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What's Your Type?


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Hmm let's see

Personality: I love guys with a really down to earth non-cocky personality. I like guys who have a good sense of humor, are caring and mature. I look for honesty, commitment. If I were to be in a relationship with someone, I would want them to be a best friend as well as a partner. (I basically just described Jim Halpert from the Office. He's pretty much the perfect personality *and appearance!* I would go for. :wub: )

Appearance: hmmm. I really don't care about height much as long as they're taller than me. I generally prefer darker hair and light skinned guys with nice eyes. I like slim but toned guys. Over weight guys are a turnoff for. Freckles on both gender are really nice as well <3

I also don't find guys my own age attractive at all. I guess I'm going to have to wait til 18 to date cuz I only really like guys older than that...confession: I tend to have crushes on young teachers more often than the students... Oops I'm not normal :blushing:

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Ok time i answered this!! Does anyone know who Ron Stoppable from the show Kim Possible is? Thats my ideal guy. He's a best friend and boyfriend. He's always there when u need him and he laughs with u...not at you. Im mean even tho i had a bf before...Ron is what i would look for now. He doesnt have to look sexy..His personality and how he treats others attracts me. A little bit of Dick Grayson too. The fuy who loves hugs, family, and being down to earth...very accepting...

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I like guys who are smart, preferably all geeky math, science, computer, smart. They also have to play a sport, be at least somewhat athletic. Preferably taller than me (I'm tall). And I seem to like guys with brown hair and eyes... just noticed that. If we're mentioning age, then preferably w/in a year or two of my age.

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  • 2 months later...

I like tall guys with brown hair and brown eyes and a great sense of humor and I need a cuddler...

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Ooh, I love this topic.....

I'm gonna start with looks, b/c well, I can admit I am very picky, and somewhat vain...

I have a 6'0" height requirement, I am tall, and I look even taller, so this would just be wonderful to be with someone who makes me feel little. I also like 'em lean, like me, and lanky works too. :D I have a thing for hands, long, slim fingers and such, so that is always a plus. I LOVE LOVE brown eyes that are very nearly black, and I have a thing for dark, longish hair too. But if his hair suits his face if it is short then, what the hell. I also like glasses, but that isn't necessary at all, just a thing. ;)

And for personality....I like men who are spontaneous and confident, not needy for just any person/attention. There is something really sexy about a man who decides he wants you to be in his life because you're you, and not because he just wants a relationship or something. I also am turned on by men who respect me for the strong, capable and independent woman I am, and never treat me as if I should be submissive. Blech. Intelligence is a huge turn on for me, because I can't stand the thought of idle chit chat. Also, I like men who can make me laugh, but know when it goes from trying to cheer me up to making fun of me.

And even though I'm straight, there is something about a woman who is the total opposite of me....bubbly, not exactly that bright, spontaneous, and all touchy-feely...those women that are simply adorable because they always are smiling....that and Beyonce, of course (she's my total girl-crush)...maybe because sometimes I wish I was that way. :)

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My type is kind of hard to pin down/describe. Hell, it's taken ME a long time to figure out what my type is or if I even have one. It's something I've only recently started being able to categorizes. It takes kind of a lot of explaining, so bear with me (or don't, :lol: )

I'm attracted to a sort of neutrality of gender. Not androgyny (although I find that very sexy in it's own, more purely sexual/aesthetic way, as opposed to romantically), but more of a lack of clearly gendered expression. People's whose clothing/hair/expression is very unisex. Jeans and t-shirts basically. I find fashion to be a major turn off most of the time. If someone looks like they really put a lot of thought into their outfit I tend to not be attracted to them. Not because I think there's anything wrong with that, I don't think it implies the person is shallow or anything, it's just not a look that appeals to me. I like simplicity and natural looks. And I don't generally like clothes that are seen as gender specific (although guy in skits are hot as and EVERYONE looks good in a suit), so yeah, unisex style clothing all the way.

Equally I prefer shorter hair on women, and longer hair on men (although I'm less picky about guy hair for some reason), I don't find most make-up appealing (subtle can be good, and there's always room for eyeliner now and then) and I prefer people with builds that are neither particularly curvy or particularly muscular.

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Personality: Funny, nervous, sometimes awkward, relatable

Looks: tall, thin, straight hair, medium to big-ish noses, the guys I like tend to wear sweaters often, and beenies.

Sorry I was kinda bad at this, I thought it would be better but, this is all I could think of.

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Ooh, this is an interesting topic!

