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Untitled Twilight fanfic - (15 Parts)


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All right, I'll admit - I'm writing a Twilight fic, and I'm only a little bit embarrassed about it. Also, the first part just contains female sneezing, but it's really only an excuse to help me get to the one I REALLY want to torture! :)

Title: I have no idea. Suggestions are always welcome!

Fandom: Twilight (yeah, yeah, I know)

Disclaimer: Not my characters, so no lawsuits, please! No spoilers, really - just the basic underlying premise of Twilight.

Summary: The Cullen family is both concerned and confused when Bella doesn't keep her cold to herself.

I'm not finished with this one yet, but I have a good head start (six parts written so far) and I have a good idea of where I'm going with it, so I'll start posting now in the hopes that my imagination can keep up. So...

Part 1!

Alice Cullen danced down the hallway of her family’s large, lovely home. She was in search of Jasper, her mate, who she predictably found in the room the two of them shared. It was the only logical place in the house for him to be – after all, Bella was over.

“Dinner time,” Alice announced in a bright voice.

Jasper looked up from the book he was rereading – his forehead wrinkled ever so slightly. “Are we going hunting?” he asked, pushing curly blond hair behind his hair.

Alice laughed. “No, silly – we’re not having dinner, but Esme made a pizza for Bella, and everyone’s at the dinner table.”

Jasper emitted a low growl in the back of his throat. “Why should we all have to sit and watch her eat? It makes her uncomfortable.”

“It’s a human convention, and you know it,” Alice told him, scolding lightly. “Dinner time is about social interaction just as much as it is about obtaining nourishment.”

“I do suppose it lacks some of the excitement of chasing down a wild animal to have for dinner,” Jasper commented.

“That’s the spirit,” Alice said with a smile. “She has to liven it up somehow, and that’s where we come in.”

“Including me?” Jasper asked with a pained expression.

Alice pursed her lips. “Jazz, you like Bella.”

“Yes, she’s fine – for a human – but she’s always here,” Jasper protested. “This is supposed to be the one place where I can unwind and not have the smell of human hanging in the air.”

“Oh, come on,” Alice said. “It’ll be fine. You won’t hurt her.”

“You don’t know that,” Jasper said.

“Sure, I do – you forget who you’re talking to, love,” Alice responded. She gave Jasper a light kiss. A smile played at his lips, and he rose. “Besides,” Alice went on, “even if I couldn’t see the future, you know what I’d do to you if you laid a hand on my friend, and it wouldn’t be fun for either of us.”

“Agreed,” Jasper said quietly. Alice grabbed his hand, and they made their way to the dining room.

The whole coven was seated around the dining room table. Edward sat at the head beside Bella, who was staring at a whole pizza topped with pepperoni, sausage, mushrooms, green peppers, and extra cheese on a hand tossed crust. “You diddn’t have to do all this,” Bella told Esme.

“Oh, no, I enjoy it,” Esme assured her. “It gives me an excuse to watch that cooking show.”

“And use the kitchen,” Carlisle added. “It looks so much more lived-in now.”

“Before you started coming over, we’d always forget to buy food for it,” Emmett said. “Humans caught us with completely empty refrigerators a few times!”

“Or we’d buy food, and since no one would eat it, it would just go bad,” Alice added. “A man once came to use the phone – his truck had broken down, and his cell phone was dead – and when Esme offered him something to eat, everything was green!”

Bella laughed at that. After a moment, though, she was cut off by a few short coughs. Edward was immediately concerned – he picked up Bella’s glass and made her take sips of water. Rosalie rolled her eyes and Jasper didn’t show any reaction, but Alice was fascinated. “What’s it feel like?” she asked. “I don’t remember what it’s like to be sick.”

“It’s doh fun,” Bella told her with a sniffle.

Edward cut her a slice of pizza. “You should eat,” he instructed.

This was a new development for Carlisle and Esme, who hadn’t seen Bella sneeze and sniffle at school all day. “You’re not feeling well, Bella?” Esme asked.

“Kide of,” Bella mumbled as her cheeks went a bit pink.

“Really?” Carlisle said. “Is there anything you need? Anything I can do?”

Bella ducked her head a little to let her dark hair fall in her face. “It’s just a cold – I’be fide,” she told him.

Alice pinched her nostrils shut with her fingers. “It souds kide of like this,” she said, “but it doesn’t seeb that bad. Does it feel weird?”

“It’s probably dot a big deal if you dod’t have to breathe,” Bella replied.

Edward’s eyes widened in alarm. “You’re having trouble breathing?” he asked.

“Doh – I cad breathe through by mouth,” Bella said. “I just dod’t like ih…” Her face scrunched up, and she pulled a crumpled tissue from her pocket. “Heh… heh-SHOOO!” Rosalie made a face as Bella blew her nose. Alice watched with interest.

“It must be such a strange sensation to have so much mucus in your nose,” she commented.

