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Never back down - (31 Parts)


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Aww, poor guy :hug: He just gets sicker and sicker...I'm loving it though >:D He should NOT go to school tomorrow. No way :P

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In my opinion, he should be going to school. He should, he should...

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Thank you everyone who has followed this story, It's so great to read all of your replies. :(

Part fourteen!

David’s POV

Jayden’s question took me by surprise. I had been wondering when he’d ask about it, but I hadn’t expected him to ask now. I felt so… out of it. Even so, I remembered the talk perfectly.


I was walking out of Coach Hendrix’s office with the rest of the players, when the Coach stopped me.

“Not you David” I stopped in my tracks. “I’d like to have a word” He said.

A word? About what? Did I do something wrong? I must have… I knew it. I wasn’t good enough to be on this team. It was the end for me.

“I’m sorry” I said, wishing that this wasn’t happening.

“For what? Listen, David, I’d like to compliment you on how you’ve been playing. You’ve got a lot of talent, but something’s missing. Confidence.”

Well, I didn’t expect that. So, did this mean I was still on the team?

Coach Hendrix continued. “You need to believe that you deserve to be a part of this team. You do deserve it David, you’ve worked harder for it than anyone else on the team. It isn’t all your fault, I know. The other players need to accept you as well. That is another reason I want you to scrimmage against our starters. I’ve got a feeling that you may give them a hard time.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Coach Hendrix kept talking, surprising me even more.

“I’d like to start playing you in games. Not right away, but just keep that in mind at practice. Keep working hard, David.”

“I… thank you” I stammered, realizing what an idiot I must have seemed like.

“No problem.”

I started walking out, when I was stopped once again.

“Wait, David. There is one more thing.”

I turned around, waiting.

“Take care of your ankle. Put some ice on it, and get some rest. We wouldn’t want that cold of yours getting any worse.”

He paused, taking in my facial expression. “What, did you think I wouldn’t notice?”

“I’m sorry” I said quickly.

“It’s fine. Just don’t try and hide anything else from me.”

“Of course” I said, eager to leave. I had to sneeze, and even though the coach already knew everything, I was still

embarrassed about it.

“I’ll see you on Wednesday.” Coach Hendrix said, motioning for me to leave.

“Thank you” I managed, before rushing out of the room.


“Really? He’s going to start playing you? That’s great, David!” Jayden was thrilled as I recounted what happened.

“Yeah” I mumbled, feeling exhausted. The practice had taken a lot out of me, even if the temperature was higher than yesterday’s, (thank god) and the little snow that had managed to stick was melted.

Jayden seemed to notice, and calmed down. “You really feel like crap, don’t you?”

I opened my mouth to answer, must my nose had other ideas. “Hu”TSH! ITSH! ISHuh! Hu’ETSHuh!” I sneezed rapidly into my hands, falling back into the seat of the car when I was done. I gave a thick sniff, pressing my hand underneath my nose. Congested, much?

Jayden was digging around for something in his car, until he pulled something out of the glove box, handing it to me. It was a travel pack of tissues.

I accepted them, but made no move to use them. Jayden was like two feet away. I glanced at him uneasily, only to see him roll his eyes.

“Really David. Get over it, and blow your nose.”

I complied, feeling a flush rise to my cheeks that had was not entirely caused by fever.

I gave an awkward smile in thanks, knowing that even after blowing my nose if I tried to thank him verbally it would come out sounding ridiculous.

“Bless you, by the way.” He added.

I said nothing.

“What, no ‘thank you’?” Jayden prodded.

“Thag you” I said, wincing at the sound of my voice. Damn him.

“I knew it. We’ll stop by a drug store and pick you up some Meds. And then when we get home, I’m taking your temperature. We might need a new thermometer… I’ll get one just in case…”

It was my turn to roll my eyes.


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Awwww poor David. I kinda felt embarrassed for him when his coach said he was sick. ' :D


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Maaan, I would die if anyone confronted me about being sick when I was trying to hide it (which is every time xD). Poor guy, I feel his pain! This is as superb as always; I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for the next bit! :D

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I adore how the view point changes so we get a peek into their thoughts!!

Please continue!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

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I love this story!! It's addicting! Lol. :bounce: thanks so much for writing them. Looking forward to Jayden getting sick.......... If he does. :drool:

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Sorry for the wait! Here is the next bit:

Part fifteen!

