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Eeeeehhhh... Such a wonderful update! I love that Nick is on a mission to learn more about Darian! Who wouldn't be ;)

This just stuck with me! I think it's such a wonderful character trait!

It might have been Nick’s imagination, but Darian seemed to be slowly, imperceptibly inching behind him, which was ridiculous, because the doctor was almost a foot taller than him and older than both men present.

I also find Nicks allergy sneezes exceptionally adorable :blush: he's just such a cutie!!

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Sooo in light of recent events involving the unfortunate demise of Camp Libriel (*sideeyes Kaze) I decided to offer some more-or-less similar piece of emotional wrecking-ness! Because... Reasons... :lol:

So, without further ado, I present, for your pleasure... This!


Part Six

...Or Workaholism. It's a Problem.

Despite his best intentions, Nick never got past the "list of options" phase of apartment hunting. This was because it was a little over three days later that Nick next saw Darian.

Nick had desperately tried not to worry; he told himself again and again that it really wasn't his business, he barely knew Darian anyway, he was probably just working late, etc. But eventually he just couldn't take it anymore, and phoned the hospital.

Apparently there had been a huge fire on the other end of the city, and the whole hospital had been working overtime treating burns and smoke inhalation. More and more patients kept coming in, overflowing from other hospitals and crisis centers, coupled with the usual workload of everyday accidents or crime-related injuries. The hospital just couldn't afford to send Darian home until the majority of the fire victims could be sent home.

The next time Nick heard from Darian was late one evening, three days after they'd gotten his clothes from Jason's house. Nick's cell rang only once before Nick answered.

"Dr. Verago? That you?" Nick asked breathlessly.

"Yeah, Nick... Hey."

"Hey." Nick waited for a moment, but Darjan didn't continue. "...What did you need...?"

"Oh. Yeah." Something in Darian's voice was off. Nick couldn't quite put his finger on it over the phone. "Listen. You're still at my apartment, right?"

"Yeah, been having a bit of trouble with the apartment-hunting. Why?" Nick replied, slowly growing concerned.

"Good, good... That's... That's good." There it was again! The doctor's voice seemed almost... Floaty. It had always been quiet, but never anything but precise and purposeful. "Do you think you could come down to the parking lot?"

"Totally, I'll be down in a sec." The moment the request had been made, Nick was scrambling into his shoes, keeping his cell pinned between in ear and his shoulder. "What do you need?"

"I'm down here next to my car and I seem to be unable to stand."

Nick froze for a split second, his hand halfway to the doorhandle. Without another word, his shoes still half-on, he hit the "end call" button and sprinted to the elevator.

"Come on, come on..." Nick muttered as the elevator seemed to climb downwards at a snail's pace, tapping his fingers on his leg. The moment the doors opened on the correct floor, he shot out and across the lobby, slamming through the door to the parking lot. He paused only to identify Darian's blue compact, then ran around to the driver's side to see...

Darian, sitting with his back against the closed door, eyes fluttering between open and shut, sweat shining on his brow, shivering convulsively in the cold night air. He glanced up when Nick skidded to a halt next to him, and offered a hazy half-smile.

"Nick... Hey..."

"Dr. Verago, what's--" But even as Nick asked, kneeling down down, he found the problem. Darian's skin was concerningly hot, Nick could feel it just in his hand. Frowning, the lab tech shifted his hand to Darian's forehead.

"You're on fire." He murmured. Darian tried to reply, but turned to the side, letting out a barrage of harsh, wracking coughs. Then it clicked; "Oh, shit, you caught my flu, didn't you?"

"I'm a doctor, Nick, I could've gotten it from anyhhhh... F-froh-from ahhh-any-ohh-" Before the sneeze could come out, Darian's hand darted to his nose, pinching it shut and brutally stifling the sneeze to be almost silent. His eyes welled up with tears from the pain this caused, and Nick finally came to his senses.

"I-I gotta get you inside, what the hell am I doing!?" Nick quickly brought Darian's arm over his shoulders, hoisting him up onto his feet. "I'm so sorry, but I can't carry you. You're gonna have to work with me, okay?"

"Alright." Darian breathed, shaking like a leaf as any remaining color drained from his face. "Alright. I trust you, Nick."

"So you're a sentimental feverish, huh?" Nick muttered, beginning the trek back to the elevator. "Sorry. My mouth filters are practically nonexistent even when I'm not feverish."

"S'okay..." That was all the doctor managed to get out. Though the walk took far too long in Nick's mind, they were soon in the elevator, on their way up. "Nick... I'm about to pass out." Darian breathed as the doors opened.