“Yeah, it’s real fascidating,” Bella said glibly.

They went on like that for about half an hour. Bella ate slices of pizza while Alice asked her questions about what being sick was like and Edward wavered between an overdramatic concern for Bella’s health and annoyed entreaties for Alice to “stop being so nosey.” Esme seemed to be mentally cataloging every sniffle and would occasionally whisper side comments to Carlisle, who would nod thoughtfully.

When Bella finished eating, Carlisle suggested that perhaps she should go home. “The best offense against a cold is plenty of rest,” he told her in his doctor-ly way. Alice thought she saw a smile flash across Jasper’s face; she knew he had a good reason, but it was still impolite. She threw him a glare.

“Maybe she should stay here,” Edward suggested. “She should be near a doctor.”

Bella sighed. “Edward, I’be sure the last tibe you got sick, a cold was sobethig to worry about, but it’s dot a big deal addybore. I’be fide.”

“You expect me to believe that?” Edward asked.

Bella gave him a little smile. “Besides, I wouldn’t be too crazy about the idea of you watching be sleep if I’be sdorig and gettig sdot all over by pillow.”

Jasper stiffly leapt to his feet. “It’s settled, then – Bella will go back to her home, and we’ll all say good night.”

“Jazz,” Alice murmured in a low warning, but Jasper very deliberately ignored her.

But Bella said, “Yeah. I’ll just go hobe.” To Edward, she said, “Dod’t worry so buch. I’ll feel a lot better id the bordig – I proh… uh-CHIUHHH!” She turned her head just in time and caught a sudden sneeze in her hand. “Probis,” she said, finishing with an unconvincing sniffle.

Esme insisted on wrapping up the leftover pizza (“Not much good it will do us!”), and Edward drove Bella home. As they left, Bella made Edward promise he wouldn’t stay to watch her sleep – she was all gross, she said. Edward swore he wouldn’t, but Alice knew not to put any stock in that. He’d already decided to wait until she fell asleep and then sneak back in to keep watch over her.

That night, Rosalie retired to her room and Emmett and Jasper played 32 games of chess. Alice watched, cheering for Jasper even during the games in which she knew Emmett would win, all the while making a mental list of more questions she wanted to ask Bella about being sick.

Hope you like it - more tomorrow!

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I like this. It's cute, and I can see everyone reacting as they did and saying the things they said. And the food bit was funny

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Summary: The Cullen family is both concerned and confused when Bella doesn't keep her cold to herself.

At this my eyes bugged open :omg::wacko::D and I can't wait to see what happens!

I love Jasper fics, and I can't wait for more! ;)

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Part 2 - here we go! Long update today.

Bella sat in the Cullen’s living room, playing the part of the reluctant mannequin as she let Alice do her hair. “What do you think about bangs?” Alice asked. “If you don’t like them, they can just grow back.”

“Doh,” Bella told her. Alice, whose hair didn’t grow, was always eager to try new cuts with Bella’s, but Bella had to sometimes remind Alice that the time it took hair to grow out didn’t seem nearly as long to someone who’d been seventeen for the better part of the last century.

Bella’s nose twitched. “Eh… h-hag od…” she warned Alice. “Heh-CHIUHH!” Bella rocked forward as she buried her nose in a Kleenex. Her hair tumbled down around her face.

“Oh, now you messed it up,” Alice protested. Never one to get too upset, however, she simply started over. “Are you feeling any better?”

Bella smiled. At some point during the school day, Alice had actually run out of inquiries about what it was like to be sick, and she’d now moved on to something a little more normal. “Sobe,” Bella told her. “I’be still really stuffed up, but by head doesdn’t hurt, add I cad cough easier.” She sniffled.

“You know she doesn’t like you playing with her hair,” Edward said as he came in from the kitchen, carrying a glass of water for Bella.

“She doesn’t mind, do you, Bella?” Alice replied.

“Thrill a bidute,” Bella told her.

Edward smiled in victory. “Sarcasm – I win. Come on, Bella. Let’s go to my room.”

“It’s not fair for you to hog Bella to yourself all the time,” Alice said. “She’s my friend, too.”

“If you insist on preoccupying her, you could at least do something Bella enjoys doing,” Edward pointed out. “She isn’t feeling well, after all, and you should be considerate of her wishes.”

“Oh, you mean like how you snuck back into Bella’s room last night after you told her you wouldn’t?” Alice asked. “Very considerate of you.”

“I’be still here, you doh,” Bella said. “I dod’t bide Alice havig a little fud, Edward. We cad be alode later.”

Alice gave Edward a triumphant smirk and turned her attention back to Bella’s hair. Bella smiled wearily. While being all snotty in front of a bunch of flawless, breathtaking vampires made her more than a little self-conscious, it was nice that a cold was the only thing she had to worry about for the moment.