Jayden’s POV

Once we got home, David collapsed on the couch, and I headed to the kitchen to grab a slice of cold pizza from the night before. I was starving. I considered offering some to David, but I knew he wouldn’t eat any of it. Not bothering to grab a plate, I walked back into the living room to find David pulling his shirt off over his head.

“When did our living room become a strip club?” I said jokingly.

David hardly reacted to my attempt at humor, only quietly mumbling, “It’s hot in here”

It wasn’t really that hot. David’s cheeks were flushed, but the rest of his face was pale. He seemed really out of it.

Suddenly I remembered the thermometer I had picked up on the way home, and went back into the kitchen to get it out of the bag.

As I returned to the living room, I had to laugh. David was pulling his shirt back on.

“I thought you were hot.”

“I changed my… mind… Heh… He’itshuh! He’ishuh! Hu’issh!”

“Uh-huh. Bless you.” I waved the thermometer in front of his face. He grimaced.

“Come on, David.” I said.

“Just don’t want to.” He said quietly, sounding like a kid.

“And I don’t care.” I said, handing it to him.

He begrudgingly took his temperature. The beep sounded, causing both of us to jump. David pulled the stick out of his mouth, glancing at it. He sighed, but said nothing.

I grew impaction, and grabbed the thermometer from David’s hands. Seeing the numbers, way higher than they should have been, I swore.

“Shit. 101.8? Really? Damn it David, why didn’t you say anything?”

“I… I’m sorry.”

I calmed myself down; being upset wouldn’t help anything. David had no way of knowing exactly what his temperature was, anyway. Still, he must’ve known something was wrong.

“He’USHoo!” I heard David sneeze forcefully.

“Bless you” I muttered absentmindedly.

A series of coughs followed his sneeze, and I watched him in concern. He kept coughing, and I was starting to panic. Could he even breathe?

Finally, David’s coughs died down, and I relaxed a bit. He was staring at me, and I was staring at him staring at me. But there was something wrong in his gaze; he was less focused, like he wasn’t completely aware of what was going on. It worried me more than the coughs had.

David rubbed at his eyes, and then tiredly raised an eyebrow at me. “Are you going to stop staring at me anytime soon? I know I probably don’t look my best right now, but… really, just stop it. It’s annoying.”

His voice was rough, and I could still here the congestion from earlier, though it had backed down some.

“Right. Um… yeah. Sorry.” I said, failing to form decent words.

David sniffed, but said nothing.

“I got you cold medicine. Do you feel like taking anything?” I asked.


“Okay. Well, I don’t really care. You’re taking it. I just thought I’d ask.”

“Yeah, sure. Whatever.”

“Again, I wasn’t asking.” I cracked a smile, retrieving the pills. Personally, I couldn’t stand any of the liquid stuff, and if my memory served me, neither could David. Not that I was trying to give him Children’s Tylenol or anything he would have taken back then. I just decided to steer clear from cough syrup, Dayquil, and the like. Pills would do just fine. Or, so I hoped.

When I walked and set the box in front of him, I saw David sigh in relief.

“What?” I asked.

“Nothing. I was just worried you’d try to shove some random liquid down my throat.” I couldn’t stop the smile from forming on my face at his remark.

Well. Alert the media. Looks like I actually did something right.

Tbc (Is it me, or is this getting repetitive? I need to come up with a more creative way to say 'to be continued') <-- Me being overly observant. :)

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This is sooo good; I love their interaction so much, and you write it so well! Brotherly caretaking is adorable :D I can't wait for the next bit!! :drool:

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So! I've been having writer's block lately, and had been posting parts I had already written a while ago, but today, I forced myself to sit down and write. Like magic, I'm full of ideas, so I'm a couple parts ahead, with no intention of stopping. If this continues, I will be updating a lot more often, so here's hoping my inspiration doesn't fade!

Part sixteen :)

Jayden’s POV (Still, and it will be the same for the next part. I'm sorry if I'm making the story confusing, but to me, this is the way it makes the most sense.)

I woke up the next morning, and realized, to my dismay, that swallowing was a chore. My throat wasn’t sore, exactly, I was just really… aware… of the feeling of my swallowing. It felt thick, or something. As I sat up in my bed, I also noticed a small headache. Essentially, when I woke up that morning, I knew one thing: I was getting sick.

