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When I was little, Star Wars was a huge part of my life. More than anything else, the 7 year old me wanted to be an X-wing pilot :lol: Now, many years older and wiser, having weathered the prequel trilogy, I am gearing up to get excited all over again for the new series of movies starting Christmas 2015. Have just watched the new teaser trailer and loved it - that final shot of the Millenium Falcon really made me excited for these new movies beyond belief!

I thought this thread could be where members share their experience of Star Wars. Are you a die-hard for the original trilogy (Eps IV-VI)? Or are the prequels the only Star Wars for you? What were your thoughts on the trailer released today? Would love to hear :D

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I love all things Star Wars. I don't care if they suck or not. When we played the "Star Wars Suite for Orchestra" when I was in college, it was one of the greatest moments of my life. :lol: There were some aspects of the prequels that I despised, but overall? I thought the effort was decent (except for Jar Jar Binks because no). Of course, I prefer the "old school" trilogy for nostalgic reasons, but the prequels have a place in my heart, too.

I saw the new trailer and at first, I kind of thought it was a joke, to be honest. I thought I was being trolled by the panting dude in the desert and the little rolling whatever the hell. But, then? I realized that no, it was really a thing. This thing was REALLY going to happen and I get to be a part of it, so I'm excited. I'm in my 30's myself, so 5-year old me REALLY wanted a freakin' Tauntaun. :lol: Luke Skywalker was also my very first crush, followed shortly by his sister because that's how I roll. ;)

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My reaction was pretty similar to Geist's overall. The first 30 seconds or so made me feel like I was watching a parody or a fan-made thing. (I still don't like that random soccer ball droid, but the rest of it grew on me.) In hindsight I think I realized why it felt so weird: a lot of it was actually real. Don't get me wrong, I know CGI is completely necessary for a lot of the crazy stuff in movies these days, but it's always been my opinion that if you can do something with practical effects, you absolutely should. A lot of the clone troopers in Revenge of the Sith especially were done with CGI, so I think it was just weird to see a real person wearing real stormtrooper armor through a modern camera. After watching the trailer a few (dozen) times, I've come to enjoy most of the things that bothered me at first just because I've finally accepted that they're actually real, and as a result they're not just going to look like CGI.

Even the first time I watched the trailer, the moment when it all came together for me was the shot with the next-gen X-Wings. This is exactly what our newfangled CGI should be going toward, not funny-looking aliens enacting toilet humor in the background. Just seeing those things buzz the surface of the water with the same sound effects they've had since A New Hope was all I needed to know that this is going to be real Star Wars.

All I can do now is try as hard as I can to avoid spoilers. There are inevitably going to be leaks all over the place, and the rest of the internet is going to keep trying to shove them in my face. I may just need to live as a hermit for the next year. I don't even want to see any more trailers. I already know I'm going to see this in theaters, preferably IMAX if it's available, so I just want to avoid any information leaks or spoilers so I can see it as fresh as possible going in. I know I'll falter and inevitably get at least a couple little spoilers, but I'm going to give it my all. That and crazed internet fans in general kind of tend to ruin everything they touch...

Seriously, if this gets released in IMAX, that scene with the Falcon is going to be gorgeous. It already looks phenomenal on my dumb little YouTube screen.

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the moment when it all came together for me was the shot with the next-gen X-Wings.


I loved the whole sense of urgency, the way people were reacting to things that were off camera in a way that implied something truly terrifying was coming, and the way the tension was then dispelled by the wonderful shot of the Falcon and classic theme music!

I'm also glad they decided to introduce new characters rather than going for easy crowd-pleasing by showing the original trilogy actors :D

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I'm also glad they decided to introduce new characters rather than going for easy crowd-pleasing by showing the original trilogy actors

This is a pretty big deal for me too. I am still really curious what the original trilogy characters are going to be like and what sort of role they'll play, but I'm also really glad it looks like they're not the main characters this time around. I feel like that would just be shameless pandering to the fans, and ultimately I think it would weigh everything down. Imparting the franchise to a new main cast is going to be risky and difficult to do well, but so would anything when it comes to resuming a time-tested series like this. A lot of people are going to be divided, and clearly a lot of people already are, but I'm pretty hopeful.

Obviously I wasn't exactly around yet when the original trilogy was new, but I definitely inherited it from my dad. He was working in a movie theater with his best friend from high school in 1977, and that's probably all I need to say about that. I was being raised on the original trilogy for years before anyone even knew the prequels were going to be made. We still have IV-VI on laser disc, even though our player has long since died, probably going on 8-10 years now. Anyway, I guess my point is I don't quite have a claim to being an eternal undying Star Wars kid, but I certainly feel like one. My dad saying he liked the trailer too was all I needed to hear.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't think you have to be born in the Decade of Star Wars to be a fan. :) I mean, I love the Beatles and I wasn't alive back then. I also love Mozart. :lol: But I get what you're saying.

I'm also glad they didn't pander to the fandom. I suspect this new movie will have die-hards on both sides of the fence. It's going to be loved by many regardless, but of course, there will always be some hatred for it, no matter how good it is.

