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Sneeze Fetish Forum

When your fetish was born?


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What was the first thing that starts your fetish for sneezes?

For me:

When I was a child I liked sneezes, but I liked it only because are funny. Since I start to watch catoons on tv where the characters sneezes...the first movie who give me a kind of excitation was Walt Disney's Pinocchio.

The scene where the whale sneezes... :drool: for me was very very :drool: I can give a vote to my excitation for each scenes(between 0 and 5):

1. You see some smoke exit from her back (excitation 0)

2. The whale starts to sniff he air (excitation 1)

3. She opens her mouth and a cloud of dense brown smoke exit from it (excitation 0)

4. She start a buildup (excitation 4)

5. You can see inside the mouth full of smoke during the buildup and the air suck up (excitation 4)

6. The buildup growing stronger (excitation 5)

7. Finally she sneezes doing a srong flow of air (excitation 5)

8. An other sneeze coming!! (excitation :drool: )

and for you?

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I had a non-sexual interest in sneezing that went well beyond "Hee hee, how funny" for as long as I can remember. It's with me to this day, expressed in a fascination with male, child, animal, and cartoon sneezes, just as it was when I was younger. I don't recall when I was first sexually stimulated by sneezing. Most likely I found a sexy woman's sneezes special in comparison to other sneezes in the same way I did with just about anything a sexy woman would do. Though it was as stimulating as my other, acknowledged, fetishes, and played a role equal to them in my sexual fantasies, from then on, I never thought to acknowledge it as a fetish per se till I stumbled upon the sneeze fetish while Googling two or three years ago.

I'm not sure that answers the question as asked, or indeed whether I understand said question at all . . .

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When was my fetish born? When I was...

I remember the good old days when children used to go out and play (and with their siblings!) I used to be a girl named "Kari" and my brother was "TJ" (I have no idea where those names came from, but probably Digimon.) I made the storylines since I was older and I always used to make someone sick and sneezing and someone else taking care of them. I guess he was either oblivious or didn't care because he never said anything about it, though he did try to change the story to something not sick or sneezing... :heh:

And in middle school I used to draw comics where the main character was ALWAYS sick. I every single comic (and I think I made about 70 of them...). I bet I still have them tucked away somewhere in my closet!

In high school I finally switched from liking sneezes in general to liking male sneezes, especially hearing and seeing them. I also started to enjoy it when guys in my class had colds and were stuffed up and sniffly. Whenever I heard one of them sneeze I had to stare at my work pretending to concentrate (how could I possibly concentrate when some cutie next to me just sneezed :heart: ) and try so hard to avoid blushing and doing that >> :laugh:

I didn't actually realize that I liked sneezing, being the oblivious me, until I googled it and found tarotgal's site. I was so totally amazed that there was actually fanfictions, drawings, ect. dedicated to sneezing. I read the definition and decided that, yep, that describes me perfectly. Then I found this site and prowled around it a bit and waited about a year before I actually joined and even after that I still didn't reply to anything, but obviously now that changed :laugh:

sorry that was so long :heh: What can I say, it was an interesting question!

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Well, when I was really little, like one or two, I used to go outside with my little Seasme Street characters, put them on flowers, and make them sneeze. It gave me a "great" feeling even then... that is probably the earliest memory I have. I have had this fetish for as long as I can remember. I think it actually was even more intense back then...

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Probably on the first day of first grade when the cute girl next to me sneezed and wiped her nose, and I was hoping she'd do it again. I was to witness this girl sneezing many more times over the years. :(

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StrongestSneeze, your English amuses the hell out of me :( and I mean that in the best way possible. Where did you learn and what is your first language, if you'd feel comfortable answering those questions?

I discovered my fetish to be a fetish when I was 13 or 14 and learned what the word meant, but I discovered the fact that I unconditionally loved sneezing at a early age :hug:

Ah, fun times. :P

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Like most members I feel like I had this fetish my whole life :ban:

The day I really noticed it for the first time as in when a sneeze took my breath away and I was like "what was that!" was when I was in the third or fourth grade. I had just gotten home from school and had gone up to my room to do my homework. I had my tv on and was watching Scooby Doo which was funny becouse I don't remember really liking that cartoon back then. Well I looked up at the screen and saw Scooby and Daphne hiding in a small room and Daphne telling Scooby Doo to keep quite. Scooby was behind her and suddenly some of her hair started to tickle his nose :omg: . I remember them showing a close up of Scooby's face and his eye's were beginning to tear as they showed Daphne's hair going up his nose :spam: . There was the big cartoonish build up then suddenly Scooby sneezed (of course giving them away :D ) I remember just looking at the tv thinking "what was that" and "why did I enjoy it sooo much :laugh: " I couldn't get it off my mind, I just kept playing that scene over and over in my head. Finally my mother called me down stairs for dinner and to this day I remember my father asking me "what are you thinking about!" I was horrifide by it :omg: I could feel my face turning bright red as my dad was kidding me, saying it must be some boy from school :omg: , if they only really knew what was going on inside my head that night:( I'm sure thats why to this day I still love Scooby Doo's sneezes :blushing:

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Well, I think that my sneezing fetish grew out of my nose fetish. That could explain why my sneeze fetish only comes from sneezes from certain nose shapes.

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When I was young I write very bad stories about Wendy and Peter Pan having colds or sickness. Then I wrote my own stories when I was older. In kindergarten my friend (a girl) had a sneezing fit and I tried to have her sneeze on me. :D It is very embarassing to think about. I not understand my interest was a fetish until I found this forum! Yay!