* * *

Tree branches whipped by Emmett’s face as he tore through the woods, so fast he was almost flying. He laughed as he ran and leapt with swift deftness. He couldn’t see where Jasper was.

His house came into view through the trees. “Hurry it up, slowpoke!” Emmett called. He waited an impatient five seconds before he caught sight of Jasper. “What’s the matter – can’t keep up with your little brother?” he teased.

“Ha, ha,” Jasper replied.

“Just admit it – you’re no match for me,” Emmett told him.

“If I’d wanted to beat you, I could have,” Jasper said.

“Keep telling yourself that,” Emmett replied. He took in a sharp breath as they approached the house. “Whew!” There was the unmistakable scent of human in the air – Bella must be over.

* * *

Alice jumped up when the door opened. She smiled at Emmett and Jasper as they came in. “Who won?” she asked.

“Like you need to ask,” Emmett said. For the benefit of his mate Rosalie, who couldn’t see the future, he announced, “Jasper was eating my dust the whole way.”

“You don’t gloat – I respect that,” Jasper replied sardonically.

“I was a little surprised when I saw you were coming in,” Alice admitted to Jasper. “Don’t feel like you have to for my benefit.”

Jasper gave her a slightly confused smile. “What?”

At that moment, Bella came to the front hall from the living room. “Thadks for the styling job, Alice, but Edward’s going to go duts if I keep hib waiting addy logger,” she said.

Jasper’s eyes widened, and the confusion was all over his face. “Bella,” he said. “I didn’t realize you were here.”

Rosalie laughed. “Oh, come on, Jasper, I could smell her from upstairs,” she said. “I’m sure you knew she was here before you made it to the driveway.”

Jasper shook his head. Alice felt waves of concern suddenly coursing through her – some of it was her own, of course, but much of it was Jasper’s, spilling over into everyone else in the room. “I coulddn’t smell her,” he said, and right there, Alice heard it. It wasn’t nearly as pronounced as Bella’s, but there was just a hint of congestion in his voice.

“Carlisle!” Alice shouted, not budging an inch and not taking her eyes off her mate.

“Alice, what’s going – what’s wrong?” Carlisle asked as he stepped out of his study. He was no doubt hit by the alarm that the rest of them were feeling.

“Jasper couldn’t smell Bella,” Alice explained.

Carlisle frowned. “What?”

“I diddn’t doh she was here until she cabe out from the other room,” Jasper said, his voice quiet.

“I dod’t get it,” Bella said innocently.

“That’s not normal, you dope,” Rosalie snapped. “Vampires don’t get stuffed up.”

“Here, sit down,” Carlisle said to Jasper. As he always did with patients, he spoke in a quick and unconcerned manner that was reassuring. Jasper sat on the edge of a living room chair, his spine straight as a rod.

Carlisle took Jasper’s chin in his hand and held a small flashlight up to his adoptive son’s nostrils. “Is this the only sign?” Carlisle asked. “Have you been feeling different at all?”

“I don’t think so,” Jasper said.

“We’re were racing in the woods, and I beat him,” Emmett offered.

“Emmett, babe, I know you’re proud of that, but what does it have to do with anything?” Rosalie asked.

“Being sick cad wear you out,” Bella said knowingly.

“How about it, Jasper?” Carlisle asked. He gently applied pressure to the sides of Jasper’s neck with his fingers.

“I don’t doh if I would call it ‘worn out’ exactly,” Jasper said. “Less eddergetic, baybe.”

Edgar came in at that moment, and Bella hurriedly gave a whispered half-explanation of the tense scene. Alice hovered near Jasper and Carlisle as she wrung her hands.

Jasper squinted as Carlisle shone the light in his eyes. “Any pain?” Carlisle asked.

“A little here,” Jasper replied, raising a pale hand to his temple. Carlisle nodded thoughtfully.

“Open your mouth, please,” Carlisle instructed. Jasper did as he was told, and Carlisle shone the light down his throat.

The door opened and Esme walked in, carrying a bag of groceries. “I thought I’d try lamb chops for Bella tonight…” she stopped in the hallway. “What’s everyone doing?”

Right then, Jasper’s eyes fluttered shut as he took in a sharp breath. “Eh…” he lifted a hand to his face. “Eh… Shiuhhh!” His face eyes screwed shut as he sneezed, rocking forward slightly. Rosalie jumped back, startled. Jasper straightened, blinking hard and holding a finger up to his nose.

“Carlisle?” Esme said, her voice rising sharply.

Carlisle took a deep breath and faced them. “I’m not sure how it happened, or why, but Jasper is certainly showing symptoms of having caught Bella’s cold.”

“How?” Emmett asked.

“Isn’t that impossible?” Rosalie demanded.

“Are you sure?” Esme asked.

Alice put a hand over her mouth, unable to say anything.

“I’m not 100% certain, but it seems to be the clearest indication,” Carlisle said. “As I’ve already mentioned, I don’t know the reasoning or the logistics, but as we know, there’s generally nothing serious about a cold, so I suggest we proceed cautiously and pragmatically. Let’s not panic before we know what we’re dealing with.”