Well, the girls I seem to be drawn towards all the time are generally what I like to call "in condensed form". What I mean by that is they come in small packages, short and skinny, but they have a huge personality crammed inside. Fun-loving, passionate about what they like, a sense of humour that fits mine, can be self-deprecating at times but isn't one of those girls who won't accept a compliment because she has a low self-image, who's not afraid to have an extra slice of pizza just because she is too self-conscious, a gorgeous smile that she uses all the time which comes with eyes that sparkle with life, incredibly friendly and kind-hearted, goes out of her way to say hi or good morning or acknowledge your presence in some way so you feel like you matter, but most of all, someone who I can be best friends with.

As far as looks are concerned, I find myself generally gravitating toward petite women; big breasts and big butts are actually kind of a turn-off for me. I'm not super picky when it comes to race, but my personal statistics seem to have an emphasis on Caucasians (of all types including western Europeans to Nordic), mainland Asians, South East Asians, or some kind of Mixed Race. I like a slight touch of androgyny and/or Tomboyish-ness (either in looks or personality), and I don't really care for super long hair, I prefer pixie cut to just-above-the-shoulder length. (It can be any colour, though)

Realistically speaking though, this long and precise list aside, I'm not actually very picky in real life, and most girls I'm drawn to don't fit the whole list. This is just a compilation of a lot of the recurring qualities I seem to be often admiring/crushing on.

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My girlfriend essentially fits into everything I love in women in general.

For one, she's smart. That's an absolute must. She's certainly a hell of a lot smarter than me, which is even better. She's a brunette, and brunettes are the best. She shares my dorky sense of humor, which makes making her smile much easier. And while she isn't an avid gamer, she does play the more well-known and universally-played titles such as Skyrim. She isn't super thin, but she's a bit more in shape than I am. Oh, and she wear glasses and everyone knows that glasses are smexy-town.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well... personality-wise, I'd appreciate a genuinely kind heart in a man. He doesn't need to be Father Teresa (Terence?) or anything, but someone who actually bothers to care about other things than himself, his motored vehicle, his promotion, his money, whatever it is dudes my age often seem to care most about. Someone with the ability to express empathy. Doesn't mean that he has to be "nice" all the time, but more like... when it really matters, genuinely kind. If he wants to get along with me, he can't be obsessed with having that bourgeoisie life-style, because I don't care enough to ever manage that. He should have at least a positive attitude towards arts. And intelligence... he doesn't need to be the smartest guy there is, heck, he doesn't even need to be as smart as I am (which isn't much though heh.gif ) but smart enough. Aside from all that, I tend to go for "good boys" who never were that much into the whole sex-drugs-rock-n-roll-thing. Anything macho, aggressive or "dangerous" is a huge turn-off.

Looks - I must admit it, I really like a pretty face. A girly face, or an androgynous one, I really like that stuff, and especially pretty eyes and cheekbones. And nose.... Height is not an issue, but I must admit that I have a MAJOR thing for men who aren't all that tall. Actually, I just love it when a guy is kinda tiny. I really like it very, very much. blushing.gif I was well into my 20s when I realized that many women prefer tall guys, because it's always been such a given to me that a bit shorter guys are hot.It's not a dealbreaker, but anyway. Another thing that really attracts me but isn't necessary is a good fashion sense. Nothing over the top, but you know, just having some eye for that. I'm a rather visual person myself, so perhaps that's why. Oh and I love, love love a good haircut. Yes I do. I know it's shallow, but I just love that. Nothing too short, but something pretty, now that's fantastic. Any subculture-markers like metal-band-t-shirts, piercings, dreadlocks etc do turn me off to a degree. :

Oh well, it's not like there was a line on my door anyway, but ya know, a girl can dream! :blushing:

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Tough one ... I really like guys w/ wavyish hair that's not too long, medium length I guess. I really am not a fan of facial hair for some reason. I have yet to meet someone who looks better with it.

And as for personality I loooove funny, personable guys. Someone to make me feel comfortable, ya know?

My favorite person ever is Dave Franco. It's my dream or someone to write me a one-shot on him twitchsmile.gif

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I apparently go for the more geeky, quiet guys. The one guy I've dated (I'm not very social, I get shy around people and my face turns red and my skin blotches...not very good) was tall (well, taller than me which isn't saying much sense I'm 5'2") brown hair, brown eyes, in band (Just like me! But he played trombone and I play flute) geeky and awkward. He occasionally wore glasses (we both switched to contacts the same year almost within months of each other). But he was sweet and always gave me his chocolate bar during lunch. In fact, I never even really packed lunch that year because he always would split his PBJ with me. Although, that was the most intimate we got. Sharing food, occasional hand-holding, and a hug or two tonguesmiley.gif

But my celebrity crushes are about the same. Tallish, slightly awkward, geeky, etc. They aren't the key image of beauty but to me they're perfect. (In case you're wondering I'm talking about Matt Smith, Benedict Cumberbatch, Arthur Darville, Jared Padelecki, Jensen Ackles, David Tennant. I do like Shane Harper though and he's not geeky. But he's a Christian and a singer and only 3 years older than me.

