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sneezedreamer's drabble thread


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*Dances a jig* Sneezy Dean makes me happy. :cry: I'm sorry I didn't comment on these ones sooner. They're great! Brilliant! Just like all your other drabbles! I can't wait to read more. And thanks again for the birthday message!

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Holy crap how did I miss these?!?! Very awesome and well done. I love the Supernatural ones muchly. *flails*

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  • 2 weeks later...

@ mads3rv3r - thank you so much my dear! I was so totally touched and delighted to see that your compliment to me was your first post EVER...I hope you love the forum! :hug: Also, I know I told you before, but that stuff you posted on ff.net is awesome!

@ telltale - thank you! I noticed that you were also quick to post in my thread when you were a newbie! May I say that you have excellent taste in TV? :D Also, this is so sad that I can't remember, but which episode was Dean sickly in? I somehow missed him wearing Sam's hoodie. FAIL.

@ obsessedwithedward - thanks! Good to know I can have that effect on people who aren't devoted followers. :D

@ Cerulean Flower - you are just the sweetest. No problem with you commenting late...I understand you have a life outside of the board! I hope you had a wonderful time and you're very welcome for the b-day message. :D

@ DaylightStarr - thank you! I don't know how you missed these either! :P Seriously though, I'm just thrilled people are enjoying, even if they do find my drabbles a bit late.

Well, I'm back again! I wish I could say I'll give more regular updates to my thread, but with me, you honestly never know! :P I have one Supernatural drabble tonight, which manages to satsify both my crying fetish, and my sneezing fetish. I'm sure someone has used this idea in a fic before, and probably better than I have, but whatever!

Also, I never did state this before, because I think it should be obvious, but I DON'T OWN SUPERNATURAL, DEXTER, JOSH GROBAN, etc. The only characters I own are the ones you don't recognize. :P

Fandom: Supernatural

Characters: Dean, Sam

Prompt: Tissue

Word Count: 100


“Here, Yeller/Come back, Yeller…”

The bathroom door creaks open. “Dude, tell me you’re not watching this.”

Sam shrugs, rubs his reddening nose. “What? There was nothing else on.”

Dean sighs, settles in on the other side of the couch. “Fine. But only because you’re sick.”

Sam smirks, reaches for another tissue, and sneezes. “Heh-CHOO! Hup-T’CHOO!”

More than an hour later, the gunshot finally sounds. Sam can hear soft snuffling from Dean’s side through his plugged ears, and steals a quick glance. Dean’s a drippy mess, mopping his face on his shirt sleeve. Sam looks away tactfully, offering the tissue box.

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Yay, more SPN fic! This was really adorable. I looove both sneezing and crying too, (thankfully the show is very good about giving us the latter, haha) and I just ate it up.

Dean was sickly in "Faith" in season one, to answer your question. For the first half of the episode he was all pale and wobbly and freckly and I'm pretty sure they had him wearing eyeliner to make him appear more vulnerable. ::swoons::

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Sneezedreamer, you're amazing! I don't care if you're not posting regularly. You're posting more often than I am... but let's not get into that. :P These Supernatural drabbles are sooo worth the wait! I'll be waiting for more.

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@ telltale - thanks, glad you liked! I think there's a lot of overlap with the sneezing/crying fetishes, quite a few people at the forum have both...good to know you do too! And I don't know how I could possibly have forgotten that Dean was wearing Sam's hoodie in "Faith" ...that's one of my favorite S1 episodes. I'm such a sap it gives me a couple of pangs in the chest every time I watch it! :P I seriously LOLed at your comment about the show giving us the latter...SO true! :blushing:

@ Cerulean Flower - you are awesome, have I mentioned that? Thank you for continuing to leave me such encouraging feedback. :hug:

@ ickydog2006 - thanks! There really are many very nice Supernatural fics here, and some on ff.net. I will have more sneezy Dean, don't worry.

More SPN fic for you guys today! Also, if anyone who ISN'T into this fandom is still reading...keep checking back, there will be some different stuff eventually. Promise!

