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Sneezing all over the bus (f)


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This isn't a self obs like I normally do. Haven't had too many note-worthy obs for a while, but the other day I was on a bus, and this girl of about 20 maybe (of average appearance but with a really cute VERY upturned nose) got on. I didn't notice her until she came closer and sat one row in front of me on the other side of the aisle.

She was sniffling very wetly and kept wiping her nose with the palm of her hand. Seems she had no tissues or anything to use instead. So I couldn't help but kind of stare at her (trying not to look too stalkerish of course), and I just knew she'd sneeze soon. You know how you just know? And I mean, just cause someone's sniffing doesn't automatically mean they'll sneeze, but I knew.

So anyway, about 20 seconds after she got on and sat down, she sneezed. It was the most itchy, watery-sounding sneeze I think I've ever heard in my life. It was SO good. And what's weird is she didn't make any attempt to cover her mouth or nose at all. She had a handbag and was resting it on her lap with her hands on it, and didn't move them at all when she sneezed. I found this a bit rude considering the bus was fairly crowded and she seemed to have a bad cold, not allergies (I assumed it was a cold because later on she coughed and it was very chesty and sick-sounding, which I also loved).

The sneeze sounded kinda like "Eh-IIISCHEEEEW!" and because the sun was streaming in through the windows on one side, I could actually see the amount of spray that came from her mouth. It was...amazing. SO much spray!!!

She wiped her nose several times, sniffing even more wetly and deeply now, and then I saw her head tilt back and her mouth open really wide and she sneezed again, 3 more times in a row, with about 3 seconds in between for her to take deep breaths. They all sounded the same as the initial sneeze, except for the third one which sounded really congested and deep inside her nose and throat. It's hard to describe it in letters or spelling here. It was sort of like "Eh-IIISCHCHHHHHH!"

The cough came after those multiple sneezes, and what was even more amazing to me was that after the very chesty, phlegmy cough, she sneezed again almost immediately, and as she inhaled, because I was so focused on her and close enough, I heard like, a phlegmy sort of rattling (though not quite) sound as she took in the air for that coming sneeze. And that sneeze, I expected to be a more cough-chesty sneeze due to the fact she seemed to have to cough again but the sneeze had interrupted her previous coughing. But no, it was still a purely nose-based sneeze, very wet, again with a heap of wide-reaching spray (no hands to cover either the sneezes or the coughs), and she didn't cough again for a while, which I found a bit strange. But maybe I'm weird. If I have a cough and feel there's congestion in there when I breathe, I have to cough to get it out.

But anyway, so she just kept sniffling and wiping her nose. The woman next to her looked like she was shrinking herself down in her seat and leaned further away and against the window to avoid getting all those germs that were flying around.

There was a gap for about a minute or so while the girl sniffled and wiped her nose, and then someone got up from behind me to get off the bus and as he walked down the aisle, as he passed this girl, she sneezed again, and it was quite unfortunate because she glanced up and over at him as he approached her from behind and the sneeze seemed to take her completely by surprise and she literally sneezed, uncovered, right ON him. Or AT him. It was fabulous!! The guy didn't seem to notice or care, but I couldn't see his face at that point as he was ahead of me and then he got off.

The next lot of sneezes were delicious, to say the least. After the guy got off, the girl seemed to be trying to hold back the sneezes, since maybe she was embarrassed by sneezing on the guy. (I still don't know why she never covered any of them though) She looked over to the side (my side of the bus) right into the sun, and her eyes closed slowly and her mouth opened wide (wider than normal I'd say, for a person about to sneeze), and then "Eh-ISSSSCHEW!! IISSCHHHH! Eh-ISSSCHEEW! ISSSSCHHHHEW!" 4 sneezes, again with about a 3 second pause in between for her to take in more air. There was just so much spray it was unbelievable.

She looked down and was searching in her bag for something (a tissue? I wondered if she'd blow her nose) and sneezed again, all over herself. I could still see the spray cause the sun was so bright, and it sort of floated around her bag and hands.

She wasn't actually looking for a tissue it seemed, but rather, her phone, which she got out and then answered (I couldn't hear it ringing but it must've been on vibrate or something). Her voice was sort of...whiney and annoying, but REALLY stuffy. Not hoarse at all. And she was fairly loud in terms of the speaking volume. It was only a brief conversation, but it went something like this...