I think I have a thing with glasses too.David Tennant and Arthur Darville (and the others if they ever do it) become instantly 100000000X hotter when they put on those rectangular glasses.

Okay this is the really weird "type" thing I have that my friends pointed out to me. Apparently I have a thing for boys with the name Josh (Not celebrity but at school). I've had like 4 different crushes with the name Josh. Insanely weird, I know.

Personality wise, I like them funny, smart, kind, patient, and into all the geeky things I am. (BBC gave me high expectations :P)

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  • 3 months later...


* They must have a sense of humor and quick wit.

- Since I am sarcastic 95% of the time, they must also be, because if not, they're in for a very difficult life XD.

* I'd want them to be kind, and good with kids.

* Getting along with my family is an absolute must, because I'm very close to mine, and therefore want my SO to have a good relationship with them.

* Hopefully they'd be as dorky as I am, and be able to keep up with my train of thought XD because it's all over the place

* I want them to be a leader, and outgoing, and have opposite giftings of me, basically, I want to be a team (and I want him to be my best friend, someone I tell everything to, and can be completely comfortable around)


* THEY NEED TO BE TALL. I'm nearly 5'9, so him being over 6'0 (that’s the minimum, actually) would be preferable, I just want to be able to wear heels, man....even if I hate them. I want that option.

* I really like short (not buzz cut short, but not so long that it covers the ears) dark hair with light eyes (preferably, dark brown or black hair and green eyes. Blue eyes are good, too, but green are my favorite)

* Erm...it would be nice if they were athletic and in shape, because I'm really attracted to the broad shoulders and nice arm/back muscles.

* Oooh...and a nice, square jawline

*Bonus points if he has an accent (preferably Scottish, Irish, or Australian...oooh or English.)

I’ve spent way too much time thinking about this, because I’m single, and I can XD

Obviously, I’m not going to find someone that meets all of these, because I highly doubt he exists. All of these can change, and most will probably change once I find the man I marry, but above all, the one thing that is a necessity (the top of my list) is that he needs to have the same morals and values as me. I want him to have a good relationship with God, who absolutely MUST be the foundation in our relationship.

Oh, and my celebrity crushes are: Harry Styles, Jensen Ackles, Colton Dixon, Shane Harper, Kevin McKidd, Henry Cavill, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Liam Hemsworth, Adam Levine, Chris Pratt (and even though I'm totally not into women, I think Karen Gillan is perfect. She's not a crush, I just really had to say that)

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For a guy, I like someone funny and true to themselves (with a preferred hot sneezewink3.gif). Looks, I guess, longer hair, and not a big nose because then I would be distracted by it.

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Personality: Fun,goofy,and loving. Over protective is always nice too~

Appearance: Tall,slender,and pale. Basically stereotypical skater boy or girl~

If there's anyone on here like that,hmu! xD #foreversingle

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"Personality: I'm the type of girl who likes funny guys more than hot ones."

"Personality: I like funny guys or guys who can have fun without having to go out and find it"

"a slightly wicked sense of sarcastic humour"

"A good sense of humor is really important to me"

"I love a guy with a sense of humour."

"a sense of humour is always so good"

"and have a sense of humor and some wit to them."

"Deadpan humor."

"Personality- FUNNY! They have to be witty and sharp"

"confident but humble, funny etc."

"I like guys who have a good sense of humor"

"Sense of humor accompanied by a big cheesy grin :D"

"and a great sense of humor"

"I like men who can make me laugh"

"Personality: Funny"

"I loooove funny, personable guys"

"Personality wise, I like them funny"

"They must have a sense of humor and quick wit."

.... Knock knock ladies! *Waggles eyebrows, smoothes back hair*

Say, stop me if you've heard this one, a priest, a chicken, and a monkey walk into a bar....


Guess I need to work on my delivery...

Anyway, I like a girl with a sense of humour as well. One that's willing to put up with my goofiness and play along. I guess my type would be an easygoing and laid-back girl. Somebody who's willing to engage me in verbal banter and doesn't take things too seriously.

If she likes board and card games that's also a plus.