Fandom: Supernatural

Characters: Dean, Sam

Prompt: Squint

Word Count: 162

WARNING - Spoilers up to early S4

Sam wasn’t sick. And he wasn’t one to deny illness…why should he start now? The headache behind his eyes was definitely the result of training with Ruby, as was the slight tiredness. The dryness in this throat was from not having enough water, and the persistent itching of his nostrils? All the damn dust in the motel.

Catching a sudden sneeze in his cupped hands, Sam flopped down on the bed. Maybe if he just took a short nap…

“Sammy? You don’t look so good.”

Sam squinted. “Dean? Is that really you?”

Dean rolled his eyes. “No, it’s Steve McQueen. Yes, it’s me.”

“I just thought…”

“Here, let’s get you under the covers. You taken anything for that cold yet?”

“Not yet. Dean…I’m sorry,” Sam said, voice catching on the last word.

“For what? Using your psychic thing?”

“No…” Sam woke then, lying on the still-made bed, sick, and totally alone. “For letting you die,” he choked out, before dissolving into tears.

Fandom: Supernatural

Characters: Dean, Sam

Prompt: Chocolate

Word Count: 140

The waitress wasn’t kidding when she said that the pie was the world’s best. It was all Sam could do not to devour his slice in seconds.

“Dude, rebbeber to idhale.” Dean snatched a napkin from the silver dispenser and blew his nose.

“Speak for yourself. You sound like a dying elephant.”

“Fuddy. HURH-SHHH!!”

“You sure you don’t want any?”

Dean considered, then shook his head sadly. “Doe. I cad’t taste or sbell anything. HRUMP-SHOO!!”

“Okay.” Sam cleaned his plate. “Soup to go, then?” Dean nodded, polishing off his orange juice.

Sam paid while Dean waited in the car. As Sam looked at the dessert cases again, inspiration struck. Dean would probably have his senses back in a few days… “Hey, can you freeze those?”

“Sure thing, hun.”

“Then make that one soup, and one chocolate cream pie to go, please.”

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GAH!! Congested, sneezy, nose-blowing, elephant-sounding, pie-deprived Dean for the win! :P

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There's something about those big tough guys that makes me just melt into a puddle when they're all sniffly and caring....

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They cry A LOT for two macho dudes, don't they? It's pretty awesome. I feel like this show is tailor-made for me, because it's like one big, long hurt/comfort fic on film, mmm. Although I wouldn't have minded a little more comfort this season! :)

So, these were so sweet and lovely, per usual! Dean without pie is basically the saddest thing I've ever heard, but Sam made it all better, aw.

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Woo hoo! *Dances around cuz that's all she can do right now in the presence of Dean and Sam sneezy goodness*

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@ mads3rv3r - Thanks! I take it you liked? :angry::wub::D

@ swann_ee_song - mmm, yes, I totally agree. Shocker, I know! :) Thanks for the comment!

@ telltale - Gah, yes, I loves me some h/c. Although I do wish the show itself would give us more of the actual caretaking and recovery stuff (Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things, or Heaven and Hell, anyone? Buller?) I know they don't want to frighten off their male viewers or tread too far into Lifetime Channel territory, but I don't need much...maybe a well-timed hand on the shoulder or something. This last season was brilliant, but brutal at times. Anyways, thanks so much for your comment, I really appreciate your steady support! :D

@ Cerulean Flower - woo-hoo, I have reduced my readers to dancing! :D Thank you for letting me know!

Got another Dexter drabble for you guys...enjoy!

Fandom: Dexter

Characters: Dexter, Woman (original)

Prompt: Embarrasment

Word Count: 362

The club was packed. Even on the dance floor, there was little room to move around. Anyone who wanted a drink had to be extremely cautious, unlike Deb, who was off cleaning her shirt in the restroom. Angel and Masuka and the others were all on the dance floor, or trying to chat up a one-night stand. Neither of those options appealed to me, so I decided to risk the crowd and buy a drink.

Halfway to the bar I decided to leave instead. The only reason I attended gatherings like this was to appear normal, but it was far too crowded here for my liking. In addition, I’d forgotten to take an antihistamine today, and my eyes and nose were beginning to itch and redden. I turned around and stood for a moment, nose prickling, eyes watering, before a sneeze took me by surprise.

