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"Facts" you believed as a child


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I used to believe that the whole southern person = thin blood, northern person = thick blood thing was real xD. Until like, a year ago LOLOL. I could have sworn it was true... xDD

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I used to believe that if you swallowed watermelon seeds, you would grow a watermelon inside you.

Also becuse my parents used to say, "Money doesn't grow on trees." I used to plant quarters to see if I could grow one just to prove them wrong.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You know how when people (usually women) wear certain shoes, they clack pretty loudly against hard floors? When I was little, usually at school and workplaces and stuff, I thought that basically meant you were an adult. Like, once you were older, your shoes automatically started making that clacking sound no matter what they were.

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Until I was 9 or 10, I thought that people lost the ability to speak English as they grew older. My brother and I were about the same age and we spoke English just fine, my thirteen years older siblings were mediocre, my parents, so-so, and my grandparents spoke a word or two, so I formed this theory that you just couldn't speak English when you were like 80.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks to those stupid Gusher's commercials, I used to be terrified to eat Gushers, thinking my head was going to turn into a giant fruit. This lasted until I was at least eight or nine years old.

This topic is great! It's kind of fun to look back and see that I wasn't the only one who did some of this stuff!

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One Christmas morning, my uncle (who I should note is an immigrant from Vietnam) told me he heard Santa Claus come to our house during the night because the rockets on his sleigh woke him up. Evidently, my mom failed to tell him about Santa's reindeer. XDDD

But before anyone says anything more, I STILL BELIEVE IN SANTA. In my house, if you don't believe in Santa, then he won't give you presents. And I rather like presents. ;)

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  • 1 month later...

When I was little, I thought that a woman couldn't have a baby until she was married. I believed it was impossible. As for the single ladies with children, I thought they had gotten divorced.


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There are a heap of them that I KNOW I believed, because I was (and still kind of am) a very gulliable person xDD but I can't think of them right now. I'll return to this topic when I think of them.

My twin sister, however, used to believe that Gene Wilder's Willy Wonka lived in our closet. She's deathly afraid of that movie.

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My twin sister, however, used to believe that Gene Wilder's Willy Wonka lived in our closet. She's deathly afraid of that movie.

Whyyyyyyy? :(

Wilder's Wonka is on my list of inspiring people. :yes:laughingsmiley.gif

My babysitter once told me that she owns a balm which turns little liars into the donkeys. I sceptically raised my eyebrow at that statement, but then she pulled out a regular lip balm out of her purse, and asked me if I want to try it out. That scared the crap out of me. I have never told a single lie to her.

:lol: My babysitter was a Nanny Fucking McPhee, she used to have the most amazing methods in the universe. I miss her. :cry:

I was also told that if I don't behave, the Goblin King will come and get me. Today, recalling the fact I was terrified of that possibility, I want to slap myself.

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She's so frightened by that movie, both the first one and the re-make with Johnny Depp. She's most scared of the scene when Violet turns into a blueberry, though :lol: I believe she even wrote a letter to Gene Wilder once telling him about how scared she was of Willy Wonka.

I was very into the anime Mew Mew Power (known more commonly as Tokyo Mew Mew) and I used to believe that I was half-animal (no surprise that I'm a furry now :lol:)

In addition, I used to believe that some of my favorite TV characters would follow me, but they'd always be hiding so I would never actually see them. I also believed that I could somehow or another get to the Pokemon world. I used to wish for it all the time.

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I thought, nay, KNEW that Pennsylvania was for sure and definitely haunted and scary when I was a child.

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When I was little, I thought that a woman couldn't have a baby until she was married. I believed it was impossible. As for the single ladies with children, I thought they had gotten divorced.


thats soooo weird, when I was a kid, I thought something very very similar. I thought when you got married, you automatically became pregnant straight away haha.

And its only from this post I found out chewing gum DOESNT take 7 years to get oyt ur system!! really?? I always thought it did. so yeah, I believed that up until......... now :blushsmiley:

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Until embarrassingly recently I believed that IRN BRU actually dyed your stomach lining bright orange.

