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I'm also glad they decided to introduce new characters rather than going for easy crowd-pleasing by showing the original trilogy actors

This is a pretty big deal for me too. I am still really curious what the original trilogy characters are going to be like and what sort of role they'll play, but I'm also really glad it looks like they're not the main characters this time around. I feel like that would just be shameless pandering to the fans, and ultimately I think it would weigh everything down. Imparting the franchise to a new main cast is going to be risky and difficult to do well, but so would anything when it comes to resuming a time-tested series like this. A lot of people are going to be divided, and clearly a lot of people already are, but I'm pretty hopeful.

Obviously I wasn't exactly around yet when the original trilogy was new, but I definitely inherited it from my dad. He was working in a movie theater with his best friend from high school in 1977, and that's probably all I need to say about that. I was being raised on the original trilogy for years before anyone even knew the prequels were going to be made. We still have IV-VI on laser disc, even though our player has long since died, probably going on 8-10 years now. Anyway, I guess my point is I don't quite have a claim to being an eternal undying Star Wars kid, but I certainly feel like one. My dad saying he liked the trailer too was all I needed to hear.

I inherited my love for Star Wars from my dad, too. I assume he just saw them in theatres when he was about the age that I am now - he's not a huge nerd, unlike his daughter, he just happens to love science fiction - but as a kid, these were the only movies my whole family could agree on, until the Lord of the Rings trilogy came out.

I grew up on these movies, they were probably the first live action films that I saw. Because of that, the original trilogy is golden in my mind, even though I haven't seen them in years. (We had them on VHS, and when the player broke, we whined and procrastinated and thought we could fix it so we didn't update the movies that we only had on VHS until like...two years ago MAYBE.)

We all saw the new movies when they came out, and I loved them? But they don't have the same glow to them that the others do. And as much as I love the films, I can't quite bring myself to read the expanded universe - it almost feels like sacrilege.

I don't think you have to be born in the Decade of Star Wars to be a fan. smile.png I mean, I love the Beatles and I wasn't alive back then. I also love Mozart. heh.gif But I get what you're saying.

I'm also glad they didn't pander to the fandom. I suspect this new movie will have die-hards on both sides of the fence. It's going to be loved by many regardless, but of course, there will always be some hatred for it, no matter how good it is.

Also, I keep seeing this thing floating around the net about the new character's names, but I don't know if it's legit. Does anyone know?

I have to agree that you don't have to be born in the original airing time to be a fan ;) I have to, having been born like, 20 years later. I inherited my love for Star Wars, just like I inherited my love for The Beatles! I'm really grateful for my parents' good taste!

Take what I'm about to say with the fact that I LOVE the franchise as a whole and I'm willing to take the bad with the good as long as long as something is actually good. To share my thoughts on the new Star Wars, like everyone else, I have to share how I feel about the other movies in the franchise. Basically when it comes to the original trilogy none of them are BAD per say, I really enjoy them overall but eventually you gotta look past the goggles of your childhood. The first movie is good but I think Empire Strikes Back benefited hugely from the fact that George Lucas did not direct it. I hate hate hate Return of The Jedi. And all of the movies in the new trilogy are just okay to me where some moments stand out a lot more than others. That being said, I think J.J Abrams will do the same justice to the Star Wars universe that he did for Star Trek. While a lot of old school Star Trek fans weren't huge on the way Abrams directed the two movies, I think he did an AMAZING job of bringing the franchise alive making it fresh and new for the people who are still very young and new to the Star Trek universe. He didn't go overboard with action scenes and kept a lot of the patterns of dialogue from the original star treks that gave it its charm and wittiness. The new star wars trilogy did not do this and most people who didn't know anything about the star wars universe before seeing them would have found those movies incredibly corny. I cannot wait for Episode VII and personally, I think it may even be better than...


the original trilogy.

Someone please quote me on this when the Abrams Star Wars turns out to be total trash.

Oh gosh, I'm so hopeful for Abrams' Star Wars! I love his Star Trek, but it's not Trek, it honestly feels more like Wars...I'm not a Trekkie, I got into the shows through Abrams' movie, and I think the fact that he grew up as a fan of Wars as opposed to Trek really shows. I don't think it benefitted Trek really but I do think that because he did grow up a fan of Wars, he's going to have some really great things to bring to the table. It seems like it might be all the things fans like, without alienating non-super fans, which I'm hoping for.

But this world of studio-owned continuity is so bizarre! There's such a fine, fine line between "legitimate/canon" and "fanon/fanwork" right now, as fans grow up consuming the canon, writing their own fic or filming their own movies, and then are made "legitimate" by studios paying them to write books or movies or comics.

And then companies like Lucas Films and Disney will pursue you to the ends of the earth for misrepresenting them. To be fair, this might now be much of a problem as it was, since fic is now much more protected then it was...

And I realize I've gotten super derailed, so I'll stop now.