Though he was already pumped full of adrenaline, that sentence sent still more coursing through Nick's veins. "Crap, crap crap crap, just a minute, we'll be inside in a minute." Nick all but dragged Darian into his apartment and to the bedroom, tearing back the covers and setting the ailing doctor down on the bed, where he sat, shivering, with his head between his legs, trying to control his breathing.

"I-I'll go... Thermometer..." Nick managed, sprinting to the bathroom and back to get the device. When he got back, Darian had managed to shift so he was leaning against the wall behind the bed, still shivering, stifling another sneeze into absolute silence.

"Quit that, it just hurts you, and I can hardly complain." Nick lowered himself carefully down onto the side of the bed. "Here, just lemme get your temperature..."

Darian complied, allowing Nick to place the device under his tongue. Nick was terrified by what he saw; those normally sharp, attentive eyes glassy and red-rimmed, that normally immaculate, long hair disheveled and half-out of its ponytail, the normally healthy, tan skin pale and sickly. Dr. Verago was strong, dependable, independent. He was the one helping people feel better, helping Nick feel better. This image just didn't make sense.

The beeping of the thermometer startled Nick out of his spiralling. He carefully removed the thermometer and read the results to the sound of Darian coughing incessantly in the background.

"103.4." Nick read shakily. "H-huh. Not good. Uh... Advil, maybe? A-actually, I'd really feel much more comfortable with a hospital."

"They're busy enough as it is, they already had to send me home." Darian croaked. To Nick's shock, he seemed to be fighting back tears. "I-I've caused them enough tr-trouble..." His face slackened, then scrunched up, but Nick's hand grabbed his wrist before he could pinch his nose shut.

"I thought you could name about ten different medically proven reasons why you shouldn't stifle." Nick offered weakly. Darian may have tried to reply, but he was lost to hitching breaths.

"Ishh-shh-chuhh-shhhuh-ishh-eshh-achhh-ah-eh-hah-ATCHhhuh!" Nick let go of Darian's hands and shoved a tissue into them from the box on the bedside table.

"Dow you see why I sdifle theb." Darian muttered, wiping off his nose. "If I dod't, I get a good half-dozed idstead of jusd ode."

"Still, if it hurts..." Nick replied uncertainly. "And it's not like I'm in any position to judge you for being sick and sneezy, I mean, look at me. I'm an allergic wreck half the time, and the other half I'm a sick wreck. It's a problem."

"You're dot a wreck!" Nick was startled by Darian's sudden ferocity. "You're really gread! Y-you're... So gread, you're... Beh-behtter thah-had b-behh-hahh-haaAAhh-hatchhh-itshhh-esshhh-etchhh-achhh-utchhh-ushh-eishhh-hah-hah-ih-hheEHH-ETCHHhuuh!"

"And you, my dear friend, are delirious." Nick chuckled, handing the furiously sniffling doctor a fresh tissue. "And I thought my fever-induced word-vomit was bad, honestly..."


"What is it, Dr. Vera... Darian?"

Darian was crying quietly. "I bessed ub. They deeded be but I... They had do sedd be hobe." His breath hitched with a sob. "I was so useless… I couldd’d helb adyode."

Nick hated that he could do nothing but sit there and stare, but for once in his life, he had no idea what to say. Finally, he did what he usually did and blurted something out.

“You helped me.”

Darian looked up with teary eyes, and finally, Nick knew exactly what to do; he curled up next to the ailing doctor, and held his feverish form until they both fell asleep.

Sooooo yeah. I was originally going to take this in a more dramatic direction, believe it or not, but I went with this. Like? Yes? No? Thanks for reading!
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Uhm, sorry, no!


Awwww the CUDDLES!!!!!!!!!

Ahh, emotional Darian!! Such feels, such heart!

And caretaker Nick was simply adorable, especially with no filter!!

I have no doubt hour drama would have been awesome too, but this is just wonderful :P

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Sooo in light of recent events involving the unfortunate demise of Camp Libriel (*sideeyes Kaze)


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Not only do we get sick, feverish Darian but ALSO CRYING DARIAN??? Yep I'm dead...

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Sooo in light of recent events involving the unfortunate demise of Camp Libriel (*sideeyes Kaze)

Oh my gosh, I completely missed this!!! :lol:

*joins the scolding, and points to her newly acquired sword*

"I will use this... But not till later... The fluffiness here will hold me for a little while..."

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Yeah. I don't think I will ever put down my weapon (Mjölnir) after Kaze wiped out my feels and tortured the rest of Camp Libriel.

And then you show up and replace my feels with newer more hardcore ones and I'm like


And now I'm just choking on a feel squeal (that feeling when you wanna scream with happiness but it gets caught in your throat and you squeal instead) because it was just So



And here I am like ;-;

So how bout that next update

And I swear this is the best! Please continue!

