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On the Midnight Train - (7 Parts)


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This is soooo lovely =)

I really love Jon, and I feel so sorry for him.

And the part with the bath is the cutest, but (un)fortunately his boxers were dry enough to be left on *grin...*

Well, that's right with the comparison with kids christmas eve^^

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Aw, this chapter was so sweet and subtly sensual! I appreciated it very much! :D

Am I too much naughty if I hope to see Jon getting worse? :D

Thanks for lovely update. :D

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This was so great! It combined sensuality and nurturance perfectly, because even though it was sensual for Alina, she was doing it purely out of nurturance and it just "happened" to be sexual. Such a great blend. You're a beautiful writer.

And of course, Jon just keeps getting cuter and sexier.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey guys! I am SO SORRY! I haven't abandoned this story, but I've been really busy with school lately. I will try to have the next part up within the next few days, I promise!

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Hey, school comes first! Take your time and please don't feel bad. But it was really nice of you to let us know the story will continue. Good luck getting your work done!

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  • 2 weeks later...

hello all! I'm back with a new update! A thousand apologies for my unintended hiatus. School has been crazy! Anyway, I will try to post updates as soon as I can, but they might come a bit more sparsely than before.

This part is rather long, and is written from Jon's POV (just to shake it up a bit). I think I might continue writing in his POV, but let me know what you think!

Here we go:

Part Seven


Jon groaned and kept his eyes closed, clinging to the last fleeting remnants of sleep. An itch, insistent and obnoxiously acute, seemed to have built itself up in his nose overnight until it was powerful enough to wake him up. That wasn’t saying much though. Much of the previous night was little more than a hazy blur to Jon now, but he could recall periods of restlessness, tossing and turning, coughs and aches, being too hot or too cold, unsettling dreams filled with strange high-pitched buzzing…

There was something else also. A soothing coolness on his forehead. The soft touch of fingers against his temple. A voice…

“Ehh’HGTCH! Goddamb idt…” Jon’s nose finally overpowered him, and his sneezes dragged him into full consciousness.

”Ahhgt’CHuh! Eh’TCH! ahh-HA’GTCHugh!...snniff”

He lay under the covers for a bit, cupping his nose, shivering. The congestion was awful; each sneeze seemed to have to rip its way out, threatening to tear half his face off along with it. Now it settled back into his sinuses, making his head feel waterlogged and heavy. His throat felt no better, it burned with raw discomfort, and Jon dreaded the thought of having to swallow anything. His chest ached from coughing, and the shivers that were involuntarily coursing through his body had to indicate at least a mild fever.


Jon groaned and coughed into the pillow. He felt absolutely awful; he couldn’t remember the last time he felt this ill. He coughed again, and sniffed pointlessly: the congestion wasn’t going anywhere. Wishing desperately for a box of tissues, but not having the energy to get out of the bed to look for one, Jon groaned once more, miserable at the thought of being helpless and bedridden. Wait a minute…

This wasn’t his bed. It was too hard, too springy. The pillow was different. The headboard was different. The comforter was too scratchy, and Jon’s legs felt unnaturally cold beneath it. He realized after a moment, that he was dressed in only his boxers and a sweatshirt. A sweatshirt that wasn’t his either.

What’s going on?

Fumbling on the nightstand for his glasses, Jon groggily raised himself up in attempts to figure out where he was. He looked around and discerned that he was in a vaguely familiar motel room, although he couldn’t seem to remember how he got there.

There was no one else in the room, but he saw that the bed next to his own had been slept in, and there were pieces of clothing scattered on the floor that he didn’t recognize.

This doesn’t make any sense

Jon fought against his weary head, trying to piece together how he possibly could have ended up alone in a strange motel room with another person’s clothes on.

Okay, let’s see. There was the train…and then-

Suddenly, it all came rushing back to him. The train, the screams, that horrible, awful buzzing, and the mysterious girl that seemed to be the cause of it all.

“Alina,” he said aloud to himself. Just as he did, the doorknob began to turn. Jon watched as a small, twenty-something girl dressed in jeans and a large parka entered the room with a load of shopping bags. It was her: the girl from last night.

“Wow,” she said, removing her hat and revealing a messy mop of blond hair. “You’re awake. I was afraid I’d have to drag you out of bed”

Jon didn’t respond. His head was still reeling from memories of the train. There was no logical explanation he could come up with for the events of last night, other than that this young woman who stood before him was in fact, completely off her rocker.

But that buzzing, though. Trying hard as he was, Jon could not find a way to explain that at all.

The girl seemed to sense his unease. She put down her bags and walked over to the side of Jon’s bed.

“How are you feeling?” she asked. She reached her hand out to feel Jon’s forehead, but he flinched away. A wounded look entered her eyes, and for a moment Jon felt sorry, but then he remembered those screams again.