"Hi Jackie...yeah, I'm on the bus...no, I'm good for tonight...yeah, but I'm good...I know...oh, you are? Ok...I'll meet you there at 10..." and then she sneezed a really quick kind of aggressive and ultra itchy-sounding sneeze right into the phone "IISCHHH!" and then continued the conversation as if nothing had happened "Yeah...is Mel coming? Oh...yeah...yeah...I have a cold...yeah, really bad...but I'm good for tonight, yeah...ok...bye", and then she hung up. As she put the phone back in her bag, she sneezed on herself again.

About a minute later (with no further sneezes or coughs), she pressed the button to get off. When she stood up, it was a bit before her stop so she stood in place for a while, and sneezed twice more, right over people's heads. I couldn't see any spray now though cause the sun had moved to another area of the bus, but she sneezed right onto the button she'd just pressed, and I noticed the hand she used to press the button was the hand she'd used to wipe her nose the whole time.

I wondered how many people would press that button in the future, not realising...I also wondered if I should press that button later on when my stop approached...but no, I didn't. My mum is coming to stay in a couple of weeks and I don't want to get a cold NOW. After she goes back, yeah...but not yet.

So she then moved to the (back) door of the bus, which is sort of in the middle of the bus, and waited for the doors to open. She sneezed again, once as she was half out the door, and this sneeze snapped her head back and then down when it came out. I kept watching her as she got off, and following that half in/half out the door sneeze, she sneezed another 3 times (always with that 3 second pause in between) before the bus started to pull away. As it pulled away, I noticed her coughing. I could just hear her over the bus engine, and it was a really chesty cough, and she seemed to be having trouble controlling it.

So...the end. *flustered*

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great observation. i'm a little jealous i wasn't on the bus too, haha then again i wouldn't want that rude chick's germs

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Woow, that obs was like a fic! AMAZING. Thanks so much for bothering to go into such detail <3

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Germophobe says :cry:

I'm not sure I wouldn't have been yelling at her if I was the woman next to her. That is just so indescribably rude, just to not even try and cover when you "admit" you have a rotten cold. And then to plan to go out as well?! People like this (especially on crowded public transport) make me feel really stabby!

But this reminds me soo much of the obs that made me realise my interest in sneezing really was a fetish.

Sidenote: Although I'd be horrified at the time, where are have all the damn germ spewing cold monsters been when I've been on buses lately? I'm in a perfect position to enjoy a cold that juicy :P

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Germaphobe says :):blushing::bleh:

Fetishist says: :):heart::P

I feel I am a split personality. :cry:

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This must be an almost perfect obs! It's got everything, from the turned-up nose to the multiple uncovered sprayey sneezes illuminated by the light of the sun. And what a treat for contagion-lovers! I mean, it's pretty damned good for mere people like me who don't care about contagion as long as the mess is aesthetically pleasing, but anyone longing for a bit of contagion must be in ecstasy....

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Loved loved loved this obs. In part because it's such a familiar scenario. I go on public transportation a lot and see people like this a lot and it's usually a battle between germaphobia and the fetish. :jawdrop: Reading about it though is entirely pleasant. :rolleyes:

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WOW! :rolleyes: This sounds like one of those once-in-a-lifetime obs that turn up all too rarely! Love obs on public transport where theres no chance for the sneezer to hide themselves :jawdrop:

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Oh my god, it was good. It was SO good. Glad you all enjoyed it!!

I'm also a split personality...it's part of my fetish (I now realise, only recently have I realised) to find it appealing to be exposed to germs from a fairly attractive cold-ridden person...to be encased in a place with recirculated air where you can literally SEE the expelled sneeze floating around...and you can't help but inhale it...*shivers* lol

And then I imagine purposefully touching things that person has touched and then rubbing my eyes and nose...

But in REAL life, at the time, I was transfixed but also somewhat anxious. I DON'T want to get a cold right now...and I also realised if the person in question is not attractive, it actually kinda SCARES me to think of catching germs from them...like what if they had Swine Flu or something!??! My logical germaphobe side gets in the way of my fetish side...

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...like what if they had Swine Flu or something!??! My logical germaphobe side gets in the way of my fetish side...