“IISSSHHOOO!!” The loud, powerful sound caused the crowd to shrink away from me, except the woman who was closest. Black hair, deep brown eyes, red tank top, and dark skin now covered in tiny droplets of spray, at least on her face and upper chest - she had been heading to the bar and was almost directly in front of me when I had sneezed. She looked startled, but not angry. If I could feel, I would have been deeply embarrassed, and I opened my mouth to apologize, only to have another sneeze burst forth. “IIITTSSHHAAA!!” I managed to cover my face with my hands before the explosion, and the sneezes that followed. “IT’SHHAA!! AH-SHOO!! AH- AH-SHEWW!!”

I removed my hands, and looked up tentatively into the woman’s face. To my surprise, she was smiling broadly, almost ecstatic. “I’m so sorry,” I said, with a sniff. “It’s only allergies,” I added.

“I gathered that. I don’t mind at all…that was wonderful, thank you!” Before I could respond, she added, “Would you like me to get you a beer?”

Okay, it was official. I would never understand people. “Thank you, but I’m on my way out.” Her face fell, and I pushed my way through the crowd to the exit, my journey hastened along by the occasional sneeze.

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Gah, yes, I loves me some h/c. Although I do wish the show itself would give us more of the actual caretaking and recovery stuff (Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things, or Heaven and Hell, anyone? Buller?) I know they don't want to frighten off their male viewers or tread too far into Lifetime Channel territory, but I don't need much...maybe a well-timed hand on the shoulder or something. This last season was brilliant, but brutal at times. Anyways, thanks so much for your comment, I really appreciate your steady support! :P

No, thank YOU. :D

And ugh, I know, right? Sam, hug your brother already!!!! I guess that's what fanfic's for, but man. I think I found On The Head Of A Pin even more brutal than the two eps you mentioned. Dean was, like, SHATTERED, and we didn't get any comfort at all, just his sad little faaaaace.

Anyway, your latest drabble is really clever. Nice job!

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  • 1 month later...

@ telltale - Oh, good point, On The Head Of A Pin was crazy too..I just rewatched that a few days ago! There totally needs to be more hugging in S5. A very belated thanks for your comment as well! B)

Have finally returned with some new fic, from a new fandom...Pushing Daisies, one of my personal favorite shows (still sad about that cancellation). These two drabbles are chapters of the same story. Also, my apologies to any Olive fans out there...I love her too, but I had no ideas about how to fit her into this story. Don't worry...I'm sure she'll make an appearance on my thread!

Fandom: Pushing Daisies

Characters: Ned, Chuck, Emerson

Prompt: Misplaced

Word Count: 499

Slight spoilers for late Season 1

Part 1 of 2

At this very moment, Emerson Cod was considering how much more complicated life had become in the past twenty weeks, one day, seven hours and forty-four minutes. It was at that time that the pie-maker had touched his childhood sweetheart, Charlotte Charles, bringing her back to life. While the pie-maker and the girl called Chuck did almost everything together, they could not touch, or Chuck would die again, forever.

Ned: Hup-choo!

Chuck: Bless you!

Ned: Thank you.

As Emerson was finishing the last of the Pie Hole’s triple berry, the pie-maker was shielding his disobedient nose with the crook of his elbow, wondering why a day filled with nothing but pies and the girl called Chuck had left him so exhausted.

Ned: Huh…ah…choo!

Chuck: Bless you!

Ned: Thank you.

This second sneeze drew Emerson Cod out of his contemplation, and he looked at the pie-maker with the eye of a private investigator. He noted the slight pallor of his complexion, the slight color around his nostrils, and the slight hoarseness of his voice.

Ned: Heh-heh-CHOO!!

Emerson: Why’r you here sneezing around other people’s food when you’re sick? And don’t you bless him again, Dead Girl, he ain’t gonna stop.

Ned: First of all, I’m not sick…I believe there’s a bit of residual flour that got up my nose. And secondly, even if I was, which I’m not, I would take precautions to ensure the safety of the pies…isn’t that right, Chuck?

Chuck: That’s very true. Like before, when you thought I wasn’t looking, and accidentally sneezed a little bit too close to that persimmon pie, you threw it right away.

Ned: I didn’t know you saw that. Heah-chOO!

Emerson: Well, maybe next time you two lovebirds take a four-mile hike in the snow, you’ll at least remember to wear a scarf.

