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Sneeze Fetish Forum

"Facts" you believed as a child


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I do find looking around diffrent fetishes fourms to see what they talk about when this place gets too quiet fun.

Go figure, I'm a sucker for the abnormal cool.png. And I thought this was fun.

Well, when I was a kid, I thought everyone had a sneezing fetish, but they were just quiet like I was....hahaha everyone with a sneezing fetish.

That and from seeing old photos that colour didn't exist until just recently XD. Like those old black and white and sepia pictures? yeah...

What did you use to believe as a kid?

Edited by Dakoters
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I totally thought that it was acceptable to touch your head when someone said "touch wood". Just because it was a running joke with the grandparents generation and I never understood it properly. I just thought it was an unsaid exception " touch wood (or your head)" :lol:

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I had some pretty epic ones.

1. For a while I believed that all dogs were male and all cats were female. I don't know how they perpetuated their respective species, but that's just what I thought. Yeah. Go me.

2. At some other point, I had heard that a pair of siblings called the "Wrong" brothers built an airplane that didn't work. And I believed it. Go me, again.

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I, for some unknown reason, was absolutely convinced that everything in the world had a black outline, like in a drawing, only it was impreceptible to the human eye unless you looked really, really closely.

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I thought adults must love doing chores...seeing as they do them so much...:P

Anyone else remember those "toilet duck" commercials for that toilet cleaner? I was convinced for the longest time that there was a duck with a really long neck that lived in the toilet who would stick his head out every time it was flushed. I was terrified of it, so I just didn't flush the toilet...:lol: My dad tried to convince me otherwise by making me watch him flush the toilet, and when no toilet duck came I decided it must be scared of adults :P

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Well, when I was a kid, I thought everyone had a sneezing fetish, but they were just quiet like I was....hahaha everyone with a sneezing fetish.

YES!!!! I really thought this, and still had weird guilty flashes of it until I was 16 or so! I wondered if everyone enjoyed sneezing, but I was just greedy or weird for wanting to talk and think about it all the time. I guess it's a logical thing to think when you're little, kind of.

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I was told that if you swallow a chewing gum it takes seven years before it comes out of your system. I believed it until I was fifteen or so. :lmfao:

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That black outline thing...if only it were true! Drawing would be so much easier!

Somehow I got it in my head that breathing only through your mouth would kill you, and that you only had a certain number of skin layers until you eventually ran out. What was I thinking?!

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Theres a verse in the Bible that says if you have faith, evven that o a mustard seed, that you can move mountains. Mountains meaning obsticals in life, the hard parts of life. But I took it literally.. and whenever I saw a mountain, i would close my eyes and think"I BELIEVE! THIS MOUNTAIN WILL MOVE. RIGHT. NOOOWWWW!!"

And it never happen. :(

I still am a strong christian though, lol. But I understand it doesn't mean literal mountains!

and...you know how when your on the highway, the land from a distance looks light blue? or purpleish? I always thought that meant the beginnings of a new State...

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My parents never let me eat those Gushers fruit snacks for quite a long time and I thought it was because it was like the commercial where the kids have their heads turn into fruit... it wasn't until I ate one where I realized that snacks can't turn someone's head into a fruit. I still don't know why they weren't too fond of me eating them though.

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Oh I also that you only had the amount of blood you were born with, and every time you got cut you lost a little more. and eventually if you used up to much you would die

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I used to think Santa really was able to see and know everything I did, like some omnipotent god or something . "He knows when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake....santa.gif" Lol.

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When I was little I assumed that all Americans were cowboys [whatever they were]. And that if I learnt all the cowboy lingo I would be able to understand American for the rest of my life! Some hope.

Actually, I was recently watching a programme about the olden days and realised that that was when I was a child. Every time the lovely presenter pointed out something really absurd that people in the olden days believed I realised that that was what I believed, or probably still do. I won't depress you by a long historical list, but for example I thought that sliced white bread was er... the best thing since sliced bread.....

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To quote my younger self (about five or so): "Mommy, isn't it funny that chicken the animal and chicken we eat are the same word?" :lol:

Oh, and let's not forget believing my toys woke up every night after watching Toy Story. And that Coca Cola was poison for kids (my parents never let me have any until I was twelve because it really is unhealthy).

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Damn... Reading these is so much fun... xD

...sadly I don't remember anything I could put here (because the fact that I thought that traffic lights are not something car drivers who are not going to continue straight ahead but instead take a turn to the right (we drive on the right side here) need to note because they are ment for the other drivers)

Anyway, the point was that these are funny. xD

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.... I used to believe that you automatically start to like coffee when you grow up.

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Well I wasn't a child... I just worked out yesterday that the big fans in all the road tunnels here must be pulling the air in the same direction. For some reason I had it in my head that they would all work from the centre outwards to remove the exhaust fumes... but of course that just wouldn't really work!

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.... I used to believe that you automatically start to like coffee when you grow up.

HA, same here!! I've suffered through a lot of political meetings where only coffee was served, and people taunting me saying "yeah well little girl, obviously you're not grown up yet". I can drink coffee to be polite in situations that demands it, but I don't like it and I don't think I ever will.

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Aw, what a fun topic! You know when going through mountains/high elevation your ears clog? My mom told me I was allergic to mountains, and I TOTALLY believed her. Also, I thought my, uh, canines? (the pointy teeth lol) were actually vampire fangs. *sigh* Those were fun times...

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.... I used to believe that you automatically start to like coffee when you grow up.

HA, same here!! I've suffered through a lot of political meetings where only coffee was served, and people taunting me saying "yeah well little girl, obviously you're not grown up yet". I can drink coffee to be polite in situations that demands it, but I don't like it and I don't think I ever will.

If the coffee in Sweden is as awful as the coffee in Norway, I really don't see how anyone could like it!

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The coffee of Norway is exceptionally horrible, I have been told. :winkkiss:

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  • 4 months later...

When you moved, you lifted the house on a crane or something and places it sonrwhere else.

When you ate coco puffs, chocolate would squirt from the ground. I was very disappointed when i discovered the truth.

Cant think of anything else right now.

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I thought I was the only one that b*ners happened to XD

Oh, Retro!! xD

I used to think that if i closed my eyes while I was going really high on the swing, I would start flying.

Also, whenever I was on the trampoline, I was certain that if my mom wasn't around, a rattle snake would reach up and bite my feet off through the tramp whenever i jumped...yeah xD

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  • 3 weeks later...

My grandparents used to live on Lake Michigan(for those unfamiliar with the US... Its a big... um... lake?), in a town with a lovely lighthouse. They had a lakefront condo where you could see the shoreline, and on that shoreline were two lighthouses; a big white one and a small red one. My grandpa told me that every night at dusk HE turned the big light on, and my grandma turned the smaller one on. I believed him until I was at least 9.

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