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Auughh!!! There are so many good stories goin on all at once!!!

The finals gods are smiling on me!

I love the direction it's going in! And Darian's sneezing is so adorable!!! Poor man!


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"What is it, Dr. Vera... Darian?"

Darian was crying quietly. "I bessed ub. They deeded be but I... They had do sedd be hobe." His breath hitched with a sob. "I was so useless I coulddd helb adyode."

Nick hated that he could do nothing but sit there and stare, but for once in his life, he had no idea what to say. Finally, he did what he usually did and blurted something out.

You helped me.

Darian looked up with teary eyes, and finally, Nick knew exactly what to do; he curled up next to the ailing doctor, and held his feverish form until they both fell asleep.

D'awwwwww! I love this tenderness. I can so relate to Darian! It's like if I miss a day of work and not be a martyr, I'm letting the team down, so it seems.

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  • 2 weeks later...

AAAAAAAA I'm so sorry about the wait!!!

Finals! Finals.... They will be the death of me yet.

Thank you all so much for sticking with me through this, I swear we'll have more frequent updates from now on! I've just been absolutely swamped lately. Finals studying kills my muse like nobody's business, it's a problem.

Anyway, here's the next part! Hope you enjoy!


Part Seven

...Or Oh How the Tables have Tabled

It gave them the strangest feeling of role-reversal; Darian becoming the emotionally-compromised, sick one, with Nick as his rock.

One thing Nick did learn was that when Darian got sick, he meant it. Every time his fever seemed to start going down, it skyrocketed back up again. Medicine seemed to have little to no effect, no matter how frequently it was taken. His all-consuming sneezing fits only became more frequent, except when they were interrupted by wracking coughs.

Darian’s mood seemed as fickle as his illness as well, though at the very least, predictable by the latter. As his fever went down, his rationality rose; however, his self-confidence plummeted with the climbing thermometer readings. During his up moments, he was rather sardonic about the whole ordeal.

“Id was a ode id a billiod chadce, really.” He stated once, his voice hoarse and congested after a particularly boisterous sneezing fit. He lay in his bed, with Nick sitting in the reading chair next to him; the doctor’s fever was so unpredictable that it was a bad idea to leave him alone for long. “I albost dever ged sicgk. I thigk the lasd tibe I was, id was whed I wah-ah… Hiih-hitchh-ishh-eshh-aschhh-echhh-hishh-hah-eh-ETCHhuh!” Nick quickly passed him a handful of tissues, which Darian accepted gratefully, blowing his nose deeply, though it did his voice little good. “Sorry… I was id college sdill. Really bad gold. I albosd bissed by bidterbs. I bake ub for id whed I do badage do gatch sobethigg, glearly.”

“Yeah, well, accepting a walking, talking, crying germ factory into your home may have had something to do with it.” Nick muttered in response, glancing away. Darian tried to respond, but was cut off by a wracking fit of coughs.

“Thad was by decisiod.” Darian finally croaked, his voice even raspier after that fit. “Id wasd’d as though I didd’t kdow whad I was riskigg, I’b a doctor. I kdow how viruses wor-hah…” He stifled that one, wincing at the subsequent pounding in his head.

“What’d I tell you about that, huh?” Nick murmured, his tone contrite. “Still, I take at least partial blame. It was pretty selfish of me to accept your offer when I knew I was sick as the proverbial dog.”

“Dod’t be silly. Id would’ve beed bore selfish do reject by offer ad stay, spreadigg your gerbs aroud a hospidal.” Darian pointed out reasonably. Nick laughed, holding his hands up in mock surrender.

“You win, Dr. Verago. Though by that same logic, you aren’t to blame for being sent home.”

Darian sighed, turning to glare out the window. “You’re dever goigg do drob thad, are you?”

“Not until you accept that you are an essentially wonderful person who is, in fact, human, and thus perfectly allowed to get sick every once in awhile.” Nick countered stubbornly. Darian shook his head.

“Whed you say id likge thad, id souds so ratiodal.”

“Maybe because I have a point, Darian.”

The doctor sighed, the breath giving way to a cough halfway through. “I kdow thad, Nick. Id’s jusd… Diffigult do really kdow id, you kdow?”

Nick snorted. “Shockingly, yeah. Though that was about as coherent as I am on an average day.”