Side note, but I've actually had the Swine Flu. It was really bad, but I have been sicker before. :) And wonders above all wonders, I did not infect anyone else. I feel so embarrassed if I spread something to someone else, which is one of the reasons I'm afraid of catching something in the first place.

Well, it's a good thing that not everyone are as thoughtless as that girl - otherwise we'd all be sick all the time. Which, frankly, I for one don't have time for. :drool:

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Germophobe says :drool:

I'm not sure I wouldn't have been yelling at her if I was the woman next to her. That is just so indescribably rude, just to not even try and cover when you "admit" you have a rotten cold. And then to plan to go out as well?! People like this (especially on crowded public transport) make me feel really stabby!

Germaphobe says :D:mad::fear:

Fetishist says: :):boom::)

I agree with the above! If she had taken more care to keep her germs to herself, this could have been close to perfect for me. But honestly, I wouldn't have been able to enjoy it if I were there, and as Cauldwell mentioned, I probably would have reamed her out if she was sitting next to me. That's just plain disgusting, as far as I'm concerned, and people like that also make me feel stabby. B) (I LOVE that term, Cauldwell...it's one of my favorites.)

But given that I WASN'T there, this was very enjoyable to read! Thanks for sharing. ;)

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Yeah.. READING about this was great. :)

Actually being there is a completely different story. Not covering her sneezes in any way is kinda..uck. :drool:

(germaphobe side coming out). :D

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Probably because I am extremely germaphobic, my inner fetishist and germaphobe are both vomiting right now :D:hug: Honestly, I think that's just disgusting and inconsiderate.

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Thank you!!

So far I'm fine. I am willing myself NOT to get sick but then once my mum's gone back home I will be teetering on the verge of seeking out sick people to adhere to. lol

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Germophobe says :drool:

I'm not sure I wouldn't have been yelling at her if I was the woman next to her. That is just so indescribably rude, just to not even try and cover when you "admit" you have a rotten cold. And then to plan to go out as well?! People like this (especially on crowded public transport) make me feel really stabby!

Germaphobe says :evil::mad::rolleyes:

Fetishist says: ;):boom::laugh:

I agree with the above! If she had taken more care to keep her germs to herself, this could have been close to perfect for me. But honestly, I wouldn't have been able to enjoy it if I were there, and as Cauldwell mentioned, I probably would have reamed her out if she was sitting next to me. That's just plain disgusting, as far as I'm concerned, and people like that also make me feel stabby. B) (I LOVE that term, Cauldwell...it's one of my favorites.)

But given that I WASN'T there, this was very enjoyable to read! Thanks for sharing. :bleh:

Hehe sounds like I might have a twin on the forum :)

Edited to add: by the way I've always loved your obs Stevie, keep 'em coming :)

Edited by Cauldwell
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Sometimes, germs are worth the pleasure they derive. I'm a spraylover extraordinare and this is the best thing I've read in months.

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Heh, it was the best thing I'd SEEN in months! Or actually, EVER. It was the best obs I've ever seen, without a doubt. Amazing.

I've actually been kicking myself that I didn't get off the bus after her and kind of follow her from afar...I could have. I wasn't that far from my own stop and I was early to meet my partner for dinner...I just didn't think to do it...my brain had turned to mush...DAMMIT! I must find that girl! lol

Edited by stevie_sloth
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The sneeze sounded kinda like "Eh-IIISCHEEEEW!" and because the sun was streaming in through the windows on one side, I could actually see the amount of spray that came from her mouth. It was...amazing. SO much spray!!!

Strewth, with so much moisture in the atmosphere, I'm surprised that there were no rainbow effects! Or do I have unrealsitic expectations? *lol*

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I'm a germaphobe fetishist too. That was super, super hot. Also, I think people like that girl are the equivalent of adults who aren't toilet trained.

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YES! That is a very good analogy! I really was shocked and puzzled as to why she never covered any of her sneezes...very strange.

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Heh, it was the best thing I'd SEEN in months! Or actually, EVER. It was the best obs I've ever seen, without a doubt. Amazing.

I've actually been kicking myself that I didn't get off the bus after her and kind of follow her from afar...I could have. I wasn't that far from my own stop and I was early to meet my partner for dinner...I just didn't think to do it...my brain had turned to mush...DAMMIT! I must find that girl! lol

Just keep riding that bus. :heart: Excellent obs :lol:

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