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Haha it's ok I'm glad I worked on it too.

Yesterday was a good day, me and J went up to a place called ruffner mountian, it's pretty much a nature reserve with about thirty or so hiking trails, we ate lunch there, I had a sandwhich and some chips and a capri sun and some little butter cookies, and then we hiked about two and a half miles all together, alot of it uphill. (I have some obs to post from it as well) and then last night I went to my youth pastors house and we had pizza, veggie chips and a brownie (or I did anyway) and we watched a movie and played card games. I could have done better for dinner, but I could have done worse too. Today I'm planning on at least walking 1 mile and trying to eat semi-healthy, but we'll see how that goes. :fear:

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Wednesday - jogged for 60 minutes.

Thursday - worked, which basically means walking around for 7 hours. *laugh*

Friday - jogged for 30 minutes, then walked for another 20 minutes.

Today - rode my bike downtown and back (took about 60 minutes).

Once I start feeling like I've got the running down, I plan to start doing some strength training again, back, shoulders and arms especially. Old people are heavy. :__:

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Just went for a beau-tiful run, got back, cold shower and drank a litre of water ... Probs not the best plan 'cos it's past midnight now and I'm going to bed in a sec. Oh well. :laugh:

Anyone else have the middle of the night for their exercise time of choice?! It's great, no one can see you ...

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YES! well, not when I'm at home, because it freaks me out to be out in hickland late at night :laugh: But I work at a summer camp and the best time to run there is at night when all the campers are asleep and everyone is off the roads. I'm definitely joining this when i'm no longer crippled, i'll for sure need it after 6-8 weeks of inactivity!

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ne else have the middle of the night for their exercise time of choice?! It's great, no one can see you ...

Yup. I just walked back home after a night in the town, via the park- I played about in the woods on my own. Climbing trees, scrambling up rock faces, poking about at someone's smouldering bonfire. Fun times :)

(Sane people climb trees at 4am, right?)

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Well... I'm starting off very slowly I suppose.

You guys as my witness: NO MORE POP OR DRINKS OTHER THAN WATER, MILK, AND SMOOTHIES/JUICES I MAKE MYSELF except holidays. Family game nights not included in the exception (had to put that down so maybe I'll stick to it)

I did 15 push ups but girlyish because I can't even bench 20 lbs without struggling..

25 situps

8 lunges per leg would have done 15 each but idt I am doing them correctly

15 leg lifts and holding the last 3-6 inches for atleast 5 seconds

annnnd 30 "step ups" (?) (Where you use a curb or step or something and both feet must step up and back down to count as one.)

At some point I'm going to start running/walking with a friend and maybe even play some catch with a softball. oh annnd biking. Though she's 29 and I 17, we are SSOOO much alike and have the same goals

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The good. I've generally be eating a lot better. Down 1 lb and 1/4 inch on my thighs and 3/4 inch on my waist. So I'm happy about that.

Last night.... Ugh... I am disgusted w/ myself. I Knew I shouldn't have gotten those bacon cheddar "tato skin" type chips. I avoid them the last few weeks despite craving them. But... I gave in last night... and I ate the whole fipping bag. :heart::drool: Not that it was a Huge bag... but still More than enough. I'm still disgusted w/ myself.

However, today I did an Entire Jillian Michael's strength training circuit (50 mins) and I was sweating like a pig. Now I'm going out w/ hubby for dinner (14th anniversary on Tues) and we're going to walk at a park prior to dinner.

So there is my confessional :hug:

Oh... and I looked back at my old food diary to start reusing. OMG- I was insane... I was Maybe 10 lbs. from my lowest weight and toned, but I honestly thought that I needed to lose 20 lbs. Insanity!! This is what we (esp. women) do to ourselves. UGH!!

None of that here though... :wub: we just keep at it and support each other. :hug:

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I would love to join in, but I'm a bit scared, so... mind if I just read about you lot instead? :drool:

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Read away, Chanel! :laugh:

Sounds like everyone's doing well, I'm glad!