“What’s wrong?” the girl asked defensively. What’s wrong indeed. Jon rubbed his eyes and let out a sigh of frustration. This madness had gone on long enough.

“Loogk…Alina?” he said finally, wincing at how badly his voice cracked. God, did it ever hurt to talk…

“Alina. Ih’mb nodt sure whadt happened lastd nidght, budt I dond’t wandt any pardt of idt. I’ll forward you sombe cash for this roomb, budt for now *cough* I really should be *cough cough*on my way…”

The coughs that finally broke free and punctured the last part of his speech were excruciatingly harsh. Reflexively, Jon put his hand to his chest to try and relieve some of the pain as he was bent forcibly forward, slave to his tyrannical cold.

Despite the onslaught of coughs, Jon still tried to lift himself up from the bed and make good on his claim, but all it took was one gentle push from Alina and he was back on his back. Still coughing, Jon shivered feebly, feeling the last of his dignity slip slowly away.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Alina scoffed when his fit had finally passed. “Twelve hours ago you couldn’t even stand up by yourself, and according to that little display, your condition’s anything but improved.”

Jon was beginning to lose his temper. Miserable, confused and ill as he was, the last thing he needed was a bloody attitude.

“Well, thadt’s hardly mby fault is idt?” he argued childishly, despite his angry throat. “Idt wasn’t mby idea to jump oudt of a train intdo a freezing pile of sndow!”

“Well it’s not my fault you don’t know how to dress for the weather” Alina said, an angry flush building in her cheeks. “God,” she said. “This is the thanks I get for saving your life!”

Jon snapped. He sat up and fixed Alina with a burning glare of death.

“Thangks?! You wandt mb to be fuckging thangkful?!” Jon roared, completely destroying his voice. “Whadt aboudt those other people on the train?!” “Whadt happbeded to themb, Alina? Should they be thankging you as well? Because from what little you told me, they’re all as good as dead! A train full of innocent people, and YOU left themb to DIE!"

Jon was too bitter, tired and angry to restrain himself. He saw the fury in Alina’s eyes slowly be replaced by tortured sorrow as he yelled, but he couldn’t find compassion enough to care.

“There was nothing I could do for them, Jon.” she muttered unwillingly. She turned her eyes up toward the ceiling, unable to face Jon’s own accusing stare.

“Well, thadt’s just bloody fantasdtic, Alina.” Jon continued viciously. I hopbe you slept well, with all those people’s blood on your hands…”

“Shut up” Alina whispered desperately. “Just shut up. You don’t understand at all.” She continued to look stubbornly upward, hands at her temples, driven, it seemed, to the point of tears, which Jon guessed was a pretty rare occurrence for someone so strong-willed. He began to feel a slight touch of regret for his callous attack. It was true, after all. He did not understand.

Jon sighed. The sigh turned into a cough. He rubbed his eyes, exhausted, and sniffed, trying to obtain even slight airflow through his nasal passages. No dice. He tried clearing his throat but the yelling had left it dry and scorched. His nose itched brutally.

“Etch’TCHguh! HG’TXchu!” The weary sneezes were a final admittance of defeat. He was simply too exhausted for this right now. Jon knew that before he could submit completely to his cold though, he needed Alina’s help.

“You’re right,” Jon said finally. “I dond’t understand, Alina. How could I? None of whadt happened last nighdt makes sense; and the only explaination you’ve given mbe for it all is thadt you’re delivering a message, one thadt the fatde of the world depends on. And you expect me to jusdt trusdt you, to nodt asgk questions. Budt I have to ask, Alina. For those people, I have to”

Alina lowered her head and looked at him, wary, like an abused dog expecting to be kicked. Jon saw that he had broken her far more than he had ever meant to.

He reached out and took her hand. Shock and embarrassment entered Alina’s face, along with so many other complex emotions. He felt a shiver course through where their hands touched, and he couldn’t tell which one of them was to blame for it.

“Please, Alina. Tell mbe what’s going on” Jon said quietly. Alina stared hard at their hands, and a tear escaped from her struggling eye.

“Okay, Jon.” She said finally, surrendering to the intensity of the moment.

“I’ll tell you”


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I love him. Can I have him when you're done? :lol::D

Honestly, your writing is incredible. And also, the way Alina and Jon interact is adorable! I love their snappy relationship, it's ahhhh, so cute.

And Jon. Oh gosh, he's adorable.

Hope school gets better! :]

Oh, and one last thing.


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Wow! This is one of the first stories I've found here, and I'm so glad I did. The plot is really interesting, besides it being filled with adorable Jon. :blushing: Hope things go well at school for you!

I shall wait patiently for the next part. :D

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  • 7 months later...

a wonderfull story ... please keep writing .... You are at marveleus writer. Thanks....

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  • 1 year later...





have you abandoned this one? :( cause you're an amazing writer and I wanna know what happens to Jon and Alina

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  • 2 months later...


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