Ned: I did, but the problem wasn’t my not remembering to wear a scarf, the problem was my having misplaced said scarf a few days ago. Besides, the belief that you can get sick from getting chilled has been dismissed as a…ah-CHUHH! Old wives tale.

Chuck: So you admit that you’re sick!

Ned: I didn’t! I just meant that if I was I wouldn’t have caught it from going out in the co-AH-CHOO! Okay, maybe I do have a little cold.

Emerson: Sneezy, get your ass to bed. Oh, and here.

Emerson Cod took an extra scarf from the pocket of his coat and handed it to the pie-maker. While Emerson Cod had been spending more time working on his book, Lil’ Gumshoe, and less time knitting, his collection of scarves was still large enough that he had a number of spares.

Emerson: Hang on to this until you find your own again.

Ned: Thanks.

Emerson: Take care of him, you hear?

The smile from Chuck was all the answer he needed, and Emerson Cod went on his way, thinking, not perhaps for the first time, how good it was that the pie-maker had Chuck to keep him company.

Fandom: Pushing Daisies

Characters: Ned, Chuck

Prompt: Touched

Word Count: 400

Part 2 of 2

As the pie-maker was lying in bed, he thought that it had been a long time since he had caught such a terrible cold. To be precise it was exactly twenty-two years, five weeks, six days, and thirteen hours since he had been this ill. At that time, young Ned’s mother, who was still alive, had taken care of him. She had brought young Ned everything a sick boy most needed…soup to eat, tea to drink, his play dough collection to play with, and books to read. Most of all, she came to sit by young Ned and hold him in her arms when he felt too ill to amuse himself, and not yet tired enough to sleep. He found himself wishing that the girl called Chuck could do the same for him. But alas, she could not.

Chuck: I brought you some tea. It’s got honey from my bees in it, best thing for a sore throat. Come on, drink up.

Ned: It’s good.

Chuck: You're sweet. Wait...how can you possibly tell? I mean, it is, but there’s no way you can taste it.

Ned: It’s good…after all, you bade it. HEH-CHUHH!!

The pie-maker saw that he had sprayed Chuck with a few drops of moisture despite attempting to cover with his handkerchief, on the exact same cheek where he had touched her with his hand for the first and only time since her untimely death. Despite her initial surprise and concern, Chuck was astonished to find that the experience of being sneezed on had left her feeling…rather touched.

Chuck: I guess your magic powers don’t apply to sneeze spray.

Ned: Oh, Chuck, I’b so sorry. *snff* I bet you dod’t thidk I’b so sweet adybore, huh?

Chuck: Don’t be sorry! It was actually…kind of nice.

Ned: Dice?

Chuck: Yes…sort of warm and wet…kind of like a kiss. Probably the closest thing I’ll ever have to a kiss from you.

Ned: Huh.

Chuck: Well, now that you’ve given me a kiss, or something like one, I should give you something back. You really look like you could use a hug. And don’t you say that you don’t need one, because I won’t believe you for a second.

Ned: I wasad’t goidg to say that. I was just thidkidg that would be the best bedcine I could have.

Chuck: Good, then it’s settled. I’ll get the bee keeper outfit.

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Ahhh Pushing Daisies is another favourite of mine! I feel like you like everything awesome! :(

This was perfection! So cute, and you've got the style of the show DOWN. Thanks for sharing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@ swann_ee_song - thank you!

@ telltale - Ahh, you're kidding me! We are like TV twins or something! Thanks so much for the comment, I'm glad you thought my attempt was successful!

@ sneezetensia - thank you! You rock too. :drool:

Okay, so this next drabble is kind of unique...it's for the Johnny Depp/Pirates fans, but it's not exactly a RL life fic...read it, you'll see.

Fandom: Original - Pirates of the Caribbean and Johnny Depp inspired

Characters: Narrator, "Jack", Friend

Prompt: Fake

Word Count: 146

It must have looked pretty lame, now that I think about it. Twenty-four years old, and there I was with my autograph book and my Pirates'-obsessed friend, waiting in line at Disney World. I didn’t see what all the fuss was about, although he did look like Jack Sparrow…the same smudges on his cheeks, messy hair, devilishly charming smile.