Yesterday I went for a jog before work, and then ran around all day at work. It was my first day managing the pool and I was nervous so I was always on my feet making sure everything was good. A lot of heavy lifting too. I slept over my boyfriend's house, so no time for exercise this morning before work (unless you count... *ahem* :whistling:). Just got back from work now and even though I wasn't running around as much today as yesterday I'm still beat because I guarded in the hot sun for half the day. My mom and I were going to do the yoga DVD I got for her birthday today but she was outside all day too.

Foodwise I did well this weekend. Lots of fruit, though I had a hamburger for dinner at my boyfriend's. Right now I'm eating naan bread which is so good I might eat the whole thing, but I'm making myself wait a while to see if I'm actually still hungry later. If I am I might have a little more. :wub:

Maru, the cravings can be strong once you cut out a food completely. I personally cut out chocolate and craved it really badly but after a while I kind of forgot about it. Same with soda. I never drank anything but diet but still, diet has a lot of bad stuff in it too. Now I just have tiny portions of chocolate (dark) and diet soda.

tma congrats on your anniversary! I hope you have fun at dinner. :wub:

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Maru, the cravings can be strong once you cut out a food completely. I personally cut out chocolate and craved it really badly but after a while I kind of forgot about it. Same with soda. I never drank anything but diet but still, diet has a lot of bad stuff in it too. Now I just have tiny portions of chocolate (dark) and diet soda.

Yeah, I stopped eating chocolate nearly a year ago and I don't miss it ... Diet Coke is amazing, though. Green tea, too.

Just went for another run, but I think I ate too many rice cakes today. Can you eat too many rice cakes?!! They're only 27 kcals, but still, too much of a good thing ... I guess you'd have to eat about 20 for it to to be really bad, though. I'd normally be moving about a lot more, but it's revision time.

PS. tma - LOVE Jillian Michaels! <3 Are her DVDs any good? Only thing is, I don't have a t.v. during term time, and I'm not sure how effective they would be in front of a laptop with v. little floor space. And happy anniversary. :wub:

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I'm currently trying to lose weight myself, so if it is not too late, I would love to join in and read along :innocent:

My long-term goal would be to lose 10kg (about 22 lbs?), but so far, I didn't really have huge success. I tried to analyse my eating-behavoiur and found out that my main problem is that I am one of those people who use food to compensate for when they are really stressed out or feeling down. Comfort food is probably a term coined exactly for my condition ;)

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Ugh, I could beat myself right now! I have had the perfect opportunity these past two mornings to get up at 9, not too early at all, and go walk/jog around my neighborhood a few times (it is perfect for that) but what have I done both mornings? I slept until 10 and then got up and slowly got ready for work, therefore leaving myself no time to do that. And I've been eating pretty bad too. I'm quite frustrated and dissapointed in myself, because now I really regret it. :innocent:

To those of you who are doing good, way to go, I'm proud of you guys, keep it up! ;)

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I'm thinking about joining in on this... I was massively, massively overweight as a teenager and then successfully lost almost all of my excess weight towards the end of my teens, but in the past couple of years I've gained quite a bit of it back and haven't seemed to have the commitment level required to do much about it. And the more weight I gain the more depressed I get about it which just makes me less likely to go out and exercise. I've always found it really hard to motivate myself to do things and it doesn't help now that my original loss of weight just sort of happened without my trying particularly. I suspect it was due to starting hormone then and that my gaining back weight was because I temporarily stopped taking those hormones (which I'm kicking myself for now) and though I've started them back up I've been bad about being consistent with taking them and now I've actually run out and keep forgetting to get a new prescription. (Blah blah blah yada yada yada)

I'm really good at making excuses for myself too. I mean, to some extent they're valid reasons why it's more complicated and difficult, but they're not good enough excuses to not actually bother trying. Eating well for instance is often hard, not because I don't want to, but because cooking is pretty much impossible in my current living situation which means I eat either at my parents house which isn't too bad, or go out to eat which is terrible. And while I do have a gym membership I haven't actually used it yet. My excuse is that my ex-girlfriend still has my good sneakers and I haven't been able to get them back, but it's not like I don't have another pair of sneakers I could use even if they aren't ideal.