Darian sighed. “I ab sorry aboud this, though. I’b keepigg you away frob your abardbedt hudtigg, you’d probably love do ged out of hehh-ahh-akchh-ikkchh-ishh-ashh-hishh-ichh- ah-hahhh-ah-ATCHhhhuh!” Nick winced as Darian snuffled wetly, gratefully accepting the lab tech’s offered tissue. “Ugh… Thaggs. Good lord, I’b a bess, ugh…”

“It’s cool, Dr. Verago. I really don’t mind.” Nick assured him. “I honestly hate nothing more than apartment hunting, I’ll take any excuse to put it off for another week or so.”

“Jusd udtil this dabb fever breagks for good.” Darian insisted, tossing aside a used tissue. “I dodd’t wadt do idcodvediedce you.”

“For the zillionth time, it’s not an inconvenience, doc.” Nick repeated, glancing around the room for his laptop bag.

“Id’s id the livigg roob.” Darian offered, recognizing the motion, before dissolving into a fit of coughs.

“I’ll grab you some more meds while I’m at it.” Nick muttered concernedly. “Not that it’s helping much…”

“‘Mm fide--” Darian tried, but Nick was already dashing out of the room and to the kitchen, where the plethora of flu meds he’d stocked up on were stacked on the counter. Quickly confirming the required time between doses, he grabbed up the cough syrup, decongestant, and Advil, juggling them in one arm while he scooped up his laptop in the other. The computer he dumped on the chair, and the meds he spread across Darian’s bedside table.

“Okay, medicine time Dr. Verago.” Nick announced with false cheer. Darian, still recovering from his previous fit, just nodded, wheezing in a weak approximation of a laugh. “Oh yeah. Cough meds first, open wide.”

Darian grimaced in distaste, but accepted the medication in good grace. “Id’s disgustigg, you kdow.” He complained upon downing another cap-full of faux grape flavor.

Nick scoffed. “Why do you think I never take the stuff? It’s gross and never works.”

“Thed why bake be takge id?” Darian grumbled. Nick’s smirk faded.

“Sorry doc. You sound too awful to not at least try.”

If Darian noticed the uncharacteristically somber mood, he didn’t mention it; merely lay back in bed, swiftly falling to sleep as Nick stared blankly at his laptop screen.

It was weird, how much he hated seeing Darian like this; he’d known the doctor for all of, what, a week, maybe a bit longer? But it had been in arguably one of the most chaotic points of his life. It still was, to a certain degree, though perhaps (no, undeniably) less so than if Darian had never offered him a place to stay. The older doctor had come across as confident, caring, solid. He was an island of calm when Nick had been drowning.

Nick supposed he’d simply never thought that Darian could have his own problems. Issues with self-worth and confrontation seemed so much more in line with the lab tech’s personality; the idea that Darian had just been hiding behind a thin veil this entire time was so foreign that Nick could barely wrap his head around it. Much less the idea that something so simple as being sent home sick could fill the doctor with a melancholy he just couldn’t shake (though this could probably be partially attributed to the unpredictable fever.)

It… It was almost like his personality reflected his illness. It wasn’t often that his weaknesses showed; but when they did, it was violent, all-consuming, and just seemed to keep coming with no sign of stopping.

“Oh, dammit, I sound like some kind of whiny teen blog.” Nick muttered, forcing himself out of bad romance novel territory and refocusing on the reason he’d gotten his laptop in the first place.

Darian had asked (well, heavily implied he wanted to know) about what he was working on a few times over the past week and several days, but Nick had always dodged the question. In all honesty, it was sort of embarrassing. He’d only ever told Jason about it, who, even in his worst moods, never sank so low as to mock him for his pet project, which was a relief, because Nick wasn’t entirely sure he’d have been able to take that, on top of everything else his ex had been throwing at him.

Darian murmured something in his sleep, rolling over. Nick glanced over the top of his screen, biting his lip as he gently reached over to feel the doctor’s forehead. Warmer, despite endless doses of Advil. Of course.

Nick sighed, resolving to keep a closer eye on Darian for the next several hours or so. He hadn’t really expected to be able to get any work done, if he was honest.


Ehhhhh I can't tell if this was kinda short or kinda long or just bleah.... So sorry for the wait, again! I hope you enjoyed! More frequent updates from here on out!

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EEEEEEEE!!! Oh I missed these two!! I ADORE that Nick is calling him "doc" and won't leave Darian until his fever breaks :heart: So sweet.

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Yay I love it!! Also don't worry about the updating, I too just finished finals, and I feel like a f***ing zombie.

We get it. We'll be here whenever you put out more!