[Non-Scottish/UK] peeps might not know what IRN BRU is. I feel bad for you. It's like the best thing that's ever been invented.

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...I used to believe Marshall's was inhabited by Martians, and absolutely refused to go there. :lol:

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  • 1 month later...

...I used to believe Marshall's was inhabited by Martians, and absolutely refused to go there. heh.gif

*Faceplant*Wooow.... xD I used to believe if you ate popcorn kernels that corn would grow from your stomach... I always ate them because I wanted to see if one morning my hair would become popcorn....I hate myself in the past... xD
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  • 2 weeks later...

When I was little, I thought that I was a beautiful and brave heroine with magical powers and ninja skills that sacrificed herself to save the world in a parallel universe and got stuck in this universe with no magic or skills, and no way of going back 'home' to her own universe, to her own friends and the world she helped save.

*cringe* Now that's just pathetic. I was a regular little Mary Sue at age 7 *cringe**cringe**cringe*

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Well...I don't know if it is strictly a "fact" but.. I remember that when I used to go to a restaurant with my family and there was the salt shaker on the table and sometimes there was uncooked rice in it I used to get sooo angry and think "why is there such RUDE people putting rice in the salt shaker??"!

Then once I gathered all my courage and, since I was sitting all alone at the table, the waiter arrived so I pointed out the fact at him and was feeling all brave and proud about myself but then he bent down towards me and explained in a real sweet manner that it wasn't "someone" who put the rice there on purpose just to have fun but they, from the restaurant, put the rice in the shaker for the rice to absorb the humidity or something.

Woah. I felt soooooo embarassed I wanted to crawl away and hide under the table :lol:

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I honestly thought that the first people on the planet were policemen and firemen when I was little. I'm not even kidding. I also believed that in order to get pregnant a woman had to go to the doctor and ask for a seed tablet. She then had to swallow it and a baby would grow inside her stomach, then they would cut it out after 9 months. Funnily enough, when I found out about periods I didn't believe the person that told me AT ALL which led to an awkward premature conversation with a parent...

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I have a few and probably more but I can't remember them right now

first I was 4 years old when my mom was pregnant with my brother and I was convinced she was going to puke him out lol

second you know those weird designed that play on the screen while listening to music in media player (in Windows)? Well when I was younger my dad told me that what I was seeing there was what was happening in my ear as I listened to the music and I believed him for yeeeears.

and last this one wasn't really what I believed but when I was in 3rd grade my teacher always had a USB key around her neck and she told us that it recorded everything we and at night she would stick it in her ear and she could see what everyone did and who was bad. (I guess we really didn't know what USB keys were back then) well my class didnt really believe her but the next year, when I was in 4th grade, I was talking to her and she told me that she told her new 3rd grade class the same story and that they totally believed her! She told me not to tell them that it wasn't true tonguesmiley.gif

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Girls shouldn't sit on a curb/step/concrete because it makes them infertile. IDK, my mom said this so I believed it. I also believed that military men had their medals pinned permanently through their uniform into the skin so they couldn't take it off.

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laughing.gif This is a great thread.

I was a very gullible child, and I remember that my Dad once convinced me that you could interrupt the Speaking Clock... for anyone who doesn't know, the Speaking Clock is a phone number that you dial, and you hear a recorded voice message like "At the third stroke, the time from BT will be twelve forty-six and ten seconds..." My Dad said that if you tried to talk to the voice, it would reply in an irritated tone "Not now, I'm looking at my watch!"

...and I actually believed him. smile.png

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When I was a kid I would sit in church and hear them talk about God. While they talked, I imagined that God was playing with us humans like I played with my Barbies.

Also, my older sister had me CONVINCED that she was magical.

I was born in Mississippi and when I was 10, we moved to a different state. I believed that people from other states didn't say "One Mississippi, Two Mississippi." I thought they each said their own state.

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I used to think that a bull would randomly charge a house and stick it's horns through the walls and kill anyone near the wall. I lived near a farm and refused to go near walls if I could help it, and I would sleep on the floor (my bed was against the wall) or at the foot of my parents' bed so that the bull couldn't kill me.

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