The only thing I really have done is acquire a decent road bike because I genuinely enjoy biking and there's a really nice bike path that starts very close to my house and goes for almost 12 miles. But again, somehow I've only ended up using it twice since I got it a couple of months ago. Instead I sit on my ass all day on the computer and don't even do anything productive ;)

I think my biggest problem probably is that I suffer from chronic, treatment resistant depression and it just makes caring enough about anything to actually do something about it incredibly difficult.

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And the more weight I gain the more depressed I get about it which just makes me less likely to go out and exercise.

This is so true! It's a terrible circle, but once you happened to get into it, it is really hard to break out of it again. I found myself often depressed due to weight issues, but at the samt time eating more/ avoiding to go out because of being depressed. It really kind of sucks...

But I'm sure there's a way out of it! I try to be more positive towards myself and to improve my over all mood/ life situation, hoping that a loss of weight will happen as a consequence of a generally more balanced life with less depressive stretches of time (although I am well aware that fighting against the depressive moods might actually be the hardest part of all...)

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Aw, Ouro. :laugh: That bike trail sounds like heaven though. Maybe you can put some really epic, upbeat music on your iPod or whatever and try doing that a few days in a row and see if you feel any happier.

I jogged for thirty minutes this morning. I just had a performance for a Memorial Day celebration in a park so I parked my car a few blocks away. But God it was balls hot out. Which makes me crave ice cream and iced mochas, gaah. I only gave into a Heath Klondike bar this morning after I jogged because I felt like I earned it, but now I want more. Why did mom have to buy ice cream. :innocent:

I haven't tried this in a while but once my bananas yellow I'm going to pour a tablespoon of chocolate syrup over them and freeze them. It's so amazingly delicious. Probably a lot of sugar too but I'm guessing it's better for you than ice cream, if only a little. <_<

I felt like a champ all weekend but then I logged my stuff on Calorie Count and I was just barely under on Saturday and slightly over on Sunday. Wtf. ;) When did this get so hard. It was such a piece of cake back in October. I managed to get through Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's without ever going over my calorie limit. Now I feel like it happens three times a week even with exercise.

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Welcome to the party, Ouro! It seems the more times you go around the less fun it is to try to get started again -- makes me feel so bad for carousel horses! -- but if you did it once, you can do it again. Start small and celebrate all of your successes, don't dwell on the "failures". Sometimes I start to think that I shouldn't even try to exercise because I look like a sweaty, disgusting, red-to-purple in the face blob, but then I remember that I am exactly the kind of person who should be hitting the gym.

That being said, I traveled back to my hometown for the holiday weekend. It turned into an epic marathon of yummy, unhealthy food and too much beer. However, I knew going in that it would be a big party and I wasn't ready to really calorie budget without feeling like I was missing out, so I'm not even going to bother going back and tracking. The Memorial Day picnic is a huge deal to my in-laws (bigger than Christmas celebration) and after a stressful week of work I was ready to party. I guess my successes for the weekend were: going for a walk with my parents and their dogs on Sunday, buying a nice new pair of hiking shoes, and not getting an extra McChicken when we stopped at McDonalds on the drive home.

Now that I'm back home, I've filled up my water bottle and am mentally planning my return to the gym after work tomorrow. Soon I should get off my bottom and pack up a healthy lunch for work tomorrow. Weigh-in will be second thing in the morning. And now that I know that it's still passably light until after 8:30pm I should have time to both go to the gym and stroll around with my dog in the evening.