“So… we can catch it?” Rosalie asked. She edged away from both Bella and Jasper.

“I wouldn’t put it out of the realm of possibility,” Carlisle told her. “Edward, I think you had better take Bella home – we won’t have the time for company tonight.”

“I’be so sorry,” Bella said to Jasper as Edward took her by the arm and led her away.

“Come on now,” Carlisle said. “Don’t look so nervous, Alice.” To Jasper, he gave a reassuring smile. “Let’s get down to the bottom of this.”

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And here's Part 3.

Jasper squirmed under everyone’s sharp, watchful eyes. He tried to instill feelings of disinterest in all of them, but either this apparent sickness was hindering his abilities or the new development was simply too fascinating to ignore.

“How could this have happened?” Alice asked Carlisle.

Their adoptive father had tremendous patience, but after the umpteenth time someone had asked this question, it was beginning to grow thin. “Alice, I told you…”

“No, not in general – to Jasper,” Alice explained. “Carlisle, you know how hard it is for him to be around Bella. He’s never close to her. When she’s around, he hardly ever breathes! So if anyone was going to get sick, why on earth would it be Jasper?”

Carlisle shook his head. “I don’t know, but you’re right; it doesn’t make sense.”

They all began to theorize, and Jasper took some time to take stock of his current situation. He was most definitely feeling less energetic – that much was true. He sometimes felt something similar to this in gym class, if he got too close to humans who weren’t used to exercising. He would use it to district himself from the enticing smell of his classmates and the knowledge that none of them stood a chance against him. He’d always been slightly bemused by the feeling and how easily humans became “tired” or “out of breath.”

But now, when there were no humans around, and the feeling was Jasper’s own, he most certainly didn’t appreciate it. He felt unalert, and that concerned him. It was difficult to focus too much on what anyone was saying. The feeling he understood to be a headache wasn’t helping matters. He tried to pay attention.

“Maybe it’s to do with Jasper’s gift?” Esme was suggesting. “Could it be that this is just spillover from what Bella’s feeling?”

“But I beat him in the race before we even knew Bella was here,” Emmett pointed out.

“He was still around her yesterday and a good portion of the school day,” Alice countered. “You can hardly see Edward without seeing Bella these days.”

They talked about him as if he wasn’t present. Jasper didn’t appreciate that, but for some reason, he didn’t have the motivation to interrupt them and say so.

“So what – he’ll feel better when Bella does?” Emmett asked.

“Or if Bella just stays away?” Rosalie suggested. “I could live with that.”

“It’s an interesting theory,” Carlisle said, “and one certainly worth exploring. It would explain why Jasper was affected, and if it’s correct, it would hopefully mean that none of the rest of us will be susceptible to it.”

Jasper felt it again, a fluttering irritation in his nose. Last time, it had come slowly, hesitantly, but now, it escalated in an instant. “Hitch-iuhhh!” he sneezed, just managing to cover his face with his hand. All his muscles seemed to tense up as he sneezed – he wondered if a sneeze impacted Bella’s entire body as it did his.

Like before, all conversation stopped dead. Alice bit her lip. Rosalie eyed him cautiously. “Bless you!” Esme said. She turned to Carlisle. “I should run out and buy some tissues for him. Is there anything else you think he needs?”

“That should be sufficient for now,” Carlisle said. “If we’re lucky, this will clear up with some separation from Bella. But if not, I’m sure that a box of tissues will definitely be of use.”

The irritation was gone now, but Jasper’s nose was more blocked than it had been before. It seemed contradictory – his hand was wet, so one would think his nose would have cleared up if anything. He rubbed his nose with his finger and sniffled, as he’d seen Bella do.

The congestion wasn’t as much of a concern as his other symptoms. It certainly felt different, and it was a bit bothersome, but it wasn’t as troublesome as the fatigue and unlike the headache, it brought no pain. Bella was probably right that it was more uncomfortable for humans, who needed to breathe.

But while none of the symptoms affected Jasper too negatively, the fact that he was feeling them at all was a major point of concern. Carlisle seemed just as perplexed by the situation as the rest of them – Jasper hated to think he was the only vampire in hundreds of years to come down ill, and he didn’t want to consider the implications of that.

“Well, I think the best thing for you to do right now is rest,” Carlisle was saying. Jasper pulled his muddled head from his thoughts and tried to focus. “I know, it sounds silly, but it’s the same measures I recommend to humans with colds. Don’t exert too much energy – try to just clear your head and lie down for a while. Let me know if anything changes.” Jasper nodded.

Alice put her hands on his shoulders. “Come on, Jazz – I’ll take care of you.”

Jasper pulled away as he rose to his feet. “Doh,” he said, shaking his head. “If Carlisle’s theory is wrong, thed this could still be codtagious, and I dod’t want you catching it.”