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YAY Dr. Hot Guy and Sir Cutie Lab Tech are baaaaaaaaaaaaaack :D

Awwwww I've missed these two... Thank you SpamKey I hope your finals went great. :)

I just love how the tables have turned and that Nick is more than willing to put apartment hunting on hold for the time being ;)

Awwww and his concern for Darian and his "yas imma stay right 'ere keeping both dem eyes on Dr. Hot Guy!" Is just :heart:

Naturally sick!Darian is sooooo sweet and cute an cuddly and ndaww!! *puddle*

Lastly OMG WOMAN!! Your English/Congestion Congestion/English!! ... I'm just... I'm like.. Wow!! :lol:

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Again with my lack of self-control! My muse just smacked me right in the face with this one, so updates are back on track, apparently :lol: More emotional drama and caretaking and bleagh in this one, so I hope you're ready to board the fluffy angst train!


Part Eight

...Or What is Love? (Baby don't Hurt Me)

Despite his resolution to keep a closer eye on the ailing doctor, Nick had somehow managed to doze off, laptop long since set aside as he slumped in the reading chair, mouth hanging open, head dangling over the chair back, and just generally looking uncomfortable. He instantly regretted this decision when he awoke to the sound of whimpering.

“Wazzah…” He jerked awake, glancing around the now-dark room, until his eyes fell on Darian. His heartrate jacked up a few more notches.

Darian, over the course of however long Nick had been asleep, had managed to kick the blankets off of his bed, leaving only sweats and a thin sleeping t-shirt to fight the nighttime chill. Sweat beaded his brow, and his expression was contorted in fear or pain, Nick couldn’t tell which, as he tossed and turned in the throes of some fever dream. As Nick watched, Darian whimpered again, jarring Nick back into reality.

“Dammit, nice going Nick, really great job…” He muttered, laying a gentle hand across the doctor’s clammy brow. Definitely warmer, definitely a lot warmer, damn it…

Nick glanced at the clock and cursed; he should’ve given Darian another dose of Advil two hours ago! No wonder he was warmer, he hadn’t had his meds because Nick, like an idiot, had fallen asleep!

Nick grabbed the Advil bottle from the nightstand and shook it; empty. Damn. It.

On the bed, Darian whimpered again, the sounds of distress sending pangs through Nick’s chest. Meds or no, Nick had to get his (friend, temporary roommate, surely they were more than just acquaintances by now?) doctor out of that fever dream. Nick gently reached out to Darian’s scorching shoulder.

“Dr. Verago? Hey, doc, you gotta wake up.” He murmured. Darian muttered in his sleep, tossing again as he let out a distressed whine that tugged at Nick’s heart. “Darian, please, you have to wake up.”

“Unn… Nick?”

“Yeah, doc.” Nick almost laughed with relief as Darian’s eyes finally fluttered open; despite how glazed and unfocused they were, at the very least awake, and looking in Nick’s general direction. “I’m so sorry, we’re out of fever meds. You’re gonna have to hold on until it goes down enough on its own, then I can run out and get more, okay? I just don’t want to leave you on your own like this.”

“I… I don’t… Nick…?”

Nick sighed; he really wasn’t getting through to him at all. “Doc, your fever went up. There’s no more meds.”

“I… I don’t feel good, Nick…” He broke off suddenly, face slackening. “Ishh-itchh-eshh-itch-ashhh-itchhh-itschh-hah-ehhs-ahh-ATChhhuh!” He moaned miserably in the aftermath, tears starting to drip down his fevered cheeks.

Doc, you’re breaking my heart here. “I know, Darian. Your fever…”

“There were… Nick there were so bady, add they all wadted by helb bud I couldd’t… I jusd couldd’t helb, Nick, why couldd’t I…” He gazed helplessly at the lab tech, who could only watch as Darian began to cry in earnest.

“Dammit, this really did a number on you, didn’t it?” Nick finally murmured, reaching out to grip Darian’s shoulder in a way he hoped was comforting. He wasn’t entirely sure if he was referring to the flu or being sent home as a result of the flu. “How many times do I have to tell you, you did everything you could.”

Darian shook his head fervently. “Do, I… Id was by job, I had to, id wah-ehh-itchh-ishh-etch-ishhhuh-atchhuh-ATCHHuh-ITCHHhuhh-ESHhhh-ahh-ehh-ih-ITChhhuh!” He clutched his head after the convulsions subsided, letting out a low whine at the pounding the violent fit had caused in his head. Another problem Advil would’ve at least helped with, if Nick hadn’t let us run out dammit how could I let this happen it’s all my fault--

“Darian, please, please please please, it’s okay!” Nick pleaded. Reasoning with the feverish mess the doctor had become was fruitless, but he felt compelled to at least try, anything was better than just letting Darian tear himself apart like this. But Darian just shook his head again, giving a strangled sob.