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I'm also considering joining this, you know, make my own weight loss goals. Just goes to show; people on the forum are inspireation once again! :)

But I guess I'll just lurk in the shadows and see how y'all are doing this, ya know, provide some support and get ideas for my own weight loss... :>

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Let's see...

Saturday - some cycling, over-eating and massive drinking... does watching football count as exercise? :cold2:

Sunday - sleeping most of the day, chocolate for the hangover and more chocolate

Monday - 20km of cycling, eating quite ok although perhaps overindulging the yogurt... but no chocolate!

Gotta be careful today and tomorrow, I predict more decadence for Thursday.

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Im not sure I did too well today.. I didn't get up at five to exercise, but I did eat healthyish for eating out.. haha. McChicken and parfait. but im not sure how healthy that really is.. and then I had some baked chips instead of normal chips and they were delicious! :cold2:

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Did pretty well considering grill out (grill outs w/ friends are a little tougher). It helped that once the adults and kidlets had finished off one normal sized bag of Dortios that we didn't bring out another- just had veggies out on table. :P

Didn't get a chance to hit the gym- but just w/ running around and all workout yesterday, by last night my legs were Burning. :bleh: Probably best not to overdo it.

However, I'm hitting the gym today, just deciding whether first thing after kidlets leave for school, or if it should be a nice break to writing a 4 page paper. hehehe... maybe 1st thing and then break can be some Non-school writing :cold2::drunk:

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However, I'm hitting the gym today, just deciding whether first thing after kidlets leave for school, or if it should be a nice break to writing a 4 page paper. hehehe... maybe 1st thing and then break can be some Non-school writing :huh::hug:

I wholly approve of non-school writing! :D

Last night I went a little crazy with Hawaiian Punch at my boyfriend's house. He always somehow guilts me into eating. I need to learn to resist it.

I'm going to the gym everyday this week and I won't come home until I've burned 400 calories. I need to at least compensate for this weekend, if not reverse it.

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Today I am going to clean my room and clean all my pets cages/tanks out, and then I am going to the park and I am going to at least walk and try to jog some for at least an hour. And I'll try to be good with my food too. If I had worked out the past two morning like I should have I would probably treat myself to some coldstone today (it's right next to the park, really helpful with excersising and not eating ice cream) but I most definitely have not earned it. Maybe I will before too long. I just started a new story and have two more I'm working on so I want to sit around all day and write, but I haven't earned that either. I guess I'll just have to teach myself the hard way.

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So I weighed myself for the first time in probably more than a year and I'm in the high 190s. (Our scale is a little iffy so it's hard to be exact.) Which on the one hand is only a gain of 15 pounds over the past year which for a whole year isn't SO bad, but on the other hand it's the heaviest I've been in years and only 60lb away from the heaviest I've ever been, which is depressing.

ETA: Even more depressing I just entered my food so far today into the tracker on SparkPeople and found that my breakfast, which I had thought I'd done pretty damn well with in fact used up almost all of my calories for the day and all of my fat... I kind of wish I hadn't even done that now. I was so proud of myself too...

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Didn't go to the park, been trying to write all day but have really bad writers block, so essintially I haven't done anything. I think I'm just at a down point right now. :D

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Ouro, even if you're sixty pounds away that's still very far from where you used to be. I don't know if you've ever seen "Supersize Me" but the guy in that ate nothing but McDonald's everyday, three times a day, and by the end of the month he gained 30 pounds. So unless you eat like that constantly I doubt you'll go back to your heaviest weight. And gaining only fifteen isn't that bad, especially if you weren't trying to keep track of what you were eating. Don't get bummed about breakfast, just try to work some of that off if you have the time and if not then you know not to eat the same thing tomorrow.

kilala, I was going to say that there's still time to go for a walk... but I peeked at your profile and you're in a totally different time zone than I am. :laugh: When I get writer's block sometimes walking helps, it gives me time to just wander around and look at things and get inspired.

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