As far as looks go, they don't matter all that much to me. I don't get the idea of rating looks on a scale of 1 to 10. There isn't any huge gap for me between any two girls I find attractive. There are certain features that are a plus, for example I like girls with glasses. But those are just minor preferences and not really a huge deal for me.

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A guy that has a sense of humor, and is pretty open and relaxed. I generally like it when they're a little 'nerdy' (e.g. they like a certain video game series, or cartoon, comic, or anime). Someone who kind of lights up the room when they walk in. (yeah that doesn't sound cliche) I like band people a lot of the time, because we already have something in common.

Appearance-wise, I tend to like boys with brown eyes for some reason. I actually don't really like it when a boy is really muscular, because I feel like they'd crush me. ^-^' Height: taller than me (not too crazy since I'm only like 5 foot), and I usually like older boys, since a lot of the boys in my grade are really obnoxious.

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"Personality: I'm the type of girl who likes funny guys more than hot ones."

"Personality: I like funny guys or guys who can have fun without having to go out and find it"

"a slightly wicked sense of sarcastic humour"

"A good sense of humor is really important to me"

"I love a guy with a sense of humour."

"a sense of humour is always so good"

"and have a sense of humor and some wit to them."

"Deadpan humor."

"Personality- FUNNY! They have to be witty and sharp"

"confident but humble, funny etc."

"I like guys who have a good sense of humor"

"Sense of humor accompanied by a big cheesy grin :D"

"and a great sense of humor"

"I like men who can make me laugh"

"Personality: Funny"

"I loooove funny, personable guys"

"Personality wise, I like them funny"

"They must have a sense of humor and quick wit."

.... Knock knock ladies! *Waggles eyebrows, smoothes back hair*

Say, stop me if you've heard this one, a priest, a chicken, and a monkey walk into a bar....


Guess I need to work on my delivery...

Anyway, I like a girl with a sense of humour as well. One that's willing to put up with my goofiness and play along. I guess my type would be an easygoing and laid-back girl. Somebody who's willing to engage me in verbal banter and doesn't take things too seriously.

If she likes board and card games that's also a plus.

As far as looks go, they don't matter all that much to me. I don't get the idea of rating looks on a scale of 1 to 10. There isn't any huge gap for me between any two girls I find attractive. There are certain features that are a plus, for example I like girls with glasses. But those are just minor preferences and not really a huge deal for me.

Cheesy knock knock jokes are the best XD

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Cheesy knock knock jokes are the best XD

I think it's great to have an appreciation for the classics like that - but those classics can also be cruel. I dream, for example, of a world in which a chicken can cross a road without constantly having its motives questioned!!
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Cheesy knock knock jokes are the best XD

I think it's great to have an appreciation for the classics like that - but those classics can also be cruel. I dream, for example, of a world in which a chicken can cross a road without constantly having its motives questioned!!

It must be hard to be the chicken...everyone's so suspicious of it, when all it wants to do is get to the other side

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  • 2 months later...

I like regular looking guys. Seriously. No big muscles, can be lanky, average, or husky. Don't have hair or eye color preferences, don't have a clothing style preference. (Disclaimer: I *appreciate* a hot guy. But if you're hot, chances are VERY high that you're kinda vain and likely arrogant so I don't want to get to know you. ) So regular guys seem more approachable to me and probably take themselves less seriously. Just be well groomed and have some sense of style.

I give any guy over 6 ft 2 a second look. Probably the only specific thing I look for because something about a tall guy equals me feeling both smaller and safer. Can't explain it. But it's just a preference and I have dated guys from 5 ft 8 to 6 ft 5.

Sense of humor. Good storyteller. Science fiction reader/watcher. I don't look like a scifi fantasy nerd but I totally am.

I love masculine guys but not macho. A guys guy. Dudes like to hang out with him and women want to date him.

I love men who are willing and able to be open and trust me with their past, their fears, their weaknesses, and their dreams. Being trusted with those things lets me know the real you that you don't show most people. Authenticity is a huge thing for me. I am the girl/woman that a lot of guys have come to when they need someone safe to talk to and it's an immense privilege, any guy I date needs to be that way and not hide/make me drag stuff out of him. Emotional intimacy is a huge turn on for me.

Author Jane Austen once said "there is no charm equal to tenderness of heart" and I agree completely. Strong shoulders and a soft heart win every time.

I love a gentleman, someone who can keep the crude and crass to a minimum, and who will open doors for me, etc. Not because they have to but because they want to.

I love deep voices and totally have a thing for guys who sing bass/baritone.

If this sounds like too much to ask for in one guy, it's not. He's my boyfriend.

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