Ruby :D

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Hmm...good question. Like a lot of people here, I didn't really consider it a fetish until I found it online. Well, I did consider it a fetish, but I didn't specify it like this. I called it an 'illness fetish', but the things was that I didn't get turned on unless it was something very specific--sniffling and sneezing caused by a cold and/or allergies. Illness in general has always been fascinating to me, but it's only this small aspect that I consider a turn-on. It took me a really long time to admit to myself that my interest had a sexual component at all, and I still refuse to admit this to most people, or properly explain it to those I do admit it to. I haven't even fully explained it to my therapist yet--I'm trying, but we're working on other things, and it's really embarrassing. I told me boyfriend that I had an 'illness fetish', and I think he thinks I mean STDs for some reason. So even though I've known about this for a while, it's only recently that I've been able to even start admitting it.

I've always been obsessed with illness, even as a child. I've always done a verbal RP with my sister, and at least five of the characters are almost constantly ill. It does make sense with what we've established, and my sister doesn't mind a bit, but yeah. I remember telling my dad when I was a little that I wanted someone in Pokemon to get sick, and I couldn't explain why...he told me that it needed to be relevant to the plot, and I didn't see why. At this point, everyone knows I'm obsessed with illness--they just don't know the specifics, or that its sexual...I don't know if they suspect or not.

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Hmmm, I was very young probably 5 or 6. I remember watching sneezes on Sesame Street and I think that is when it started. As I grew up and played with my friends, my char was usually sick with a cold or something. I always knew there was something about sneezing as I grew older and about 3 years ago, I found a sneeze fetish site and it really startled me to say the least. I was completely thrown for a loop and realized for the first time I was not crazy. There was a valid reason for why I enjoyed sneezing so much and there were others out there just like me and I couldn't have been happier to know that.

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It was always something strange/private for me since the time I was about 4 or 5? I used to pretend my dolls were allergic to stuff :laugh:. But it wasn't until I was about 16~17 years old and joined this board that I realized it was truly a fetish.

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I was three when I discovered it. However, I was like... thirteen/fourteen when it became noticeably sexual for me.

If that counts. I've been lost for so long, sorry. :laugh:

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I found out when I was 7, it was when I was with this girl 3 years older than me sneezed & I realized I wanted to see her do it again :yay:, though I've had ideas about girls sneezing before this, I never realized it till then :vampire:.

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Guest Corinne

I guess I will seem a bit naive and silly to all of you, as I'm 34 and I just discovered it recently, or really I guess I could say that I've taken the time to notice it. In fact, I'm a new member and this is my very first posting as I just joined your site today. Looking back, I never minded people sneezing or being annoyed when I heard them sneeze. It was more that I just noticed whether or not a person sneezed, and when they did, I compared it to the way I sneeze. I just noticed the similarities and differences. With my latest situation in my relationship, it really brought it to the forefront of my mind.

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I've had this fetish for as long as I can remember, I think I was 3. It's always been sexual for me, I just didn't realize that the "specail feeling" ment I was turned on, until someone explained it to me: that is how it feels to be turned on :vampire:

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In fact, I'm a new member and this is my very first posting as I just joined your site today.

Welcome Corinne :yay: Hope you enjoy your stay, and I hope you stay for a while :vampire:

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  • 4 weeks later...
What was the first thing that starts your fetish for sneezes?

For me:

When I was a child I liked sneezes, but I liked it only because are funny. Since I start to watch catoons on tv where the characters sneezes...the first movie who give me a kind of excitation was Walt Disney's Pinocchio.

The scene where the whale sneezes... :D for me was very very :) I can give a vote to my excitation for each scenes(between 0 and 5):

1. You see some smoke exit from her back (excitation 0)

2. The whale starts to sniff he air (excitation 1)

3. She opens her mouth and a cloud of dense brown smoke exit from it (excitation 0)

4. She start a buildup (excitation 4)

5. You can see inside the mouth full of smoke during the buildup and the air suck up (excitation 4)

6. The buildup growing stronger (excitation 5)

7. Finally she sneezes doing a srong flow of air (excitation 5)

8. An other sneeze coming!! (excitation :) )

and for you?

This clip is when I first noticed mine too!! I had to have been only like 5 or 6 O_o

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I've had this fetish for as long as I can remember, I think I was 3. It's always been sexual for me, I just didn't realize that the "specail feeling" ment I was turned on, until someone explained it to me: that is how it feels to be turned on :)

This brings back bad memeries for me. :D It was the same for me. I had it since I was a small child. Like you, I didn't understand what being "turned on" ment. I thought i was a freak. I thought that surly this didn't happen to anyone else. I spent

most of my childhood feeling like an outcast. An outcast cause I had a "secret".

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What's funny is that originally my fetish was for coughing. When I was really young, I enjoyed hearing other people's coughs and I thought sneezes were cool too. Then, sometime around second or third grade, I started to only like sneezing and my coughing fetish was completely eliminated.

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I wanted to say hi to Corrine, because I'm new here, too and we're close in age. *waves*

I almost hate to admit how I discovered my fetish, but it was while watching Gilligan's Island....I know, I know. But there was some episode where Gilligan was allergic to something and then it made the Professor sneeze, too - I can't remember the details. After that it seemed all the games I played with my dolls or my stuffed animals involved colds or other illness and caretaking in some form or another. When I hit my early teens, I started writing sneeze stories and still do, actually.

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