I had felt well enough at that moment, though. My main concern was David. A glance at the clock told me his alarm would be going off in ten minutes. I had set mine to go off before his so when he was waking up, I would already be mostly awake. I needed to talk with him.

Hauling myself out of bed, and realizing with a frown that I was a bit more tired then I should be, I made my way to the bathroom. Stepping into the shower, my body tensed up as soon as the water hit my skin. It was freezing!

Reflexively, I stepped out of the spray, already shivering from what little contact the icy water had made with my skin. As I thought back, David had been the last one in the shower. What was wrong with him? How could he stand such cold water?!

And then, it came to my somewhat slower than usual mind. It probably didn’t feel that cold to him. The poor kid had a decent fever last time I checked. I was a little glad that the water was cold, as I worked it out. A warm shower wouldn’t be too great for a fever.

Still shivering, I stuck my arm through the freezing water and turned the knob to a much more normal temperature. I stood under the spray, feeling it heat up, and allowing my muscles to loosen up.

Finishing my shower, I stepped out, towel drying my hair, glancing at my reflection in the mirror. David and I looked a lot alike, if you took the hair out of the equation. My hair was cut short, a dark brown color, where as David kept his a little longer than mine, and his hair was more of a caramel color. We had the same clear blue eyes though, and, though we both hated it, the same full lips.

Our noses bore differences, though. David’s nose had once been straight, until one game when he was eleven. He slide tackled a kid, and said kid, in what would have been a foul had it not been a little league game, kicked him in the face while they were both on the ground. A foul was called on David for slide tackling. At that level, it was still illegal. Unbelievable.

David, being David, wanted to keep playing. I had been watching in the stands, and was ready to jump in if the idiots let him go back in. thankfully, they didn’t. David was pissed at me for a week because I wouldn’t let him stay and watch the game. When David had left in the first half, they were leading 2-0. But when David returned home from the hospital with a nose cast that he deemed ‘unnecessary’ he found out in a message left on our machine from Chris (who David had just started to be friends with at the time) that the other team had come back to win 3-2. It was after that game that I realized how much David loved soccer.

Wrapping the towel around my waist, I walked out into the hallway. I could hear David’s alarm going off. Strolling into my room, I quickly dressed, and realized with dismay that the headache I had felt earlier had strengthened rather than backed off. Not that it really mattered. I had more important things to deal with.


I walked into his room to find him sitting up, holding his head in his hands. He sniffed thickly.

I cleared my throat, meaning for it to simply announce my presence, but I discovered after I had done it that my throat actually needed clearing. Forget about it, I told myself.

David looked up, and I noticed with dismay that about the only color in his face was the pink of his cheeks, as well as a slightly darker shade of pink around his nose. For a moment, he looked miserable. But as his glazed eyes saw me, he straightened up, seeming to attempt to look healthy. Said attempt was completely ruined when he sneezed wetly into his elbow.

“H’gshoo! Ih’eshoo! Hu’ISSHoo!”

I sat on the bed next to him, slowly asking him a question that I knew wouldn’t receive an honest answer.

“Bless. How are you feeling?”

“Fine” His voice was hoarse

I pressed a hand to his forehead, feeling him flinch away, but pressing on. It was way higher then it should’ve been. Some part of me expected that, but I still didn’t like it. I had been hoping he’d feel better, so I wouldn’t have to tell him.

“Fine, huh?”

“Yeah, fine.” David pulled away from me. Oh. So it was going to be like this. It made what I had to tell him even harder.

I promise you, there will be more. :yes:

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YAY! More! :yes: And I'm liking the sound of faster updates :) And now Jayden's sick too...aww, poor guy, what a reward for caring for his brother! xD I'm looking forward to seeing what happens now that they're both sick...

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YAY! More! :laugh: And I'm liking the sound of faster updates :otfriendly: And now Jayden's sick too...aww, poor guy, what a reward for caring for his brother! xD I'm looking forward to seeing what happens now that they're both sick...

I agree. I feel bad for Jayden starting to get sick :laugh: but at the same time I can't wait. :twisted: lol. Thanks so much for writing this.. These stories are like a drug. You just keep getting more addicted to them.

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Okay so originally soccer wasn't too high on my list, but I've just read all your chapters and I really am hooked. Things I particularly enjoy:

1. The older brother thrust into the parenting role. How he must feel inadequate and unsure, playing everything by ear - especially with this 'sick' business, especially as he starts to get sick himself.