And then? The sneezing started. I haven’t a clue what he was allergic to…could have been the heavily perfumed flowers, or the grass pollen, or a thousand other things. But whatever it was, he had an awfully hard time stopping.

“Huh-shhh! SHHH! Huh-SHFF!! Hup-shuhh! SH-HUH!”

By the time I had my autograph, and a chance to pose for a picture with him (and felt his frame shake with another sneeze after the shot) I was beaming.

My friend was confused. “You do know he’s a fake, right?”

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  • 3 weeks later...

@ obsessedwithedward - thank you very much!

@ mads3rv3r - aw, thanks. Yeah, there will be more Dean - like, right now, LOL.

More Supernatural! No Sam in this one, sorry!

Fandom - Supernatural

Characters - Dean, Girl (original)

Prompt - Ravenous

Word Count - 185

She shakes her head. “I insist…there’s far too much homemade Thai at my place for my own good. Besides, the wings here are gross.”

Dean consents. If a girl insists on taking him home with her, who was he to argue?

His elbow is nudged with the warm plate. “I really do like it spicy. Spicier than most Thai people. Let me know if it’s too much.” She sits, careful not to let her undies peek out from under her shirt.

Dean smiles, lets her little hand brush against his. “I’m good with spice.” A deep inhale, and his eyes tear. Nostrils flaring, he scrambles for the flannel napkin. “Huh-SHUH! HAH-SH-UK! HUP-SH-EW!!”

“Oh, gosh, I’m so sorry. I’ll just get-”

“No, don’t…this is…really…mmm.” Tears pouring down his red face, the taste is both agony and ecstasy.

She laughs, climbs onto his lap, traces the line of exposed skin between his button-down. “I’ll get you something else.”

Ravenous for the touch of her skin, his lips trace the curves of her neck. She holds him there, even as he falls prey to another trio of sneezes.

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GAH. The nostril-flaring, the bare-skin-tracing, the holding him against her... the sneeze spellings... *dies of the sexy*

So um, I'm insatiable and, thank you SO much and, um, more now? :drool:

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@ mads3rv3r - so glad you liked! Haha, I know the feeling...there can never be too much sneezy Dean. :cryhappy:

@ ickydog2006 - thanks for commenting!

Shockingly enough, I has more SPN fic. Yay!

Fandom: Supernatural

Characters: Dean, Sam, Bobby

Prompt: Annoying

Word Count: 302

Living room. Bobby places a new box of Kleenex on the side table, avoiding the piles of used tissues.

Sam stirs on the couch, opens his eyes ever so slightly. “Thadks, Bobby.”

“You’re welcome. How you doing, kid?” Bobby pushes Sam’s sweaty bangs away, checks his forehead.

“Hurts a little.” Sam muffles a sneeze into the quilt.


Sam gestures vaguely in the direction of his sinuses before his arm flops over and he begins to snore.

Bathroom. “For God’s sake Dean, hold still.”

“Bobby, I hate these freakid’ thidgs. HUH-SHUU!!”

“It won’t take more than a second!” Dean reluctantly allows the thermometer into his ear, shudders when it beeps.


“Ugh. I cad still hear it ridigg.”

Kitchen. The Winchesters head for the remaining cough drops.

“Aw, cob od, Deed, you’ve bed hoggidg all the ch-CH-OO! The cherry odes.”

“Yeah, well, codsidder id payback for stealiddg the rebote all day.”

“You dow, you’re beidgg a jerk.”

“Add you’re ad a-AH-CH-uh! Addoyidg bitch.”

Bobby rolls his eyes. “Excuse me,” he says, placing a hand over the receiver.

“Are the two of you done bickering yet? Look, just make a damn list, and I’ll get you boys more cough drops, or whatever else your little hearts desire. Now, can I get back to this phone call?”

Twin nods.

“Sorry about that…I’ve got a couple of sick kids at my house for the next few days. You were saying?”

Front porch. Bobby sighs deeply. “Well, you two should get going.”

“Yeah,” they chorus.

Dean clears his throat, more from emotion than any lingering tickles. “Bobby, thanks for putting up with-”

Bobby cuts him off with a quick hand motion and a bear hug, followed by another hug for Sam.

“You idjits, you’re no more difficult when you’re sick than the rest of the time.”

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