don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to but it occurred to me that mental health is just as important as physical health and it's not always as easy to talk about... just, you know, I really am here. If you ever want to talk, that is." Stop rambling Brandon.
"I appreciate that," said James quietly. "Like I said, there's been some stuff I'm dealing with. Anna and I... well, things haven't been easy the last year for either of us. It's... ah, it's hard to talk about. But we're working through it."
"Of course," said Brandon quickly. "You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to. But you have a friend in me, if you want one that is."
"Of course!" James exclaimed. "You're an awesome friend Brandon. Please don't ever doubt that."
There was a pause as Brandon's heart skipped several beats and James found himself blushing at his uncharacteristic outburst.
"Cool, well... I'll hopefully see you soon," said Brandon, sniffling again and trying to control his voice, which suddenly felt a tad shaky.
"Absolutely. Take care Brandon. Bye!"
As he hung up, Brandon let out a long, shuddering breath and lay back on the couch. What was happening to him?

On the other end of the phone, James was wondering the same thing. He stared down at his hands, which seemed to suddenly be trembling. Was it the recollection of Friday's ordeal? Brandon bringing up memories of emotions he'd long tried to oppress? Or, more confusingly still, was it Brandon himself? Like it or not, James couldn't entirely hide from the fact that his smile had been a fixture in his daydreams on more than one occasion over the last few days. Like it or not, he wanted Brandon to think well of him. Like it or not, he cared, possibly more than was appropriate, about what the man thought.

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I love a sneezy Brandon! I’m looking forward to the next installment of this awesome story! 

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My instinct is telling me that James' girlfriend is perhaps not on board with the move to the country.

I think James is attracted to Brandon, and he feels conflicted, which is not helping with his relationship difficulties. That he delayed going home to his girlfriend to stay and care for Brandon for a bit probably didn't help either.

And... I'm betting he has the fetish, because he is incredibly tense whenever Brandon sneezes more than a few times, and he seems to have the over the top caretaking side of things, too.

I can't wait to see where this goes!

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5 hours ago, solitaire-au said:

My instinct is telling me that James' girlfriend is perhaps not on board with the move to the country.

I think James is attracted to Brandon, and he feels conflicted, which is not helping with his relationship difficulties. That he delayed going home to his girlfriend to stay and care for Brandon for a bit probably didn't help either.

And... I'm betting he has the fetish, because he is incredibly tense whenever Brandon sneezes more than a few times, and he seems to have the over the top caretaking side of things, too.

I can't wait to see where this goes!

Some good instincts there! 😉

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The weeks went by, and in the busyness of Christmas and everything else Brandon and James seemed to have each made their own decision to put aside any burgeoning feelings and just try to be friends. It was for the best, reasoned Brandon. He had no interest in being a homewrecker and anyway, it wasn't his place to try and encourage James to make any life-changing discoveries about his sexuality, if any discoveries were to be made. The guy was happy in his relationship. He'd mentioned Anna more often of late and it seemed like they were doing well. He'd persuaded Brandon to come on a hike with him and some other friends, which Brandon surprisingly found himself enjoying, in spite of his aching feet. 

Their journeys to and from work were full of easy banter and self-deprecating jokes. Only very occasionally did Brandon notice James go quiet and that tight expression appear on his face like it had the day he'd driven them home. He'd never mentioned anything about it again, and Brandon didn't like to ask. On the days when he saw James gripping on to the car seat or staring steadfastly ahead, he knew to act casual and tried not take it personally.

The arctic weather continued and as Valentine's Day rolled around Brandon was waiting in his car, tapping the wheel impatiently as flecks of snow flurried around in the biting wind outside. James was uncharacteristically late. Brandon was just about to call him when he saw him appear round the corner, muffled up to the point where only his eyes were visible. He was walking slower than usual. 

"Morning," James said, as he eased himself into the car. Except it sounded more like, "Borningd". He pulled down his scarf to reveal a red nose and equally red-rimmed eyes. 

"Good... morning?" said Brandon, by way of a question. "What is wrong with you?" or, "Why do you look like hell?" seemed a tad rude.

James held up a packet of tissues clutched in his gloved hand. "My turn to ged a cold," he said with a wry smile. As if to prove his point he shuddered to one side and sneezed harshly into his elbow. "Aschoo! Ah-hah-aschoo! HehASCHOO!" 

He sniffled and rubbed at his nose, then leaned back and sighed, his eyes closing. "Gread timingd huh?"