“No, no, nonono…” Nick murmured desperately. He got up and grabbed the covers off from the floor, quickly spreading them over the doctor’s now-shivering form. “No more crying, no more self-depreciation, I literally cannot handle it anymore…” He crawled under the covers with Darian, drawing him close. “You are a really great person, and maybe I’m not totally okay at the moment, but damn, I am a hell of a lot closer to it because you decided to help me, and if that doesn’t make you worthy of a goddamn break every once in awhile, then I don’t know what does, doc, please…”

“Ub… Nick... “ Darian murmured tentatively, interrupting the lab tech’s mindless stream of babble. “You seeb do be pettigg be…?”

Nick froze; his hand had been absentmindedly running through Darian’s dark, flowing mane of thick hair. It had gotten entirely too tangled what with all the feverish tossing and turning, so Nick had just been smoothing it out… Without even thinking… And wait, was he actually in bed, snuggling Darian? Actually, undeniably snuggling?

Nick had been known to speak without his brain’s consent, but PDA’s? That was new.


He yelped as the situation finally caught up with his common sense, and made to jump out of bed. Even when one of them had been crying, being held by the other, it hadn’t felt this… Intimate. It had been on the couch, or propped up in bed, not lying down and actually… Cuddling. Snuggling. Running hands through the other’s hair.

“Waidt!” Darian cried, grabbing Nick around the midsection as the lab tech scrambled away; though his grip was weakened by illness, the doctor was still about twice Nick’s size. He managed to tug Nick towards him just as he stopped struggling and tried to roll over, resulting in Nick ending up sprawled across Darian’s chest.

Darian’s very firm chest. Surprisingly chiseled under the thin t-shirt. So the doctor worked out? Nick had never noticed that before--

Oh what the hell am I doing?!?

He yelped again, trying to get out of this (lovely--no, fucking no!) awkward position, but Darian’s grip on him meant that he could only shift enough that they were next to each other instead of on top of each other.

“Blease sday…” Darian tried, turning aside to cough roughly for a moment. “I-I wasd’t protesdigg…” He laughed weakly. Nick joined in.

“I-I mean… If it makes you feel better, doc…” He replied tentatively, reaching a hand to resume carding through the doctor’s hair. Darian sighed contentedly, his eyes finally dry of tears.

“Thad… Feels dice. Really dice.” He breathed, already half asleep as he burrowed closer to Nick. The lab tech tensed as he suddenly found Darian curled up against him, face buried in his chest as Nick continued to detangle his hair. Slowly, Nick relaxed. This felt nice, now that he thought about it. It felt right--


No. No no no.

Nick struggled desperately to think rationally, trying to remind his inner hopeless romantic of his current situation; he’d just suffered through the worst breakup ever with his long-time boyfriend, who had also been the only serious relationship Nick had ever been in. He was lonely, he was emotionally compromised, and Darian deserved so much more than being his fallback guy.

Is that what I’m feeling? Is that what I’m looking for here? A fallback guy?

It was logical; recent bad breakup + Dr. Hot Guy = fallback, right? Basic relationship math. That was all this was, and Nick really couldn’t do that to Darian. Not when the poor guy was in a pretty rocky place emotionally himself. It was incredibly selfish for Nick to even be lying here, with Darian fit perfectly against his chest, soothing him to sleep and chasing away fever dreams before they could form with reassuring murmurs at every distressed whimper--

Okay, okay, so it sounded nothing like a fallback guy. But that had to be what it was. Nick had been in love with Jason, there was no denying that. Even now, this moment felt bittersweet, because he could remember Jason doing the same thing for him any number of times; holding him, comforting him through the peak of any number of fevers, gently murmuring reassurances whenever the dreams would come to haunt him--

And now he was crying. Great. Wondrous. Stupendous.

His throat was closing up as every good memory with Jason came crashing down on him like a tidal wave; Christmas with Jason’s family, morning breakfast with Jason, going out drinking with Jason and their friends, moving in together with Jason, waking up with Jason curled up next to him on the bed, Jason’s scent of aftershave and clean laundry soap, Jason’s bright blue eyes and the way they crinkled up when he laughed--oh god I can’t do this I can’t do this I can’t I can’t I can’t--

Next to him, Darian murmured in distress, shifting slightly. Instinctively, Nick shushed him, smoothing his hair back again. The doctor smiled in his sleep, resettling as the nightmare faded.

Nick’s heartrate slowly returned to normal. His throat reopened. Tears retreated from his eyes.

Everything was still.

This… Isn’t a fallback.

Nick didn’t know what this was.

So for the moment he just lay there, breathing, soothing away Darian’s fevered nightmares as they came, listening to his congested, sleepy breaths. For the moment, he let it be.