“Oh, come on!” Alice protested.

But Jasper was adamant. “I’ll stay here,” he said, moving to the living room couch. “It’s dear Carlisle’s study and far frob our roob. Please, dod’t get too close.”

Alice pouted. “Fine, but you’ll see – you’ll feel much better in a few hours, and then you’ll feel silly for pushing me away.”

Even with his head in a fog, Jasper couldn’t help but smile at her. “Let’s hope so,” he said.

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I LOVE THIS! First off, Jasper with a cold, le yum! And second of all, the interaction between all of them is marvelous! And thirdly, I get a kick out of the theory about why Jasper is sick! I certainly hope you continue this, nice job! :D

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:D This is adorable! Like Sneesee said, the interactions are just wonderful! The diaolouge is amazing as well. Can't wait for more!
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This is really really cute ;-)

You should write more, it's gorgeos.

But I've to admit, that I'm not the biggest Twilight Fan.

But it's a nice story.


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love it

thanks for writing it... i'm not sure if i could live without it! :laugh:

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Guest Jasper_fan

Please allow me to preface this by saying that I absolutely adore Jasper. So while it is a little sad to see him feeling unwell, it's also cute. I love this, especially the explanation for why Jasper has fallen ill. Please continue.

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I'm not huge into Twilight, either, LovelyLinda, but I do have an awfully soft spot for Alice and Jasper - definitely the most interesting characters in the series IMHO.

Just a head's up, I won't be able to update again until sometime on Monday - visiting relatives. You know how it is.

So, I leave you with... Part 4!

Carlisle sat down on the coffee table. He leaned forward and lightly touched Jasper, who was lying on the couch. Jasper’s eyes opened immediately – he clearly hadn’t been asleep. Good. Carlisle wouldn’t have known what to think if Jasper had actually nodded off.

“How are you feeling?” he asked.

Jasper sat up, a little unsteady. He brought a hand to his temple. “Well, it certaidly hasn’t god away,” he said. He turned away and coughed a little into his fist.

Carlisle placed the back of his hand against Jasper’s forehead. “You don’t feel warm, but you don’t quite feel like yourself, either. It’s a little hard for me to judge.”

“Hesh-SHOOO!” Jasper pressed his hands over his mouth and sneezed hard. He sniffled and groaned a bit. “Tissue, please,” came his muffled voice from behind his hands.

Carlisle plucked a tissue from the box on the coffee table and offered it to Jasper, who self-consciously wiped his noses and his hands. “Has your throat started to hurt at all?” Carlisle asked.

Jasper nodded. “Sobe,” he said.

“Carlisle?” Esme called, coming in from the hall. “How is he?”

“Not any better, I’m afraid,” Carlisle said. “I think you ought to stay home from school today.”

“Doh!” Jasper protested. “Doh, it’s all right. I cad bannage.”

“Jasper, this is the first time you’ve been sick in a very long time,” Carlisle pointed out. “That’s going to take some getting used to, and it won’t be pleasant.”

“Not to mention, we still don’t know how you caught this or why,” Esme added. “Wouldn’t you like to stay home and rest?”

But Jasper stood up, pulling his fingers through his messy hair. “I’be dot weak,” he insisted. “Bella’s odly a hubad, add she goes to school all right. I cad, too.”

“Jasper, honey…” Esme protested.

Emmett lumbered down the stairs, ready for school. “What’s happening?” he asked Jasper. “You still have the sniffles?”

“Yeah,” Jasper said.

“Too bad,” Emmett replied. “You’ll have to ride with Edward, then. Rosalie doesn’t want you in her car – she’s scared of your runny nose.”

“Fair eduff,” Jasper said.

“It’s raining!” Emmett called as he flung the front door open. “You might want to bring a coat!”

Jasper nodded; he turned and headed for his room.

“We’re not going to let him go, are we?” Esme asked Carlisle.

“Esme, he’s a 170-year-old Civil War veteran,” Carlisle pointed out. “We’re not exactly in a position to stop him.”

“But we’re his parents!” Esme protested.

“In a manner of speaking,” Carlisle replied.

At that moment, Jasper came back down the hallway. He’d changed into warmer clothes and was wearing a jacket with a hood. Alice was on his heels. “No,” she told him.

“Dod’t worry so buch,” Jasper replied.

“You’re not going!” Alice insisted.

“It’s dot that bad,” Jasper said.

“Jazz, come on!” Alice said.

“Are you cobing or dot?” Jasper asked.

Alice sighed, scowled, and grabbed an umbrella. “Let’s go,” she grumbled.

“Jasper, honey, hold on,” Esme called.

“Esbe, I’ll be fide,” Jasper told her irritably.

“Yes, yes,” Esme said. “But if you decide you don’t want to stay the whole day, give me a call, and I’ll come pick you up. All right?”

Jasper softened a bit. “All right.”