Also, I keep seeing this thing floating around the net about the new character's names, but I don't know if it's legit. Does anyone know?

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Also, I keep seeing this thing floating around the net about the new character's names, but I don't know if it's legit. Does anyone know?

It seems legit - they released some trading cards which detailed the names of the three main new characters and I kinda like them. They have gone with names that could conceivably exist in our world, much like Luke, Han and Leia in the original trilogy. More evidence that they are at least heading in the right direction with this new trilogy in my opinion :)

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  • 4 months later...

Chewie... We're home.

Damn I have to stop watching the trailers. It's only a matter of time before they start spoiling what actually happens in the movie. I already know I'm definitely going to see it. I don't need any more footage to convince me.

The hype is strong with this one.

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I have probably also already watched the new trailer a few too many times now :lol: Things are looking better with this film than I dared hope - seeing Han and Chewie show up at the end gave me an old-school thrill rather than the cringe I thought bringing these old characters back may induce. Early days to tell I know, but there does seem to be a considerable more emphasis on fun and adventure - something the prequel trilogy severely lacked. Bring on the lucky escapes and daring rescues - that's what made Star Wars great! :D

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To be honest, although the prequels obviously don't reach the level of the originals, I don't really think Episodes I, II, and III are THAT bad. Episode III is actually my favorite of the three, mostly because it was so interesting to see Anakin's love for Padme (as badly acted as she was--sorry Portman fans, but Padme in the prequels really annoyed me). True, Episodes I and II had some horrendous and/or boring moments, but I don't think they were AS BAD as everybody makes them out to be.

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That being said, I am EXTREMELY excited for the 7th one. I've been waiting for it since I was 9. ^_^

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I love every single movie. Every. Single. One. Some, I like more than others, but there is something worthy in every single one. I'll keep rather tenacious championing of the prequels to myself, though. :lol:

I'm very excited for the 7th movie! I anticipate the sheer level of idiocy by my friends and I will be astronomical by that time. I'm pretty sure our lightsaber battles in my yard are already on YouTube somewhere. :lol:

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Take what I'm about to say with the fact that I LOVE the franchise as a whole and I'm willing to take the bad with the good as long as long as something is actually good. To share my thoughts on the new Star Wars, like everyone else, I have to share how I feel about the other movies in the franchise. Basically when it comes to the original trilogy none of them are BAD per say, I really enjoy them overall but eventually you gotta look past the goggles of your childhood. The first movie is good but I think Empire Strikes Back benefited hugely from the fact that George Lucas did not direct it. I hate hate hate Return of The Jedi. And all of the movies in the new trilogy are just okay to me where some moments stand out a lot more than others. That being said, I think J.J Abrams will do the same justice to the Star Wars universe that he did for Star Trek. While a lot of old school Star Trek fans weren't huge on the way Abrams directed the two movies, I think he did an AMAZING job of bringing the franchise alive making it fresh and new for the people who are still very young and new to the Star Trek universe. He didn't go overboard with action scenes and kept a lot of the patterns of dialogue from the original star treks that gave it its charm and wittiness. The new star wars trilogy did not do this and most people who didn't know anything about the star wars universe before seeing them would have found those movies incredibly corny. I cannot wait for Episode VII and personally, I think it may even be better than...


the original trilogy.

Someone please quote me on this when the Abrams Star Wars turns out to be total trash.

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I've spent an inordinate amount of time thinking about the quality of the existing films, especially as they compare to each other. In the end, I think I've come to some strange conclusions.

Return of the Jedi is probably my favorite overall, despite the fact that I know why a lot of people consider it the weakest of the original trilogy. I think part of it for me is that I tend to enjoy the concluding act of any trilogy the most, i.e. Return of the King. Though I do have some exceptions, such as The Matrix. At the same time, The Empire Strikes Back is probably my least favorite of the originals, despite the fact that a lot of people consider it the strongest. That said, it's still awesome and it's definitely not that I full-on dislike it, I just enjoy the others more.

Now, this is the one that I've gotten a lot of flak on: The Phantom Menace is actually my favorite of the prequels. I think this is due to a multitude of factors: Despite the front and center placement of Jar Jar, you can basically just ignore him without creating any major plot holes. Contrast this to the other prequels, where you can't just ignore Anakin despite how annoying he is. Plus, I still think Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan vs Darth Maul is the best light saber fight we've seen so far.

But hey, that's the beauty of Star Wars. There's just so much of it out there that you can pick any part of it as your favorite and there isn't really a wrong answer. And based on what we've seen, I definitely think there's a real possibility for the new trilogy to be better than the original, not just in spectacle but also in soul.