"Bless you. That sucks. Valentine's Day of all days," said Brandon sympathetically. "Not the most romantic of afflictions, so I've heard."

"I was beaningd bore this dance we're chaperoning tonight. I could really do without it at this point," said James dismally. 

"Oh god, I'd forgotten we'd got roped into that," groaned Brandon. "Why on earth I volunteered to spend Valentine's Day with a bunch of hormonal teenagers I do not know."

"You didn't ged a better offer?" teased James, earning a playful punch on the arm. 

"True, but no need to point it out! What's your excuse anyway? Isn't Anna upset you won't be around tonight?" 

"Nah, she's away for work. We'll probably do something next weekend instead." 

James pointedly busied himself with opening the tissues and giving his nose a soft blow. Brandon's curiosity got the better of him however, and he couldn't resist trying to lift the lid a little more on James's tightly sealed relationship. 

"I guess after 5 years together Valentine's days aren't such a big deal," he said lightly. 

James laughed, which turned quickly into a harsh cough. 

"Oh, I think I'll still be expected to come up with the goods," he said. He met Brandon's eyes with an embarrassed grin, blushing as he quickly realised the implications of what he'd just said. Brandon met the smile then looked away quickly.

"Well, having never had a date on Valentine's Day, I can't offer much in the way of advice I'm afraid," he said, in an effort to sound flippant. 

"Never?" James raised his eyebrows incredulously. 

"Product of living in a small town. There's a very small pool to choose from and we've pretty much all ended up going out with each other at some point anyway. The last serious relationship I had was in art school but he didn't really 'believe' in Valentine's Day." Brandon rolled his eyes and James thought it best not to enquire further. Clearly his nose agreed, as he was overtaken once again with some irritating sneezes. "Ugh, 'scuse be... ah... aschoo! Hhhaschoo! ASCHOO! God, sorry." He blew his nose again.

"Bless you," said Brandon sympathetically.


There was a pause before James dared to ask another question.

"Do you ever do, you know... online dating? That kind of thing?" he asked hesitantly. 

"Yeah sometimes. I find it kind of artificial though. I don't think dating has ever come very naturally to me if I'm honest. I don't really do well at playing games." 

"I get that," said James fervently. 

"That said, I'm not gonna pretend I've never used an app for the odd... well, you know..." 

"Hookup?" supplied James with another grin. 

Brandon felt himself go red and kept his eyes determinedly on the road ahead. Why was he divulging this information? It was as if he suddenly felt he needed to prove he wasn't some pathetic, lonely soul.

"Now who's blushing," said James, still with that devilish look in his eyes. 

"Haha. Anyway - are you sure you're up for sticking around for this dance tonight? I'm sure everyone would understand if you needed to go home early. I can always give you a lift then come back."

"Nah it's ok. The principal asked me to do it so I should probably demonstrate that I'm reliable. Clearly he didn't think I'd have anything else going on in my life."

"Well don't try and be a hero. I'll take you home whenever you need ok?"

"Yes Mom," said James with a wink, before turning away to let out 3 more loud sneezes. "Hah... hahah... haschoo! Hahschoo! ASCHOO!" 

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Brandon suddenly felt about 15 again. He was standing in a school hall, surrounded by adolescents dancing under disco lights to sentimental pop tunes, feeling nervous and awkward. At least the kids seemed to be enjoying themselves.

As he scanned the hall his eyes fell on James once again. The guy seemed to be a magnet that persistently drew him in. He was standing by the stage looking authoritative and sickeningly handsome, but even from a distance Brandon could tell he was flagging. He'd yawn every so often and blow his nose with increasing frequency but this didn't seen to prevent him twisting to one side to stifle numerous sneezes which Brandon was sure were painful.

All evening he felt like he'd been getting caught staring at him - not that James seemed to mind. He simply returned Brandon's increasingly flustered smiles with the same cheeky grin he'd adopted in the car that morning. Brandon drifted back to their conversation for the umpteenth time that day. It had felt like it was starting to border on the flirtatious, all the teasing back and forth. However much Brandon tried to slam his thoughts shut behind a door in his mind, he couldn't resist opening it again every so often for a quick reminiscence.

He had to, had to, move on.

