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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Spy Girls - A Comic Strip


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I've been wanting to try a comic strip for a while now and in doing so I've learned first hand that it's much more than drawing some pictures and slapping some speech bubbles haphazardly around. I've pored over some of the great work that's been done here trying to get some pointers, hopefully I can live up to what those folks have done.Nothing really fetishy on this first page but the second page is nearly done and I've got some good progress on the third. Let me know what you think and what you'd like to see.

Spy Girls, Page 1


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Ooh, this is shaping up to be great. The character model is great and she's really well posed. I can't wait to see what comes next!

As for what I'd like, I definitely don't want to encroach on your creative vision. If you're asking for suggestions, though... Since this is a spy scenario I'm sure you already have at least a little bit of sneezing while hiding planned. I was going to guess it would be caused by dust, but it looks like there's some kind of fancy flower in the background of the last panel. Honestly, that's really all I can think of. I'm pretty darn confident that you've got this in the bag.

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Wow, this looks and reads great so far! I differentiate the two because I'm marveling both at the graphics of the comic and the plot line you're developing here. Really excited for future installments! smile.png

(Edited two months later because wow did I really use the wrong form of "two?")

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This is amazing! I can't wait to read more! There used to be people doing comics a lot way back when, but sadly that has really died down!

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Hahaha, I've been wondering for years when someone was going to make a Poser comic for this fetish, given just about every other one has one. Glad you decided to step up! ^_^

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Hey, this is looking pretty damn good. Can't wait to see how the scenario plays out (although I can certainly hazard a few good guesses) :D Great work!

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Yeah, given the various indignities Poser girls are put through all over the Internet, mine are probably pretty happy that all the're asked to do is cough and sneeze. I try to put a little extra time and effort in to make them look good, probably more than I ought.

As far as the story goes, yeah... spoiler alert... the flower makes her sneeze. I'll try to walk the line between remembering that fetish stories shouldn't be too complicated but throw in enough to keep it interesting. Let me know how I do :)

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I don't normally like these sort of pictures/comics, but I do like this one! :D The poses look really good and it looks like the story is interesting as well...I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes :)

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Girls aren't really my thing, but I adore your work! Mostly because of the realism. I love how you use real women. Now I'll just sit back and wait for Marvel and DC to catch on! (Okay, stopping now before I climb on a soap box). Point is: you're amazing! :D

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I really appreciate the feedback, in fact I had an idea about letting the model herself respond to some of it so we'll see if I can work that in down the road. Either way it's very inspiring.

I'm exclusively interested in women but the story includes male characters (Archangel is intended to be male) so if the plot trail takes it there I'm not adverse to showing some male sneezes, it just won't be the focus. It's very flattering to think it's interesting enough to follow even if women aren't your interest.

There's a concept in art called the "uncanny valley" when it comes to depicting humans. The idea is that on the one extreme you have traditional comics or drawings which are clearly just intended to be representations, so it's not creepy. Then on the other extreme you have actual photographs, which are exact duplicates of reality. But as you try to move between representation and duplicate there's a huge dip in the "comfort curve" where people get completely weirded out by the image because it's too close to reality to be written off by your mind as a cartoon, but just unreal enough to be really disturbing. The characters from the Elder Scrolls games are deep in this valley for me, for example. So I certainly understand people who say they don't usually like this kind of art, I don't like a lot of it, and I'm absolutely thrilled that I've managed to crawl at least part of the way up the other side of that curve with these for some of you. It really is a fine line, as I'm doing these I'm realizing how just a slight change of camera angle, or lighting, or scaling and you're right back down in that trough :)

Page 3 is nearly done and I'll put that out here shortly.

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I love it. You may already have this idea for Page 4, but to get her nostrils to widen a little as she is building to the impending sneeze. Other than that, it's fantastic!

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wowowow i love this, i love your artistic choices as well, the angles and everything are perfect wow i can hardly wait for more

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Page 4: http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/295/4/0/page4_by_smokeyghost-d83ssyn.jpg


Heh, ok, well there it is. It's a hard thing now, the anticipation will drive your mind to make a better picture than I could ever deliver :) Still here's my take on it. Can't give up everything at the beginning. Wouldn't have been much of a movie if Luke blew up the Death Star in the first five minutes :)

I have mixed feelings about how I wrote out the sneezes. I'm kind of going for that thing where someone doesn't actually stifle, but tries to quiet a sneeze by forcing it through clenched teeth. I think maybe it's like telling a joke, though... if you have to explain it, it isn't very good. And I feel like I needed to explain it. If you don't like the way I wrote them don't worry, the story is going to take us into more traditional territory soon.

And I tried to add a bit more nostril flare in the last panel, though with this kind of art it's as much about the angle and the lighting as it is about how wide the nose is spread.

Pages 5 and 6 need to come out together, I'm having a little fun with those...

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Oh man, that was actually really cute. I get what you were trying to do with the sneeze spellings, and that's more or less what I thought before you explained it. Also, there's something about her face in the top-right panel that's just very endearing. I'm not totally sure how to describe it. Maybe something along the lines of subtle relief after a sneeze. And lastly, I really love the way you broke up her dialog in different speech bubbles. It really gave the impression that she's pausing for breath between each one, like she really does feel another sneeze coming on.

So, 5 and 6 together, huh? I can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve!

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I like the way that expression came out too. I kind of handicapped myself. Looking at Anatoli's latest work I'm reminded of how well he does eyebrows and how important they are to a good sneeze related expression. So what did I do? Slapped a mask over my girl's eyebrows like an idiot. Fortunately I can show the mask flexed a bit and the idea comes across. But that mask is definitely coming off for Episode 2.

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oh my goodness i LOVE the way you did her nose in the last panel there, it's incredible. That's like my favorite thing about the expression and you just captured it. pardon me i have to stare some more. bravo!

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I agree with Amy, that's an excellent pre-sneeze expression. I would have been satisfied with less - you are exceeding my expectations!

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