Esme rubbed her adoptive son’s cheek gently. “Just say the word, and I’ll be there before you hang up the phone.”

Jasper smiled at that. “Okay, Esbe – see you later.”

Have a good weekend, everybody! I'm really glad you guys are liking it.

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This story is so sweet! :hub: aww! Like some others mentioned above, twilight is not my favorite story, but Alice and Jasper sure are the best ones in the books and movie.

Hope to read more on Mon.! :)

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Since I was gone all weekend and part 5 is pretty short, I'll give you the next two parts together.

Part 5:

Edward slowed to a stop in front of the Swans’ driveway. “Be right back,” he said, and he jumped out of the car.

“Don’t worry – he’s just saying good morning,” Alice assured Jasper. Her face went blank for a moment. “Wait…” After a little gasp, she growled. “He wouldn’t dare.”

Edward came out of the house and walked around to the passenger side to open the door for Bella. “Edward, you can’t be serious!” Alice cried.

“Huh? What are you talking about?” Bella asked.

“Good morning, Bella,” Alice said absentmindedly. “Come on, Edward – Jasper’s sick! Can’t you be a little considerate?”

“You’re still dot feeling well?” Bella asked Jasper sympathetically. She was slightly congested, but she sounded a lot better. Jasper, hunched over in the back seat, shook his head. “I’be really sorry, Jasper.”

“Bella’s sick, too!” Edward pointed out. “Aren’t you going to be considerate of her?”

“Bella’s a human – she’s supposed to get sick!” Alice shot back. “Jasper’s not.”

“We don’t know that for sure,” Edward countered.

“I’m sorry,” Alice said. “Have you been sick in the last 90 years?”

“Just because we haven’t experienced it before…”

“No, Edward,” Alice insisted. “It hasn’t happened until now because this doesn’t happen. I’m sure you’ve noticed the extra permeation of fear in the car.” She shot a look at Jasper, who ignored her and stared out the window. “Honestly – you know he’s uncomfortable being around Bella in the best of circumstances, and now we’re in an enclosed space, and he feels awful…” Glancing at Bella, she leaned in close to Edward. “Just how much control do you think he has over his impulses right now?” she asked in a low voice.

“It’s all right, Alice,” Jasper spoke up suddenly. “She cad cobe along.”

“Are you sure?” Bella asked. “Jasper, you have doh idea how bad I feel about this…”

“It’s fide,” Jasper replied. He sunk back in his seat and stared out the window. “I cad’t smbell her addyway.” He coughed against his shoulder and sniffled. Alice made a sympathetic noise and moved to give him a hug – Jasper shied away.

“Really?” Alice asked. “That’s how we’re going to do it?”

“I won’t be respodsible fo…” Jasper growled a little as his nose began to twitch. “… For getting you si- …you sic… Heh-CHOOOO!” He buried his face in the crook of his arm.

Alice sat back down and pouted. “Fine, but you’re no fun.”

“I’ll get over it,” Jasper replied. Alice winced; his voice was getting scratchy.

“It sounds like we’re all in agreement, then,” Edward said. He put the car in gear. “Let’s go to school.”

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And Part 6!

“Eh-shiuhhh!” Jasper sniffled into his napkin. Alice, sitting at their usual table, turned around and looked at him pointedly. Jasper shook his head.

“Jasper? Why aren’t you sitting with the others?” Jasper looked up, still wiping his nose. It was Bella, of course, standing in front of him with a lunch tray in her hands and concern on her face. Jasper tried to allay her worries, but it was hard to instill confidence in someone when he didn’t feel it himself.

“It’s-” A hard cough cut off Jasper’s words. He held his fist in front of his mouth until he was sure he could control himself. “It’s better this way,” he explained. “We dod’t doh if I bight be codtagious to the others.”

Bella frowned; she bit her lower lip. “Well, do you want some company?” she asked. “I bean, I understand if you don’t want be to sit with you, but…”

Jasper nodded to seat across from him. “Go ahead. You bight as well – it’s probably a good idea for you to avoid th… Hah-CHIOOO! …The others also.” He wriggled his nose and sniffed – while breathing still wasn’t an issue, this matter of congestion and sneezing had become far more than a simple annoyance. “Besides, I cad’t smbell you right now.” He turned away and cleared his throat. “We have the rare opportudity to socialize without the daydger of be trying to… you doh.”

Bella nodded; she was mindful of the humans around them. “Right.” She sat down.

Jasper covered his mouth with his hands and coughed hard. “Hubads have to be bore resilient thad I rebebber,” he commented, sniffling. “Less thad tweddy-four hours, add I’ve- Hah-Shuhh!” He turned and held up his arm as a sudden sneeze caught him off guard. “I’ve god stir-crazy.”

Bella smiled. “I have to admit, it’s dice to doh there’s one thing I cad do better than a – than one of you.”