In summary, fingers crossed Abrams will do a good job! I'm afraid to get excited, though, lest he break my heart.

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  • 2 months later...
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I'm bumping this thread just to say 'NEARLY THERE NOW!!!' It seems that all the signs point to there being a new and final trailer released this Monday, which will no doubt keep me clicking the refresh button all day at work.

As a Star Wars fan from way back, I have been impressed with everything I have seen of this first sequel. Roll on Christmas! :D

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The official poster has been revealed online, and it looks like tickets are going on pre-sale tomorrow. I can already tell I'm going to be putting way more effort into mashing F5 than into actually doing my job. I'm sure they'll understand.

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Guys I shed a single tear at that trailer. LOL

You're not alone... especially at the 'Its all true...all of it' line. December can't come soon enough :D

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I keep feeling like the movie comes out in like a week or something, but sadly it isn't so. At least each trailer has been sexier than the last, and somehow they've all managed to keep from spoiling the movie. At least we have those to watch a few (hundred) times between now and december.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I keep feeling like the movie comes out in like a week or something, but sadly it isn't so. At least each trailer has been sexier than the last, and somehow they've all managed to keep from spoiling the movie. At least we have those to watch a few (hundred) times between now and december.

I've stopped watching any extra material now, since I watched the recently released International trailer. Keeping well away from the TV spots which tend to give away more than I bargained for at the 11th hour! Everything I have seen so far has filled me with hope that this will be the continuation of Star Wars that I have hoped for.

Wow - about a month now. Can I wait that long...? :lol:

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  • 1 month later...

I won't spoil it at all for you guys.

I live in the UK, so I saw it Wednesday night at midnight.

It is incredible. Absolutely incredible. It's action packed, funny, really well acted, got a great story and boy does it get tense near the end. The new villain Kylo Ren is just amazing, he's terrifying but also really layered, he's really well written.

I'm studying a Film degree at University right now so I like to think I'm good with films, and trust me...this is worth being excited for.

I hope you guys enjoy it!!

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Gotta say, it was pretty damned good. Had some problems, but nothing that ruined the movie for me in anyway. I found the story to be REALLY similar to A New Hope which is fine by me. It felt very much like it belonged in the same series as the original movies much more than the prequels did. Pacing of the movie was perfect and it had a really good balance between action and dialogue. The new characters were great with many dimensions and I'm glad they kept the character arcs simple, but strong, and the returning characters are better than ever. Out of the new characters, I gotta say I really like Finn the most. So looking forward to where the next two movies go. Overall, I'm just so glad to have Star Wars back.

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I'm by no means a fan of the previous movies, but I am PRETTY DANG SOLD on this reboot, holy crap. :omg: I thought it was an extremely entertaining movie; exciting, funny, gorgeously directed, with very likable lead characters, and the effects and the creature designs were stunning.

Also, I am now nursing a serious crush on Adam Driver as Kylo Ren. That is one spectacular villain.

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Well this certainly did not disappoint :D Easily better than any one of the prequels, and a true return to what Star Wars was to me - that is frantic escapes, heroic sacrifices, epic space battles and genuine characters who balance humor while driving a serious plot.

There is so much I love about the Force Awakens - none of which I am going to spoil here for anyone who has not yet seen it. Any problems I did have it were few and far between and now I have had a couple of days to think about it, have been all but swept away by the shear amount of what I enjoyed. It is good to see a return to the mysticism of Star Wars, and not being afraid to ask more questions than the series is currently prepared to answer. Tantalizing hints ie. Kylo Ren's backstory are something we are going to have to speculate on for two years... and I love that!

For those in the know... the final scene of this movie was something I have been waiting to see for 30 years. And it certainly delivered! ;)

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I'm by no means a fan of the previous movies, but I am PRETTY DANG SOLD on this reboot, holy crap. :omg: I thought it was an extremely entertaining movie; exciting, funny, gorgeously directed, with very likable lead characters, and the effects and the creature designs were stunning.

Also, I am now nursing a serious crush on Adam Driver as Kylo Ren. That is one spectacular villain.

One of my friends on Kylo Ren:

"There's this one actor who looks like if Benedict Cumberbatch and Chris Evans morphed together and thats unsettling."

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I was really surprised by it. Going in, I was very excited, but a bit apprehensive (the prequels––at least the first two––made me nervous about how it would turn it. Plus the fact that it was a new director and that Disney bought it). But yeah...I loved it. The new characters were great, the storyline was awesome and suspenseful, the cameos didn't feel forced for the most part. Really awesome job.

Now, to wait until the 8th one... :P

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I saw episode 7 last week and like everyone else in this thread I've got to say I loved it!

I really enjoyed that J.J. Abrams brought back a lot of the humour which was present in the original trilogy but missing (and very much needed) in the prequels.

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Movie Critic Stone Wolf alert!