Heheh just realized I served you another freaking novel a bit there :lol: Sorry about that. I think we'll be departing from the flu-ridden pity party and into new territory next installment. I kinda write off the top of my head so we'll just see where this takes me! I hope you all enjoy!
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Ahhhh look at me once again with no restraint!!!!

So I'm gonna level with you, unless something changes within the next 24 hours, you're not gonna get another daily update after this :lol: I'm having a lot more trouble figuring out the next part, and this is the last part my muse left me with before flying off, middle fingers raised with pride, as she always does :eyeroll: At any rate, we're moving off from the "Flu/Meeting" arc and into something else entirely. I'm... Not entirely sure how long this is going to be? I'm horrible at planning, I tend to ad lib my way through things. Apologies in advance for that.


Part Nine

...Or Some Semblance of Normalcy, at Last

“It’s a nice place.”

Nick grinned at Darian, who had just entered with the last box. “I know, right? Small, not too small; kitchenette, my own bedroom, all this sweet, sweet Ikea furniture; it’s perfection!”

Darian smiled at Nick’s enthusiasm. “What a coincidence it just so happened to be in the same building as mine.”

Nick shrugged. “Woulda gotten the same floor too, but that would’ve been too stalkerish. Besides, the ones on your floor are crazy expensive. I don’t have half that kind of salary. Oh, you can set that one in the bedroom, doc.” He directed, noticing that Darian was still holding the box.

“I bet you’re glad to be back to work.” Darian noted, delivering the box to the designated location. It had taken a good three days for Darian’s fever to finally break, and despite still being a sneezy, coughing, hoarse-voices mess, the good doctor had insisted that Nick finish his apartment hunting. Partially in retaliation (and definitely not because of unresolved feelings that Nick didn’t even know how to begin addressing) Nick had rented an apartment; one that was two floors down from Darian’s.

Once Darian’s voice had finally returned, and stopped being interrupted by regular fits of sneezing, he’d taken an evening after work to help Nick construct all the new furniture he’d had delivered. It had cost a hell of a dent in his bank account, but at least everything was new and fresh and didn’t remind him of--that guy.

Then again, it was part of the wonder of Ikea that he could get an entire bedframe for, like, fifty bucks, and he’d gotten a lot of other things second-hand, so it wasn’t really that bad.

“Huh? Oh, yeah, definitehh-etchh! ITchhuh! Ih-hah-HATCHh!” Nick cursed under his breath, scrubbing furiously at his nose. Ever since he started entering the outside world on a regular basis again (what a novel concept!) his hay fever had decided to remind him of the benefits of being a reclusive shut-in. Upon Darian’s continued prodding and muttering, he’d finally stopped stifling the sneezes, even though without the congestion that bout of flu had brought with it, the process really didn’t hurt all that much.

“Bless.” Darian offered serenely, looking out the window to the street below. Nick reflected on how glad he was that the doctor was feeling better again; facial hair neatly trimmed and no longer ragged, hair brushed and pulled back into that signature ponytail, color restored to his face and faded from his nose, standing tall and strong instead of weak and shivery, shirt tight on his recently-discovered abs--

“Itchhuh! AKChhhuh! ETChhuh!” He silently thanked the allergy gods for interrupting his increasingly dangerous train of thought. Sniffling, he pulled out the handkerchief Darian had given him; the doctor had insisted upon making a gift of it.

A quick blow later, the lab tech’s nose felt considerably less ticklish, thankfully. He was really in too good a mood to let it be ruined by his travesty of an immune system; throwing too much at the wrong stuff, and not enough at the right. Every damn time.

“Ishh-tshh-ikshhh-ikchh!” Nick whirled around to see Darian hovering over one of Nick’s boxes, retrieved a few days ago from his parents’ place. The doctor rubbed his nose, smiling guiltily at Nick’s suspicious expression. “Ah, dust. Sorry.”

Nick snorted. “Ironic, that was like, the one thing I didn’t get hit with. Well, that and animal allergies.” He amended. Darian raised an eyebrow, going through the box and pulling out an old silverware set.

“You’ll want to wash these.” He remarked, bringing them over to the kitchenette. “And not even cats, or dogs?”

“Nope.” Nick replied, rummaging through his clothes and starting to organize them. “My parents always kept at least one Labrador at a time--you met Rosie when we got my old things, right?”

Darian laughed at the memory. “I’d say so, she knocked me down twice! I always wanted a dog, but my sister was allergic growing up. Coupled with my cat allergy, and my dad’s rodent allergy, we were stuck with a goldfish.”

“You’re allergic to cats?” Nick asked, intrigued. He was still on a semi-formal mission to learn more about his doctor; this was the closest they’d come to discussing personal histories since before Darian got sick.