Jasper picked up his napkin and wiped his nose with it. “I’be glad that you’re edjoying by bisery.”

“Oh, no – I didn’t bean it like that!” Bella protested. “I just…”

“I doh,” Jasper said; he didn’t have the energy for one of Bella’s monologues. He coughed a little and sniffled, dabbing at his nose some more.

“It helps if you blow it,” Bella advised. “It’ll clear up your dose some.”

Jasper shook his head. “I figure it’s a good idea to stay codgested while I’be here – it helps me avoid tebtation.”

“Oh,” Bella replied. “You really can’t smell addybody?”

“Doh wod,” Jasper assured her. “It’s a little discodcerting, add a disorienting feeling for sobewod who uses his sedse of smbell to the degree that I do, but it certaidly bakes going to school buch easier.”

Bella smiled. “Gotta fide that silver lining sobewhere,” she said.

“Sobething like that,” Jasper replied. He rubbed his nose, which was starting to get a little sore. “Do you have addy advise for wod as udeducated as byself?”

“Dot really,” Bella admitted. She sniffed lightly. “Most everything I doh has to do with stuff you don’t do. You doh – get plenty of sleep, lots of vitamid C, chicken doodle soup…”

“Ah…” Jasper frowned. He would have hoped there was more that could be done. The sneezing had long since started to bother him, and he felt that his muscles were beginning to ache. And the fatigue – a heavy malaise that weighed him down as he dragged himself around the school. He was anxious to be rid of the whole arrangement. He… he had to sneeze. “Heh-Chiuhhh!” He held a finger to his nose, sniffling sullenly.

“You could try a hot bath,” Bella suggested, wincing with sympathy. “That sometimes helps be whed I have a cold.”

“Yes?” Jasper said. He was anxious to try anything. A creature as strong and powerful as he was wasn’t equipped to feel so weak.

Bella nodded. “I don’t doh if it really helps or if it’s just bore psychosobatic, but it usually bakes be feel a little better. I feel bore relaxed, and warmer. Breathing in the steeb feels good on your throat.”

“Idteresting,” Jasper said. He’d most certainly have to try that.

Bella raised her napkin to her mouth and coughed a little. “So, has Alice been pestering you with questiods?”

“Doh, she appears to be udder the ibpressiod that I’be dying,” Jasper told her. “So, she’s far too preoc…” Not again. Jasper gasped slightly and lifted a hand to cover his face. To his surprise, he did not sneeze. Unfortunately, the itchy feeling in his nose lingered – it seemed to make him more stuffed up than before. He gritted his teeth.

“Look up,” Bella instructed.

In his great annoyance, Jasper had nearly forgotten Bella’s presence. “What?” he asked.

“Look up at the light,” Bella explained. When Jasper regarded her quizzically, she said, “Just do it.”

Jasper did as he was told. When the light hit his eyes, the irritation overwhelmed him, and the sneeze finally came forth. “Hah-heh-CHIuhh! Esh-CHOOOO! Hitch-IUHHH!” Jasper sighed when it was over – it was strange how something like a sneeze could completely overtake a person.

“Bless you,” Bella said sympathetically.

“Thadk you,” Jasper said, sniffling. “How did you…?”

Bella smiled at him. “Just another one of the tricks up by sleeve,” she said.

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this is soooo great!!! please continue!!!!

im really not a jasper fan, but i am LOVING this story!!!!!! :):yes:

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This has been such a privilege to follow!!! I'm lovin' it!!! Poor Jazz. He's so miserable! And sneezy. :yes:

umm....ummm..... scratch that. :innocent::laugh::)

But anyways, keep up the greatness! :)

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Here's Part 7. It's a bit transitional, so there's not a whole lot of sneezing in it, but there'll be more to come - I promise. :P

Fifteen minutes left of school. Jasper was on the home stretch now. He stared at the clock and half-listened to his American history teacher.

It was strange. While Jasper most decidedly did not like being sick and had no wish for it to ever happen again, it was one of the easiest days of school he’d ever had. Normally, Jasper spent his school days in constant discipline and concentration as he tried to ignore the alluring smells of the humans all around him. He would walk down the hallways as stiff as a board, reminding himself of the consequences that would befall Alice and the rest of his coven if he gave into his desires and fed on a couple of freshmen. No, that wouldn’t do at all.

So he would deny himself of what he wanted and live in a continuous state of vigilance. It was the kind of thing that weighed down on a person.

But today – there was none of that. There was the sneezing, of course, and the unpleasant malaise, as well as the overall aching feeling and the strange sensation of somehow feeling sickly warm and uncomfortably chilled at the same time. But with his nose stopped up so completely, he didn’t hate his human classmates for making him want them so badly. He could walk through a crowd of defenseless humans without a single hunting instinct kicking in, and he’d even participated in a lab group during physics. That, at least, was a relief.