2. Little brother having trouble dealing with older brother in parenting role, not wanting to appear weak but needing care.

3. The added stress of the obligation to a team, the inevitability of "pushing too hard and getting even sicker" juxtaposed with "god I feel like crap please somebody help." :twisted: I particularly am looking forward to that.

I must admit, Jayden's sickness doesn't hold quite the same appeal for me as David's. Maybe because David is trying SO HARD to hold it together, to seem strong and 'grown up' in the face of his older brother and the more important team. I hate to admit - okay, I don't really hate to admit - that I'm looking forward to a hard and unavoidable collapse. :laugh:

Please?? Can I have a hard and unavoidable collapse? Complete with big-brother-caretaking and chick-flick-moments...

(yes, cookie for reference :laugh:)

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Thank you everyone for your replies. It's good to know your thoughts on the story so far, as well as what you're hoping will happen in the future.

By the way, starpollen, as far as a hard and unavoidable collapse, well, I think that you may have read my mind. David can't hold out forever... at some point, he'll have to fall. :heart: As to when said collapse will happen, I've no idea, but the idea is simply to perfect to ignore. :heart:

Part seventeen :)

Jayden's POV (Still, as I mentioned earlier. Forgive my lack of consistency?)

I stood up, studying him. Stalling.

“Hey, can you give me a couple minutes? I need to get ready for school.” He told me.

“No you don’t” I responded.

David just looked at me.

“Look, David, You’re not going to school today.” There it was. I’d said it.

His brows pushed together, his gaze turning to a glare. “I have a game.”

“I know”

“But if I don’t go to school, I can’t play in the game. It’s school rules.” David spoke a little louder than what would be a normal level.

“I know”


“David, I’m sorry.” And I was. Really, I was. But I couldn’t let him go.

“Don’t be sorry! Just let me go!” His voice cracked. He had the same expression on his face from that time when he was eleven and I made him leave his game. “Jayden, don’t you get it? This is important! Just because it’s not professional soccer doesn’t mean I can just blow it off!” David pinched the bridge of his nose, wincing a bit. Looks like yelling wasn’t the best idea for him.

“Headache?” I asked, a bit concerned.

“It’s nothing.”


“Just leave me alone.”

I didn’t want to. But my nose had chosen that moment to start bothering me. I was reminded of my decision to deal with it later, and I knew for that to work I had to leave. Quickly.

I stood up, and began to walk out of David’s room, but apparently I didn’t have as much control over my body as I had hoped. Before I even reached the door, I sneezed.

“Ih’etchuh! Hih… Hi’eichuh!” Well, shit. So much for dealing with it later. I began to walk away, when David’s voice called me back.


I stopped. Turning to face him, I was highly aware of the sheepish look on my face. My cheeks were red, but it had nothing to do with being sick. I was embarrassed. But, why? I knew that there was nothing to be embarrassed about, but… still…

“You’re getting sick” It wasn’t a question.

“I-“But he cut me off.

“Don’t deny it.” His eyes bore into mine.

And then I laughed. After a few seconds, I noticed David looking at me like I was insane. I pulled myself together.

“Sorry. Look David, I wasn’t going to deny it. Yeah, I’m getting sick. Not everyone is as stubborn as you, you know. But, yeah, it’s too bad. It would have been the perfect role reversal.” I laughed again, but David continued looking at me grimly.

“What?!?” I demanded

“You’re getting sick” He said again.

“Yeah, I know.” He was still staring at me. “What!? Damn it, David? What the hell is it?”

Suddenly, he looked away from me. He cleared his throat.“Nothing.”

“Look David, I’m sorry.”

“You’re sorry.” David laughed bitterly. “Jayden, can you please just leave me alone for now? I don’t feel like talking.”

He hadn’t said it, but I knew what he actually meant. He didn’t feel like talking to me.

So I left his room, out of the corner of my eye seeing fall back onto his bed, hands over his head.

“Damn it” I heard him whisper. Rather than walking down the stairs or going to my own room, I stood in the hallway, having a feeling that I shouldn’t leave David alone just yet.