I just saw this movie today, and I was grinning like an idiot the whole time. The returning actors (Harrison Ford + Carrie Fischer) I was a little disappointed in. I kind of kept forgetting that they were supposed to be Han and Leia. But Finn, Rae, and Kylo Ren are amazing and the acting was so good on their part.

The plot was suspiciously similar to that of A New Hope, but I won't complain. It was intense, full of action, and I was engaged. So I'm happy.

Overall super happy with the movie, glad Star Wars wasn't ruined again *cough* prequels *cough* and can't wait for the next part!

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I had a lot of fun when I saw it and I'm looking forward to seeing it again eventually. I really loved the new cast, especially Rey, Poe, and Finn :) They were so fun and Rey was a great protagonist. I'm looking forward to learning more about each of them in the coming films and seeing more of from the actors. I liked Adam Driver as Kylo Ren well enough, but found him a bit flat as a villain. He was just a lot of pouting and smashing things with his lightsaber. I'd be interested to hear more about his past and when he turned. I think that after we get more into that, he will come across better.

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I haven't seen it yet but I'm vaguely obsessed with shots of it, and especially the new villian. Adam from 'Girls' is in Star Wars! :D :D

Also I just found this "Emo Kylo Ren" joke Twitter account (warning: some tweets INDIRECTLY CONTAIN MAJOR SPOILERS):


These are really funny and worth a read, for example:

"dear diary

today hux and I took a quiz to find our hogwarts houses

he got slytherin

I got hufflepuff the first time but it was a mistake"


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Also, I am now nursing a serious crush on Adam Driver as Kylo Ren. That is one spectacular villain.

Oh, yes- Adam Driver is totally a sexy man. So much more sexy than a conventional boyband-style guy. ;) He has a nice nose, someone should do a sneezefic about him.

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Also, I am now nursing a serious crush on Adam Driver as Kylo Ren. That is one spectacular villain.

Oh, yes- Adam Driver is totally a sexy man. So much more sexy than a conventional boyband-style guy. ;) He has a nice nose, someone should do a sneezefic about him.

See my only problem is that he looks a lot like my brother? Like a handsomer, older version of my brother but just similar enough that I'm vaguely o.O about it. The night we went to see it, this dad walked up to my brother and was all "Hey, you know you look a lot like Kylo Ren! You know, *spoilers!* Han's son!" So he just kind of smiled awkwardly while I sat in the background trying not to strangle the guy. You spend AGES avoiding family and friends in fear of spoilers, and then you get one outside the fucking theater :lol:

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Also, I am now nursing a serious crush on Adam Driver as Kylo Ren. That is one spectacular villain.

Oh, yes- Adam Driver is totally a sexy man. So much more sexy than a conventional boyband-style guy. ;) He has a nice nose, someone should do a sneezefic about him.

See my only problem is that he looks a lot like my brother? Like a handsomer, older version of my brother but just similar enough that I'm vaguely o.O about it. The night we went to see it, this dad walked up to my brother and was all "Hey, you know you look a lot like Kylo Ren! You know, *spoilers!* Han's son!" So he just kind of smiled awkwardly while I sat in the background trying not to strangle the guy. You spend AGES avoiding family and friends in fear of spoilers, and then you get one outside the fucking theater :lol:

Dad knocked over my model Death Star and it broke.

But he didn't apologise. He said people shouldn't make any more Death Stars.

I'm shaking.

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Also, I am now nursing a serious crush on Adam Driver as Kylo Ren. That is one spectacular villain.

Oh, yes- Adam Driver is totally a sexy man. So much more sexy than a conventional boyband-style guy. ;) He has a nice nose, someone should do a sneezefic about him.

See my only problem is that he looks a lot like my brother? Like a handsomer, older version of my brother but just similar enough that I'm vaguely o.O about it. The night we went to see it, this dad walked up to my brother and was all "Hey, you know you look a lot like Kylo Ren! You know, *spoilers!* Han's son!" So he just kind of smiled awkwardly while I sat in the background trying not to strangle the guy. You spend AGES avoiding family and friends in fear of spoilers, and then you get one outside the fucking theater :lol:

Dad knocked over my model Death Star and it broke.

But he didn't apologise. He said people shouldn't make any more Death Stars.

I'm shaking.

(That twitter is golden btw :lol: )

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I haven't seen it yet but I'm vaguely obsessed with shots of it, and especially the new villian. Adam from 'Girls' is in Star Wars! :D :D

Also I just found this "Emo Kylo Ren" joke Twitter account (warning: some tweets INDIRECTLY CONTAIN MAJOR SPOILERS):


These are really funny and worth a read, for example:

"dear diary

today hux and I took a quiz to find our hogwarts houses

he got slytherin

I got hufflepuff the first time but it was a mistake"


This one made me laugh - good find :D

"uncle lando said my helmet made me look like a depressed lampshade and then everyone laughed and high-fived him i hate this family so much"

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