As the dance began to wind down he made his way over to James, who was obviously waiting for a sneeze once again. He stood with his eyes half-closed and tissues held to his face, his breath hitching fiercely. "Hah... hah... hahahah... haaaah..." He raised his face to the ceiling as if appealing to some divine entity to just let him sneeze, before giving a shaky sigh and rubbing the underside of his nose. He turned to look at Brandon with a rueful smile. "Hate it when that happens," he said.
"Yeah it sucks," said Brandon sympathetically. "How are you doing?"
"Pretty tired to be perfectly honest," James replied, pinching the bridge of his nose and blinking rapidly. Up close he looked it - there were dark circles appearing under his eyes and his normally vibrant skin looked washed-out under the strobe lights.
"At least it's nearly over."
James was about to respond when the school principal strolled over to them. "How are you doing boys? Thanks for your help, I really appreciate you giving up your time."
Seeing that James was desperately struggling to hold off a sneeze, Brandon quickly answered for them. "It's no problem at all, we're happy to help." He cringed at how much of a suck-up he sounded, but the guy was his boss's boss after all. James opened his mouth to respond in kind, but instead wrenched to the side with 3 sneezes which he did his best to stifle. "Hsch! Hasch! Ah-aschoo! I'm so sorry," he said, looking mortified as he straightened up again.
"Bless you. Don't be silly," scoffed the principal in reply. "You look like death warmed up! Brandon, take him home before he passes out will you? And I don't expect to see you on Monday young man, unless you're looking a hell of a lot better!"
He strode off, leaving Brandon and James to laugh at his supercilious yet droll manner.
"I love how he speaks to us in exactly the same way he speaks to the kids," grumbled James sarcastically, still feeling embarrassed.
"It must be difficult for him in my case. He actually was my teacher for a couple of years before I went away," Brandon confessed.
"Really? You never mentioned that!" said James, surprised.
"Well, I did grow up round here after all." Brandon shrugged and they started walking towards the car park.
James studied him without trying to be obvious about it. Brandon had never said much about his childhood or family, other than that he'd lived in the area until he was sent away to boarding school aged twelve, but had always wanted to return. James hadn't wanted to pry much further - it seemed to be a sore subject.

As they headed outside and the cold air hit them he was distracted by some harsh coughs. He took a drink of water from the bottle he'd sensibly brought with him and shivered in the freezing temperature. When was this winter going to end?

They set off for home, the hillsides still sparkling through the darkness with white snow on their peaks. It was only 9:30 but it felt much later. James was very thankful it was Friday. Guiltily, he also felt somewhat relieved he didn't have to put on a big show for Valentine's Day tonight. He was chastising himself for such a selfish thought when the tickles suddenly started up again in his nose. He was getting very fed up of this and swallowed hard, trying to casually bring his hand up to rest under the tip to subtly keep it at bay. He wasn't sure why he suddenly felt so bashful - after all Brandon had seem him sneeze plenty today already. Maybe the encounter with the principal was still getting to him. Either way, he was fighting a losing battle. These sneezes would not be quelled and he took a deep breath as he prepared himself once again. The sneezes swelled and at last exploded into a loud, "aschoo! Ah-hah-hah... hahESCHOO! HAHESCHOO!"
"Bless y-"
"ASCHOO! N-not... d-done... ye-hah... ah... AH..."
Brandon risked a glance to his side and had to bite his lip to keep from laughing at his friend's predicament, sympathetic as he felt. James did look quite comical, his mouth open, eyes half-closed, hand poised in mid-air. He looked much younger - vulnerable, that was it. Suddenly Brandon felt an urge to draw him as he looked in that moment.

"Aaah... oh come on... hah... heh... heh... hehaschoo! HehASCHoo! HEHASCHOO! HASCHOO! Hah... HASCHOOO! Oh my god." He gave a very liquidy sniff and blew his nose forcefully.
"Bless you!"
"Ugh, thank you. I am so sorry, I'm hideous right now."
"I don't think you could be hideous if you tried," Brandon blurted out.

There was a very pregnant pause. Brandon's stomach suddenly felt like it was in his feet. What on earth had he just said? His heart beat wildly and he was grateful it was dark and James couldn't see the crimson colour his face was turning.

After another few seconds, he risked another glance to his left. James was looking back at him, an inscrutable but not unfriendly look on his face. He opened his mouth as if to say something-

Without warning the car swerved and Brandon stomped on the brakes. This seemed to have no effect however - it suddenly felt like they were driving on glass. The wheels could find no grip and Brandon frantically tried to steer as the car drifted inexorably towards the side of the road. The whole thing seemed to happen in slow motion. The brakes screeched as the car veered off the road and there was nothing Brandon could do to stop it.


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