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"The Phantom Menace" is my favorite. Hands-down. I have absolutely no shame in admitting this because, please. It's not some "shameful fandom seeekret, omfg." Get out with that kind of attitude, for real. :P

I adore Qui-Gon Jinn and I think it was a huge, HUGE mistake to kill him off and let Maul live. They could have done so much more with that character, a Jedi who looks at the Code, tilts his head, and says, " . . . NOPE. You're doing it wrong." And then goes off and does what his intuition tells him to do and is usually better off for it, in most cases. The Council could have learned much from someone so attuned to the living Force, but hey, it didn't go down like that. When Qui-Gon appears before Yoda in Force-ghost form, even Yoda bows his head and acknowledges that he, like everyone else, gravely underestimated and misunderstood Qui-Gon and asks most humbly that Qui-Gon train him in what he has learned on the other side. Who's "not on the Council" now, huh? ;)

But since they did go with the "kill this guy off" route, I'd really like to have seen how that affected Obi-Wan and how it affected him to essentially be knighted and forced to train this ungodly talented youngling, who I'm sure is absurd, ridiculous handful. I know it's written about, but I'd still like to have seen it live. Suddenly, Anakin is "grown up" in the second movie and we see nothing of how he got there. It's very in line with the whole "Chosen One" spiritual mythologies out there, but really, one would think someone would give "the hidden years" a try in at least ONE of these myths some day. :lol:

Whoops, I have a lot of feelings on this. Sorry, not sorry.

And like Blah says, that's the absolute beauty of being a Star Wars fan. You can love whatever you want, champion whatever you like, and you will never be wrong for it because there really is something for everything.

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Now, this is the one that I've gotten a lot of flak on: The Phantom Menace is actually my favorite of the prequels. I think this is due to a multitude of factors: Despite the front and center placement of Jar Jar, you can basically just ignore him without creating any major plot holes. Contrast this to the other prequels, where you can't just ignore Anakin despite how annoying he is. Plus, I still think Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan vs Darth Maul is the best light saber fight we've seen so far.

I agree with this statement 100%. I never cared for Jar Jar because as I said I'm willing to take the bad with the good to appreciate something that is good. My main problem with Phantom Menace is the fact that major characters are given slim to none in the field of character development. Padme Amidala is probably my least favorite character in episodes 1-3 because her complete lack personality. I think she smiles a few times in Phantom Menace. I was about to go on how I do not like Qui-Gon but seeing Geist's post I will keep that to myself.

As an unrelated side note, this is probably my favorite scene in either of the two trilogies:

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In my opinion, Return of the Jedi is the weakest of the original trilogy in terms of overall story, but it does contain my favourite moments of the entire Star Wars saga - the rebel fleet coming out of hyperspace 'its a trap'/Yoda's death/the final redemption of Vader to name but a few. A New Hope will always be the one I enjoy watching most for sheer breakneck pace, fun and adventure - it was my introduction to Star Wars and will therefore hold a special place in my heart :D

I agree that The Phantom Menace is actually the strongest of the prequels, and does contain the best lightsaber battle of the saga, as we finally get to see what Jedi's in their prime were capable of. As a film it holds up well in terms of its structure and pace, although suffers from a very poor script (which I believe is the biggest stumbling block of the prequel trilogy *cough* Lucas). I recently rewatched the Order 66 scene in Revenge of the Sith, and it certainly carries an emotional punch.

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Now, this is the one that I've gotten a lot of flak on: The Phantom Menace is actually my favorite of the prequels. I think this is due to a multitude of factors: Despite the front and center placement of Jar Jar, you can basically just ignore him without creating any major plot holes. Contrast this to the other prequels, where you can't just ignore Anakin despite how annoying he is. Plus, I still think Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan vs Darth Maul is the best light saber fight we've seen so far.

I agree with this statement 100%. I never cared for Jar Jar because as I said I'm willing to take the bad with the good to appreciate something that is good. My main problem with Phantom Menace is the fact that major characters are given slim to none in the field of character development. Padme Amidala is probably my least favorite character in episodes 1-3 because her complete lack personality. I think she smiles a few times in Phantom Menace. I was about to go on how I do not like Qui-Gon but seeing Geist's post I will keep that to myself.

As an unrelated side note, this is probably my favorite scene in either of the two trilogies:

I appreciate your consideration for my love of Master Jinn. :lol:

Lucas cannot dialogue. He also cannot romance, nor can he humor. I also suspect he cannot personality. Hopefully, J. J. will fix some of that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Padme in the prequels really annoyed me

She was really annoying... but I still wanted to see her sneeze xD

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Padme in the prequels really annoyed me

She was really annoying... but I still wanted to see her sneeze xD

You may find the this link fun - its a page taken from the art of Star Wars Episode 1. Check out the caption to the picture biggrin.png


Thanks for sharing. biggrinsmiley.gif It would have been great if it happened biggrinsmiley.gifbiggrinsmiley.gif

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May the 4th be with all of my fellow dorks and nerds. I will now dress up in full Jedi regalia and do mundane things like go shopping at Walmart. :lol:

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May the 4th be with all of my fellow dorks and nerds. I will now dress up in full Jedi regalia and do mundane things like go shopping at Walmart. heh.gif

May the 4th be with you indeed - I was going to watch A New Hope today but last time I moved house I packed the DVD somewhere and I have absolutely no idea where it is :(

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  • 2 months later...

Seeing this video on YouTube really made me feel excited to be a Star Wars fan, and December cannot come quickly enough :D

(beware minor spoilers if you are trying to avoid everything...)

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