“Oh, yeah. I almost had to be hospitalized when Abelie--my sister--brought home a kitten once. I was sneezing so much I couldn’t breath, my skin puffed up--awful.” He shook his head. “Poor thing was cute, too. Abelie was heartbroken.”

“Damn.” Nick whistled. “Guess I’ll have to cancel that trip to the animal shelter, eh?”

Darian smirked. “I’d rather not end up reversing my professional roles, if at all possible.”

“Yeah, well, be prepared to see me in there.” Nick grumbled. Darian paused in washing the silverware, glancing over.

“Feeling alright?” He asked, with casualness that was clearly forced. Nick blinked, glancing up from a pair of jeans at Darian’s tone.

“Oh! No, nothing horrible, I promise.” He assured the doctor, trying to smile reassuringly. “It’s just spring’s coming up, you know. I always have one major asthma attack during the worst hay fever season of the month. Part of why I like working in and about a hospital, I’m never too far from an oxygen machine.”

Darian only relaxed marginally. “Right, yeah. I, uh… Didn’t realize you had asthma.”

Nick rolled his eyes. “It’s not usually life-threatening. But you know… Even prescription meds only help me so much. Remember what I said about cold medicine? Same deal for antihistamines.”

“Have you spoken to an allergist?”

“Several.” Nick replied, his sigh suddenly hitching. “Hihh-HITchhuh! ATChhh! EkCHhhuh! Ugh, wow…”

“The only solution,” He continued upon blowing his nose. “Is monthly allergy shots. But I really don’t have the time, and my insurance won’t cover it, for whatever reason. Besides, knowing my luck, something would go wrong and I’d go into anaphylactic shock or something lih-ickhh! Hitchhuh! Ah-eh-ETChshhh! Ugh, sobethigg likge thad, jusd a secodd--” Another noseblow. Darian hummed in response.

“That’s unfortunate.” He murmured, barely audible over the faucet. Nick glanced over, suspicious of Darian’s tone. Sure enough, the doctor seemed despondent over something. Nick felt a sinking feeling in his gut. Now he’d done it.

“Hey, uh, sorry for the oversharing.” He offered meekly. “Didn’t mean to be a downer, heheh…”

Darian started out of his melancholy. “Oh! No, it’s no problem, you weren’t doing anything of the sort! I was just... “ He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “I have this irrational urge to help everyone around me. I just feel bad when it seems like there’s nothing I can do.”

Nick snorted in response. “That a doctor thing?”

Darian laughed. “Probably, yeah.”

They continued unpacking in silence for a while--Darian moving on to the dish sets, Nick still sorting through his wardrobe--when a thought suddenly occurred to the lab tech.

“Wait, maybe there is something you can do!”

“Hmm? Oh, you mean--wait, where are you--?” Darian tried to ask, but Nick had already dashed back to the bedroom and started rummaging around in one of the boxes.

“No, no, no--here!” He pulled out an unopened prescription box, and stumbled back into the living area, presenting it to the doctor with a proud grin. “Ta-da! The solution to your irrational need to help me!”

“An… Inhaler?” Darian asked, unpacking the box.

“My spare rescue inhaler. Freshly refilled, I just got it a few days before Jason and I… Eh, you know.” Nick trailed off awkwardly, before pulling himself back on track. “We both know I’m a kinda scatterbrained guy. I have a bad habit of forgetting my inhaler. So if we’re ever out, and I start having an attack--”

“I’m prepared.” Darian finished, smiling as he understood the plan. “Yes, I think that’ll do nicely. I’ll bring it with me always.”

“Well, I don’t know about that…” Nick mumbled, suddenly feeling awkward. Was there something… Intimate, in this? In the trust it suggested? He’d never given Jason a spare inhaler, for whatever that was worth. And he knew, weird, undefinable emotions aside, that he definitely wanted to spend more time with Darian. Preferably when neither of them were feverishly spilling their hearts out all over the damn place. And cuddling. Darian had yet to bring that particular incident up, giving no indication as to whether or not he remembered it through his feverish haze, and at this point, Nick was too scared to ask.

“Thanks, Nick.”

Nick was startled out of his reverie by Darian’s hand on his arm, which did weird things to his heartbeat. “Oh, uh… No problem, Dr. Verago.” He replied, glancing away. “I-I mean, I should probably be thanking you, but…”

“But nothing, this gives me peace of mind.” Darian retorted, returning to his dishwashing upon stowing the inhaler in his jacket pocket. “And I’d rather you not show up on my itinerary at the hospital this season. I’m not sure my heart could take it.”

“Neither could mine.” Nick muttered, returning to his clothing.



A bit short and light on the sneezes, but I thought we could use something lighthearted for a change!
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