“Jasper Hale, your eyes belong on the board, not on the clock!” Ms. Stern said sharply. Jasper wearily turned his head toward the blackboard and stared bleary-eyed at the dates she’d scrawled there. Not that he needed to worry about learning history. He’d lived through a great deal of it, and he’d taken American history far more times than anyone really needed to.

Ms. Stern didn’t seem to like him, though. She’d regarded him angrily ever since the test they took over the Civil War last semester. Jasper had respectfully held his tongue throughout the entire unit, but when he saw a multiple choice question asking for the cause of the Civil War, and “slavery” was clearly the answer she was looking for, Jasper had had a bit of a meltdown. Rather than answering another question on the test, Jasper had used it to compose a harshly worded essay about the importance of states’ rights, the valiance of General Lee, and a great deal about how Ulysses S. Grant was an incompetent president who drove the economy in the ground and left the South to suffer in the degraded state in which the North had left it. There may have been some derogatory remarks against General Sherman as well – Jasper had had many regrets in his life as a vampire, but one of his chief regrets would always be the fact that he didn’t murder General Sherman when the scoundrel was still alive. The man deserved a slow, painful death for what he did to the South.

Since that incident, Ms. Stern had always been cold to him. Jasper didn’t regret the loss of her favor. An irritation settled in Jasper’s throat. He leaned down over his desk and stifled coughs into his elbow.

Rosalie, who sat beside him, inched her desk away from Jasper’s. He gave her a weary, understanding smile. He didn’t blame her – if he saw a member of his coven in such obvious, potentially contagious misery, he certainly wouldn’t be too eager to join in. All the same, though, it left him feeling lonely.

Jasper folded his arms across his desk and rested his chin atop his arms. While he knew it was for their own good, and he was glad he’d decided to distance himself from the others, it was very isolating at a time when he wasn’t feeling particularly good to start with. He wished he could let Alice have her way and allow her to care for him. He rubbed his nose and sniffled as he imagined his mate pushing his hair back as he lay on the couch at home. Drawing a blanket over him. Keeping him company while he rested and tried to will himself healthy.

Rosalie jumped to her feet when the bell rang. Half the class was out of the room before Jasper recovered from the way the loud clatter of the bell seemed to split his head in two. He dragged himself up and clumsily tried to gather his books and wipe his messy nose on his sleeve at the same time – it had been entirely foolish to leave the house without a supply of tissues.

Jasper moved through the swarm of bodies in the hallway, relieved that he wasn’t bothered by the warm, sweet smell of their blood. Unfortunately, his loss of scent made it more difficult for him to know where the others were, and he had to find Edward. His irritated nose stopped in his in tracks, and he stood in the middle of the hall covering his mouth with the crook of his arm. “Eh-Shooo! Ah… hih… tschiuhhh!” The force of the sneezes made his throbbing head spin. He took another moment to gather what was left of his wits before he continued.

He found Edward and Bella outside, walking toward Edward’s car. Alice trailed behind them aways – she held some animosity towards Edward – and she kept scanning the parking lot. Jasper forced himself to quicken his paces.

Alice brightened when she saw Jasper, but the concern never left her eyes. “Jazz!” she exclaimed, hurrying over to him. “Oh love, you look just awful! How are you feeling?”

“Could be worse,” Jasper told her, although at the moment, he didn’t really see how. Either way, he walked past Alice and strode forward to Edward. “You add Alice go with Rosalie,” he said. “I’ll take Bella hobe.”

Edward stopped walking and frowned, apprehensive. “I really don’t think it’s a good idea for you to be alone with Bella,” he said.

“Don’t worry about it, Edward,” Bella told him. The look she gave Jasper told him she understood. “Jasper’s so stuffed up that eating be isn’t even on his radar right dow.” She wriggled her own nose. “And addyway, he’s right – it’s probably best that we don’t spend too buch time together dow, dot after what happened.”

“Jasper, you’re being ridiculous,” Alice protested. “I’m not worried about getting sick – I’m worried about you.”

She was so sincere that Jasper almost lost all fortitude right there. He so wanted to acquiesce and let her stand on her toes to kiss his forehead. He could ride home in the back seat with his weary head in her lap.

But no – Jasper wouldn’t be able to forgive himself is he was responsible for making Alice feel as badly as he did. “I’ll see you at hobe,” he told her. He looked at Edward, hoping that his adoptive brother would explain these thoughts to her.

“I will,” Edward said, handing Jasper the keys. “Be very careful with Bella.”

Jasper nodded. “I wod’t allow addythig to happed to her,” he said.

"See that you don't," Edward replied severely.

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Okay... so... at fist, I wasn't too keen on this story and therefore didn't comment, however, I have no changed my mind and I would like too say...




ahem... :P:D:boom:

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Guest Jasper_fan

Awwww! Great work as usual. I love the part about the essay- I could definitely see Jasper doing that. I hope that the time comes when Alice gets to take care of her Jazzy! That would be the cutest thing in the universe.

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