I'll post the next part tomorow night. I've made it my goal to post daily from now on, so I will *try* to do so. :blushing:

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Daily? Daily!? :blushing: Oh man, I don't know if I could take that, I might just explode from too much goodness! :heart: This is an AMAZING story, I'm loving it, and I love this new development too :heart:

*Eagerly waits for tomorrow*

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So, just a bit of a warning...

This part is, for lack of a better word, or even an actual word, kind of mood-swingy. Yeah, just bear with me, please... I've still got plenty to learn when it comes to writing.

Part eighteen:

David’s POV

“Damn it” I whispered, falling back onto my bed. I was so unbelievably useless. No, worse. I only hurt the people around me. All of the sharks hated me. They were Jayden’s team, not mine. And I couldn’t even help the team that actually thinks of me as a teammate. They trusted me, and I let them down. And Jayden. Thanks to me, now he was sick.

“Damn it!” I yelled it this time, grabbing the pillow from my bed and hurling it at the dresser in front of me. All of my old soccer trophies fell to the ground, hitting the dresser and each other on the way down, making a loud noise that pierced my head. Instinctively, I brought my hands up to my head, but then I balled them up into fists.

Why? Why could I never do anything right? Why was I such a nuisance to everyone, everything? WHY?!

I sat there, on my bed, head in my hands. Pathetic. I was so pathetic. I heard someone walk in, and I knew it was Jayden.

I didn’t care.


I said nothing.

“David, look at me.”

“Just leave me alone.”

Jayden walked towards me, putting his hand on my shoulder. I didn’t stop him.

“David” He said again. Finally, I brought my face of my hands, looking at him. His expression was gentle, his touch southing. I hated it, hated how weak I felt, hated how he felt he had had to comfort me, and hated that I needed comforting. I wanted to pull away. I wanted him to stop. But I made no move of stopping him, and he made no move of stopping.

I didn’t know how long we spent like that, his hand on my shoulder, my eyes staring into his. It didn’t matter. I was so angry, and so confused. But it was like I couldn’t move, like it was just the two of us, frozen in that moment. Maybe it was.

And then, suddenly, we both spoke.

“I’m sorry”

“I’m sorry”

We said in unison.

Jayden laughed, and I cracked a smile. But then he stopped laughing, and watched me in silence.

“It’s okay. I’m okay” I told him.

He relaxed a bit, but seemed unsure.

“You don’t have to stand here and watch me. I’m not going to flip out if you leave. Promise.”

“Good” Jayden said, “But you’re still going to come downstairs with me.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m going to shower first.”

“Sure. Whatever.”

I raised an eyebrow. “To quote you, I wasn’t asking.”

“Wow. Clever. Go bathe, would you?” Jayden asked, mocking annoyance.

I grinned. “Sure. Whatever.”

Jayden laughed a bit, and then suddenly his face fell. He inhaled sharply, suddenly sneezing.

“Ih’tsch! Ah’CHSHuh!”

“Bless you,” I said, frowning. “Jayden, I’m really sorry.”

“For getting me sick?” He asked.

I nodded slowly.

He smiled. “Don’t be, kid. It’s fine.” He ruffled my hair.

I sighed. “I’m not eight, Jayden. And it’s not fine.”

“You think you’re the only one who can handle a cold? Seriously, David, don’t worry about it. I’d say you’re far worse off than me, anyway. My ankle’s fine.” He said, watching me stand up slowly and sway a bit. He reached out to steady me, and then let his hand drop. “Think you can manage?” He asked me.

“I’ll be fine” I said, limping my way to the bathroom.

“So you’re not mad at me for making you stay home?” Jayden called after me.

I glanced back at him. “Don’t push your luck” but I was smiling.

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Awww :twisted: The interaction between them, it's just...so...CUTE! Gah, I'm in love, this is too good :wub: You might still have much to learn, but really, I'm not seeing it! This is gorgeous. I love how they get along (just ever so slightly :yay:) in this bit too, the brotherly stuff is so adorable.

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Contagion usually puts me off, but this is too good to be put off of, damn it!

I do like the whole 'brotherly love' concept. :yay:

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AWWWWW!!!! Too cute! The moody-ness is totally fine, I like it :D Haha guilt is a turn on. And like kiwifruit says you might have much to learn but I'm not seeing it. :) Great update can't wait for the next part!

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I love your story! It's awesome. And you're a great writer. :-)

I totally hoped for Jayden to catch David's cold - so double-yay for being sick together. :)

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